

時間:2020-10-23 10:23:09 其他節(jié)日 我要投稿


  導(dǎo)語: 12月25日是圣誕節(jié),圣誕節(jié)并不是中國傳統(tǒng)的節(jié)日,它是西方國家一年中最盛大的一個節(jié)日,相當(dāng)于我國的春節(jié)。下面是小編為你準(zhǔn)備的圣誕節(jié)的來歷和習(xí)俗英文介紹,希望對你有幫助!




  每年的12月25日,是基督教徒紀(jì)念耶穌誕生的日子,稱為圣誕節(jié)。 從12月24日于翌年1月6日為圣誕節(jié)節(jié)期。節(jié)日期間,各國基督教徒都舉行隆重的紀(jì)念儀式。圣誕節(jié)本來是基督教徒的'節(jié)日,由于人們格外重視,它便成為一個全民性的節(jié)日,國家一年中最盛大的節(jié)日,可以和新年相提并論,類 是西方似我國過春節(jié)。 西方人以紅、綠、白三色為圣誕色,圣誕節(jié)來臨時家家戶戶都要用圣誕色來裝飾。紅色的有圣誕花和圣誕蠟燭。綠色的是圣誕樹。它是圣誕節(jié)的主要裝飾品,用砍伐來的杉、柏一類呈塔形的常青樹裝飾而成。上面懸掛著五顏六色的彩燈、禮物和紙花,還點(diǎn)燃著圣誕蠟燭。 紅色與白色相映成趣的是圣誕老人,他是圣誕節(jié)活動中最受歡迎的人物。西方兒童在圣誕夜臨睡之前,要在壁爐前或枕頭旁放上一只襪子,等候圣誕老人在他們?nèi)胨蟀讯Y物放在襪子內(nèi)。在西方,扮演圣誕老人也是一種習(xí)俗。 “圣誕節(jié)”這個名稱是“基督彌撒”的縮字。彌撒是教會的一種禮拜儀式。耶誕節(jié)是一個宗教節(jié)。我們把它當(dāng)作耶蘇的誕辰來慶祝,因而又名耶誕節(jié)。這一天,全世界所有的基督教會都舉行特別的禮拜儀式。但是有很多圣誕節(jié)的歡慶活動和宗教并無半點(diǎn)關(guān)聯(lián)。交換禮物,寄圣誕卡,這都使圣誕節(jié)成為一個普天同慶的日子。 耶穌的出生是有一段故事的,耶穌是因著圣靈成孕,由童女馬利亞所生的。神更派遣使者加伯列在夢中曉諭約瑟,叫他不要因?yàn)轳R利亞未婚懷孕而不要她,反而要與她成親,把那孩子起名為“耶穌”,意思是要他把百姓從罪惡中救出來。 當(dāng)馬利亞快要臨盤的時候,羅馬政府下了命令,全部人民到伯利恒務(wù)必申報(bào)戶籍。約瑟和馬利亞只好遵命。 他們到達(dá)伯利恒時,天色已昏,無奈兩人未能找到旅館渡宿,只有一個馬棚可以暫住。

  就在這時,耶穌要出生了!於是馬利亞唯有在馬槽上,生下耶穌。后人為紀(jì)念耶穌的誕生,便定十二月二十五為圣誕節(jié),年年望彌撒,紀(jì)念耶穌的出世。 圣誕節(jié)便是於十二月二十五日紀(jì)念耶穌的誕生,但真實(shí)的誕生日就沒有人知道了。十九世紀(jì),圣誕卡的流行、圣誕老人的出現(xiàn),圣誕節(jié)亦開始流行起來。

  · on the origin of christmas the annual december 25, christians commemorate the birth of christ is the day known as christmas. from december 24 to january 6 next year for the christmas holiday season. during the holiday season, all the christians have held a grand memorial ceremony. christmas was originally a christian holiday, because of people's attention, it has become a national holiday, the year's biggest national holiday, and new year's analogy, is the west over the spring festival in china seems. westerners in red, green and white color color for christmas, christmas comes every household should use color to christmas decorations. red christmas with christmas flowers and candles. green is the christmas tree. it is the main christmas decorations, felling to use the fir, parker was a decorated evergreen from the pyramid. hanging above colorful lanterns, gifts and paper flowers, and also lit a christmas candle. red and white matched is santa claus, he is the most popular activities of the christmas characters. christmas eve children sleep in the west prior to the fireplace before or placed next to a pillow socks, waiting for santa claus after falling asleep in their socks on the gifts within. in the west, playing santa claus is also a custom. "christmas" is the name "christ mass", a scaled-down characters. a mass is the church's worship ceremony. christmas is a religious festival. we treat it as the birth of jesus to celebrate, thus also known as christmas.

  on this day, all the christian world will have held special church services. but there are many christmas celebrations and religion do not have the slightest bit of relevance. the exchange of gifts, send greeting cards, which have become a christmas to celebrate the day. the birth of jesus is the story, jesus is the holy spirit as a result of pregnancy, born mary by strangulation. god sent emissaries garber out more in the dream written joseph, mary told him not because unmarried pregnant and not her, and she will have to get married to the child named "jesus", meaning to the people he rescued from the evil. when mary is about to linpan when rome under the government order, all people must declare their household registration to bethlehem. joseph and mary had to comply. when they arrived in bethlehem, the weather has faint, but they failed to find the hotel slept at night, a spa can only temporarily. at such a time, jesus was born to! only then mary in the manger, the birth of jesus. after artificially commemorate the birth of jesus, is set december 25 for christmas, mid-mass to commemorate the birth of jesus. christmas is on december 25 to commemorate the birth of jesus, but on the birth of true no one knows. the 19th century, the cards pandemic, the appearance of santa claus, christmas also began to slip.


  lighting up the christmas candle


  this refers to the tradition of placing a lighted candle outside houses during the christmas season. a candle signifies hope as it brings light even to the darkest room. in the earlier times, when christians were persecuted, they were not allowed to practice prayers. hence, a single candle used to be placed outside the house as a sign that christian prayers were being conducted inside.


  sending gifts to loved ones


  this tradition comes from the story of the three wise men who got gifts for baby jesus on christmas. every christmas, gifts are exchanged among loved ones, especially children. the story of santa claus also comes from this tradition.


  singing christmas carols


  it refers to the age-old custom of enchanting a number of traditional christmas songs during the christmas season. it adds to the joy and fun to the atmosphere. different christmas hymns or carols like the first noel, jingle bells, joy to the world, etc are sung every christmas as a part of the christmas celebration.










