

時間:2020-08-09 19:59:30 考研英語 我要投稿




  1、While warnings are often appropriate and necessary — the dangers of drug interactions, for example — and many are required by state or federal regulations, it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured.

  [譯文] 盡管警告常常是適當而且必須的——比如對于藥物相互作用的危險提出警告— 許多警告還是按州或聯邦政府規(guī)定要求給出的,然而(我們)并不清楚,如果顧客受到害時,這些警告是不是確實可以使得生產者和銷售者豁免責任。

  [分析] 在這個主從復合句中,it isn't clear that they actually protect the manufacturers and sellers from liability if a customer is injured 是主句。主句用了一個形式主語 it,真正的主語是 that 引導的從句,而 that 從句之后是一個 if 引導的條件從句。從句由兩個部分組成,中間用 and 連接。破折號之間的部分是舉例說明 warnings的內容。注意:many are required by state or federal regulations 中的 many 是指 manywarnings。

  2、Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising from mass migration movements — themselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means of transport.

  [譯文] 由于人口猛增或大量人口流動(現代交通工具使大量人口流動變得相對容易) 所引起的各種問題也會對社會造成新的壓力。

  [分析] 句子主干結構是 Additional social stresses may also occur because of...簡單句+because of 表示的原因狀語, 整句翻譯應該根據先原因后結果的原則, 將主句放在最后;becauseof 后面有兩個賓語 the population explosion or problems;名詞 problems 帶有現在分詞短語作后置定語arising from mass migration movements;themselves 指前面的名詞短語 massmigration movements,后面的過去分詞短語是 themselves 的定語。

  3、There exists a social and cultural disconnect between journalists and their readers, which helps explain why the “standard templates” of the news room seem alien to many readers.

  [譯文] 新聞記者和讀者之間存在著社會和文化方面的脫節(jié),這就是為什么新聞編輯室的“標準模式”似乎與許多讀者的意趣相差甚遠。

  [分析] 主句也是一個there 加系動詞的.用法。而表語后都有一個定語從句。本句的定語從句是 which helps explain why the “standard templates” of thenewsroom seem alien to many readers 。Alien 本義為異國的,此處是相差甚遠,背道而馳。如果考生不了解 standard templates 的意思,可以從上下文中找其相同作用和功能的詞組,如上句中的 a story line 和 backbone,那么就應該知道它們指的都是記者們在寫新聞和評論時固定的套路和思維。

  4、This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.

  [譯文] 這種現象引起了人們對小型經濟實體、民族商人的作用以及世界經濟的最終穩(wěn)定性的極大關注。

  [分析] 全句的主干是 This phenomenon has created serious concerns。人們的擔憂實際包含兩個方面(即句子的兩個狀語): 一個是 the role (of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen) , 另一個是 the ultimate stability (of the world economy) 。但是由于兩個狀語太長,建議在翻譯時調整一下句子的結構,這樣句子肯定更通暢些。

  5、Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly. Summer homes, European travel, BMWs — the locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less indemand today than a decade or two years ago.

  [譯文] 當然, 人們現在對成功及其標志的興趣似乎并未比從前減弱。 避暑別墅、 歐洲旅行、 寶馬車—它們的位置、地名和商標可能會改變,但現在對這些東西的需求似乎并未比一二十年前減少。

  [分析] 此處出現了兩個比較級, less interested in success and its signs now than formerly 和 less indemand today than a decade or two years ago。 另外要特別注意句中的雙重否定: 一是 do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly,一是 do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago。











