

時間:2024-06-11 16:34:57 智聰 經(jīng)典句子 我要投稿
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  1、端午佳節(jié)掛艾葉,愿我們的愛直到天荒地老。Dragon Boat Festival hangs mugwort leaf, wish our love till the end of the world.

  2、愿你在端午節(jié),粽是開心,粽是快樂,粽是好運,粽是幸福,粽是健康。May you be happy, happy, lucky, happy and healthy during the Dragon Boat Festival.

  3、粽兒滿滿,人生暖暖,粽兒甜甜,情意綿綿。祝我最親愛的親人,端午快樂!Dumplings are full, life is warm, dumplings are sweet and tender. Happy Dragon Boat Festival to my dearest relatives!

  4、有分離就有相聚,分別得越久越是親昵。我想告訴你,這個端午節(jié)我特別想你。There is separation, there is reunion. The longer the separation, the more intimate it is. I want to tell you that I miss you very much this Dragon Boat Festival.

  5、一千朵玫瑰給你,要你好好愛自己;一千顆幸運星給你,好運一直圍繞你!祝端午節(jié)愉快!A thousand roses for you, want you to love yourself; a thousand lucky stars for you, good luck has been around you! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  6、天有情,地有情,愿你天天好心情!端午節(jié)快樂!Heaven has affection, earth has affection, wish you a good mood every day! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  7、端午節(jié),吃粽香,快快樂樂朋友莫忘。Dragon Boat Festival, eat Zongxiang, happy friends do not forget.

  8、溫馨的祝福追著你,情意綿綿。祝你端午開心,心情舒暢!Warm wishes follow you, affectionate. I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and a happy mood!

  9、聞起來是溫馨,吃起來是甜蜜,咽下去是幸福,回味著是美滿,端午節(jié)快樂!It smells warm, tastes sweet, swallows happy, aftertaste happy, Dragon Boat Festival happy!

  10、愿你端午節(jié)快樂,好運粽在身邊,幸福滿舟圍!May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival, good luck and happiness around you!

  11、端午節(jié),祝你無煩無惱,溜溜地幸福!Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you no trouble, slippery happiness!

  12、愿你暢享日光的美妙,綻放燦爛的微笑,踩著平安的步調(diào),踏上幸福的大道!May you enjoy the beauty of the sunshine, bloom a brilliant smile, tread on the pace of peace, and embark on the road of happiness!

  13、端午到了,我送你一個愛心粽子!祝你夢中有我,天天都有一個好心情!Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Ill give you a loving dumpling! May you have me in your dream and have a good mood every day!

  14、賽龍舟,甜蜜幸福一起收。我祝你,每天快樂常歡喜。端午節(jié)到了,祝你端午節(jié)快樂!Dragon boat racing, sweet and happy harvest together. I wish you happiness every day. Dragon Boat Festival is here. Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you!

  15、端午節(jié)又到,祝你端午快樂,好運連連。Dragon Boat Festival is here again. Happy Dragon Boat Festival and good luck.

  16、愿你盡情品嘗,保你事業(yè)成功,身體健康,平安吉祥,精彩的日子長又長!May you enjoy it and ensure your success in your career, good health, peace and good luck, and long and wonderful days!

  17、端午節(jié)愿開心陪你每一天,好運伴你每一秒!Dragon Boat Festival is happy to accompany you every day, good luck with you every second!

  18、將所有的祝福,包成一碗粽,帶著陣陣的芳香,提前祝你端午快樂。Wrap all the blessings into a bowl of rice dumplings, with bursts of fragrance, I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival in advance.

  19、愿你端午節(jié)勝似粽子,甜甜蜜蜜,美美滿滿,幸?鞓!May the Dragon Boat Festival be better than Zongzi, sweet, happy and happy!

  20、我愿意把世上最好的祝福帶給你,祝端午節(jié)快樂!I would like to bring you the best wishes in the world. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  21、困難身邊倒,大步永向前。端午送祝愿,開心身體健!Fall away from difficulties, stride forward forever. Dragon Boat Festival wishes, happy and healthy!

  22、拜托清風(fēng)傳送,愿鮮花與綠葉結(jié)伴,點綴你絢麗的人生,愿你端午節(jié)快樂!Please send the breeze, wish flowers and green leaves to accompany you, embellish your brilliant life, and wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  24、May your mood be happy, your work be successful, your wealth be rich, your friendship and love be sweet, and your life be happy.

  25、愿你端午人快樂,身體健康莫大意!Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and good health!

  26、讓陽光走進你的窗,讓快樂飛到你身旁!祝端午節(jié)快樂!Let the sunshine enter your window, let happiness fly to you! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  27、年年歲歲端午節(jié),分分秒秒幸福時,開開心心過端午!Every year the Dragon Boat Festival, every minute of happiness, happy heart over the Dragon Boat Festival!

  28、端午粽子香,龍舟比賽忙,踏青要趕早,艾蒿掛門上,端午風(fēng)俗不能忘!祝端午節(jié)快樂!The Dragon Boat Festival is fragrant with brown seeds. The dragon boat race is busy. Its necessary to step on the green boat as soon as possible. Artemisia argyi hangs on the door. The Dragon Boat Festival custom cant be forgotten! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  29、在端午節(jié)的日子里,寄一份祝福給你,愿你擁有真心的快樂與喜悅!On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, send you a blessing, wish you have sincere happiness and joy!

  30、端午快快樂樂,合家歡歡喜喜。端午節(jié)將到,提前祝你愉快!Dragon Boat Festival is happy and the whole family is happy. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Happy to you in advance!

  31、祝端午快樂笑滿家園,生活美滿好運連連。May the Dragon Boat Festival be filled with happiness and happiness and good luck.

  32、親愛的朋友,今天是端午節(jié),愿你過得快樂幸福。Dear friends, today is the Dragon Boat Festival. I wish you a happy and happy life.

  33、愿萬事“粽”順利,生活“粽”快樂,樣樣“粽”美好。May everything go smoothly, life be happy and everything be beautiful.

  34、青青粽葉包真情,愿你擁有好心情,端午節(jié)快樂。Green dumpling leaves wrap true feelings, wish you have a good mood, Happy Dragon Boat Festival.

  35、親愛的朋友,端午節(jié)來臨,愿我們記憶先人的賢德,保留自己的堅持,創(chuàng)造當(dāng)下的美好。Dear friends, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming. May we remember the virtues of our ancestors, keep our persistence and create the present beauty.

  36、端午佳節(jié)好,幸?鞓氛!Happy Dragon Boat Festival, happy to find!

  37、端午的粽子甜又甜,祝你幸福生活永綿綿,身體健康好運連!端午快樂!The dumplings on the Dragon Boat Festival are sweet and sweet. I wish you a happy life and good health and good luck. Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

  38、端午佳節(jié),愿你事業(yè)像龍舟競技,家庭像艾草溫馨,幸福像粽子香甜,生活像美酒愜意!On the Dragon Boat Festival, may your career be like dragon boat racing, your family be like argyrophyte, your happiness be like zongzi, your life be like wine!

  39、端午節(jié)假期第一天,提前送你一只美味的粽子,愿你事事順意,人生精彩!On the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, I send you a delicious dumpling in advance. I hope everything goes well with you and life is wonderful!

  40、在此祝你合家慶團聚,萬事都順達,幸福到永遠(yuǎn)!Here I wish you a happy family reunion, everything goes smoothly, happiness forever!

  41、愿你天天開心,好事連連降臨。端午快快樂樂,合家歡歡喜喜。端午節(jié)將到,提前祝你愉快!May you be happy every day and good things come to you. Dragon Boat Festival is happy and the whole family is happy. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Happy to you in advance!

  42、一顆心遷掛著你,一份愛祝福著你,一份真感情在等待著你的回應(yīng)。祝端午節(jié)快樂!A heart hangs on you,alovebless you,atrue feeling is waiting for your response. Happy DragonBoat Festival!

  43、端午節(jié)到了,我的祝福如約而至,祝您端午節(jié)幸福快樂!With thearrival of the DragonBoat Festival, myblessingsarecoming,and I wish youahappyand happy DragonBoat Festival.

  44、端午到,掛香包,吃粽子,家家戶戶真熱鬧!The DragonBoat Festivalarrives, hangs the sachet, eats the zongzi, every household is really lively!


  46、Remember: when yousmile, my worldsmiles. Wish DragonBoat Festival happy!


  48、at zongzi, sendblessings, live happilyand riches! DragonBoat Festival is healthy!

  49、端午節(jié)到了,我祝愿你節(jié)日快樂,多吃粽子!The DragonBoat Festival is here. I wish youahappy holidayand eat more zongzi!

  50、祝端午快樂笑滿家園,生活美滿好運連連。I wish youahappyand happy life in the DragonBoat Festival.

