

時(shí)間:2023-04-01 22:21:54 愛情經(jīng)典語錄 我要投稿
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  1.愛情如酒,醉過方知酒濃,愛過才知情深。其實(shí),再濃的酒都有水份,再深的愛都有保留。喝下不全是酒,得到的也許還有遺憾。酒容易醉,愛容易心碎。 "Love is like wine, concentrated wine drunk we know, loved discovered Wife. In fact, re-concentrated wine has water, then deep love have reservations. Incomplete drink wine, get perhaps regret. Drunk wine easy, easy to love heartbreak. "

  2.世界上最永恒的幸福就是平凡,人生中最長久的擁有就是珍惜。 "The world's most eternal happiness is extraordinary, has the longest life is cherished. "

  3.真正的愛情并不一定是他人眼中的完美匹配,而是相愛的人彼此心靈的相互契合。是為了讓對(duì)方生活得更好而默默奉獻(xiàn),這份愛不僅溫潤著他們自己,也同樣溫潤著那些世俗的心。 "True love is not necessarily a perfect match for the eyes of others, but people who love each other mutual fit mind. Is to let each other live better and quiet dedication, this love not only their own warm, too warm the hearts of those secular. "

  4.男人想做女人的初戀情人,女人想做男人的最后情人。 "Men want a woman's first love, a woman wants a man's last lover. "

  5.有一種默契叫做心照不宣;有一種感覺叫做妙不可言;有一種幸福叫做有你相伴;有一種思念叫做望眼欲穿。 There is a tacit agreement called tacit; There is a feeling called wonderful; There is a well-known have your companions; There is a yearning called wistfully.

  6.獲得愛情你可以隨便用什么辦法,而保持愛情卻需要智慧。 "You can easily get love what way, but they need to keep the love of wisdom. "

  7.愛情就是這樣,她讓我們何時(shí)何地都惦念著對(duì)方,如果惦念淡沒了,消失了,愛情也就結(jié)束了。 "Love is so, when and where she let us all thinking about each other, if miss the light is gone, gone, the love is over. "

  8.友情,由時(shí)間去考驗(yàn)好了,千萬不要由自己的失意去考驗(yàn)。 "Friendship, by the test of a good time to go, do not go to the test by yourself frustrated. "

  9.真正的愛情不僅要求相愛,而且要求相互洞察對(duì)方的內(nèi)心世界。 "True love requires not only love, but also for mutual insight into each other's inner world. "

  10.愛情就是兩個(gè)人互相的征服,惟有征服才能保持長久的愛情。 "Love is two people to each other to conquer, only to conquer in order to maintain long-term love. "

  11.愛情有吸引力,婚姻有約束力。想要逃離兩者只會(huì)白費(fèi)力。 "Attractive love, marriage binding. Both will want to escape the White effortless. "

  12.如果你真愛一個(gè)人,就要愛他原來的樣子──愛他的好,也愛他的'壞:愛他的優(yōu)點(diǎn),也愛他的缺點(diǎn),絕不能因?yàn)閻鬯,就希望他變成自己所希望的樣子?"If you love a person, we should love him like the original ─ ─ love his good, his bad love: love of his strengths, but also love his shortcomings, must never love him, want him to become their own desired look. "

  13.人類總想知道愛情是什么??可最終才明白,愛情只是一種追求,根本無需知道答案。 "The total human wondering what love is? ? May eventually came to realize that love is just a pursuit, no need to know the answer. "

  14.愛就是在平淡的,真實(shí)的生活里,就是冬天有個(gè)給你暖被窩的人,生氣時(shí)和你吵架的人,寂寞時(shí)陪你打發(fā)時(shí)間的人,晚歸時(shí)家里等待你的那盞燈光。 "Love is in the plain, real life, is there to give you a warm winter blanket of people, when you get angry and fight people, lonely people pass the time with you, waiting for you at home when coming home the lamp light. "

  15.愛情是這樣一種東西:當(dāng)你需要它的時(shí)候,它是一杯檸檬茶——酸甜苦;當(dāng)你不需要它的時(shí)候,它又是一杯白水,淡得近乎讓人覺得有點(diǎn)煩。 "Love is such a thing: when you need it, it is a cup of lemon tea - sweet and bitter; when you do not need it, it is also a cup of white water, light, almost feels irritated. "


