Dear SIr,
applIcatIon for temporary secretary
I am wrItIng In response to your advertIsement In the 30 aprIl 2000 Issue of for a temporary secretary.
a graduate of cIty commercIal college, I am well traIned and experIenced In the dutIes of a professIonal secretary. I have taken a hIgher certIfIcate In secretarIal studIes wIth languages, I am faIrly fluent In englIsh and mandarIn. havIng work as a secretary for senIor executIves In xx tradIng company for three years, and In the InternatIonal manufacturIng company for two years before that, I belIeve that I have developed practIcal skIlls that would be useful to your company.
my past experIence has gIven me a In-depth knowledge and thorough understandIng of Import-export tradIng busIness. In the last fIve years, I have also learnt the Importance of beIng effIcIent and tIme management In my work. I am confIdent that these skIlls are requIred In beIng senIor and professIonal secretarIal staff.
I enclose my currIculum vItae for your consIderatIon. If my qualIfIcatIons Interest you, I should be glad to come for an IntervIew at any tIme convenIent to you.
yours sIncerely