  51、端午節(jié)假期到,祝你假期快樂,好運連連,幸福綿綿!On the DragonBoat Festival, I wish youahappy holiday, good luckand happiness.

  52、祝福聲聲不間斷,送來歡樂滿人間。祝端午快樂無限!Theblessing is continuousandbrings joy to the world. Wish DragonBoat Festival happiness unlimited!

  53、祝你幸福安康,萬事如意,端午快樂!I wish you happinessand health,all thebest,and happy DragonBoat Festival!

  54、吃粽子,品四季幸福滋味,裹一年健康希望。Eat rice dumplings, the four seasons of happiness, wrapped inayear of health hope.


  56、May you have good luckon the special day of DragonBoat Festival.

  57、愿你度過這美好的一切,端午節(jié)快樂。I wish youall thebestand enjoy the DragonBoat Festival.

  58、我說:要看短信的人端午節(jié)快樂!I say: to see the person of message DragonBoat Festival is happy!

  59、愿我能把世上最好的祝福帶給你,祝端午節(jié)快樂!May I can put thebestblessing to you,and wish DragonBoat Festival is happy!

  60、讓這件外套緊緊伴著你度過每分每秒,祝端午節(jié)快樂!Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish DragonBoat Festival is happy!

  61、身為朋友的我,祝你端午節(jié)快樂。As friends, I wish you happy DragonBoat Festival

  62、不一定常常聯(lián)絡(luò),但一定放在心上;身為朋友的.我,祝你端午節(jié)快樂。Not often contact,but must heart,As friends, I wish you happy DragonBoat Festival

  63、祝端午節(jié)快樂幸福。Wish DragonBoat Festival is happy

  64、祝愿你一切都如意,端午節(jié)快樂。Wish youall the luck, the DragonBoat Festival is happy

  65、端午節(jié)之際,祝你溫馨快樂,幸福環(huán)繞!On the occasion of DragonBoat Festival, I wish youawarm, happyand happy surround.

  66、粽葉裹住你過去的美好,米粒黏住你現(xiàn)在的幸福,龍舟承載你未來的夢想。Bamboo leaves wrapped in your pastbeauty, rice grain stickto your present happiness, dragonboat carries your dream in the future.

  67、端午節(jié),想朋友,念家鄉(xiāng),祝君安康早輝煌。DragonBoat Festival, like friends, read home, Zhu JunAnkangbrilliant.

  68、端午節(jié),送你粽子一個,愿你幸福圍繞,好運相隨,端午快樂!DragonBoat Festival, send youazongzi, wish you happinessaround, good luckto follow, happy DragonBoat Festival!

  69、端午節(jié)到了,愿你快樂相伴,萬事如意。The DragonBoat Festival is here. I wish youall thebest.

  70、看來看去,這年頭,我只能相信友情了,所以發(fā)條短信祝福你,愿你端午節(jié)快樂!Looks like, this year, I can onlybelieve in friendship, so sendamessage tobless you, wish youahappy DragonBoat Festival!

  71、愿鮮花與綠葉結(jié)伴,點綴你絢麗的人生,愿你端午節(jié)快樂!May flowersand green leavesaccompany you to decorate your gorgeous life. May you haveahappy DragonBoat Festival!

  72、端午,我要結(jié)結(jié)實實套牢你,端午節(jié)祝福語送你!DragonBoat Festival, I want toknot solidand hold you, DragonBoat Festivalblessings to you!

  73、祝福聲聲不間斷,送來歡樂滿人間,祝端午快樂無限!Bless the sound,bring joy to the world, wish the DragonBoat Festival happiness!

  74、多鍛練身體,少打麻將,才能多吃粽子,天天健康!Do more exerciseand less mahjong, so that you can eat more rice dumplingsand get healthy every day!

  75、端午節(jié),端出好心情,端出好生活!DragonBoat Festivalbrings good moodandbrings good life.

  76、祝你生活都如意,事事順利健康長;天天快樂幸福多,夢想成真好運來!Let this coat closelyaccompany you to spend every minuteand every second, wish DragonBoat Festival happy!

  77、借助端午包裹祝福,祝愿你愛情好比春風(fēng)沐,生活快樂又幸福!With the help of the DragonBoat Festival, I wish you love like springbreezeand happinessand happiness.

  78、有分離就有相聚,分別得越久越是親昵。我想告訴你,這個端午節(jié)我特別想你。When there is separation, there isagathering. The longer theyare, the more intimate theyare. I want to tell you that I really miss you on this DragonBoat Festival.

  79、一個粽子,裹滿生活的蜜糖;一聲問候,愿你心情飛揚。端午快樂!A zongzi, wrapped in honey, honey,and greet you withagreeting. Happy DragonBoat Festival!

  80、親愛的朋友,端午節(jié)來臨,愿你小長假快樂!Dear friend, DragonBoat Festival iscoming. May you havealong vacation!

  81、愿我能把世上的祝福帶給你,祝端午節(jié)快樂!Wish youall the luck, the DragonBoat Festival is happy.

  82、永遠(yuǎn)開開心心快快樂樂,祝端午節(jié)快樂!Always happy, happy heart, wish DragonBoat Festival is happy!

  83、絲絲柔柔的微風(fēng),傳去了節(jié)日的祝辭,飄向遠(yuǎn)方的你,愿你度過這美好的一切,端午節(jié)快樂。Filar silkgentlebreeze, preach to the festival, piaoxiang distant remarks of you, may you have this wonderful everything, DragonBoat Festival is happy.

  84、端午到了,送你一個萬能“粽”,僅限端午食用。食用的呈現(xiàn):幸福緊隨如風(fēng),煩惱跑得匆匆;知識用之不竭,錢財取之不盡;好運如日中天,彩票一買即中。DragonBoat Festival to give youan omnipotent "Dumplings", only the DragonBoat Festival food. Food presentation: well-being followedby the wind, troubled run hastily;knowledge inexhaustible, inexhaustible supply of money; luckheyday of the lottery that is the one tobuy.

  85、一條短信息,祝福一串串:端午節(jié)到了,?炜鞓窐罚_開心心;健健康康,輕輕松松;團團圓圓,恩恩愛愛;和和美美,紅紅火火!a short message,bless strings: DragonBoat Festivalarrived, wish happy,ahappy heart; Healthy, unwind; Completely round,boon conjugal love; HeHeMeiMei, thriving!

  86、一顆心遷掛著你,一份愛祝福著你,一份真感情在等待著你的回應(yīng).祝端午節(jié)快樂!Hanging heart to move you,alovebless you,andagenuine feeling waiting for your response. I wishahappy DragonBoat Festival!

  87、萬水千山"棕"是情,屈原說聲謝謝您,端午齊齊看龍舟,友情維系無遠(yuǎn)近。Wanshuiqianshan "brown" is the situation, Qu Yuan said thankyou, Dano lookat the dragonboat fun, friendship maintainadistance.

  88、在端午佳節(jié)之際希望你開開心心、快快樂樂,端午節(jié)快樂!I wish I couldbring you thebest wishes in the world. Happy DragonBoat Festival!

  89、青青粽葉包真情,愿你擁有好心情,端午節(jié)快樂。Qingqing leaf wrapped in the true feelings, I hope you haveagood mood, happy DragonBoat Festival.

  90、預(yù)祝您和您的家人端午節(jié)快樂!Wish youand your families haveanice holiday!

  91、有種友誼,無須掛齒,卻心領(lǐng)神會,祝端午節(jié)快樂!Without it, the gutty friendship,but got the message, wish DragonBoat Festival is happy!

  92、緣分,讓我遇見你;開心,讓我認(rèn)識你;牽掛,讓我想起你;友誼,讓我們在一起;信息,讓我不得不發(fā)給你;祝愿你一切都如意,端午節(jié)快樂。Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let meknow you; Passions, reminds me of you; Friendship, let us together; Information, let me have to send you; Wish youall the luck, the DragonBoat Festival is happy...

  93、祝福我的朋友,端午節(jié)開心快樂!Bless my friends, happy DragonBoat Festival!

  94、端午節(jié)到了,朋友你還好嗎,愿你一切如意,萬事順利,端午節(jié)快樂!The DragonBoat Festival iscoming. My friend,are youall right? I wish youall thebestand everything is going well. DragonBoat Festival is joyful!

  95、Dragon boat racing, sweet and happy harvest together. I wish you happiness every day. Dragon Boat Festival is here. Happy Dragon Boat Festival to you!賽龍舟,一起甜蜜快樂收獲。我祝你每天幸福。端午節(jié)到了。端午節(jié)快樂!

  96、Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival and good health!祝你端午節(jié)快樂,身體健康!