  1.愛情本來就不復(fù)雜,來來去去不過三個(gè)字,不是我愛你,我恨你,便是算了吧。你好嗎?對(duì)不起。 "Love is not that complicated, but the words come and go, not I love you, I hate you, is to forget it. How are you? I'm sorry. "

  2.愛情是一種感覺,用任何的東西來修飾它,用任何的語言來裝飾它都不恰當(dāng)因?yàn)樗莾蓚(gè)相愛的人之間的一種感應(yīng)。 "Love is a feeling, to modify any of the things it used to decorate it in any language is not appropriate because it is a sensor between two people in love. "

  3.愛一個(gè)人意味著什么呢?這意味著為他的幸福而高興,為使他能更幸福而去做需要做的一切,并從中得到快樂。 "What does it mean to love someone? This means that for his happiness and happy, everything to make him happy and do more needs to be done, and learn to be happy. "

  4.一個(gè)人痛苦的時(shí)候,就會(huì)想起自己以前也曾令人痛苦。 A person suffering they will have painfully reminded of his past.

  5.一個(gè)女子愛上一個(gè)男子的時(shí)候,決不會(huì)看出他的缺點(diǎn)來。 "A woman in love with a man, I will never come to see his shortcomings. "

  6.愛是包容而不是放縱,愛是關(guān)懷而不是寵愛,愛是相互交融而不是單相思,愛是百味而不全是甜蜜。 "Love is inclusive rather than indulgence, love is caring and not loved, love interacting with each other instead of unrequited love, love is not all sweet Barilla. "

  7.你愛一個(gè)人,也可以用另一種方式擁有,讓愛人成為生命里的永恒回憶。 "You love a person, you can also have another way, let love become eternal life memories. "

  8.愛情是最美好的夢(mèng),壯麗著每個(gè)人的人生。無論你是青年還是老年,無論你是離異還是獨(dú)身都不要打破自己的愛情夢(mèng)。讓心中的太陽溫暖生命,你就會(huì)永遠(yuǎn)年輕。 "Love is the most beautiful dream, stunning everyone's life. Whether you are young or old, whether you are divorced or celibacy are not to break their love dream. Let the sun warm the heart of life, you will be forever young. "

  9.真正的愛情是什么?它是一種信任,不是猜疑。懦弱的心理和猜疑,只會(huì)讓對(duì)方離你越來越遠(yuǎn)。 "What is true love? It is a trust, not suspicion. Psychological cowardice and suspicion, will only make you farther and farther away from each other. "

  10.一段不被接受的愛情,需要的不是傷心,而是時(shí)間,一段可以用來遺忘的時(shí)間。一顆被深深傷了的心,需要的不是同情,而是明白。 An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but sometime for forgetting. A badly hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.

  11.真正的愛,就是愿為對(duì)方付出一切,而不求任何回報(bào)。 "True love, the other side is willing to give up everything, without expecting anything in return. "

  12.對(duì)于世界而言,你是一個(gè)人;但是對(duì)于某個(gè)人,你是他的整個(gè)世界。 "To the world you may be one person;, but to one person you may be the world. "

  13.愛情就像嚼口香糖。剛開始時(shí)候它是甜的,嚼著嚼著你就覺的它沒味兒了,甚至還會(huì)有點(diǎn)兒發(fā)苦,最后就該吐掉了。 "Love is like chewing gum. Beginning when it was sweet, chewing chewing you feel it a bit damp, or even a little bitter, and finally in relation to spit up. "

  14.心靈不在它生活的地方,但在它所愛的地方。 "The mind is not where it lives, but it is love. "

  15.別因?yàn)榧拍e(cuò)愛,別因?yàn)殄e(cuò)愛而寂寞一生。 "Do not be lonely and indulgence, not because of indulgence and lonely life. "

  16.你以為放手可以成全我的.幸福,可你不知道我最大的幸福就是和你手牽手。 "Do you think you can let go and fulfill my happiness, but you do not know my greatest happiness is, and you hand in hand. "

  17.愛情不是強(qiáng)扭的,幸福不是天賜的。幸福的愛情需要用心去培育。 "Love is not a horse, happiness is not providential. Happy love needs careful to cultivate. "

  18.時(shí)間與記憶背道而馳,記憶被投遞到虛無之中,開始成為無始無終。 "Time and Memory contrary, memory has been delivered to nothingness, became no beginning or end. "

