

時間:2020-12-12 10:01:49 廣播稿 我要投稿





  大家晚上好!各位收聽了今晚的國美之聲了嗎?下面是今天的錄音文稿xxx月xxx號錄音文稿:xxx和 xxx——有關(guān)蘋果的一切


  Joanna:Today we are talking about some fruit-related idioms.

  Jakki: That's right. Today we are going to be looking at, in particular apples. So I think everyone knows about apples. Apples they come in so many different varieties. And for some reason in English, there are so many different idioms and sayings around apples.

  Joanna: 蘋果好像在英美文化中有非常重要的文化屬性,所以有很多的idiom短語是跟蘋果有關(guān)的。

  Jakki: That's right, so we're going to take a look at a few here. So starting off, “as American as apple pie”, basically saying that apple pie is the epitome of being American, and so if you’re as American as apple pie, then you’re just very American.

  Joanna:蘋果餡餅是非常具有美國特色的一種食品,as American as apple pie 就是說像蘋果餡餅一樣極具美國特色。

  Jakki: Yeah, so baseball, jeans, hamburgers, the American flag, fireworks on fourth of July, things like that.

  Joanna: Disney, something like that.

  Jakki: Yes, as American as apple pie. And the second one, you can compare “apples and oranges”. This is actually one of my favorite because what happens a lot of times that people like to make comparisons between what seem like are similar things. Apple and orange are both fruits, but if you look at them, it's impossible to compare them because they are so different.

  Joanna: 當(dāng)你在指出別人邏輯上的錯誤時你可以用這個短語comparing apples and oranges, 就是把完全不一樣的.東西放在一起比較。

  Jakki: Right. There's “apple of someone’s eye”, so a favorite or a well-like person. So for example, my lover is the apple of my eye.

  Joanna: So for anyone who has heard the song "you're the apple of my eye", right?

  Jakki: I have no idea what that is.

  Joanna: What? Are you an American?

  John:I am, but not as American as apple pie.

  Xiaohua: Yeah, that's what I'm going to say. 所以apple of one's eye 就是極為珍視的人,非常珍愛的人。

  John: Then “the apple never falls far from the tree”, so a person’s personality traits are close to those of the person’s parents. This can be good and bad, in fact. And usually the way I remember to hearing it is in a negative context. You know his parents or her parents, they won't very nice people. The apple really falls far from the tree.

  Joanna: I see. 這有點像中文里的有其父必有其子,“蘋果落地離樹不遠”也是這個意思,這個短語有褒義也有貶義,但這里好像貶義的應(yīng)用居多

  Jakki: Then “as sure as God made little green apples” basically just means that you are very certain. So I'm sure this, as sure as God made little green apples.

  Joanna:當(dāng)你對一件事情確認無疑毫無疑問的時候你就可以說as sure as God made little green apples.

  Jakki: Then to be a “bad apple” or a “rotten apple” is to be a bad person. You can also say that “one bad (or rotten) apple can spoil the whole bunch (or barrel)” implies that one flawed person can basically undermine an effort or a group, and you can be “rotten to the core” to be thoroughly bad or worthless.


  大家好~~ 今天為大家呈上周一的聽力稿!多謝大家支持!

  Hello. This is China Academy of Art English Broadcasting Station. My name is LvAnqi. I’m the hostess today. It’s a pleasure to spend the lovely time with you.. The theme today is American TV serials. I’m a big fan of it. Hope you love it, too.

  The first TV serial I want to recommend to you is Super Natural. It’s the most popular supernatural TV serial in America. If you are a fan of American TV serials, you must have .heard of it. If you’re not, .Super Natural may make you one.

  As what it is called, Super Natural is a story about haunting. Not haunting beasts of course, but the ghosts and all kind of freaks like demons, even angels. The main characters are the Winchesters, Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester. Dean is the elder brother, Sam is the younger one. The story begins with the missing of their father, John. Dean haunted with his father after Sam chose to give up the family business and went to college. To find their father, Dean asked Sam for help. At that time, Sam had a girlfriend and they had lived together already. Sam agreed to help Dean unwillingly because he hated the haunting life. On the way to find their dad, Sam and Dean solved a great deal of weird cases. But when Sam came back to his old apartment, he found his girlfriend dead—the same way his as his mother. To find the killer, Sam devoted himself to the old business together with Dean, following the leads their father left..

  At the end of the first season, Sam and Dean found their father. However, he was possessed by the yellow-eye demon—the demon that killed their mother and Sam’s girlfriend. John asked Sam to kill him, but the demon escaped before Sam fired. John was angry and desperate about his sons letting that demon run away. Therefore, argument aroused. In the meantime, a car drove directly towards them. What happened? Let us move to the second season.

