

時(shí)間:2023-03-26 20:49:23 自我評價(jià) 我要投稿
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  1, in tourism, traffic is always an important factor affecting the satisfaction of tourists.

  (1) As people pay more and more attention to time, so go out as much as possible on the road to spend less time has become a lot of people choose the first principle of transport.

  Our practice is to take "gradually northward" strategy, so take the train is the middle line of travel in the more appropriate means of transport to use. In fact, the current long-term travel options have taken a considerable proportion of the aircraft, under normal circumstances, few people will choose the ship as a tourist transport, choose to take the train tourists have reduced the trend. In the middle of tourism, almost the plane and the train par, as the ship, only a small proportion. This is the development trend of the choice of the entire tourism transport.

  (2) At the same time, comfort is beginning to affect the choice of means of transport, as economic conditions improve.

  Therefore, long-term tourists are willing to fly, compared with the train, more comfortable tourist trains will be more welcomed by tourists. In some lines, people prefer to ship rather than faster trains, it is standing on whether to consider the perspective of comfort. Our internship process, in between the attractions and foothold between the means of transport is also used in public transport or rental. To make class (also known as the team) to collective activities, then choose a comfortable rental is clearly not the best way. By contrast, crowded bus noisy, most of the time the lack of seats. The work arrangements for the teachers and students of the temporary rest requirements are unfavorable. This is the contradiction between the team's collective activities and the comfort of the visitors. In order to coordinate the relationship between the two, and the next factor is inseparable.

  (3) the price. Price issues I am afraid the choice of transport is still crucial.

  You can see a lot of tourists choose to take the train just because its cost is much lower than the plane, the price factor restricts the rapid increase in the number of tourists by plane. After all, whether the economy or most people must consider and face the problem. For example, we are students, the purpose of internships from the tourism learning, sentiment, discovery, so we will choose the price of transport, did not choose the high price of transport.

  So, in fact, visitors rely on their choice of transport is their inner needs. Visitors need is not only save money and convenient, but also comfortable travel. The perfect combination of these three is not realistic, the comfortable natural means of transport prices high, convenient and fast way tourists do not necessarily adapt.

  So I think travel companies, travel agencies and related departments in the development and planning of a route, we must first investigate the distinction between the larger people for tourism and how to look at the choice of transport. You need to first clear why this tourist route is the identity, or what age people design, the equivalent of the same type of tourist tours, will allow visitors to choose the means of transport to maintain relative consistency.

  (4) how to find the point of convergence of traffic and tourism will also have an impact on tourists directly.

  This is very important, such as our internship process, Yulin - Dongsheng this section of the road we take the means of transportation along the scenery is very beautiful, you can see the grasslands and yurts, so that the "car scenery" The way tourists will be injected into the psychological freshness, coupled with the scenery along the way, visitors will not easily feel the time in the car is very slow and have a sense of fatigue, will get to the destination to get off after the tour Process to add new vitality. On the one hand it is also a good way to visit the tour, on the other hand to meet the needs of tourists.

  In this regard, the waterway should be able to learn, the Yangtze River passenger liner company has launched a holiday boat, short and full tour will bring more power to the tourism industry.

  It appears that the key to success is how to target the needs of tourists in the new situation. And traffic is always related to the needs of tourists and tourists affect the important factors of satisfaction. For different types, the identity of the tourists to choose a different means of transport is to respect the self-expression of tourists. At the same time, the use of the characteristics of the means of transport to develop, develop new tourism projects is tourism and tourism relations between the sublimation.

  2, as the tourism industry, design a good tourist routes, travel planning is one of the important part.

  (1), the designer should be based on different needs of tourists to design a unique line.

  For example, many businessmen also need to travel around to discuss their business, they travel mostly motivated by business, consumption is higher, living in high-end hotels, and come and gone; and retired elderly tourist routes should be easy, Leisure, slower pace, moderate cost and so on.

  The key to the design of tourist routes is to adapt to market demand, in particular, it must maximize the needs of tourists, such as the minimum cost, the most convenient schedule and so on. Therefore, attention should be paid to the psychological and physiological needs of the main tourist activities, to facilitate the tourism activities, to improve the satisfaction and the enthusiasm of tourists, and to promote the sustainable development of tourism.

  (2), the design of tourist routes should follow the "gradual" principle.

  In order to meet the needs of the tourism market, we should try to rely on the original traffic lines, according to the existing tourism development base and the abundance of tourism resources, characteristics degree, combination degree and location conditions, differentiated and focused to determine the line step by step , Echelon development, to adapt to the sustainable development of tourism needs.