  19.毫無經(jīng)驗(yàn)的初戀是迷人的,但經(jīng)得起考驗(yàn)的愛情是無價(jià)的。 "No experience of love is fascinating, but stand the test of love is priceless. "

  20.愛情就像公共汽車,你等待的那一趟永遠(yuǎn)都不開來,你不等的卻總是接二連三。 "Love is like a bus, you wait for a trip that never open, but you always come in threes ranging. "

  21.其實(shí)在愛情問題上,男人比女人更清醒,他們會(huì)把感情問題放在合理的位置,而女人很容易把感情當(dāng)成生活的全部。 "In fact, on the question of love, men are more conscious than women, they would emotional problems in a reasonable position, but it is easy to put the feelings of a woman as a whole of life. "

  22.愛情是一種讓人時(shí)而煩惱時(shí)而幸福的東西。 Love is a sometimes thing people worry sometimes happy.

  23.女人比較不那么容易有欲念,對(duì)著自己心愛的男人,有時(shí)候一個(gè)溫柔的擁抱已勝過一切激情。 "Women are more likely to have less desire, facing his beloved man, sometimes a gentle hug was better than all the passion. "

  24.如果你想被別人愛,你首先必須使自己值得愛,不是一天,一個(gè)星期,而是永遠(yuǎn)。 "If you want to be loved, you must first make yourself worthy of love, not a day, a week, but forever. "

  25.真正的愛情能夠鼓舞人,喚醒他內(nèi)心沉睡著的力量和潛藏著的才能。 "True love can inspire people, wake up sleeping with his inner strength and hidden talents. "


  1.其實(shí)在愛情問題上,男人比女人更清醒,他們會(huì)把感情問題放在合理的位置,而女人很容易把感情當(dāng)成生活的全部。 "In fact, on the question of love, men are more conscious than women, they would emotional problems in a reasonable position, but it is easy to put the feelings of a woman as a whole of life. "

  2.愛,從來就是件千回百轉(zhuǎn)的事,不曾被離棄,不曾受傷害,怎么懂得愛人。 "Love is never turn back thousands of pieces of things, had not been abandoned, have not been hurt, how to understand love. "

  3.愛情僅僅是一種感覺,是在擁有的時(shí)候讓我們快樂,失去的時(shí)候讓我們痛苦的感覺。沒有了感覺也就不會(huì)有愛情。愛情是快樂與悲傷的綜合體,愛情是甜蜜與痛苦的代名詞。 "Love is just a feeling, is happy to have the time to let us lose when we feel pain. No feeling there would be no love. Love is a combination of joy and sadness, love is synonymous with sweet and bitter. "

  4.愛情,就像咖啡,苦中有甜,甜中帶苦,令人回味無窮。 "Love, like coffee, bitter sweet, bittersweet, memorable. "

  5.真正愛一個(gè)人是無法說出原因的,你只知道無論何時(shí)何地心情好壞,你都希望這個(gè)人陪著你;真正的感情是兩人能在最艱苦中相守,也就是沒有絲毫要求。 "Really love a person is unable to give a reason, you just know when and where the mood is good or bad, you want this person with you; genuine feelings are both able to spend in the most difficult, that is not the slightest requirements. "

  6.即使不能善待,但那依舊是恩慈,只是幻覺稀薄,即使再劇烈,仍只是煙花,留下的不過一地冰冷的塵埃。 "If not treat, but still gracious, just an illusion thin, even if severe, still only fireworks, but a place to stay in the cold dust. "

  7.人的美并不在于外貌衣服和發(fā)式,而在于他的本身,在于他的心,要是人沒有內(nèi)心的美,我們常常會(huì)厭惡他漂亮的外表。 "America is not the person's clothes and hair style looks, but because of his own, that his heart, and if people do not have inner beauty, we often loathe his beautiful appearance. "

  8.要是有人追求,世界上沒有一個(gè)女人不是飄飄然的。正因?yàn)檫@樣,女人才會(huì)那么迷死人。 "If someone pursuit, not a woman is not smug world. Because of this, women will then awesomeness. "

  9.從前有一個(gè)男孩和一個(gè)女孩,男孩對(duì)女孩說如果我有一碗粥,我會(huì)把其中一半給你。女孩長大后,嫁了人,但她總是想起男孩的話,她覺得那才是她一生中的最愛。 "Once there was a boy and a girl, the boy told the girl if I had a bowl of porridge, I'll give you half. After the girls grew up, married a man, but she always remembered the boy's words, she felt that her life is the favorite. "

  10.看中了就不應(yīng)太挑剔,因?yàn)閻矍椴皇窃诜糯箸R下做成的。 "Fancy it should not be too picky, because love is not made ??under a magnifying glass. "

  11.愛情不是花蔭下的甜言,不是桃花源中的蜜語,不是輕綿的眼淚,更不是死硬的強(qiáng)迫,愛情是建立在共同語言的基礎(chǔ)上的。 "Love is not sweet words Huayin, not Utopia of sweet words, not light cotton tears, forcing more than diehard, love is based on a common language. "

  12.所有的單身都有一個(gè)好借口。 All singles have a good excuse.

