

時間:2022-07-14 18:19:33 經典臺詞 我要投稿
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  公元2017年在經歷了一次毀滅性的大戰(zhàn)之后地球變成一片廢墟和荒蕪,人類移居到云層之上和外太空。60年后作為少數(shù)駐扎在地球的維修員之一,杰克哈珀(湯姆克魯斯 飾)和他的搭檔朱麗亞(安德麗亞·瑞斯波羅格 飾)的任務是維修地球上的戰(zhàn)爭機器以確保外星生物被清除。當天空墜落的飛船帶來 一位似曾相識女子(歐嘉·柯瑞蘭寇 飾),杰克的內心深處的記憶開始被喚醒。而他的生活也因此發(fā)生了一系列轉變,杰克開始懷疑他所知的一切。而之后一位神秘人物(摩根弗里曼 飾)的出現(xiàn)又會向杰克揭示他自己和人類怎樣的命運?



  Jack Harper: [to Julia] What aren&apost you telling me? WHO ARE YOU?

  Victoria: Only two more weeks, Jack, and we can finally leave and join the others. Please, don&apost take any chances...

  Malcolm Beech: I&aposve been watching you, Jack. You&aposre curious. What are you looking for in those books? Do they bring back old memories? Don&apost ask too many questions. They lied to you. It&aposs time to learn the truth.

  Malcolm Beech: [to Jack] If you&aposre looking for the truth, that&aposs where you&aposll find it.

  Julia: [awakes] Jack?

  Jack Harper: [in ruins of stadium] The last Super Bowl was played right here.

  Victoria: Please don&apost tell me it was a classic.

  Jack Harper: Classic game. 80,000 people on their feet. Seconds left on the clock. So Hubie throws a Hail Mary. Touchdown!

  Jack Harper: 60 years ago, Earth was attacked. We won the war, but they destroyed half the planet. Everyone&aposs been evacuated. Nothing human remains. We&aposre here for drone repair. We&aposre the "mop-up crew".

  Jack Harper: [readying his futuristic aircraft] This is Jack Harper. I&aposm good to go.

  Jack Harper: Is it possible to miss a place you&aposve never been? To mourn a time you never lived?

  Jack Harper: I want mankind to survive. This is the only way.

  Jack Harper: I know you, but we&aposve never met. I&aposm with you and I don&apost know your name. I know I&aposm dreaming, but it feels like more than that. It feels like a memory. How can that be?

  Jack Harper: The questions I ask - she doesn&apost, the things I wonder about - she won&apost.

  Jack Harper: I can&apost shake the feeling, that earth, inspite of all that&aposs happened, earth is still my home.

  Jack Harper: Oh no, come on, not my goddamn bike!

  Julia: I don&apost know what happened. But you are not who you think you are. Jack, we were here. You asked me to meet you and brought me up on top of the world. I could tell you were nervous that day. It was right here, Jack. You said: Look through here...

  Julia, Jack Harper: [together] ... and I&aposll show you the future.

  Jack Harper: Dream of us.

  Jack Harper: I wonder, if I come to you, at night - in dreams, in the day - as memories. Do I haunt your hours the way you haunted mine? And I wonder if you see me, when you look at her.

  Jack Harper: If we have souls, they&aposre made of the love we share. Undimmed by time, unbound by death.

  Malcolm Beech: You had me worried for a second. I thought you weren&apost coming back.

  Jack Harper: Well, I had to prove him wrong.

  Malcolm Beech: You look like shit.

  Jack Harper: Oh, you should see the other guy.

  Malcolm Beech: I told you, what you&aposd find out there. You&aposve thought I was crazy.

  Jack Harper: Oh, I still do.

  Jack Harper: Morning, boss.

  Sally: Tower 49, this is mission control. How are you all doing this lovely morning?

  Victoria: Another day in paradise, Sally. Uploading data now.

  Victoria: Be careful out there.

  Jack Harper: I always am.

  Victoria: No you&aposre not.

  Jack Harper: You&aposre right. I gotta work on that.

  Julia: Are we gonna die?

  Jack Harper: No!... Maybe!

  Jack Harper: You gonna miss me? I&aposm gonna miss this place. It would have been great. Would have been great.

  Malcolm Beech: That is one pissed off weapon.

  Jack Harper: No, it&aposs just a machine. I&aposm the weapon.

  Malcolm Beech: Oh, I would love to be there to see that things&apos face when this goes off.

  Jack Harper: Oh, that&aposll be a one way trip.

  Malcolm Beech: Yeah! But it be worth it.

  Jack Harper: How can a man die better...

  Sally: You don&apost have to die, Jack. She doesn&apost have to die.

  Jack Harper: Everybody dies, Sally. The thing is, to die well.

  Sally: There&aposs been a pattern of insubordinate behavior recently.

  Jack Harper: Yeah. I feel bad about that.

  Sally: Are you an effective team?

  Malcolm Beech: Welcome back, Commander.