  For example, when we visited the river in Ankang that is here to be developed, will be built to the well-being of the tourism industry is not a small benefit; in Xunyang, the station is very simple, difficult to compare with other urban railway stations. And since there are sites in the Xunyang set, indicating that this is a traffic fork, if you can tap the development of Xunyang location and its surrounding areas of tourism potential resources, if you can make a ruin into a tourist destination, to bring considerable benefits, and thus To achieve the purpose of building a better Xunyang, then this is the travel route design, tourism development.

  (3) travel itinerary is a concrete manifestation of tourism routes, improve the tourism itinerary so that tourism is worthy of the name.

  The internship, the itinerary is compact, no neglect arrears and other phenomena, so that we realize that as a tourist, he needs to feel full in the tourism and overwhelmed but there is no cursory. One day for a city's rapid itinerary can not help but produce two voices, "so that visitors quickly into the next destination, compact and substantial", "so that visitors feel nothing but visited the"

  So I think, in the itinerary should be done in an orderly, detailed slightly properly. Which city, the main attractions and attractions with characteristics, it is worthy of our stay. The so-called brand loud, prominent features, is largely embodied in the theme, such a place, the city enough to allow visitors to linger. And not very distinctive tourist attractions do not need to spend time. Such a detailed a little, slightly contrasting detailed, and then increase the perceived opportunities of tourism, tourism, greatly increased the rate of re-visit.

  (4) If the "line" put down to a simple travel in the road, on the train, aircraft and other means of transport, tour guide staff is to ease the fatigue of tourists, relax the mood of the steering wheel of tourists.

  For different types of tourists for different activities, riddles, magic, etc., to deal with tourists due to tourism excitement, fatigue, irritability and other emotions. But at the same time to find the right time, when the tourists generally need to rest when tired, the tour guide is best not to disturb. The internship in the train on the way, the teacher led us to participate in a number of games, which are very good to ease our long journey of burnout.

  Now, tourism has become more and more consumer fashion, the rapid development of the tourism market, through this internship, I learned to practice the process as a tourism product (tourist routes), to experience the problems of this product, and its analysis.

  The effective implementation of this internship program can not do without the strong support of the school and the mentor's well-intentioned. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the team members.

  Tourists travel mostly to visit mountains and rivers, places of historic interest and scenic beauty, easy, entertainment, growth is their main knowledge needs. Timely grasp the tourism market dynamics, pay attention to new products, new lines of development, and in accordance with market conditions in a timely manner to introduce new unique tourist routes. At the same time for different types of tourists choose the appropriate travel transport. Is an important driving force for the vigorous development of tourism. I think, with the development of society and the tourism sector on the development of tourism efforts, China's tourism industry is bound to have a beautiful future


  When the tour guide, every day to explain, stop greeting guests, stop to worry about have been accustomed to, but I am pleased, very excited, in the process of the tour, learned a lot, especially the kind of Their physical and mental return to the natural feeling. The most important thing is the love of the job! Everyone has their own life, our life is full of challenges, we kept the spur their own, to master more knowledge for guests from all over the place to offer our best quality explanation! At the end of the tour, guests can feel that the introduction of the tour guide in Beijing, access to a lot of knowledge, and even guests can get the admiration of the eyes, it is our most sense of accomplishment.

  But do any work will encounter bumpy, especially the tour guide of this career, different guests will bring us different feelings, some of our work to support or understand, but some people will be very do not understand!Encounter these people we must learn to adjust their own mentality, we must be good at work to find fun! Because do not like the guests have to get along day and night for several days, together with their sulking, as happy that peace, so the mentality is very important!

  Second, to have good communication with the guests, so that their work will be of great help. I think this is very important, this determines your work tasks can be successfully completed. Guests come out to play is happy, want them to work with you is to make them happy, so the task is not difficult to complete, of course, some exceptions, I suggest or do not have a positive conflict with them, you can let Quanpei To adjust, or let the guests internal digestion, if it is not, it will only give up! But I believe that the vast majority of guests are still quite reasonable!

  Learning is a very serious thing, to not be the slightest careless and careless. In particular, foreign-related work, should lead to the importance of tour guides, so as not to make a joke, a fool. Therefore, I pay special attention to their own academic accomplishment, extensively read all kinds of books, to expand their knowledge; at the same time pay attention to updating knowledge, and constantly enrich themselves and keep up with the pace of the times; I often copy the valuable knowledge or Cut down, and actively write all kinds of manuscripts, to improve their writing skills.

