GRE 考試技巧
1. Arithmetic算術(shù)部分包括整數(shù)的性質(zhì)和種類,比如整除性、因子分解、質(zhì)數(shù)、余數(shù)、奇數(shù)偶數(shù);算術(shù)運算、指數(shù)、根;估算、百分比、比、比率、絕對值、數(shù)軸、小數(shù)表達、數(shù)列。
2. Algebra代數(shù)包括指數(shù)運算;因式分解、簡化代數(shù)式;函數(shù)、等式、不等式;解一次方程和二次方程、解不等式;解聯(lián)立方程、方程組;用方程解決文字題;解析幾何、函數(shù)圖像、函數(shù)圖像解方程和不等式、截距、斜率。
3. Geometry幾何包括平行、垂直、圓、三角形、等腰三角形、等邊三角形、306090三角形、四邊形、其他多邊形、全等和相似圖形、三維圖形、面積、周長、體積、畢達哥拉斯定理、角度計算。不考察證明的能力。
4. Data analysis包括描述統(tǒng)計學(xué)比如平均數(shù)、中位數(shù)、眾數(shù)、極差、均方差、四分位差、四分位、百分位;分析圖和表,包括折線圖、柱狀圖、餅圖、箱型圖、散點圖、頻數(shù)分布;概率初步、合成事件、獨立事件、隨機變量、概率分布、正態(tài)分布;計數(shù)方法、排列、組合、維恩圖。不考推論統(tǒng)計。
1. 數(shù)值比較quantitative comparison questions
2. 單選題 multiple-choice questions----select one answer choice
3. 多選題 multiple-choice questions----select one or more answer choices
4. 數(shù)值輸入題 numeric entry questions
1. become familiar with the answer choices.
2. avoid unnecessary computations.
3. remember that geometric figures are not necessarily drawn to scale.
4. plug in numbers
5. simplify the comparison
6. use the fact that the answer is there.
7. examine the answer choices
8. for questions that require approximations, scan the answer choices to see how close an approximation is needed.
9. note whether you are asked to indicate a specific number of answer choice or all choices that apply.
10. in some questions that involve conditions that limit the possible values of numerical answer choices, it may be efficient to determine the least and/or the greatest possible value.
11. avoid lengthy calculations by recognizing and continuing numerical patterns.
12. make sure you answer the question that is asked.
13. if you are asked to round your answer, make sure you round to the required degree of accuracy.
14. examine your answer to see if it is reasonable with respect to the information given.
15. 填空題幾個注意:1要先點選輸入框 2刪除要用backspace 3負號就用那個連詞符號 4如果要改成正的,再次輸入連詞符號就變成正數(shù)了 5計算器上的transfer display可以直接把計算器里得出的結(jié)果轉(zhuǎn)到輸入框里面 6 2.5和2.50是一樣的 7 除非要求四舍五入,否則不要輸入近似值 8如果是分數(shù),一般分子和分母是兩個獨立的框 9分數(shù)不必須約分
16. scan the data presentation briefly to see what it is about, but do not spend time studying all of the information in detail
17. bar graphs and circle graphs, as well as other graphical displays of data, are drawn to scale, so you can read or estimate data visually from such graphs.
18. the questions are to be answered only on the basis of the data presented, everyday facts (such as the number of days in a year), and your knowledge of mathematics.
19. MR表示 memory recall, M+ 表示memory sum, MC 表示 memory clear.
20. 當?shù)谝淮伟碝+,屏幕上顯示的數(shù)字被紀錄在計算器的內(nèi)存里面,屏幕右邊出現(xiàn)M字母,表示內(nèi)存記憶被使用。以后每一次按M+按鍵,都會把當前的屏幕上顯示的數(shù)字加到內(nèi)存的數(shù)字上,并以得到的和來取代原來內(nèi)存的記憶值。當按MR按鍵的時候,內(nèi)存里面記憶的值被調(diào)出,就是最后的結(jié)果。如果要清空內(nèi)存,按MC按鍵,這個時候右邊的M標志就消失了
1. 都是實數(shù),沒有虛數(shù)
2. 10進制,除非另外說明。
3. billion是10的9次方,dozen是12個,π是3.14近似
4. 23.5近似到各位是24, 123.985近似到百分位是123.99, -36.5近似到各位是-37
5. 循環(huán)小數(shù)的循環(huán)節(jié)上畫一個橫線。
6. factor因子,可正可負,因子一般都是整數(shù),倍數(shù)不一定
7. 最小公倍數(shù)和最大公約數(shù)
8. 余數(shù)、被除數(shù)、除數(shù)、商的定義
9. 質(zhì)數(shù)的定義
10. 奇數(shù)偶數(shù)不一定是正數(shù)
11. 0既不是正的,也不是負的
12. 小于等于、大于等于、約等于、不等于、絕對值、平方根、階乘、平行、垂直等的符號需要知道
13. 沒有定義的情況:分母為0,根號下面為負數(shù),0的0次方
14. 有時候,字母擺在一起不表示乘法,比如consider a three-digit integer denoted by XYZ, where X, Y, and Z are digits.
