

時(shí)間:2020-08-30 17:52:08 職業(yè)英語(yǔ) 我要投稿





  R:Welcome to Tianjin International Building. Would you please fill out this registration form? 登記員:歡迎你住進(jìn)天津國(guó)際大廈。請(qǐng)你填一下這份登記表好嗎?

  R:Thank you Excuse me,sirYou forgot to fill in your visa number 登記員:謝謝你對(duì)不起,先生,你忘記填寫簽證號(hào)碼了。

  G:Did I?Let me see thatOh,sorryHere you are 旅客:是嗎?讓我看看 喔,對(duì)不起給你。

  R:And would you sign here,please? Thank you. May I see your passport,please Thank you. Would you mind leaving your passport here for an hour or so? We must/have to make a copy of your passport and visa for our records. 登記員:先生,請(qǐng)你在這里簽一下字,謝謝,我能看一下你的護(hù)照嗎?謝謝。您介不介意把您的護(hù)照放在這兒一小時(shí)左右?我們需要復(fù)印一份保留。

  Lesson Two Guest’s Visa Is Invalid 第二課 客人的簽證無(wú)效。

  R:I’m sorry,your visa has expired 登記員:對(duì)不起,您的簽證過(guò)期了。

  G:What?You re kidding!Let me see thatThere must be some mistake. I don t understand how that could be. 旅客:怎么會(huì)呢?你在開玩笑!讓我看看肯定是弄錯(cuò)了。我真不明白怎么會(huì)這樣呢?

  R:I m afraid you ll need to go to the Public Security Bureau to have your visa extended before we can have you check in. It s not far from hereA taxi can take you there in five minutes 登記員:恐怕您得先到公安局。辦理簽證延期手續(xù),然后才能登記住宿。公安局離這不遠(yuǎn),乘出租車去只需五分鐘。

  R:You’re in room, Kenny will help you with your bags/Kenny will show you the way 接待員你在房間。Kenny 會(huì)幫助您搬運(yùn)行李/帶您去房間。

  G:Thank you 旅客:謝謝。

  Lesson Six Guest Wants to Park His Bicycle 第六課 客人想停放他的自行車

  G:Where can I park my bicycle? 旅客:我的自行車停放在哪兒?

  R:You can park your bicycle under the awning in the back lot, but you need to get a bicycle tag first. There’s a one hundred yuan deposit for the bicycle tag. You can give the deposit to the cashier,or if you like, you can give it to us and we’ll bring it to the cashier for you, then give you the receipt 登記員:你可以將自行車停放在后院車棚內(nèi),但需要先領(lǐng)取停放車牌。辦理停放車牌需要元的押金。你可以去收銀臺(tái)辦理押金手續(xù),如果你愿意,也可將錢交給我們,我們將錢交到收銀臺(tái),然后將收據(jù)交給您。

  G:OkayWhy don’t you do it for me?Here you are 旅客:好的,那還是請(qǐng)你幫我辦這個(gè)手續(xù),好嗎把錢給你吧,在這。

  R: One hundred yuan. Okay. We’ll bring the receipt up to your room when we get it 登記員:正好100元。我們開來(lái)收據(jù)后會(huì)送到您的房間。

  G:Thank you 旅客:非常感謝。

  R:Hello,Mrs Lightsey. Here’re your bicycle tag,and this is the receipt for your deposit. It’s very important that you keep the receipt or you will not be able to get your deposit back when you leave. 登記員:(敲門)您好,Lightsey 太太,這是您的停放車牌,這是您的押金收據(jù)。請(qǐng)你一定保存好收據(jù),否則您離開時(shí)將取不回押金。

  G:All rightThank you for your help 旅客:好的,謝謝你的幫忙。

  R:My pleasure 登記員:很高興為您服務(wù)。



  G:$What s the rate today on American dollar? 旅客:美元。請(qǐng)問今天美元的牌價(jià)是多少?

  C:Just a moment,pleaseI ll check. The rate today is yuan to the dollarMay I have your room number? 店員請(qǐng)稍等,讓我查一下。今天美元兌人民幣的牌價(jià)是。請(qǐng)問您的房間號(hào)碼?