  97、May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival,good luck and happiness around you!祝你端午節(jié)快樂,好運連連,幸?鞓罚

  98、Always happy, happy heart, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!永遠(yuǎn)快樂,心里快樂,祝端午節(jié)快樂

  99、With the arrival of the Dragon Boat Festival, my blessings are coming, and I wish you a happy and happy Dragon Boat Festival.隨著端午節(jié)的到來,我的祝福即將到來,祝大家端午節(jié)快樂。

  100、Filar silk gentle breeze, preach to the festival, piaoxiang distant remarks of you, may you have this wonderful everything, Dragon Boat Festival is happy.纖絲輕風(fēng),向節(jié)日傳道,飄香遙語你,愿你擁有這美好的一切,端午節(jié)快樂。




  The aroma of zongzi is light, and there is always a hint of sweetness when savored carefully; With shallow steps, there is always a little experience when walking slowly; Life is long, and there are always strands of warmth in silent memories; Time flies, there are always some people worth missing in the quiet experience. In this festival full of nostalgia, I wish my most missed friend: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Dont hide Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. The publics eyes are clear. Where can Zongzi be fragrant? Send you Zongzi and say, "Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi incense, and be happy.


  Zongzi fragrance, love must also fragrance, the mood will be sweet; In Dragon Boat competition, the cause must also strive for success; A sachet to pray for blessings, even a friend must send a message, everything can go smoothly. During the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you all the best in life!


  Warm your stomach with fragrant glutinous rice, wash your lungs with fresh air, let the bright sun shine on your back, get drunk with friends, sleep like a cat, and forget the tiredness of wandering through the world! Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. May Zongzi bring you good luck! Wishing you: Work "zongzi" is praised by leaders, life "zongzi" is a beautiful dream, money "zongzi" is endless, friends "zongzi" is very considerate, and a smile "zongzi" is to fall in love with you.


  Dont hide the Dragon Boat Festival SMS. The publics eyes are clear. Where can Zongzi smell sweet? Send you Zongzi SMS, saying: Dragon Boat Festival, eat zongzi incense, happy friends, dont forget.


  Busy work does not mean forgetting; The arrival of summer, may your mood be cool; The little circle of friends, walking through the streets and lanes, with my deepest blessing, goes straight to your heart: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy! Happiness and eternal health!


  Perhaps blessings are a form, but they can bring warmth to peoples hearts. I hope my blessings can also bring warmth to your soul! Friends Dragon Boat Festival


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. How are you, friend? Wish you all the best, everything goes well, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  There are no major holidays before National Day, so relax and have a good mood during the Dragon Boat Festival. Resting and recuperating, nurturing the essence, and enjoying the mountains and waters can bring joy. Family reunion and festive occasions, gathering with friends to express friendship. Full of energy, healthier, and joyful both physically and mentally! Dragon Boat Festival health!


  Zong is in the flower scented May, "Zong" is in the affectionate Dragon Boat Festival, "Zong" is to think of like-minded friends, "Zong" is to give you good wishes: Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you "Zong" is happy!


  Five colored new silk wrapped corner zongzi; Brown leaves wrap around friendship, friendly and caring zongzi is love; Insert the fragrance of mugwort leaves by the door, for a safe and healthy life. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  The past is as light and ethereal as the wind, friends are as intoxicated as wine, blessings are as warm and sweet as dates, SMS is like a ship, set off quickly, and the blessings in May spread all good luck. Wish friends a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, I will give you a Zongzi. The fragrant rice in it gathers my blessings for you. It is full of my true feelings and blessings. May your career be smooth, your love be sweet, and your life be happy and auspicious. Friends, remember to be happy on Dragon Boat Festival.


  Like a sound, it is the rain falling from the breeze, appreciate a painting, it is the stars embellished by the moon night, it is a smell of Taozui, it is the fragrance filled with orchids, I wish my friend is you who laugh at the SMS, and I wish Dragon Boat Festival a healthy!


  On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, and my friends wish me well. The God of Wealth transports wealth through waterways, while the God of Fortune parachutes at the fastest speed. The gods bring good news on the main road, and surprises continue throughout the Dragon Boat Festival. Love transforms into a romantic house, and the God of Luck resides in his heart!


  An ordinary SMS blessing, a light greeting like water; Let me pick a fragrant rice dumpling leaf, wrap a sweet Zongzi, and send it to you in a true message: Wish you a friend in advance, and wish you happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Friends may not necessarily be reasonable, but they must know their hearts and intentions; Not necessarily inseparable, but always heart to heart; Not necessarily in constant contact, but always in mind; As a friend, I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Being blessed is happy, being prayed is sacred, being blessed is safe, and you are my friend who has been blessed by my thoughts, so Dragon Boat Festival will accompany you safely!


  The road is long and winding, and I will search up and down. When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives and you miss your friends, send a text message to wish you well. The Dragon Boat is fast and fragrant, and life is full of joy and few worries. Clothes float and people are beautiful, everything goes smoothly and the body is strong!


  Zongzi is sweet, and I would like to work smoothly with leisure; Zongzi incense, willing to exercise regularly; Zongzi salty, wish life happiness often have more money; Zongzi is sticky, and I wish my friends would miss it all the time. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Good wine is clear and light, and the longer it lasts, the more mellow it becomes; A good friend is simple and simple, the longer it takes, the more genuine it becomes; Good fate lasts for a long time, forever and forever; Sincere friendship is sweet and unforgettable for life. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Life doesnt need to be earth shattering, just be happy; Friendship doesnt require sweet words, just think about it; Money doesnt need to be loaded with vehicles, enough is enough; Friends dont need to spread all over the world, just have you. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Dragon Boat Festival friends blessings are quietly sent to you. May your career move forward like a Dragon Boat, your family be as warm as a sachet, your personality be as elegant as a rice dumpling leaf, your momentum be as powerful as realgar, and happiness stick on like glutinous rice!


  The wine is clear and light, becoming more mellow over time; A good friend is simple and simple, the longer it takes, the more genuine it becomes; Good fate is long and everlasting. Sincere friendship is unforgettable all ones life. I wish Dragon Boat Festival good health!


  Light rouge, light wine, light plum rain, light sorrow, light wine solves light sorrow, light wind, light dreams, light fish swimming in the water, light butterflies falling on embroidered balls, light longing for friends, healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  There are always some unforgettable friends in life, and there are always some unforgettable days in life. We met by chance, from unfamiliarity to familiarity! Although there is no time to greet, it has never been forgotten! Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Dragon Boat Festival health blessing, Zongzi to bring you good luck! Wishing you: Work "zongzi" is praised by leaders, life "zongzi" is a beautiful dream, money "zongzi" is endless, friends "zongzi" is very considerate, and a smile "zongzi" is to fall in love with you.


  Pick two pieces of mugwort leaves, buy a few pounds of realgar, and make a sachet with happiness. Embrace your longing and send thousands of blessings, accompanied by good luck and hope for happiness. On the Dragon Boat Festival, may your work and career go smoothly, my friend.


  There are always some unforgettable friends in life, and there are always some unforgettable days in life. We met by chance, from unfamiliarity to familiarity! Although there is no time to greet, it has never been forgotten! Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Today is Dragon Boat Festival! I collect all the beautiful things in the world as raw materials, use worry free as the coat, and wrap a special Zongzi for you with my sincere blessing as the ribbon! You will always be happy and happy after eating it! In life, there are always some friends who are most cherished, and there are always some days that are hard to forget throughout the year; From summer to autumn, strangers become familiar. Although we cant always greet each other, on special days, we whisper: Friends, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Smile without sorrow, walk forward happily and joyfully; Laugh and let go of your troubles, sing a small tune with joy and joy; Laughing three times makes one not old, beautiful and energetic; Laugh around, have many friends, be lively and drink good wine; Laugh five times, the salary is high, go on a leisurely trip; Laugh six times to eat Zongzi, fragrant sweet tongue around; Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Wishing you a successful career, a prosperous family, a colorful life, rich talents and knowledge, and a friend who lives in all corners of the world. With a perfect taste of life, everyone is devoted to you. Dragon Boat Festival!


  Sand and water, longing like fragrant grass, flying towards you with geese; The moon sparkles, the stars sparkle, greetings go through the clouds, blessings go to my side. Dragon Boat Festival, with deep feelings, conveys sincere wishes, and gives good wishes! Wish friends a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival on this side, Dragon Boat Festival on that side. Wishing friends from all over the world a happy and harmonious Dragon Boat Festival!


  Friend, text messages will become delicious, words will bloom roses, sending each other is a kind of date, reading carefully is to experience the taste of loneliness, in this world, only friends are the most precious! I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health.


  On Dragon Boat Festival, the fifth day of May, the Dragon Boat Festival will send you five five: I wish you a lot of harvest and bumper grain; Having a large income and a wide variety of options; Having many friends, covering all corners of the world; Joyful and colorful; Happiness is abundant, and the five blessings are upon us!