  After the car accident, they were sent to the hospital. However, Dean was hurt too much that his soul left his body and the death tried to take him away. To save his son, John make a deal with a demon which cost his own life and the gun named Colt – the only thing can kill demons. Dean was back, but John was gone. The brothers were drowned into the sorrow. To ease the pain, they went on haunting. In the mean time, they found Sam had the ability to drive the demon out of the human. Nonetheless, Sam paid for it. Whenever he used his ability, his nose bleed and he would be hungry for the demon’s blood, The climax in this season is also at the end, Sam was brought to a town that gathered a group of people like him—had some special gift. They were asked to fight and only one would survive. It was all the yellow—eye demon’ s plot. He told Sam that all people there were fed with demon’s blood when they were babies, and all those moms were killed in the same way. He told Sam that he had a preference for him and would like him to win the game—tobe the leader of all demons, that is , the king of hell. During the fight, only Sam and a man named Jack survived. Sam had put Jack on the ground. On that point, Dean showed up. Sam was too excited to notice that Jack was crawling up and stabbing him in his back. Dean broke down, he held Sam’s body and cried out loud. Of course the story won’t end up like this. “Main character will never die” is the golden rule in all TV serials, In the next season, Dean made a deal with a demon, exchange his life for his brother’s. Dean had only 2 years to live. The main string in this season is to find a way saving Dean. Hard as they tried, the brothers failed. Demon came back and took Dean away. Sam had to carry on and kept haunting all alone.

  In season 4, Dean was back, being saved by an angel called Castiel. Dean had been through a lot in the hell so he changed a lot. Again, tow brothers got involved in a troublesome event—the apocalypse. Despite all the efforts, Lucifer, the king of hell revived. It turned out that Dean and Sam were meant to be the vessel of the archangel, Michael and Lucifer. There was supposed to be a fight which would ruin most of the world. In that way, the balance between the kindness and evil would recover. Nevertheless, the brothers refused to accept the fate like this. They fought against demons as well as angels. To end this mess, Sam and Dean made a plan. Sam let Lucifer possessed on him intentionally, and at the very moment, Sam’s will conquered Lucifer’s, jumping into the crack of the hell along with Michael. There is no doubt that the story goes on. Sam and Dean net many other monsters like Eva, Liviatans, evil angels, the girl from Oze… I’m deeply impressed by screenwriter’s imagination. Oh, besides the fascinating plot, the actors are also one of the reasons the make the serial popular. Jensen Ackley and Jared Padaleki are hundreds of girls’ dream lover. I cling to the belief that you’ll enjoy watching 2 cute guys haunting.





  jakki:welcome to DoubleJ‘s Talk Show. i'm Jakki

  joanna:i'm joanna

  jakki:wow.joanna,what is today's topic?

  joanna: let’s talk about a little bit about parents using WeChat. Internet social network used to be young people’s new form of diary in which they can confide, but not anymore. Nowadays more and more parents start to follow their kids on WeChat and check out their “Friend Circle”. Well before asking the question I should say that nobody should treat WeChat or social network as new form of diary. Whether their parents are spying or not. Period. But you think that the whole parents getting involved in social media for their kids, as heartwarming or annoying?

  jakki: I think the issue is that the parents are using this to intrude upon their children’s lives, both in terms of when their teenagers and so in school, but also as adults. Obviously they don’t live with their parents anymore but their parents follow them on WeChat or on Weibo. And then they actively comment and maybe get in touch directly like you know you post something at midnight then your parents call you and said “Why are you still up!” I think that’s the biggest problem. And I think as a parent you have to be very very careful because that is damaging to the relationship with your children. Especially as they get older they have a greater sense of autonomy. One of the reasons they moved out of the house is because don’t want you telling them what time to go to bed. And so I think on the one hand it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s lives and more and more we’re seeing that are lives are happening more and more online. And so as a parent if I want to involve in my child’s life as much as possible, part of that is going to be involved their life online. But like I said there’s that very very fine line, difficult for many parents I imagine, you know when do you say something and when do you not. I think really if you want to know as much about what your kids are doing, don’t say anything, unless it’s amazingly important.

  joanna: Yeah that’s a very good point and I think that’s probably a lifelong lesson for a parent to learn. Well but on the other hand I still sort of feel that for the children if they are posting this stuff online and all this is in your “Friend Circle” on WeChat and you know your parents are on the contact list then I mean come on…





  jakki:welcome to DoubleJ‘s Talk Show. i'm Jakki

  joanna:i'm joanna

  jakki:wow.joanna,what is today's topic?