  C:ould you sign here,please,and fill in your room number? Thank you. Just a moment,please. Here you are. That s 400yuan. Please count itAnd here s your exchange slip 您能在這里簽字并填寫房間號(hào)碼嗎?謝謝。請(qǐng)稍等。給您,一共是400元,請(qǐng)點(diǎn)好。這是給您的水單。



  G:Yes,I d like to cash some traveller s checks 旅客:是的,我想兌現(xiàn)一些旅行支票。

  C:How much? 出納:換多少?

  G: pounds 旅客:英鎊。

  C:Would you sign the checks ,please? 出納:請(qǐng)?jiān)谥鄙虾炞,好?

  G:I m afraid I already did 旅客:對(duì)不起,我已經(jīng)簽過(guò)字了。

  C:That s all right,but please sign them again on the back. May I see your passport,please?Thank you. Would you sign here and fill in your room number,please? Thank you That s ,50 yuan.Please count it to make sure it s correct 出納:沒關(guān)系,但是請(qǐng)您在支票后面再簽一個(gè)字。(客人當(dāng)著出納員面簽了字)我能看一下您的護(hù)照嗎?謝謝。請(qǐng)您在這里簽字并填寫房間號(hào)碼,行嗎?謝謝。一共是50元,請(qǐng)您點(diǎn)清錢數(shù)。


  G:HelloI have a question about my bill 旅客:你好,我想詢問一個(gè)關(guān)于賬單的問題。

  C:May I have your room number,please? 店員:請(qǐng)問你的房間號(hào)碼?

  G: 3309 旅客: 3309。

  C:And what s your question,ma am? 店員:是房間,你有什么問題嗎,女士?

  G:The laundry charge is too high. I only used the laundry service twice last month. It can t be 420 yuan. It s impossible 旅客:洗衣費(fèi)太高。上個(gè)月我只洗過(guò)兩次衣服,不可能是420元。

  C:Just a moment,pleaseLet me get your laundry slips for the last month. Thank you for holding. According to our records you used the laundry service four times last month. I have our copies of your laundry bills here. Would you like to come down to and check them? 店員:請(qǐng)您稍等,讓我看一下您上個(gè)月的洗衣單,謝謝您的配合。根據(jù)我們的記載,你上月共洗過(guò)四次衣服,我這也有一份您的洗衣單,您愿意下樓來(lái)核對(duì)一下嗎?

  G:Yes,I wouldThank you 旅客:是的,我愿意。謝謝你。

  G:HelloI m here to see the laundry slips you charged me for 旅客:你好,我來(lái)看洗衣費(fèi)用賬單。

  C:You re Mrs Jackson in room ? 店員:您是房間的 Jackson 夫人嗎?

  G:Yes,that s rightI think there must be a mistake. I only used the laundry service twice last month. 旅客:是的,我想是弄錯(cuò)了。我上個(gè)月只洗過(guò)兩次衣服。

  C:Here are your laundry slips 店員:這是您的`洗衣單。

  G:There I told youThese two are not ours 旅客:我不是說(shuō)過(guò)嗎,那兩次不是我們洗的。

  C:That s not Mr Jackson s signature? 店員:那不是Jackson先生的簽名嗎?

  G:No,it s not 旅客:對(duì),不是。

  I think this says ,although I can see how you might think it is. It s not so clear 雖然我看這也像是房間,但是我認(rèn)為是房間,這寫的不太清楚。

  C:Let me seeYes,I see what you mean 店員:讓我看看是的,我明白了。

  Okay,I ll check the signature of the guest in room 好吧,我將核對(duì)一下房間客人的簽字。

  G:Well anyway,they re not ours. So could you please take them off my bill? 旅客:好了,不管怎么樣,不是我們的簽字。你們能不能將這些費(fèi)用從我的賬單上減掉?

