本系列是native speaker針對GRE寫作issue部分的高頻話題所寫的范文。各位考生在備考時多看此類范文不僅能夠拓寬語言能力,也能拓寬邏輯思維。希望對大家有幫助。
The only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, is to make as much money as possible for their companies.
Should the only responsibility of a business executive be to maximize business profits, within the bounds of the law? In several respects this position has considerable merit; yet it ignores certain compelling arguments for imposing on businesses additional obligations to the society in which they operate.
On the one hand are two convincing arguments that profit maximization within the bounds of the law should be a business executive s sole responsibility. First, imposing on businesses additional duties to the society in which they operate can, paradoxically, harm that society. Compliance with higher ethical standards than the law requires--m such areas as environmental impact and workplace conditions--adds to business expenses and lowers immediate profits. In turn, lower profits can prevent the socially conscious business from creating more jobs, and from keeping its prices low and the quality of its products and services high. Thus if businesses go further than their legal duties in serving their communities the end result might be a net disservice to those communities.
GRE考試寫作范文:Issue 14201-09