1. 正是這場沙塵暴(dust storm)的后果才使人們充分認識到植樹的重要性(It…)
It was the result of the dust storm that made people fully realize the importance of planting trees.
2. 直到20 世紀后期,中國運動員才以他們在奧運會上的杰出表現讓世界對他們刮目相看.(begin to surprise the world)
It was not until the late twentieth century that Chinese athletes began to surprise the world with their excellent performances at the Olympics.
3. 我做夢也沒有想到會在這次化學競賽中獲一等獎。( Little…)
Little did I dream of winning the first prize in the chemistry contest this time.
4. 我們只有從這件事中吸取教訓才能避免再犯類似的錯誤。( Only…)
Only by learning from this matter can we avoid making similar mistakes again.
5 . 從來沒有一個國家能在這樣短的時間內取得這樣大的進步( Never…)
Never has any country made such great progress in such a short time.
6. 一個人不經歷失敗幾乎體會不到成功的喜悅。( Hardly…)
Hardly can one feel the happiness of success without experiencing failure.
7. 學生只有通過一起學習和玩耍,才能學會具有團隊精神( team sprit)。( Only…)
Only by working and playing together can students learn to have team spirit.
8. 是那些在奧運會上為國爭光的運動員為我們樹立了學習的榜樣。( It...)
It was these athletes who have won honor for our country at the Olympics
9 世界上再也沒有這樣美麗恬靜的地方了。( Nowhere……)
Nowhere else in the world can there be such a quiet, beautiful place.
10. 昨天發(fā)生的事完全應責怪我,而不能怪他。(blame)
It was not he but I that was to blame for what happened yesterday.