

時間:2020-08-12 10:20:13 公共英語 我要投稿




  Passage One

  Different countries have different cultures.A same gesture may havedistinct meanings indifferent countries.For instance,in Africa,people knock at the table withtheir fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China.In western countries.if you make a circlewith your thumb and the index finger(食指),and then raise the other three fingers.youare suggesting “OK”.The same gesture,however,means “money” in Japan while makesBrazilian people feel insulted(受侮辱的).With that in mind,you’d better learn abouttheir custom before travelling to foreign countries. Greeting is an important part ofcommunication between people.When greeting someone,Americans tend to holdout their hands and look directly into his/her eyes andthen smile.However.sometimessuch behavior might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries.A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in theeye Can have different meanings. Asian people regard physical contact asembarrassin9;therefore,they do not shake hands.They have their ownways of greeting people.For Japanese,a slight bow of the head is enough.In Korea,women do not shake hands or hug with people;whilemen might shake hands accompanied by nodding the head once.In western Asia,Muslims do not make bodycontacts with women yet hug is generally accepted among men.Same thing happens on eye contact.In manycountries,people avoid direct eye contact to showrespect.This can cause misunderstanding,too.In fact. students have been regarded as lacking respectfor their American teachers exactly because they failed to make eye contactswith their teachers. Though different cultures seem to havedifferent ways of greeting.smiling is taken as the universal gesture of friendliness.Smiling indicates happiness or agreement(同意)andit can also be used to mean “Excuse me ”or “Please”.Sowhen you are not sure what to do,just smile.

  (6)When two Japanese men meet,they might greet each other by __________

  A. shakingeach other

  B. huggingeach other

  C. kissingeach other on both cheeks

  D. bow

  ingtheir heads

  (7)If an American makes an “OK"gesture to a Japanese,then the Japanese probably think that__________

  A. theyhave agreed on something

  B. theAmerican feels happy

  C. theAmerican insults him

  D. theAmerican wants money

  (8)What will be regarded asimpolite? __________.

  A. Makea direct eye contact with an American

  B. Tryto hug a Muslim woman

  C. Bowto a Japanese when you first meet

  D. Smileto a French in order to show that you are happy

  (9)What’s the best title forthis passage?

  A. Nevershake hands with Asian people

  B. Differentculture,differentcustom

  C. Smileas much as you can

  D. Peoplebehave rudely in foreign countries



  問候是人際交往中重要的一部分。當問候別人的時候,美國人會伸出手,直視對方,并且面帶微笑。然而,有時候這樣的行為會在其他國家造成誤解。那些國家的人們不會用握手來彼此問候,而直視對方的眼睛也有著不同的含義。 ‘



  (7) :D推理題。題干意為“如果一個美國人對一個日本人做出‘0K’的手勢,那么日本人可能會認為?”根據(jù)第一段第四、五句可知,美國人用“OK”的手勢表達“好的,沒問題”,而同一個手勢在日本表示“金錢”,由此可推知,如果日本人看到美國人擺出“OK”的手勢,可能會覺得是想要錢。故D為正確答案。

  (8) :B細節(jié)題。題干意為“以下哪項中的行為會被認為是不禮貌的?”根據(jù)第三段末尾亞洲學生因為不與他們的美國老師進行眼神接觸而被認為對老師有失尊重的例子,可以推知美國人習慣進行直接的眼神接觸,故A項的行為是禮貌的。根據(jù)第三段第三句“對日本人來說,輕輕頷首就足夠了。”可知點頭致意是日本人的問候方式,故c項的行為是禮貌的。根據(jù)第四段第一句可知“微笑被看作是表達友好的通用方式”,因此D項對法國人來講,用微笑來表達自己喜悅的心情是禮貌的。根據(jù)第三段第五句“在西亞,穆斯林并不與女性發(fā)生身體接觸,但是男性之間通?梢曰ハ鄵肀”可知穆斯林的女性是不與人進行身體接觸的,所以B項的行為會被認為是不禮貌的。故B為正確答案。

  (9) :B主旨題。題干意為“以下哪項是文章的最佳標題?”文章以不同手勢在不同國家的不同含義開始,引出各個國家問候方式的不同,接著講述了不同國家對待身體接觸和眼神接觸的不同態(tài)度。不難看出,文章是圍繞“不同國家,不同風俗習慣”這一一個主題進行的。故B為正確答案。