  joanna: let’s talk about a little bit about parents using WeChat. Internet social network used to be young people’s new form of diary in which they can confide, but not anymore. Nowadays more and more parents start to follow their kids on WeChat and check out their “Friend Circle”. Well before asking the question I should say that nobody should treat WeChat or social network as new form of diary. Whether their parents are spying or not. Period. But you think that the whole parents getting involved in social media for their kids, as heartwarming or annoying?

  jakki: I think the issue is that the parents are using this to intrude upon their children’s lives, both in terms of when their teenagers and so in school, but also as adults. Obviously they don’t live with their parents anymore but their parents follow them on WeChat or on Weibo. And then they actively comment and maybe get in touch directly like you know you post something at midnight then your parents call you and said “Why are you still up!” I think that’s the biggest problem. And I think as a parent you have to be very very careful because that is damaging to the relationship with your children. Especially as they get older they have a greater sense of autonomy. One of the reasons they moved out of the house is because don’t want you telling them what time to go to bed. And so I think on the one hand it’s important for parents to be involved in their children’s lives and more and more we’re seeing that are lives are happening more and more online. And so as a parent if I want to involve in my child’s life as much as possible, part of that is going to be involved their life online. But like I said there’s that very very fine line, difficult for many parents I imagine, you know when do you say something and when do you not. I think really if you want to know as much about what your kids are doing, don’t say anything, unless it’s amazingly important.

  joanna: Yeah that’s a very good point and I think that’s probably a lifelong lesson for a parent to learn. Well but on the other hand I still sort of feel that for the children if they are posting this stuff online and all this is in your “Friend Circle” on WeChat and you know your parents are on the contact list then I mean come on…



  Today we will tell about a movie star named Marilyn Monroe. She died many years ago, yet still is one of the best known American women.


  Her name at birth was Norma Jean Baker. Her life as a child was like a bad dream. She lived with a number of different people, and was often mistreated.

  At the age of sixteen, Norma Jean married with a sailor. But she soon ended that marriage. She changed her hair color from brown to shining gold. And she changed her name to Marilyn Monroe.

  She wanted to be an actress. And she succeeded. She appeared in a number of Hollywood movies. Millions of people went to see them. By the time Norma Jean had reached the age of twenty-six, her beautiful face and body helped her earn a place as one of America's leading movie stars.

  But success and fame were not enough to make her happy. The troubles of her childhood days stayed with her. She drank too much alcohol. She took too many drugs.

  At the age of thirty-six, she took her own life.

  She has been dead since nineteen sixty-two. Still, her fame continues to grow.

  People continue to talk about what they feel is her strange death. Some people believe she was murdered. Two investigations showed that she died as the result of too many drugs.

  Why is the public still so interested in a woman who died so many years ago? A number of reasons contribute to this result, like her exciting but tragic life, her connections with well-known people, and her image as an especially desirable woman.

  In the nineteen fifties, many Americans believed sex was a very private subject. People often severely judged those who were sexually appealing.

  Into this atmosphere burst Marilyn Monroe. As one critic said, her body was round in all the right places. She wore her clothes like skin. When she walked, she moved her lower body in a way that few other actresses had done. Her voice was soft and breathy. She soon became America's golden girl.


  The story of Marilyn Monroe begins on June 1st, nineteen twenty-six. Norma Jean was born that day in the West Coast city of Los Angeles, California. Her birthplace was not far from the Hollywood movie studios where would make her a star.

  Her mother, Gladys Baker, suffered from mental problems. Her mother had to be treated in a hospital for long periods of time. Her daughter was sent to live with a number of different people.

  The actress later described her stays with these foster families as one of the worst days. When she was unhappy, she would go to a movie theater. In this way, the young Norma Jean escaped into the imagined world of movies.

  By the time she was seventeen, Marilyn was trying very hard to be a movie actress. She finally was able to get an actors' agent to help her. He got Twentieth Century Fox Company to give Marilyn parts in some movies it produced.

  Marilyn continued to change the way she had looked as Norma Jean. She had an operation to improve the appearance of her nose. Her eyes were made to appear larger. She began using a great deal of bright red lipstick on her mouth.

  Marilyn may have worked more to improve her appearance than to improve her performance in acting classes. Some people at Twentieth Century Fox said she did not like to work at all. She appeared in only one movie. And she had only one line to speak in that. The Fox movie company dismissed(開除) her.

  Soon, however, her agent got her a job at Columbia Pictures. She appeared in a movie called "Ladies of the Chorus. " She sang two songs. Several critics praised her performance. But Columbia dismissed her.

  Marilyn did not stop struggling(掙扎,努力). She won a small part in a movie called "Love Happy." It was a comedy starring the famous Marx Brothers. Critics said it was not one of their best efforts. Marilyn, though, earned praise for simply taking a short walk in the movie.









幽默笑話 校園廣播稿12-17