  There must be paid to pay, when we are full of enthusiasm with their own knowledge to visitors on the Yandangshan scenic spots to win the applause of tourists, when we tearfully reluctantly sent tourists to get the praise of tourists, when When visitors inviting us to their hometowns, we indulge in excitement again and again. At the same time the heart has once again determined to complete the practice of the successful completion of the determination.

  Guide is a miscellaneous, what needs to know some, so the tour guide is difficult to do this, it is difficult to deal with people every day, difficult to use the knowledge so that guests impressed, difficult to go to coordinate the driver, Quanpei, tour operators, and If you do not have a sense of responsibility, there is no love for the tour guide work is definitely not qualified for this work. In the process of the delegation, I was disappointed, a loss, have been some innocent of the blame, unfair criticism, unreasonable criticism, but more is in which to experience the wonderful and joy, from which to get Experience and inspiration.

  These not only my mental state has been sublimated, but also let me know that many can not learn from the book of the true meaning of life. So I love their work more, willing to threw himself into the work, to pursue, to explore, to achieve the ideal of the heart! We love this work, we also enjoy the work it brings us the fun!


  Guide work personal self-identification years in the past, review the work of the past year, I in company leaders and colleagues with the support and help, the successful completion of the company each mission mission assigned. Do their best to do a good job explaining the work of each attraction, and strive to achieve 100% satisfaction with tourists, as the reputation of Sanyuan International Travel Service; and the future development, contribute their own strength. Through this year's work and learning, my personal work model has a new breakthrough, work has also been a big change, now a year since the work is summarized as follows:

  1. In the process of guiding tour groups to visit scenic spots, it is no longer just a single explanation of the history of the attractions, but with Tianjin in recent years the development of the situation, and the future development plan system to explain to visitors, and then show a combination of modern and modern, Development of Tianjin.

  2. To deepen the exchange with the tourists, in the shortest possible time into the tourists. And like to accompany the family as the whole group to treat every visitor, as far as possible to meet the requirements of tourists, with an open mind to listen to the recommendations of tourists to the best service for every visitor happy and satisfied.

  3. In the context of travel agencies, for my agency and individuals to fight for the greatest economic benefits.

  4. In the course of their work, I continue to like my colleagues and other travel agencies tour guides learn from the advanced mode of delegation, enrich their own cultural accomplishment, and then improve their operational capacity.

  5. In the case of receiving a notice from the dispatching agency, make a good trip plan in advance, communicate with the Quanpei or the team leader in time so as to grasp the first-hand information of the team in the first time, so as to better arrange the time And travel in order to avoid communication is not timely lead to the occurrence of unexpected situations, which led to dissatisfaction with tourists. The above points are my personal work in this year to learn and sum up the experience, and after this year's work also exercise my own ability to coordinate and verbal communication skills, etc., to ensure that each received tours The work can be normal and smooth, full of energy to the state to deal with every day tasks, love their jobs, and actively improve their own professional quality, for the initiative, with strong professionalism; Improve work efficiency and work quality. In this year's work, I personally have some problems, such as the work is not enough detail, due to personal temper disposition easily caused unhappiness with colleagues and so on, in the future time I will try to correct their own problems, I hope the community leaders and Colleagues and more to help me, that my shortcomings and deficiencies. I will humbly listen to, timely correction.

  In the new year, I am determined to seriously improve the level of business work for the development of social and economic benefits to contribute their full strength in the new year I will strengthen the following points in order to better complete the layout of the community Under each mission mission:

  1. To strengthen learning, broaden the knowledge, and strive to improve their cultural literacy, conscientiously study the tourism professional knowledge and related knowledge.

  2. Concerned about the development of the local tourism industry, which in their work to be adjusted to their own lack of targeted to different groups of tourists in different modes of different topics on the explanation.

  3. To keep abreast of the advanced concepts of competitors and to report to the leaders in a timely manner in order to lead the development plan and work adjustment.

  4. Internal good every mission to complete the mission, do their utmost to foreign efforts to improve the good reputation of ternary travel agencies.This is my new year for the development of their own work direction and goals, I hope the leadership of the community and colleagues with the help of the completion of the work in the years, I sincerely hope that social leaders can increase efforts, more The collection, listen to the development of useful advice to our society. Members can actively contribute and contribute to the development of our society. We can adopt a reward system. All the suggestions adopted or the plans that are conducive to the development of our society should be rewarded with material commendation. The enthusiasm of the staff work. New Year is approaching, in this I wish in advance Xu Jang Yang into the fighting gold, business is booming, I wish my colleagues next year, the store full (full) New Year Day wish next year we ternary travel agencies in the wise and well-known Xu Jie Yang total leadership The next and all my colleagues in the joint efforts to achieve once again in each of the spots are pink banner!









