

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-08-17 編輯:少冰






  2.1 From About Languages: A Reader for Writers

  (1) Gender, Race, and Language Conflict: Sexism in English; rapport-talk and report-talk; anti-male bias in English; how names define relationships; names for the race; black English.

  (2) Right Words, Wrong Words, My Words: What dictionaries can do for us; four-letter words; the E word; taboo language; English that belongs to everybody.

  (3) Language and Cultural Diversity: Vanishing languages; whether English should be the law; bilingual children; Americanization; names in the melting pot.

  (4) The Language of Politics and Advertising: How language may serve as the rhetoric of democracy; the doublespeak of weasel words; unprotected sex talk; types of propaganda.

  (5) Writers and the Writing Process: Some instructions on writing and life; how to hold the reader; writing as rewriting; concision; computers and writing.

  2.2 From Reader's Choice

  (1) Unit 2: International Agency Reports and Essay (Social Essay); Mystery; Essay and International Agency Reports.

  (2) Units 3, 4 and 6: Newspaper Advertisements; News and Information; Science Reporting; News and Advertisements.

  (3) Units 7 and 10: Poetry; Science Reporting (Genetic Engineering); Short Story.

  (4) Units 8 and 9: Technical Prose and Sicence Reporting (Economics); Magazine Article (Popular Psychology); Bus Schedule.

  (5) Units 12, 13 and 14: Textbook (Psychology); Psychology; Suspense; Family Narratives; Business text
