Personal Information
Name: Xinsheng Zhang
Sex: Male
Birthdate: 23 June, 1980
E-mail: XXX@YJBYS.com
Position Sought: To be an E-Commerce representative in Singapore
1992-1998 Xi'an International High School
1998-2002 University of International Business and Economics
Major: International Business
Minor: E-Commerce
Educational Highlights:
Western Economics 91 points
International Marketing 88 points
International Business Management 90 points
Foreign Trade Practice 93 points
International Law of Commerce 96 points
Foreign Trade Correspondence 92 points
Foreigh Exchange 87 points
International Payment Modes 90 points
English for Business Communication 92 points
Computer Programming 90 points
An Introduction to E-Commerce 92 points
E-Commerce Practice 96 points
Business-to-Business Transactions 91 points
Won the first place in the National Olympic.ruiwen.competition in 1997.
Department scholarships for academic excellent each year from 1998 to 2002.
English Proficiency:
Passed CET Band Six in 1999.
Passed BEC in 2001.
Hobbies: Playing the guitar and chitchatting on line.
outgoing 外向的
lively 活潑的
active 主動的
person-oriented 人際取向的
shrewd 世故或精明的
sociable 善交際的
talkative 多話的
affectionate 熱情的
easygoing 容易相處的
leadership 領(lǐng)導型的
optimistic 樂觀的
venturesome 膽大、好冒險的
changeable 可改變的
broad interests 興趣廣泛的
curious 好奇的
untraditional 顛覆傳統(tǒng)的
imaginative 富想象力的
experimenting 樂于嘗試的
original 具獨創(chuàng)性的
self-sufficient 自立的
even-tempered 心情平穩(wěn)的
unemotional 不情緒化的
placid/peaceful 平靜溫和的
relaxed 輕松的
carefree 無憂無慮的
stable 穩(wěn)定的
happy-go-lucky 隨遇而安的
calm 沉著冷靜的
task-oriented 任務取向的
tough-minded 意志堅強的
reliable 可靠的
persevering 堅韌的
scrupulous 細心的
self-disciplined 自我嚴格要求的
controlled 自律、自制的
punctual 守時的
careful 小心謹慎的
neat 整潔的
hardworking 努力的
sober 嚴謹、沉著的
conscientious 盡責的