

時間:2024-07-30 13:21:23 金磊 經(jīng)典句子 我要投稿




  1、他剛才還在這里。He was here just now.

  2、今日早晨,我跟朱莉婭說了幾句話。I had a word with Julia this morning。

  3、她什么時候上年級?When was she in Grade ?

  4、我昨日看電視了。I watched TV yesterday。

  5、你沒盡自已最大努力去做這件事。You didn’t do your best to do it。

  6、那些日子他總是工作到深夜。He always worked into night those days。

  7、那男孩把眼睛張開了一會兒,看看船長,然后就去世了。The boy opened his eyes for a moment,looked at the captain,and then died。

  8、安妮在早上唱歌了。Ann sang this morning。

  9、我們昨日在一起。We were together yesterday。

  10、他今日上午沒上課。He didn’t have classes this morning。

  11、我不明白你在巴黎。I didnt know you were in Paris。

  12、幾分鐘前他們還在那里。They were here only a few minutes ago。

  13、他已經(jīng)拜訪親戚了。He visited relatives before。

  14、她去年上年級。She was in Gradelast year。

  15、冰冰剛吃了點東西。Bingbing ate sonmething before。

  16、他昨日很忙。He was busy yesterday。

  17、Ben已經(jīng)吃過午飯了。Ben had lunch before。

  18、你們什么時光在一起?When were you together?

  19、我以前從不喝酒。I never drank wine。

  20、艾米早就上網(wǎng)了。Amy surfed the net before。

  21、昨日你們在哪里?Where were you yesterday?

  22、我們昨日沒在一起。We werent together yesterday。

  23、她以前跳舞。(。)She danced before。

  24、你兩天前沒來學校。You were absent from school two days ago。

  25、史密斯先生昨日買了一輛新車。Mr。 Smith bought a new car yesterday。

  26、他昨日不忙。He was not busy yesterday。

  27、我剛回到家。I came home just now。

  28、她去年上幾年級?Where was she last year?

  29、我以為你病了呢。I thought you were ill。

  30、他沒有戒煙的那陣子,抽煙抽得可兇了。He smoked many cigarettes a day until he gave up。

  31、你們昨日在一起嗎?Were you together yesterday?

  32、我們昨日沒有玩好。We did not have a good time yesterday。

  33、上星期他們打過網(wǎng)球。He played tennis last week。

  34、我昨晚很疲勞。I was very tired last night。

  35、上周他們在上海。They were in Shanghai last week。

  36、你去年暑假做了什么?What did you do during the last summer vocation?

  37、托尼已看過電影了。Tony saw a movie before。


  39、He said he would wait until they came back.過去時態(tài),同學們都不陌生的吧,但如何能靈活運用就要靠同學們自己了。加油!

  40、He was here just now.他剛才還在這里。

  41、What did you do yesterday?你昨天做了什么事?

  42、We often played together when we were children.我們小時候常在一起玩。

  43、He used to smoke a lot, but he doesn’t now.他過去經(jīng)常抽煙,但現(xiàn)在不抽了。

  44、Whenever we were in trouble, he would help us.每當我們遇到困難,他都會幫助我們。

  45、At that time she was very good at English.那時她英語學得很好。

  46、艾米早就上網(wǎng)了。Amy surfed the before。

  47、她以前跳舞。She danced before。

  48、這天早晨,我跟朱麗亞說了幾句話。I had a word with Julia this morning。

  49、他這天上午沒上課。He didn’t have classes this morning。

  50、這天早晨,我跟朱莉婭說了幾句話。I had a word with Julia this morning。

  51、They were over there a moment ago.剛才他們在那邊。

  52、I did my homeword yesterday。我昨日做了家庭作業(yè)。

  53、What did Li Lei do last weekend?李雷上周末干什么了?

  54、My school trip was great。我的學校郊游棒極了。

  55、Were Wei Hua and Han Mei here just now﹖剛才魏華和韓梅在這兒嗎?

  56、He played basketball for a whole afternoon the day before yesterday。他前天下午打了一下籃球。

  57、I was in the classroom yesterday morning.昨日早上我在教室里。

  58、The girl didn’t play puter games yesterday afternoon。

  59、He was at school last Tuesday.上周二他在學校。

  60、How was his father last week?他父親上周怎樣樣?

  61、Old Henry wasn’t happy last Friday。上星期五老亨利不高興。

  62、I played tennis last weekend。我上周末打網(wǎng)球了。

  63、Whenever we were in trouble,he would help us。每當我們遇到困難,他都會幫忙我們。

  64、We often went out for a walk after supper。我們過去常在晚飯后散步。

  65、What did he buy yedterday?

  66、I wondered if you could help me。不知你能不能幫我一下。

  67、I went to visit my sister yesterday。我昨日去看望我姐姐了。

  68、I watched a great movie the day before yesterday。我前天看了部很棒的電影。

  69、I had dinner with my friends last night。昨晚我和朋友們一起吃晚餐。

  70、We usually played together。我們通常一起玩。

  71、I got up at : yesterday。我昨日:起床。

  72、Beijing held the Olimpic Games in 。

  73、He played basketball on the playground yesterday。昨日他在操場上打籃球。

  74、What time did you get up yesterday ?你昨日幾點起床?

  75、What did you do yesterday?你昨日做了什么事?

  76、I was very tired last night。我昨晚很疲勞。

  77、He always worked into night those days。那些日子他總是工作到深夜。

  78、He was busy yesterday。他昨日很忙

  79、I had a word with Julia this morning。這天早晨,我跟朱麗亞說了幾句話。

  80、He played tennis last week。上星期他們打過網(wǎng)球。

  81、We did not have a good time yesterday。我們昨日沒有玩好

  82、He didn’t have classes this morning。他這天上午沒上課

  83、You didn’t do your best to do it。你沒盡自已最大努力去做這件事

  84、You were absent from school two days ago。你兩天前沒來學校。

  85、He was not busy yesterday。他昨日不忙。

  86、Last Saturday evening,I went to the movies with some friends。

  87、The woman sent her thanks to the old man。

  88、The woman expressed her appreciation to the old man。

  89、Lots of students took part in the lecture yesterday。

  90、The woman felt verygrateful to the old man。

  91、Soon two policemen in a police car came and arrested the thief。

  92、I spent my summer vacation in Shanghai last year。

  93、There was a park near our school。

  94、The firemen arrived,and soon the fire was under control。

  95、The woman appreciated the old man very much。

  96、He was in Beijing last year。

  97、I wasnt a student。

  98、She got lost just now。

  99、How many books did you buy?

  100、I heard some noise outside。

  101、How did you go there?

  102、He did not find me yesterday

  103、He was late for school yesterday。

  104、Did you go to school last Sunday?

  105、When did you do to bed last night?

  106、When I was young,I liked playing gootball,12、I cried at home last night。

  107、I washed my face yesterday。

  108、I was a student。

  109、He travelled to Australia two weeks ago。

  110、I caught my cat in the garden this morning。



寫景的句子 句子10-25






憂傷的句子 傷感的句子03-12