  C:I willI m sorry for the mistake, I ll change it for you. Okay. The total is yuan. 店員:(微笑)我會(huì)的。對(duì)不起,是我們弄錯(cuò)了,我把費(fèi)用給您改一下總計(jì)是元。

  G:That s betterAnd here you are. Oh-could you please print up a new bill for us? Mr Jackson needs this to turn into his company to get reimbursed. 旅客:那就好,給你。(客人給出納元錢) 噢,能不能給我們重打一份賬單?Jackson先生需要把這份賬單交給公司報(bào)銷。

  C:CertainlyCould you wait a moment,please? 店員:當(dāng)然可以。請(qǐng)您稍候。


  G:There s a mistake here 旅客:這里弄錯(cuò)了。

  C:Really? Can you show me,please? What seems to be the mistake? 店員:是嗎?您能指給我看嗎?請(qǐng)問是什么錯(cuò)誤?

  G:I was charged for an hour for a phone call I made to Japan, but I talked for only nine minutes. I don t know why I was charged for an hourPlease correct this charge 旅客:我打往日本的一個(gè)長(zhǎng)途電話是按一個(gè)小時(shí)計(jì)費(fèi)的,但是我只通了分鐘的話。我不知道為什么是按一個(gè)小時(shí)計(jì)費(fèi)的,請(qǐng)改正這筆費(fèi)用。

  C:I ll get the meter reading from the operator and we can check it together. Could you come back tomorrow sometime? 店員:我可以去拿一下電話總機(jī)的長(zhǎng)途電話流水表,我們一起核查。您明天再來(lái)一下,行嗎?

  G:I d really like to settle this todayI m going out of town tomorrow 旅客:我想今天解決這件事。我準(zhǔn)備明天外出。

  C:All right. How about if I call you in your room as soon as I get the records together? Will you be in your room this afternoon? 店員:好吧,那么我一拿到流水表就給您房間打電話,行嗎?您今天下午在房間嗎?

  G:I ll be in and out this afternoonBut never mind,just keep trying,okay? 旅客:我下午會(huì)經(jīng)常出去。不過(guò)沒關(guān)系,試試打電話過(guò)來(lái),好嗎?

  C:All right 店員:好吧。(后來(lái))

  C:Hello,MrCruthers? 店員:你好,是Cruthers先生嗎?

  G:Speaking 旅客:是我。

  C:This is the Finance Department. We have the meter reading for the phone call in question. Would you like to come down and see it? 店員:這是財(cái)務(wù)部。我們已經(jīng)拿到了有問題的長(zhǎng)途電話流水表,您愿意下樓來(lái)看看嗎?

  G:OkayI m a little busy right nowI ll be down in about an hour,okay? 旅客:好的,我現(xiàn)在有點(diǎn)事,我一小時(shí)左右下樓,行嗎?

  C:That s fineSee you then 店員:那好吧,一會(huì)兒見。

  G:Hello Mr Cruthers. Here s the meter reading for the phone calls made on March. This is your call to Japan.This is the starting time and the time you hung up the phone. This is the number you called. 旅客:你好,Cruthers先生。這是月日的長(zhǎng)途電話流水表,這是您打往日本的電話,這是您打的時(shí)間,這是您打的電話號(hào)碼。

  G:But this is impossibleI talked only a few minutes,really. I don t know why,but this is wrong. 旅客:但是,這不可能。我只通了幾分鐘的話,是真的。我不知道為什么會(huì)出現(xiàn)這樣的錯(cuò)誤記錄。

  C:It s possible you didn t hang up your phone properly. If the receiver was ajar,the line would not have been disconnected 店員:可能是您沒有掛好電話聽筒。如果沒有放好聽筒,通話的線路就不會(huì)被截?cái)唷?/p>

  G:Well,I don t know what to say, but it doesn t seem right to have to pay for a phone call I didn t make 旅客:(沉默片刻)好吧,我不知道該如何表達(dá),但是沒有打過(guò)電話而要付電話費(fèi)是不公平的。

  C:I m sorry,sirI understand. But the fact is the records show you did make this call, so I m afraid you are responsible to pay for it. 店員:對(duì)不起,先生。我非常理解你,但是記錄表上顯示,你的確打了這個(gè)電話,很對(duì)不起,您必須付費(fèi)。

