1) 如果人多,就動作神態(tài),物體帶著寫,能寫則寫,不會寫別去送死,比如2009年的那次“網(wǎng)絡(luò)”,既然不會寫外面的那個蜘蛛網(wǎng),就從屋里的人物寫,干嗎那么實誠?The picture above depicts many youngsters, who are sitting in therooms of their own. Some of them are staring at their computer screens, whereasthe others are playing video games or chatting with their friends. Obviously,all of them seem greatly interested in the cyber world around. (那個蜘蛛網(wǎng)明明是障眼法,能寫則寫,不能寫就換個角度。)

2) 如果人少,咱就動作、神態(tài),加個心理分析,無非是悲觀、樂觀、(形容詞別is/are/變成becomeincreasingly…, full of…/seem to/be…/appear…/look…)一些物體詞匯能寫則寫,不寫放棄。2008年那年的考題,不會寫拐杖怎么辦:The picture above depicts two youngsters, who are standing shoulderto shoulder. Hand in hand, they are moving steadily forward along a path.However, neither of them seems to be depressed and anxious. Rather, both of thembecome increasingly self-confident and cheerful, even though they each haveonly one leg.(注意這里的幾個處理方法:1)考生其實不會寫拐杖,不要硬寫,因為那樣基本就“死菜”了。有考生考上后跟我說:“我本來就不會寫拐杖,那么何必想這個詞怎么寫呢?還不如大膽猜想這兩個人的情緒。2)不會寫殘疾人,就寫心情。沒看見什么disabled, handicapped這類的所謂大詞,但是考官基本上能看懂,不會給你滿分,但是也不會給你低分。)
3) 如果是物體動物為中心,那可能得寫象征點主題:至少得留一個主動用法、一個被動用法備用,如standfor, can be regarded as a symbol as,用這幾個詞點主題就行了。如果根本沒有主題歸納的意識,這種文章的描述就會寫得比較少,因為內(nèi)容本身沒有什么可描述的,用象征直接點中心思想就可以,不要“糾纏”。
The picture highlight a focal social point, that is, friendship andcommunication is indispensable.(錯誤1)
To begin with, it is not only beneficial for advance of a nation, but alsoessential for development of a person.(錯誤2)
What is more, it can teachpeople treat others with sympathy, sincerity and love. Still, it can helppeople obtain more opportunities in the competition and achieve themselves inthe prospective career. Last but not the least, it will certainly exertpositive influence on sustainable development of society.(錯誤3)
點評:雖然考生在上述段落中用了一些難詞,比如indispensable,essential,sympathy, sincerity, 但是得分仍然不高。從語法單詞的角度看,這篇文章的錯誤似乎并不多,但是文章將主題句寫成了friendship and communication is indispensable,可是2008年文章主題是“合作”,考官閱讀時肯定會有一種文不對題的感覺。這篇文章告訴我們,如果考生在沒有看懂題目的情況下就開始寫作,即使寫了象indispensable這樣的“大詞”,語法結(jié)構(gòu)也沒有錯誤,只要是文不對題,考官仍然會毫不客氣地給出低分。因為看不到合作(或者那么是合作的近義詞)考官就會立刻失去耐性,認(rèn)為你根本就沒看懂題目,他“失性”、你“猝死”。
建議:這個考生的寫作基礎(chǔ)其實并不弱,背得也不錯,但是他拿到文章之后,沒有通過題目中的文字暗示判定寫作主題,而是很隨意地按照自己的想法,而不是文章的主題詞寫作。其實這個同學(xué)只要明確文章的主題“合作”,然后把句子重新組織一下就可以了,具體寫法如下:The primary purpose of this picture is to show(套話要少寫)that a growing number of people have come to realize thatcooperation is not only necessary, but also indispensable for one’s career.(首句用“重要性”的句子點題,) As a result, theyincreasingly stress the fundamental role of cooperation in their career(延伸句1) By doing so, they can improve working skills necessary for theirprospective career, gradually fitting into a competitive society and carvingtheir career. (延伸句2) Still, cooperation enhances mutualunderstanding between people, thus providing them with mental comfort as wellas spiritual back-up.(延伸句3)Tosum up, in today’s world, nothing is more importantthan cooperation (尾句要和主題呼應(yīng),可以換寫和“重要性”有關(guān)的句子,做到首尾呼應(yīng),中間展開。)