  Passage Two

  He saw the old lady and her car on the sideof the road.Hecould see she needed help.So he pulled up in front ofher car and got out. Even with the smile on his face.she was worried.He didn’t look safe.He looked poor and hungry. He said.“I’m here to help you,ma’am.My name is Bryan Anderson.”All she had was a flat tire(癟胎),but for an old lady,that was bad enough.Bryan changed the tire and she couldn’t thank him enough for thehelp.Then,the lady asked howmuch she owed him.She had already imagined all theterrible things that could have happened.He told herthat if she really wanted to pay him back,the next timeshe saw someone who needed help,she could give thatperson the help they needed. A few miles down the road,the lady saw a small caf6.She went in.The waitress came over with asweet smile.one that even being on her feet for thewhole day couldn’t erase.She noticed thewaitress was nearly eight months pregnant(懷孕),but she never let her aches be noticed.The oldlady wondered how someone who had so little could be so giving to a stranger.Then,she remembered Bryan. After her meal,the lady paid with a one hundred dollar bill.The waitress quickly went to get change.butwhen she came back,she noticed something written on thenapkin(餐巾紙)with the words saying:“You don’t owe me anything.Somebody oncehelped me out,the way I'm helping you.If you really want to pay me back,here iswhat you d0:Do not let this chain of love end with you.”Under the napkin were four more$100 bills. That night when the waitress got home,she was thinking aboutwhat the lady had written.How could the lady have knownhow much she and her husband needed the money with the baby due next month? Asshe lay sleeping next to her husband,she whispered softand low,“Everything’s going to be all right.I love you,Bryan Anderson.”

  (1)Why was the old ladyworried when Bryan tried to help her?

  A. Shehad difficulty talking to a stranger.

  B. Shenoticed a forced smile on his face.

  C. Shefound him in trouble too.

  D. She feared he might hurt her.

  (2)Why did the old lady wantto give money to Bryan?

  A. Sherecognized Bryan was a friend of hers.

  B. Shewanted to pay him for the new tire.

  C. Shetried to keep clear of trouble.

  D. Shethought he might get angry.

  (3)The underlined word “erase”in Paragraph 5 probably means__________.

  A. hold

  B. insist

  C. forget

  D. remove

  (4)What did the lady suggestif the waitress wanted to pay her back?

  A. Tryingto help others.

  B. Working harder in the future.

  C. Keepingsmiling all the time.

  D. Givingmoney to those in need.

  (5)What would be the besttitle for this text?

  A. GodHelp Those Who Help Themselves.

  B. WhatGoes Around Comes Around.

  C. MisfortuneNever Comes Alone.

  D. Moneydoesn’t Grow on Trees.

  (1) :D他看到一位老婦人和她停在路邊的車子。他能看得出這位老婦人需要幫助。因此他把車停在她的車前面然后走了出去。




  推理題。題二F意為“為什么當布萊恩試圖幫助老婦人的時候,她感到擔憂?”從文中第二段對老婦人心理活動的描寫“He didn’t look safe.He looked poorand hungry.”


  (2) :C推理題。題干意為“為什么老婦人想要付錢給布萊恩?”從文中第三段對老婦人心理活動的描寫“Shehad already imagined all the temble things that could have happened.”可以推斷老婦人想要破財免災。故c為正確答案。

  (3) :D推理題。題干意為“第五段中劃線的單詞erase是什么意思?”從第五段第三句話“She noticedthe waitress was nearly eight months pregnant,but she never let her aches be noticed.”可以推知服務員盡管已經(jīng)懷了8個月的身孕,但是不想讓別人感到她身體的不適,因此竭力讓自己的笑容不被抹去,故D為正確答案。

  (4) :A細節(jié)題。題干意為“老婦人建議服務員如果想要報答她的話,要怎么做?”從文中第六段最后一句話“If youreally want to pay me back,here is whatyou d0:Do not let this chain oflove end with you.”可知,老婦人讓服務員將愛心傳遞下去,也就是繼續(xù)幫助其他人。故A為正確答案。

  (5) :B主旨題。題干意為“以下哪項最適合做本文的標題?”通過本文敘述的兩個故事可以看出文章的主題是愛的傳遞,布萊恩付出的愛心經(jīng)由老婦人又傳遞回了他本人和他的妻子。故B為正確答案。