  On the fifth day of May, rowing a dragon boat, loneliness and troubles drift away; Friends gather to taste fine wine, a happy life without worries; Chasing good fortune and avoiding misfortune, hanging calamus, safely accompanying the path of life; Zongzi is fragrant and sweet, wrapped up in happiness and happiness, the Dragon Boat Festival is healthy and auspicious, and good luck comes from heaven!


  Picking mugwort leaves and hanging them in front of the door, to ward off evil and drive away mosquitoes for the summer. Sweet Zongzi served on the table, sweet and honey together. Rich and mellow wine, raise your glass together, and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival with joy! Wish good friends Dragon Boat Festival healthy, sweet, round!


  The past is as light and ethereal as the wind, friends are as intoxicated as wine, blessings are as warm and sweet as dates, news is as fast as a ship to depart, and the blessings of May spread all good luck. Wish friends a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  A plain greeting like water, a plain blessing like paper; Let me pick a fragrant rice dumpling leaf, wrap a sweet Zongzi, and put it into the truth message to give it to you: Wish friends, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Add a red bean of lovesickness, a piece of energetic red meat, a pack of united glutinous rice, and a fragrant bamboo leaf. Dear friend, Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and I will send you Dragon Boat Festival zongzi. May the four seasons be as beautiful as spring and you move forward with determination!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and Zongzi is fragrant again! On May 5th every year, add blessings to glutinous rice! Dragon Boat floats across the river, bless your home! A short message, a love story, a blessing, and a concern! Friends, Dragon Boat Festival is coming, dont forget to remind people around you to eat Zongzi!


  The blue sky represents longing, green trees represent tranquility, birds represent laughter, and the wind represents me walking slowly by your side, my friend! Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I give you happiness, wish you happy every day!


  Love words have sweetness and bitterness, thoughts and love, thoughts and connections, fate has you and me, you will always be my good friend! Bless my friends, Dragon Boat Festival!


  Life doesnt need to be earth shattering, just be happy; Friendship doesnt require sweet words, just think about it; Money doesnt need a car to carry a bucket, its enough; Friends dont need to be all over the world, as long as they have you. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching. I wish you in advance that your career will pass the "Wu" Pass and six generals will be killed, your family will have a prosperous "Wu" Valley, your life will be colorful, your wisdom will be rich in "Wu" cars, your friends will be rich in "Wu" lakes, and your life will be full of "Wu" flavor!


  Dragon Boat Festival, or send "Zongzi" the most considerate. Leaves stacked in layers, good luck never stops; Mi Mi is tightly attached, with constant happiness; Wrapped with threads, young yet not old; Jujube is fragrant and sweet, with unchanged affection; Zongzi is delicious, with endless blessings! On Dragon Boat Festival, I wish my friends a happy and happy life!


  Dragon Boat Festival gives you five five: I wish you a lot of harvest, bumper grain; Having a large income and a wide variety of options; Having many friends, covering all corners of the world; Joyful and colorful; Happiness is abundant, and the five blessings are upon us!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. "Zong" is a thousand mountains and rivers, and I miss you constantly. Zongzi is full of countless twists and turns, and I will remember to give you my blessings; I wish my friend, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!




  Sweet Zongzi, a beautiful and happy life; A fragrant large meat zongzi, everything goes smoothly; Salty Zongzi with various colors is a real blessing: Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you happiness, health and good luck.


  Take up realgar wine, drive away evil spirits, and promote the health of disaster victims; With five Dragon Boat paddles, the future is smooth, the cause has a brilliant delicious Zongzi, and live a happy and sweet life; May the Five Moves Blessing Beat, May you live a long and happy life! Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will give you a back garden. The garden is planted with a wisdom tree, flowing with a spring of sorrow, opening free flowers, and building a bridge of luck. I wish you good luck and good mood, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  On the day of singing and dancing in May, when Zongzi is fragrant; The love of reed leaves brings a good mood every day. A few jujubes and a few hearts will make you happy and make your heart happy. Money is like a grain of rice. Wrap it up to send off Dragon Boat Festival to you in the distance!


  I will give it to you when the Dragon Boat Festival comes. I hope you will enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival. Good luck never ends.


  Serve steaming Zongzi. Gentle advice as filling, thick and inclusive, transformed into words, filled with heartfelt blessings, boiled with prayer water, good luck for a year, and happiness for a lifetime. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Dragon Boat Festival to send you sweet Zongzi, I hope you will always enjoy the beauty of life!


  Dragon Boat Festival notice: the appearance of the object: angular, shaped like a hard stone; Clothing color: Gently emerald, like jade; Enticing taste: fragrant and sweet, with an endless aftertaste; Contact with it, feel its quality: sticky and sticky, like glue like paint. This item was lost before the Dragon Boat Festival. If you find it, it will bring you happiness! Ruyi! Auspicious!


  A greeting, a blessing, pick a fragrant leaf, wrap a sweet Zongzi, and put it into a true message for you: I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Wishing you happiness and health, all the best, and a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Bring up friendship and bring down loneliness; Start up and let warmth surround you! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  Dont be busy, you have been happily surrounded by the Dragon Boat Festival. Immediately let go of your troubles, surrender to happiness, relax, and leave a space for yourself; Indulge a little and leave a bit of happiness for yourself. Wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Zongzi is sweet, sweet from the beauty of your happy life; The salty and salty Zongzi gives you the taste of American life; The aroma of Zongzi comes from your festival laughter. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I cant make Zongzi with you. Wishing you a healthy holiday.


  The weather changes so quickly, and the heat is surging. Wear glasses when going out, be careful not to get your eyes sunburned. Dont look at handsome guys on the road to prevent your heart from beating faster. Sending messages without any worries, happiness is everywhere. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  No matter how high your martial arts are, you are afraid of a kitchen knife; No matter how good your intelligence is, one brick will fall. Follow your own path and let others take a taxi. Wear someone elses shoes and let them find them! I now give you the blessing of Dragon Boat Festival, let others envy it!


  To continue a historical story, we can wrap a beautiful Zongzi, make a cup of fragrant tea, sprinkle a handful of realgar, and write a sincere expression. Dragon Boat Festival, may happiness stay in your home!


  May happiness closely surround you like the rope of Zongzi; May health be like the leaves of Zongzi, surrounding you; Happiness is like the fragrance of Zongzi, which surrounds you for a long time. I sincerely wish Dragon Boat Festival happiness, well-being and happiness.


  Dragon Boat Festival, send you a happy dumplings, with my blessing; Sending you a happy zongzi, reflecting my greetings; Send you a sweet one, infused with my care; Send you a Dragon Boat Festival text message to convey my best wishes for Dragon Boat Festival.


  Blessing is like wrapping a small Zongzi, carefully selecting leaves, carefully mixing stuffing, carefully tying rope, carefully adding water, patiently cooking, and then delivering it to you, gently saying: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Come on, lets eat a Zongzi for you, let all the Zongzi sweet be around you, let all the happiness, all the happiness, are in this time with the idea of what can be, in the Dragon Boat Festival, the happiness of May is worth having.


  Walk and stop, enjoy the beautiful scenery; Searching for traces of happiness; Joyful and joyful, bid farewell to the Dragon Boat Festival holiday; Busy and waiting for work to arrive; Bit by bit, filled with a happy mood. Wish you happy after Dragon Boat Festival!


  A glass of fine wine overflows with joy and brings good fortune upon drinking; Zongzi, one, wafts out the fragrance, eats in the geniality; Send a text message, collect your popularity, and send out your loyalty! Luck generates luck, and harmony generates wealth. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Zongye wraps your past perfection, rice sticks to your present happiness, and Dragon Boat carries your future dreams. The sound of gongs and drums brings joy, firecrackers drive away troubles, and news brings you luck. Dragon Boat Festival!


  Taoer is red, Xinger is yellow, and the fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival; Colorful thread, fragrant purse, tied on the body to ensure health; Zongzi incense, five grain package, peel a Zongzi wrapped in sugar, happy life for ten thousand years, I wish you Dragon Boat Festival well-being!


  Xiangzong conveys the worlds emotions and greets you together; Dragon Boat Festival is healthy and smiling. Luck is full, luck is strong, and sadness will be zero in the future; I hope the road is vast and the future is brighter.


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I send my best wishes to you in advance. May the peace and sunshine shine on you. Ruyi Day is always auspicious!


  May flowers and green leaves accompany you, embellish your colorful life, and wish you Dragon Boat Festival happiness!


  Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi do not give you, eat too much will not digest; Dragon Boat rowing doesnt accompany you. Too tired hurts your body; Drinking a little wine without inviting you, getting drunk is meaningless; Deep blessings to you, the most practical. Wishing Dragon Boat Festival health, happiness and sweetness!


  Eat Zongzi, send blessings, and live a happy and prosperous life! Dragon Boat Festival brings good health.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is blessed. Good wishes are like honey dates, wrapped in Zongzi and filled with incense, and used to ward off evil spirits and poison. I wish you good health, Dragon Boat paddles high step by step, and wish you more joy, happiness and good mood during the Dragon Boat Festival!


