

時間:2020-08-26 11:51:35 其他節(jié)日 我要投稿





  1. beware, there is a ghost wandering around, with a short cheerful exchange for life, with cheap pleasure corrosion health, its name is nicotine, world No Tobacco Day, the eradication of nicotine!

  2 March is a smoke-free, smoke-free in your pocket? I smoke it? Husband, let your mouth lung rest, rest, save some money for my wife to buy beautiful clothes? About SMS

  3. smoke, inhaled nicotine, nicotine; spit is gas, viruses. World No Tobacco Day, keep away from cigarettes. For yourself and for those you love, stop smoking and start with me!

  4. not necessarily smoke filled place is heaven, it may also be hell! Today is World No Tobacco Day, my friend, please cherish yourself, cherish the people around you, quit the cigarette in your hand!

  5. itiseasiertostartthanitistostop.tobacco, it 'skillingtheoneyoulove.

  6 - the candle burning themselves, others lit a cigarette burn; --- self harming sentient beings. Make candles, or, smoke?

  7. mountain birds fly, ten thousand people trail out. The clouds spit fog, things are annihilation.

  8 when stop smoking? How can youth beauty? In? What is life? Only wish to ban smoking, hope back to the "smoke-free world"!

  9. it is your simplest pleasure and also makes you cry most thoroughly.

  10., abandon the bad habit of smoking, create a healthy new fashion

  11. cherish life, advocate civilized life, love life, and develop good habits.

  12. away from tobacco, refuse to smoke the first cigarette; purify the air and protect the environment.

  13. deny tobacco, cherish life

  14 of the world to give up smoking and smoke, are happy; the gods do, also the harmful smokeless tobacco free; the benefits of smoking cessation, more people to participate, you and I do not fall behind, striving to quit the vanguard!

  The 15 World smokeless, for your health and beauty, will trouble the disease quit, quit, quit will be busy, will stay up late to quit, nor will quit, it is important to give up smoking.

  16. world smoke-free, want to say to you, I still can not quit, can not quit, for you, can not quit, care about you, can not quit, miss you, can not afford to forget you. Close, pay attention to the body, have you in mind!

  17. smoke, inhaled nicotine, nicotine; spit is a gas virus. No smoking in the world, away from cigarettes. For yourself and for those you love, stop smoking and start with me!

  18., although you are a tool for communication, but also a healthy enemy; although you are smart definition, but also the undercover of the disease. No smoking in the world, let's say "no" to cigarettes". Happy smoke free.

  19 smoke, hurt the body harm yourself, life not less energy, the world no tobacco, stay away from cigarettes health heart, purifying environment, multi output, quit smoking from now on, health and happiness belongs to you!

  20. you say, brother is not tobacco, is lonely. The lungs say that the elder brother smokes not tobacco, but nicotine. I said, brother is not air freshener, is a second-hand smoke! World smokeless happy!


  1. 請警惕,有一個幽靈正四處游蕩,用短暫的歡快換取生命,用廉價的的快感腐蝕健康,它的名字叫尼古丁!世界無煙日,消滅尼古丁!

  2. 月日是無煙日,你的兜里無煙了嗎?咱家無煙了嗎?老公,讓你的嘴歇一歇,肺也歇一歇,省點錢給老婆買件漂亮的衣服?關(guān)于的短信

  3. 吸煙,吸入的是尼古丁、煙堿;吐出的是毒氣、病毒。世界無煙日,遠離香煙。為了自己,也為了自己愛的人,戒煙,從我做起!

  4. 不一定煙霧繚繞的地方就是天堂,它也可能是地獄!今天是世界無煙日,我的朋友,請你愛惜自己也愛惜身邊的人,戒掉手中的香煙!

  5. itiseasiertostartthanitistostop.tobacco,it’skillingtheoneyoulove.

  6. 蠟燭---燃燒自己,照亮別人;香煙---燃盡自我,貽害眾生。做蠟燭or吸煙?

  7. 千山鳥飛絕,萬徑人蹤滅。吞云吐霧中,物物皆湮滅。

  8. 吸煙幾時止?美景幾時還?青春何能駐?生命何與共?只愿君能禁吸煙,盼回“無煙好世界”!

  9. 它(吸煙)是你最簡單的快樂,也讓你最徹底地哭泣。

  10. 摒棄吸煙陋習,創(chuàng)造健康新時尚

  11. 珍惜生命,崇尚文明生活;熱愛生命,養(yǎng)成良好習慣。

  12. 遠離煙草,拒吸第一支煙;凈化空氣,保護環(huán)境衛(wèi)生。

  13. 拒絕煙草,珍愛生命

  14. 世界無煙,都來把煙戒;快樂做神仙,無煙也逍遙;煙草本有害,戒煙益處多,全民來參與,你我不落后,爭當戒煙好先鋒!

  15. 世界無煙,為了你的健康和美好,將煩惱戒掉,將疾病戒掉,將忙碌戒掉,將熬夜戒掉,將大魚大肉戒掉,重要的是把煙戒掉。

  16. 世界無煙,想對你說,我還是戒不掉,戒不掉對你好,戒不掉關(guān)心你,戒不掉想念你,戒不掉回憶你。親,要注意身體,心里有你!

  17. 吸煙,吸入的是尼古丁煙堿;吐出的'是毒氣病毒。世界無煙,遠離香煙。為了自己,也為了自己愛的人,戒煙,從我做起!

  18. 雖說你是交際的利器,可也是健康的死敵;雖說你是瀟灑的定義,可也是疾病的臥底。世界無煙,讓我們向香煙說“不”。祝無煙快樂。

  19. 吸吸煙,傷了身體害自己,生活遜色少活力,世界無煙,遠離香煙健心脾,凈化環(huán)境多出力,戒掉吸煙從今起,健康幸福屬于你!

  20. 你說,哥點的不是煙葉是寂寞。肺說,哥抽的不是煙草是尼古丁。我說,哥吸的不是空氣清新劑是二手煙!世界無煙快樂!










