

時間:2023-03-09 00:10:08 英語句子 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦


  1 father, your holiday today, I put thoughts into the minds of countless infinite blessings, silently pray for you, I wish you health and happiness!


  1 父親,在今天您的節(jié)日里,我把無數(shù)的思念化成心中無窮的祝福,默默地為您祈,祝您健康快樂!

  2 I wish Happy Father's Day! Your effort, you hope and pray, because our growth. Thank you, Dad.

  2 祝父親節(jié)快樂!您的付出、您的祈盼,只因我們的成長。謝謝您,爸爸。

  3 Dear father, I wish you a happy holiday! Cheerfulness is health. If I can bring you the blessings of a healthy source, I would like to pray for you day and night.

  3 親愛的父親,祝您節(jié)日快樂!歡樂就是健康。如果我的祝福能為您帶來健康的源泉,我愿晝夜為您祈。

  4 Father, stalwart such as Castle; holy, such as snow and ice; warm as the sun;! Broad as Jianghai I grew up in his father's love, and now Father's Day approaching, I wish all fathers a happy holiday!

  4 父愛,偉岸如青山;圣潔如冰雪;暖和如驕陽;寬闊如江海!我在父親的愛中成長,如今父親節(jié)來臨,愿所有的父親節(jié)日快樂!

  5 You always give me a caring gaze, you often say that happiness is the child's gift. So today, I brought a smile, warm your heart. Send a blessing, allowing you peace of mind.

  5 您常給我關(guān)懷的凝視,您常說快樂是孩子的禮物。所以今天,我送上一個微笑,暖和您的心。送上一個祝福,讓您心安。

  6 Dad! You are a tree, I leaned on you have a dream, I was leaning against your lush, I leaned on you more mature, I leaned on you to be more calm.

  6 爸爸!您是一棵大樹,我倚著您有夢想,我倚著您才繁茂,我倚著您更成熟,我倚著您更加沉著。

  7 through mountains and rivers, at the foot of the rough; experience ups and downs, but also searching; busy life, to get more or less lost bit by bit, it is important to wish a happy Father's Day Happy!!

  7 走過山山水水,腳下高高低低;經(jīng)歷風(fēng)風(fēng)雨雨,還要尋尋覓覓;糊口忙忙碌碌,獲得多多少少,失去點點滴滴,重要的是開開心心!祝父親節(jié)快樂!

  8 autumn giving deep thought, like father like autumn fragrant, left us a treasure of discernment is thoughtful philosophers, there was a calm life skills creed, Father's Day approaching, I wish all fathers a happy holiday .

  8 秋天給人深深的思考,父親就像秋天般凝香,留給我們的瑰寶是哲人的深思明辨,還有那從容處世的信條,在父親節(jié)來臨之際,祝所有的父親節(jié)日快樂。

  9 Father's Day to send his father a coat in front of peace, followed by happiness, Geely is the collar, sleeves Ruyi is, happiness is the button and let it every day with my father, I wish his father a happy holiday.

  9 父親節(jié)送父親一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉利是領(lǐng)子,如意是袖子,快樂是扣子,讓它伴父親每一天,祝父親節(jié)日快樂。

  10 like a voice, a breeze blew the rain, an appreciation Dan, is dotted with stars moonlight, drunk a scent is filled with fragrant orchids, bless my friend was laughing SMS you, I wish my father Happy Day!

  10 喜歡一種聲音,是輕風(fēng)吹落的雨,賞識一幅丹青,是月夜點綴的星,沉醉一種氣味,是幽蘭彌漫的香,祝福我的朋友是笑看短信的你,祝父親節(jié)快樂!

  11 Brothers is not necessarily reasonable, but some intimate knowledge meaning; not necessarily inseparable, but certainly Heart Xiangxi; do not necessarily regular contact, but certainly on the mind. I wish Happy Father's Day!

  11 兄弟不一定通情達(dá)理,但一定知心知意;不一定形影不離,但一定心心相惜;不一定經(jīng)常聯(lián)絡(luò),但一定放在心頭。祝父親節(jié)快樂!

  12 trace coupling, a fate, trace of care, a concern, a friendship, a heart, a message, a greeting, I, friends, a desire, wish you happy every day, Father's Day, I wish the best of luck!

  12 一絲偶合,一場緣分,一絲牽掛,一份關(guān)心,一段友情,一片真心,一條短信,一聲問候,一世朋友,一個愿望,愿你每天快樂,祝父親節(jié)好運!

  13 Angel met yesterday in the rain, I lent her umbrella, she asked me to glory remains to be rich, I do not say anything, as long as the father of autologous healthy, happy life in his later years, I wish everyone a happy Father's Day!

  13 昨天碰到天使在淋雨,我便把傘借給了她,她問我是要榮華仍是要富貴,我說什么都不要,只要父親自體健康,晚年糊口幸福,祝大家父親節(jié)快樂!

  14 will always remember, hands on my shoulders, when the wind blows, how warm; I will remember forever, I grew up with back, into my father's years of worry-free happy wish you a happy father, holiday!!

  14 永遠(yuǎn)都會記得,在我肩上的雙手,風(fēng)起的時候,有多么暖和;永遠(yuǎn)我都會記得,伴我成長的背影,父親的歲月?lián)Q成了我無憂的快樂!祝福父親,節(jié)日快樂!

  15 Father, indeed I particularly adore you, you know?

  15 父親,實在我是特別崇拜您的,您曉得嗎?

  16 your firm make me strong, you make me relaxed tolerance, Dad, I wish you good mood every day! I wish a happy holiday!

  16 你的堅定讓我堅強,你的寬容使我輕松,爸爸,愿您每天好心情!祝節(jié)日快樂!

  17 father as a mountain, my father is willing to health such as pine, wish a happy holiday!

  17 父愛如山,愿我的父親如松柏一樣健康,祝節(jié)日快樂!

  18 Dad, are you to tell me wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly. I wish a happy holiday!

  18 爸爸,是您告訴我海闊憑魚躍,天高任鳥飛。祝節(jié)日快樂!