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a safe and healthy life, a world of peaches and plums, and the continuous development of education!


  Let me set up a Dragon Boat, full of good sails, and wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  On the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a young and fruitful job!


  I dont miss you because of the season change, I dont miss you because of the distance, I dont distance myself from you because of busyness, and I dont forget you because of the passage of time. You will always be the person I care about the most in my heart.


  Time makes people savor the taste of waiting; Space, a beauty that makes people feel deeply concerned; Sometimes the blessing between people does not need words to reflect, so you can quietly appreciate my sincere greetings and wish Dragon Boat Festival good health!


  Dreams come true, full of good fortune, wish you happy every day, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, you can eat glutinous rice dumplings and touch your body easily and happily; Drink realgar wine, sweet and romantic walk around your body; Hanging mugwort leaves in the room, safe and smooth without stopping; Boarding the small Dragon Boat, you will be happy!


  Give you a sweet Zongzi: take fragrant blessing as leaf, generous cherry tolerance as rice, and gentle advice as filling heart! Wrap the threads of friendship again! May you taste the beauty of life! Wish Dragon Boat Festival in advance!


  Sunshine nurtures flowers and plants, the earth nurtures trees, streams nurture fish, and the most selfless love is that you have also nurtured us, giving us the initial education.


  At the Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi is fragrant, and a big Zongzi is for you to taste. I wish you a prosperous career, make a lot of money, live a prosperous life, enjoy great happiness, be healthy, and have a long life; At the Dragon Boat Festival, the small Zongzi is really exquisite. I wish you to run small, make more money, try your best, show your skills, keep away from the villains, and show your talents.


  Eat zongzi, good fortune, longevity, and health! Good Dragon Boat Festival, happy and joyful!


  Send Zongzi: Fortunately, it is covered with beautiful leaves and happily wrapped in delicious stuffing. The smell is warm, the food is sweet, the pharynx is happy, the taste is happy, and the Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Time is running fast, too fast. I hope my blessing will stay in your heart forever, and I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival to send blessings, happy with every minute!


  I hope you can reach out your hands and accept my abundant blessings; In your future days, let the flower of happiness bloom brightly and fragrance. On the day of Dragon Boat Festival, I send you a blessing. May you have sincere health and joy!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. I sincerely wish you a long greeting, Zongzi, wormwood, Dragon Boat, and grain harvest. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health.


  As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, I wish you success in your career and happiness in your life.


  I have a cool summer, a beautiful mood, a sincere blessing, in Dragon Boat Festival, bless you. I wish you happiness and good health, good luck in everything, and good health on Dragon Boat Festival.


  May flowers and green leaves accompany you, embellish your colorful life, and may Dragon Boat Festival be healthy!


  Wrap all the blessings into a bowl of zongzi, with a fragrant aroma, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival in advance.




  Green poplar drips heavily with rain, and five colored new silk wraps around corner zongzi; Brown leaves wrap around family and friendship, friendly and caring zongzi are emotions; Insert the fragrance of mugwort leaves by the door, for a safe and healthy life. Wish parents a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  On the Dragon Boat Festival in May, apricots turn yellow, and the aroma of zongzi in the streets and alleys is fragrant. I pick three branches of mugwort and leave them in the wind by your window. One branch ward off evil and protect health, two branches welcome blessings and bring good luck, and three branches bring abundant wealth. Take it! Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. Wishing you all happiness, happiness, joy, good luck, success, happiness, and beauty.


  The green rice dumplings are wrapped in auspicious leaves, filled with sincere feelings. Dragon Boat swings in the clear river, and a touch of yellow rice wine relieves worries. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming again, and happiness surrounds us. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a happy and healthy life and good luck.


  Twist a bowl of happiness into a colorful rope, tightly entwining you; Hold a tube of happiness and explode it into popcorn, deeply confusing your heart; Twist a strand of good luck into a flower basket, scattering your future full; Dragon Boat Festival arrives, I offer my blessings and wish you happiness every day!


  Todays Dragon Boat Festival, let me ask you to eat more Zongzi, thanks to the poet; Let me drive a Dragon Boat full of blessings to you; Let me hang a mugwort in front of your door, wishing you peace; Let me pour you a cup of realgar wine, hoping for your health.


  On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and the sixth day of the sixth lunar month, the five, five, six, and six phases gather together, but there is not enough auspicious and joyful days; Five plus five, perfectly celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival; Six times six, six six goes smoothly forward. Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a happy life!


  A bowl of rice that lasts for eternity, a lucky and fulfilling heart, a happy and contented leaf, entangled in a continuous thread, happily wrapped in brown, shyly presented to you. May dear you add joy to the Dragon Boat Festival.


  Every festival, "Zong" thinks of you, and "Zong" is love between friends. On Dragon Boat Festival, "Zong" says "Zong" to bless you, and wish everything "Zong" is smooth, life "Zong" is happy, and all "Zong" is beautiful!


  Rowing a Dragon Boat, hanging calamus, and never worry about the future; Drinking yellow wine and applying the five poisons will bring blessings year after year; Tie a hundred ropes, wear a purse, and avoid evil and poison for a lifetime; After the Dragon Boat Festival and eating Zongzi, the Chinese tradition will last forever. Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, one smile will run away with sorrow, two smiles will disappear with worry, three smiles will be in a good mood, four smiles will not be old, five smiles will be in high spirits, six smiles will be happy, seven smiles will be happy, eight smiles will have a good income, nine smiles will be high step by step, perfect and happy, and Dragon Boat Festival will be healthy!


  You are a sentimental crow, a lively frog, a white sweet potato, and a flaming prawn in my heart. I want to bless the fool who reads my message: happy Hala flows forever, and I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  I will accompany you for a lifetime, miss you in two places only for you, have the privilege of meeting you in three lives, miss you in the four mountains and five mountains, and embrace you in the Six Great Shuns. In my heart, there is only you, and I will cherish you during the Dragon Boat Festival. Happiness and happiness are for you!


  Send you a Zongzi, representing the yearning for your life; Sending you a bottle of realgar wine represents blessings for your life; Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Although the gift is light, it is my lifelong wish. Dad wishes you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  It is always the weather that changes, and it is always the affection that does not change. May the faint cold air gently brush the fatigue of the past year, and the warm spring breeze, pass my blessing in my heart: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Leaves stacked in layers, good luck never stops; Mi Mi is tight and sticky, with endless happiness; Wrapped in threads, embracing happiness; Water and water blend together, with strong affection; Zongzi, Zongzi Connection, Blessing Never Stop! The Dragon Boat Festival is here, wishing you a healthy holiday!


  Sometimes I am busy, sometimes I am tired, and I have never forgotten my worries; Always wish, always hope, parents will always be healthy; A paragraph of text, a text message, silently wishing and thinking; May parents have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival, good luck, and a happy smile.


  There is nothing to give on Dragon Boat Festival. Just give you a versatile "Zong": Zong melon can get gold and wealth every day. There is a Dragon Boat Festival that started with Zong, and the idea of "Dianshi Zong" is successful. I wish you a healthy and happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dad, you always express your love in the most plain and simple way, but your love is enough for me to enjoy for a lifetime. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I will send you a "Happy Dumpling" to drive away worries and moments of joy; Send you a "healthy zongzi" to scare away injured and safe companions; Send you a "wealth zongzi", and the wealth will roll into your bag; Sending you a "happy zongzi", a sweet family and harmonious life. Wish Dragon Boat Festival happiness and health!


  On May 5th, the celebration falls on the Dragon Boat Festival. Full of heartfelt words, I send you true blessings. The grand plan of career development is like the sun at noon. Wealth is rolling in, and there is an endless amount of money. Strong and cheerful, surpassing a little tiger. Auspicious luck, its none other than you!


  You are not teeth, I am not rice, but I still want to stick to you all my life. I am not zong leaf, you are not rice, but I still want to wrap you layer by layer. There are many rice in zong, but I have countless blessings for you. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Soft wind, moist rain, beautiful flowers, full moon; The beautiful morning scenery accompanies us year after year, and a happy life follows us every day! Winter goes, spring comes, like water, like smoke; Time flies and never returns, life needs to be filled with joy! Say good luck and say peace, and wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming again, and the fragrance of zongzi is flying. Add glutinous rice and red dates, and wear mugwort leaf clothing. Tie a red belt, beautiful and generous. Take a hot bath, its refreshing and pleasant. Sending blessings during the Dragon Boat Festival is both affordable and auspicious. Dragon Boat Festival!