15. 如果一個函數(shù)的定義域沒有明說,那么就默認是整個實數(shù)范圍,復(fù)合函數(shù)會考。
16. 只考歐幾里德平面,三角形內(nèi)角和180
17. 直線沒有端點
18. 多邊形是凸的,閉合的
19. 解析幾何一般都是按照比例畫的
20. nonempty sets, empty set, intersection, union, disjoint sets or mutually exclusive sets
21. the integers from 0 to 9, inclusive。 包括了10個元素,而during the years from 1985 to 2005 不管說不說inclusive 都包括了21年
22. measures of central tendency, measures of position, measures of dispersion
23. 如果有偶數(shù)個數(shù),那么median表示按照升序排列的這串數(shù)字的中間兩個數(shù)的算術(shù)平均
24. mode可以不只一個
25. quartile可以指那個點,也可以指一個區(qū),比如the cow’s weight is in the third quartile of the weights of the herd 這個時候quartile 就是指一個區(qū)域group
26. 25th percentile = the first quartile; the 50th percentile equals the second quartile, or median; the 75th percentile equals the third quartile.
27. standard deviation of the data refers to the nonnegative square root of the mean of the squared differences between m and each of the data. also known as the population standard deviation and is not to be confused with the sample standard deviation. Sample standard deviation is divided by n-1 for technical reasons.
28. frequency distribution
29. relative frequency distributions
30. the mean of the random variable X is the sum of the products XP(X) for all values of X.
31. the mean of a random variable X is also called the expected value of X or the mean of the probability distribution of X
32. In any group of data, most of the data are within about 3 standard deviations above or below the mean.
33. The process of subtracting the mean from each value and then dividing the result by the standard deviation is called standardization. It's a useful tool because for each data value, it provides a measure of position relative to the rest of the data independently of the variable for which the data was collected and the units of the variable.
34. universal set
35. median 把曲線下面的面積平均分成兩塊面積相等的部分,mean要算上這塊面積的重量,所以og上那個圖的mean要在median的右邊,因為越往右,越重
36. 所以median是halving point, 而mean is the balance point
37. box-and-whisker plot 5個點L Q1 Q2 Q3 G 可以立刻看到median, interquartile range and range.
38. 正態(tài)分布:2%,14%,34%,34%,14%,2%
10183–Beijing, Peking University
10261–Beijing, Beijing Technology and Business University
10262–Beijing, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
10520–Beijing, Beijing Language and Culture University
10604–Beijing, Tsinghua University
10605–Beijing, Beijing Capital Normal University
10606–Beijing, Beijing Foreign Studies University
10609–Beijing, Beijing Normal University
10265–Changsha, Hunan University
10122–Chengdu, Sichuan University
10138–Chongqing, Sichuan Foreign Language Institute
10169–Dalian, Dalian Foreign Language Institute
10139–Guangzhou, Guangzhou Foreign Language & Trade Univ.
10237–Hangzhou, Hangzhou Institute of Commerce
10244–Harbin, Heilongjiang University
10253–Hefei, University of Science and Technology
10292–Jinan, Shandong University
10319–Kunming, Yunnan University
10453–Nanchang, Jiangxi Normal University
10428–Nanjing, Nanjing University
10513–Shanghai, Jiaotong University
10607–Shanghai, East China Normal University
10610–Shanghai, Shanghai International Studies University
10264–Shenzhen, Shenzhen University
10621–Tianjin, Tianjin University
10517–Urumqi, Xinjiang University
10641–Wuhan, Wuhan University
10685–Wuhan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
10642–Xiamen, Xiamen University
10688–Xian, Xian Foreign Language Institute