  13.男人應(yīng)該找個(gè)他愛的人做妻子,女人應(yīng)該找一個(gè)愛她的人做老公。 "Men should find a wife who loves him, a woman should find a man to love her husband to do. "

  14.男人應(yīng)該找個(gè)他愛的人做妻子,女人應(yīng)該找一個(gè)愛她的人做老公。 "Men should find a wife who loves him, a woman should find a man to love her husband to do. "

  15.真愛令人容光煥發(fā),想要為了心上的人做得更好,變得更好,因?yàn)橛辛藢?duì)方的青睞的眼光,就好像渾身抹了潤滑油,上足了發(fā)條,干什么都不覺得的累,干什么都想干得完美。 "Love makes radiant, heart who wants to do better, to get better, because the eyes of each other's favor, as if covered with oil wiped on the foot of the winding, do not feel tired, do want done perfectly. "

  16.愛就是打開心扉,讓它自由地流淌,讓對(duì)方看得到聽得到感受得到。 "Love is to open your heart and let it flow freely, let the other see hear feel it. "

  17.一個(gè)人無聊稱之為無聊,兩個(gè)人無聊就變成了。 "A person called boring boring, two people became bored. "

  18.真正的愛情是什么?它是一種給與,不是索取。一味的強(qiáng)占和索取,只會(huì)讓對(duì)方感到壓抑可怕。 "What is true love? It is a giving, not taking. Dispossession and requests blindly, will only make him feel terrible repression."

  19.愛情就是給你所愛的'人幸福,就是你自己的幸福。只要她幸福快樂,自己苦一點(diǎn)又何妨。 "Love is to give the person you love happiness is your own happiness. As long as she was happy, then why not own a little bitter. "

  20.喜歡一個(gè)人,是不會(huì)有痛苦的。愛一個(gè)人,也許有綿長的痛苦,但他給我的快樂,也是世上最大的快樂。 "Like a person, there will not be painful. Love a person, may have lingering pain, but he gave me joy, but also the world's greatest joy. "

  21.愛情來到的時(shí)候,你會(huì)感到她的一切都會(huì)牽動(dòng)著你的心,對(duì)她的關(guān)心勝過自己。對(duì)她的思念,一刻也沒有停止過。 "Love comes, you will feel everything she touches your heart, than for her own care. Her thoughts, have never stopped. "

  22.愛一個(gè)人就是,做了她自己都不能下咽的飯菜時(shí),你卻津津有味地吃著,一邊說女友做的比外面的好吃多了,然后又偷偷地再吃別的東西。 "Love a person is, do not swallow her own meals when you ate it with relish, while saying his girlfriend do more delicious than the outside, and then secretly eat something else. "

  23.世間可以流逝一切,愛卻可以永駐,盡管愛的那么憂傷。只有記憶,將會(huì)以一種深刻的不可觸及的形式,存留在心里。 "The passage of all the world can be, but love can be forever, although love so sad. Only memories, will not be touched in a profound form, remain in my heart. "

  24.暗戀最偉大的行為,是成全,你不愛我,但我成全你。真正的暗戀是一種事業(yè),不因他遠(yuǎn)離你而放棄,沒有這種情操,就不要輕信暗戀。 "Crush the greatest act is perfect, you do not love me, but I have done to you. The real crush is a cause, not because he was away from you and give up, no such sentiment, do not believe crush. "

  25.當(dāng)你真心愛一個(gè)人時(shí),那人除了有崇高的才能外,他還有一些可愛的弱點(diǎn)這也是你愛他的重要關(guān)鍵。 "When you really love a person, that person in addition to the noble, but he still has some lovely weaknesses you love him and this is the key. "




愛情浪漫的經(jīng)典句子 唯美浪漫的愛情語錄10-20