  I will give you a lucky zongzi, which contains: healthy fragrant rice, lucky egg yolks, safe shiitake mushrooms, happy shrimp, longevity peanuts, and lucky chestnuts. If you receive it, good luck will come one after another. Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  Every blooming petal carries my sincere blessings. Every sprouting tender leaf has my voice greeting. Please send the breeze slowly. May flowers and green leaves accompany you, embellish your colorful life, and may Dragon Boat Festival be healthy!


  I like the sweet Zongzi, and I prefer to miss you silently; Like the warm Dragon Boat, more like to remember you quietly; I like the fragrant wormwood leaf, I like watching you quietly, I like the beautiful sachet, and I like sincerely wishing you well on Dragon Boat Festival.


  Send triangular zongzi, everything is safe and smooth. Send the four cornered zongzi, its safe, healthy, and good. Sending white rice dumplings brings peace of mind for a long time. Sending colorful zongzi brings abundant and prosperous financial fortune. Here comes Zongzi. Lets pick up Zongfu!


  Give you a Zongzi in advance: luck is covered with fresh leaves, and happiness is wrapped into delicious stuffing. It smells warm, tastes sweet, swallows happiness, aftertaste is happy, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Colorful flags fluttering, singing happily, feeling relaxed and carefree; Dragon Boat racing, singing and dancing, and happy body and mind; Tasting fragrant tea, eating beautiful zongzi, feeling proud and carefree; Welcoming the Dragon Boat Festival, sending blessings, deep friendship moistens the heart. Wishing you health and endless happiness during the Dragon Boat Festival!


  Blessing you, smooth sailing, five blessings at your doorstep, abundant wealth, blessings like the East China Sea, longevity like the South Mountain, and good luck. Dragon Boat Festival brings good health.


  When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, I will give you a sweet Zongzi. With fragrant blessing as the leaf, generosity and tolerance as the rice, and gentle advice as the filling, I hope you can taste the beauty of life and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi is fragrant, Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi is sweet, and the blessing of Dragon Boat Festival is sent to the heart; The Zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival is sticky, the Zongzi of the Dragon Boat Festival is full, and the greetings of the Dragon Boat Festival will not be late. Dragon Boat Festival is coming again. I wish you good health and good luck.


  I wish the "Dragon Boat Festival" a happy one: the bonus will double again, the career will be further developed, the popularity will rise, the health will be better, and there will be more beautiful women around.


  Let the wind blow away your melancholy, let the rain wash away your troubles, let the sun bring you warmth, let the moon bring you warmth, let friendship bring you happiness, let me give you unlimited greetings, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  I am delighted to buy and taste the fragrance of zongzi leaves during the Dragon Boat Festival. The red line is tied as precious as silver, with good luck and good mood. The blue line ties blessings like a sea, round and round families. The green line ties longevity like a mountain, full of vitality and good health.


  The same water brews different teas; The same glutinous rice produces different zongzi fragrances; The same wine produces a different taste; The same Dragon Boat Festival, but not the same blessing: may happiness knock your heart every day!


  People still exist, things still exist, and its Dragon Boat Festival again; Whether you want it or forget it, its just a greeting; Idle or busy, just be happy; Today is good, tomorrow is better, sincerely wish: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  When you open your eyes, I hope you can see my blessings and have a sunny mood; Before closing your eyes, I want you to receive my greetings, have a good dream in the evening, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  If a grain of rice represents missing you, I would rather be a handful of rice, thinking of you all the time; If a jujube represents love for you, I would like it to be a sweet jujube that sweetens you every minute. I will wrap around you for a long time during the Dragon Boat Festival!


  The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the colorful glow, facing the gentle breeze towards the sky. The gentle breeze sends the festival greetings to you far away. I wish you all the best for Dragon Boat Festival.


  Glutinous rice is sticky yearning, brown leaves are cool clothes, Dragon Boat is an auspicious express, sachets are happy packages, and the hot weather of Dragon Boat Festival has been blocked by joy. Of course, you dont want to be "hot"!


  Blessings are continuous, sincere and meaningful. Zongzi is round and sticky when eaten. The taste is always salty and sweet in the heart. Wishing you a sweet Dragon Boat Festival!


  Golden Zongzi, golden feeling, golden blessing to you; The golden festival, the golden you, the golden wealth dotes on you. May you walk the golden path of sunshine, carry golden good luck, and have a golden good mood. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Dragon Boat Festival has arrived, and I will send you a table of delicious dishes. I will serve you a plate of joyful fruits, with a happy smile on my face; Serve a cup of beautiful tea, endless happiness; A plate of auspicious cakes is served, bringing endless good luck; Serve a plate of safe zongzi for longevity and health.


  What is sent is only greetings, what is received is only text, what is opened is concern, happiness, and what is read is longing, blessings, and care. Have you all realized this? Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Sending is text, receiving is happiness, seeing is text message, missing is concern, opening is health, reading is auspiciousness, silently is blessings, wishing parents good health and a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  The stacked leaves of the rice dumplings are fragrant, the thick rice is thick, the red jujube is red, the hot Zongzi is hot, and the Dragon Boat Festival is festive!


  The ancients gave me pots and zongzi, a piece of true love is in it. Friends and family in Luoyang ask each other, a frozen heart in a jade pot; Endless friends celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, and infinite sincerity lies in the rice dumplings. Qingqing Zongye packs true feelings, wish you have a good mood, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  DragonBoat Festival is coming, I will send you a lucky Zongzi in advance. Collecting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, gathering the prosperity of the world, tailor-made for you. Whether its a joyful seasoning or a taste of happiness, may you taste it to your hearts content, ensuring your career success, physical health, peace and auspiciousness, and a long and exciting day!




  On the fifth day of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the fragrance of zongzi leaves wafts through the nose; Pieces of reeds and pieces of love, little red beans to send friendship; Red jujubes in every grain bring joy to the heart, while drops of realgar bring good fortune; Every year Dragon Boat Festival, every minute happy.


  Dragon Boat Festival gives you a big Zongzi, which has material: sincerity+happiness; Shelf life: 10000 years; Nutritional value: warmth+happiness+true feelings; Specially made for you! Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  Good Dragon Boat Festival, good Dragon Boat Festival, end dish end egg end Zongzi; Good Dragon Boat Festival, good Dragon Boat Festival, peaceful and auspicious; Good Dragon Boat Festival, good Dragon Boat Festival, with good blessings, noble values, and auspiciousness. Dragon Boat Festival, good mood, good life!


  Fate, let me meet you; Happy, let me familiarize myself with you; Worry, make me think of you; Friendship, let us be together; Information that I have to send to you; I wish you all the best and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  Zongzi is indispensable for the Dragon Boat Festival. The family gets together, and Zongzi is sweet and happy.


  Wrap up a Zongzi to share dreams and ideals; Send a Zongzi to convey the beauty and good friends; Have a Zongzi and start to be happy. I wish you happiness and good luck on Dragon Boat Festival.


  Bring you a lifetime of happiness, a lifetime of sweetness, a year of peace, a season of health, and a day of good luck. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will wrap a happy Zongzi with a healthy mung bean, a happy peanut, a beautiful red bean, and a happy condiment. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Every festival "Zong" thinks of you, and "Zong" is love between friends. On Dragon Boat Festival, "Zong" says "Zong" to bless you, and wish everything "Zong" is smooth, life "Zong" is happy, and everything "Zong" is beautiful.


  Smelling your scent, it feels sweet and fragrant. Looking at you, it feels charming. Reading your name feels familiar. Thinking of your days, feeling happy. Dont think too much, I mean Zongzi! Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you happiness!


  In fact, the sky is very blue, and dark clouds always disperse. In fact, dreams are shallow, and everything is natural. In fact, the sea is not wide. From one shore to the other, tears are also sweet. I wish you all the best. My idea is simple, as long as you are happy! Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  On May 5, after the Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi incense, Dragon Boat dance. Fragrant fragrance floats for thousands of miles, dancing with blessings. Wishing you a beautiful and colorful life; Career gains, bountiful harvest! Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, send a Zongzi to say hello, I wish you: work hard "zongzi" smoothly; Prosperous career, successful "zongzi"; A comfortable life, filled with rice dumplings; Worry free "zongzi" brings good luck. Preview: Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  One pound of peanuts and two pounds of dates, good luck often runs with you; Three pounds of apples and four pounds of pears, Lucky and you are inseparable; Five pounds of oranges and six pounds of bananas, with large bundles of banknotes in my pocket; Good luck on Dragon Boat Festival.


  Let the wind blow away your melancholy, let the rain wash away your troubles, let the sun bring you warmth, let the moon bring you warmth, let friendship bring you happiness, let me give you unlimited greetings, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Dragon Boat Festival arrives, with zongzi fragrant and life sweet like sugar wafting out; Dragon Boat racing, gongs and drums sounded, racing out of the cause to create brilliant; Inserting mugwort leaves, wearing sachets, bringing peace to the family and health to people; Drinking realgar, sending blessings, may you be happy and happy!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. It is wrapped in the sunshine of the golden age and wrapped around the rainbow of China. This Zongzi, which includes heaven and earth, is being opened by your thumb. Click on it, wealth will roll in, and good luck will surely come every day; Joyful events often come crashing into my arms!


  Dragon Boat Festival honey zongzi wafts fragrance, longing for home is long-lasting, wandering around heartbroken, taking the time to visit my mother, with a heart full of passion and hard work, two lines of tears often hanging, three greetings to send you, wishing you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival and returning home often!


  Bananas turn green and cherry red, time flies too quickly. In a blink of an eye, when Zongzi was fragrant again, I missed my hometowns Dragon Boat Festival.


  Dragon Boat Festival, eat Zongzi, wish you friendship and love sweet; Appreciating lion dance, may your body be strong and healthy; Sailing Dragon Boat, may you have a bright future in your work and career; On the fifth day of May, Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you happiness forever.


  The arrival of Dragon Boat Festival brings joy and laughter, and every household is bustling with festivities. Zongzi is fragrant for thousands of miles, and is delivered with great kindness. On the table with delicious wine and food, laughter and joy surround the table. Carrying a beautiful sachet with you is essential for curing diseases and eliminating disasters. Exciting to watch Dragon Boat, the cry is wonderful. May you have a happy Dragon Boat Festival, healthy and happy embrace!


  Days go by repeatedly, greeting each other sincerely and confidently. The holiday is swaying and leisurely, with a smiling face and a rotten welcome. Life is harmonious and beautiful, and happiness is intertwined with endless sweetness. Dragon Boat Festival, wish you a lot of happiness!


  No matter where you are at this time, look up at the mugwort leaf that you have forgotten for a long time, because it is full of my thoughts and blessings. I wish you a healthy and happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  On the Dragon Boat Festival on the fifth day of May, the blessing of thousands of miles arrived at the moment. I sent you Zongzi with the idea that I wish you happiness, success in your work, wealth, friendship and love, and happiness in your life.


  Time makes people savor the taste of waiting; Space, a beauty that makes people feel deeply concerned; Sometimes the blessing between people does not need words to reflect, so you can quietly appreciate my sincere greetings and wish Dragon Boat Festival good health!


  When the Dragon Boat Festival comes, I will send you sweet Zongzi: with gentle advice as filling, generous tolerance as rice, fragrant blessing as leaf, and then wrapped with the silk thread of friendship, I hope you can taste the beauty of life and the feelings of May 5!


  The sky was gray and the air was humid. He came to the riverside alone, faced the Miluo River, and jumped. Since then, a great poet named Qu Yuan has been lost in history, and a Dragon Boat Festival has been added.


  Summer is the season for fruits. Today, Im giving you a basket: Pingan is prosperous and prosperous, oranges are auspicious and auspicious, pears are like oranges, apricots are happy, persimmon affairs are smooth, nuclear family is happy, berries are troubled, and banana is a good friend. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Wishing you all the best in your career, a bountiful family, a colorful life, talented and knowledgeable individuals, and a prosperous afternoon carriage. With a sea of lakes and lakes, life is full of flavors, and everyone is devoted to your afternoon sports. Dragon Boat Festival!


  The sweet dumplings, blessing wrapped in wormwood leaves, Dragon Boat Festival, is willing to take your hand, watch the Dragon Boat, spend the festival together. Wishing you a youthful and beautiful "zongzi", and a happy and joyful "zongzi"!


  Happy waves make the heart roll, neither light nor salty; Your footsteps are imprinted on the beach, neither deep nor shallow; At the Dragon Boat Festival, Zongzi wrapped the wish and hung it in the coconut room. Take it off, dear, you will be happy every day.


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I will send you a Zongzi, which is packaged to make you happy; Using wealth as a material will help you accumulate wealth; Using happiness as a filling will make your life sweet. Wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  I am not rice leaves, but I still want to wrap you layer by layer. You are not teeth, I am not rice, but I still want to stick to you all my life. There are many rice dumplings, but I have countless blessings for you. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  I wish you a happy "Dragon Boat Festival": double your bonus, further develop your career, become more popular, be healthier, and have more beautiful women around you.


  Dragon Boat Festival to send you a Zongzi; With sincere care as the leaves, sincere blessings as the glutinous rice, sincere wishes as the stuffing, and then the silk thread of friendship as the winding, I hope you can taste the deep friendship in Zongzi and enjoy the Dragon Boat Festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will make a Zongzi for you with lucky rice+pistachios+beautiful beans+love dates+happy kernel+lucky honey+healthy sugar+worry free water+and wish your life as rich and sweet as its taste!


  Every festival, I miss my relatives and have no time to get close together. The Dragon Boat Festival is also a hard time. As long as we keep reading to each other, the ends of the earth are like neighbors. I wish all the relatives and friends in the world a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  I think missing you is a feeling, even in pain, one can still feel happy; Giving is an experience, even if it is lost, one will still feel it is worth it; Love is an experience, even if it is rough, it will feel beautiful, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  The light breeze of May brings a faint fragrance of zongzi, and the green zongzi leaves wrap around a strong sense of truth. Wandering through the years flowing in my heart, recalling the long-standing emotions, and celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival, the fragrance of zongzi blends with information. "zongzi" is thinking of you.


  A glass of fine wine overflows with joy and brings good fortune upon drinking; Zongzi, one, wafts out the fragrance, eats in the geniality; Send a text message, collect your popularity, and send out your loyalty! Luck generates luck, and harmony generates wealth. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  The smell of zongzi sticks and the sound of Dragon Boat blows. Duck eggs are golden and delicate, and everyones mood is sweet. Wish you happy, bright and beautiful smile on this Dragon Boat Festival!


  I always hope that happiness will embrace you; I always hope that health will be with you; I always hope that happiness will surround you; I always hope to do more for you. Bless you, my dear, Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival has docked, send a short message form to wish you good luck, send a string of Zongzi to wish you good luck, send a duck egg to wish you a happy life, round and round, send a lettuce to wish you money every day, and good luck revolves around!


  Money doesnt necessarily have to be a lot, as long as its basically enough; Its not necessary to keep in touch, just keep it hidden in your heart; Its not necessary to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival. Just have fun. So you must be happy on Dragon Boat Festival!


  The dragon boat sways gently, casting out countless thoughts and blessings. Tasting the dragon zongzi, one can taste a lifetime of happiness. The four seasons are safe, and the mugwort hangs leisurely. Every day is happy, and good luck is always present. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you happiness and health!


  A plain greeting like water, very light; A simple blessing like paper, very sincere; Pick a fragrant leaf, wrap a sweet Zongzi, and put it into a true message for you: Wish Dragon Boat Festival a healthy!


  Accidental busyness does not mean forgetting; May the arrival of summer bring you a happy mood; The greetings that were once left behind are compensated together at this moment; All the care condenses into this short message. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Hear the fragrance of wormwood leaves and drink more wine together. The fragrant rice dumpling conveys the love of the world. The realgar tastes good luck. Dragon Boat Festival has been popular for generations. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a happy and healthy life in advance.


  The blue sky represents longing, the green trees represent tranquility, the birds represent laughter, and the wind represents me walking slowly by your side! Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I give you happiness, wish you happy every day!


  What you send is words, what you receive is happiness, what you see is messages, what you dont see is concerns, what you open is health, what you read is auspiciousness, and what you silently read is blessings. I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!




  When you open your eyes, I hope you can see my blessings and wish you a sunny mood; Before closing your eyes, I want you to receive my greetings, have a good dream in the evening, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Your eyes penetrate the soul, your teachings illuminate the future, you are the messenger on the road of life, leading us towards the long cherished dreams. Dragon Boat Festival, please accept our heartfelt blessing: I wish you good health and everything goes well!


  Long time without contact does not mean no missing; Not greeting for a long time does not mean not caring; At this moment, I am thinking of you, just know it; The sunshine in early summer is brilliant, may your mood be happier. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Make the blessing into a Zongzi, wrap it in a happy way, follow the path of good luck, bring successful ideas, walk through the lane of yearning, walk into your little day at the Dragon Boat Festival, and give you happiness for a lifetime!


  May happiness be like a string of zongzi, tightly entwined with you; May happiness be like zongzi leaves, enveloping you in clusters; Happiness is like waves of zongzi fragrance, lingering around you for a long time. Sincerely wish the teacher: Dragon Boat Festival is happy, happy and happy!


  The ancients sent me pots and zongzi, with a genuine affection in it. Friends and family in Luoyang asked each other questions, while a frozen heart lay in a jade pot; Endless friends celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, and infinite sincerity lies in the rice dumplings. Qingqing Zongye packs true feelings, wish you have a good mood, teacher, Dragon Boat Festival well-being.


  Worshiping the Dragon Boat Festival and praying for good luck and peace every year; Eating Zongzi means reunion; Drink plenty of fine wine, hoping for a sweet and sweet day; Fine tasting rice dumplings, chewing happiness will never change. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, wish you happy every day!


  Ill give you a fragrant mugwort zongzi; Ill give you a mint flavored zongzi for a cool summer day; Send you a lotus seed zongzi, your body is twice as strong; Ill give you a ham zongzi, which is twice as appetizing. Dear teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I want to give you a garden. The garden is planted with a tree of wisdom, flowing with a spring of lotus, opening a flower of freedom, and building a bridge of luck. I wish you good luck and good mood, and you are healthy on Dragon Boat Festival.


  The mountain lies in immobility, the river lies in flow, life lies in movement, and love lies in transmission. You have moved me too much, teacher. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Wishing you happiness and happiness, teacher!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is Dragon Boat Festival; Ai Festival Dragon Boat Festival Summer Festival, or Dragon Boat Festival; Its the Dragon Boat Festival. Dragon Boat Festival, I wish you a prosperous day higher.


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I will give you a garden. The garden is planted with wisdom trees, flowing with lotus springs, blooming with free flowers, and building a lucky bridge. I wish you good luck and good mood, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy.


  The teacher is a beautiful picture, the flickering red candle is a story, the chalk is a cold life, the flowers bear fruit under his care, the golden autumn fields, witness the happiness of harvest, respected teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Light a heart lamp to illuminate the future of countless students; Sprinkle with enthusiasm, nurturing the fragrance of peaches and plums in the garden. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Students wish you a healthy holiday and say to you: Thank you!


  Wish is the wind! Happiness is a sail! Blessings are ships! May the wind blow up the sails of happiness, carrying a ship full of blessings, drifting towards the happy you, gently saying to you: You are happy, so I am happy! Dragon Boat Festival is exciting!


  A trace of sincerity is better than thousands of taels of gold, a trace of warmth can reach thousands of miles of frost, a warm and sweet greeting can send, a message can carry all my heart, dear teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is my greatest wish!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and my blessing is also coming. I send my most simple blessing in the simplest words. I wish you happy forever and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Thousands of rivers and mountains are filled with rice dumplings. Qu Yuan said thank you. The Dragon Boat Festival will see the Dragon Boat together, and family ties will not be far or near. I wish Dragon Boat Festival health and happiness forever.


  Zongzi incense, incense kitchen; The fragrance of mugwort leaves fills the hall; Peach branches are ed on the door, and when you go out, you can see the wheat turning yellow; Here is Duanyang, there is Duanyang, everywhere is Duanyang. Bless my dear teacher Dragon Boat Festival!


  Send Zongzi of Dragon Boat Festival; Untie the auspicious rope; Peel off the lucky zongzi leaves and reveal the happy glutinous rice; Tasting healthy fillings; Accompanied by happy sauce and vinegar; Just to bless teachers and have a healthy holiday!


  Suddenly, I smelled the fragrance of zongzi leaves again, and shared the wine for a longer time; Fragrant brown conveys worldly sentiments, while a light taste of realgar preserves auspiciousness; Dragon Boat Festival has been flourishing for generations. I wish teachers a healthy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!


  I sincerely use: a healthy mung bean, a happy peanut, a beautiful red bean, a healthy seasoning to make a happy dumpling for you. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  A sincerity is absolutely better than gold, a little warmth can be worth ten thousand frost, a greeting can send warmth and sweetness, a text message can send my heart, dear teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is my greatest wish!


  A trickle, like a teachers earnest teachings, never stops; Drops of sweat, like crystal clear dewdrops, nourish our growth! Dear teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is safe and healthy!


  I am a seedling, you are rain and dew, nourishing my dry heart. I am the grass, you are the sun, shining on my path of growth. Thank you, teacher, and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, Zongzi please come to taste the special blessings of honey: the first layer, Zongzi lucky possession, good luck; The second layer, sticky rice and lucky stars are close to you, bringing endless happiness; The third layer is a heart of deep love and happiness. Teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  Glutinous rice is the bond of longing, zongzi leaves are a refreshing decoration, red dates are auspicious spokespersons, and sachets are the title of happiness; Dragon Boat is a feast of happiness; Dragon Boat Festival is a busy leisure time, and blessings are the teachers wish. Wish the Dragon Boat Festival a happy and healthy life!


  The name carved on the wooden board may not be immortal, and the name carved on the stone may not last forever. But your name engraved in the depths of our hearts will truly live forever! Dear teacher, I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  A holiday, missing countless; A short message, wishing you all the best. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you a healthy holiday, and I wish you a healthy, happy, harmonious, and smooth life every day.


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, the more you look like a big Zongzi. Granular glutinous rice is pure in heart without additives. It is packed layer by layer in a beautiful, green and healthy way. The thin lines in circles are my long thoughts. Big Zongzi, I wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  Its almost Dragon Boat Festival, and Im brewing a bold plan, that is, I will also invest in the river, but dont be afraid! I pour my blessings and good luck into your beautiful river, gathering them into blessings. May you have a healthy holiday and happiness!


  Every festival dumplings miss relatives, Dragon Boat Festival is coming, how are you from afar? Are you still happy from afar? I use a short message full of wormwood and zongxiang to give my blessing, and wish you health and happiness on Dragon Boat Festival.


  Pieces of zongzi leaves, pieces of longing; Grain by grain glutinous rice, grain by grain true feelings; Sweet dates, sweet blessings! Use silk thread to string care together, use strands of Zongzi fragrance to string together, bless teachers when Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  A Dragon Boat, taking advantage of the wind of happiness in all directions, breaks the wave of good fortune in all corners of the world, and a string of dragon dumplings, with the taste of happiness throughout the four seasons and the hope of health throughout the year. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you happiness, happiness, comfort and peace in zong!


  A rose in the mood is enough; Spread blessings and blend into the heart; Full of floral fragrance and engraved with care; Every time I turn it over, warmth remains; True feelings will always be remembered with heart; Happy Dragon Boat Festival!


  In the future, whether I become a towering tree or a low shrub, I will bless you with the greenery of life, my teacher! Dragon Boat Festival!


  Pick a pile of mugwort leaves to ward off evil spirits, steam a pot of sweet Zongzi on the table, and fill a cup with a pot of good wine. The most important thing is to share my blessings with you on this beautiful Dragon Boat Festival.


  The afterglow of the setting sun reflects the colorful glow, facing the gentle breeze towards the sky. The gentle breeze sends the festival greetings to you far away. I wish you all the best and wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival.


  Wish is the wind! Happiness is a sail! Blessings are ships! The wind of wishes blows on the happy sails, carrying a ship full of blessings, drifting towards the happy you, gently saying to you: Thank you, teacher! Dragon Boat Festival!


  A teacher is like a chalk, in danger of being broken or even shattered at any time. But as long as there is one breath left, a just sentence will be left on the blackboard, and the voice of truth will be heard. Teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  A greeting, not missing in your heart; A blessing cannot tell you how much I miss you; A text message, difficult to express my longing for you! Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you and your family happiness!


  Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  Glutinous rice is white, may your wealth be like the East China Sea, joyful and joyful; Glutinous rice is sweet, may you smile and have good luck; Glutinous rice is fragrant, wishing you happiness and longevity, wealth and auspiciousness. Wish you a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  In front of the podium, cold and summer come and go, day after day, you earnestly teach and showcase your charm on the stage; In the campus, spring, summer, autumn and winter, year after year, you work hard to irrigate, and the garden is full of fragrance. The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, I wish you a world of peaches and plums!


  You are a diligent gardener, nurturing flowers; You are a life mentor, spreading the truth; You are a smart paintbrush that outlines beauty; You hope the candlelight will illuminate the future. Dragon Boat Festival: I wish teachers a healthy holiday!


  Your job is ordinary, but it is hailed as a shining profession under the sunshine; Your job is ordinary, yet you are known as the engineer of the human soul; You are our beloved teacher. Dragon Boat Festival is coming. I wish you a healthy holiday!


  Dragon Boat Festival gives you a Zongzi, with the blessing of zongzi leaves, to wrap the happiness of your whole life, dedicated love, bit by bit care, happy all the time, I wish you every success and family happiness!


  Every ray of sunshine is my blessing to you, every star is my eye that looks into you, and every drop of rain holds my deep longing for you. Teacher, Dragon Boat Festival is healthy!


  When the Dragon Boat Festival arrives, wrap a beautiful red, happy flowers, healthy green, and happy leaves into a happy dumpling for you, and wish Dragon Boat Festival a good health!


  If it werent for you, I wouldnt know my shortcomings; Without you, I cannot appreciate the joy of knowledge; Without you, I cannot hope for a better tomorrow. Teacher, thank you! Dragon Boat Festival!











幸福的句子 短的11-24