  G:HmmI m sorryI just can t agree. I believe your records are wrong, I refuse to pay for this call, I mean I ll pay for how long I talked,which was ten minutes, I ll even pay for fifteen minutes and give you the benefit of the doubt, although I didn t talk for fifteen minutes, I distinctly remember timing the call, and it was exactly nine minutesBut I will not pay for an hour. I never in my life made an overseas call for an hour. So the mistake is your mistake and I m afraid. I m just not willing to pay for your mistake 旅客:嗯很遺憾,我不能同意。我認(rèn)為你們的記錄是錯(cuò)誤的,所以我拒絕付這個(gè)電話費(fèi)。我的意思是說(shuō),我只付分鐘的電話費(fèi),我甚至可以付分鐘的費(fèi)用,為了消除你們的疑點(diǎn),雖然我并沒有打分鐘的電話,我的的確確還記得這個(gè)電話的計(jì)時(shí)。確實(shí)是分鐘。但是,我不同意支付一小時(shí)的電話費(fèi)。我還從來(lái)沒有打過(guò)一小時(shí)的越洋電話。所以出現(xiàn)的錯(cuò)誤是屬于飯店的錯(cuò)誤,很對(duì)不起,我不原意支付由于你們的錯(cuò)誤而造成的任何費(fèi)用。

  C:In that case,I think perhaps you d better talk to our manager about this. I don t have the authority to remove the charge without her approval 店員:如果這樣的話,我想你最好和我們的經(jīng)理商談一下此事。不經(jīng)過(guò)她的允許,我無(wú)權(quán)減掉這筆費(fèi)用。

  G:That s fine 旅客:那好吧。

  C:Just a moment,pleaseI ll get her 店員:請(qǐng)稍等,我去找她。

  G:MrCruthers,this is Mary Ma,the assistant manager of the Finance Department. 旅客:Cruthers先生,這是Mary Ma,是財(cái)務(wù)部的經(jīng)理助理。


  G:I d like to order an international newspaperIs that possible? 旅客:我想訂一份國(guó)際報(bào)紙,行嗎?

  R:YesWhich paper would you like? 接待員:可以,您想訂哪一種報(bào)紙?

  G:What papers do you have available? 旅客:你們有哪幾種報(bào)紙?

  R:Here s a list 接待員:這是一份證訂目錄(我們可以為您訂的報(bào)紙和雜志)。

  G:I don t see the New York Times on this list. Is it possible to get the New York Times here? 旅客:在證訂目錄上怎么沒有(紐約時(shí)報(bào))呢?能不能在這弄到《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》?

  R:If it s not on the list,I m not sure,but I d be glad to check for you. May I have your room number? 接待員:如果征訂目錄上沒有,我就不能保證了,但是我可以給您差一下。告訴我您的房間號(hào)碼好嗎?

  G:2802. 旅客:2802。

  R:2802.Okay. I ll check for you and get back to you as soon as possible 接待員:2802房間,好的,我可以給您查找并盡快給您送去

  G:Hello,MrCibatti? 旅客您好,是MrCibatti嗎?

  G:Yes? 旅客:什么事?

  R:This is the Front DeskI have good news for you. We are able to get the New York Times for you. When you have time,you can stop by the Front Desk to fill out the order form. or. 接待員:這是前臺(tái)。有您的好消息,我們可以為您訂到《紐約時(shí)報(bào)》。如果您有時(shí)間,順便請(qǐng)到前臺(tái)來(lái)填寫預(yù)定單;蛘撸

  G:Oh,never mindThanks anyway for trying. I guess I ll order the Herald Tribune instead. 旅客:喔,沒關(guān)系,不管怎樣,謝謝你們的努力。我想我可以改訂《先驅(qū)論壇報(bào)》。


  C:Hello? Good morningThis is Laura Dong from the Finance Department. I m calling about your Sundry Fee Bill which was due the sixth. Did you receive the bill? 出納員:喂?早晨好,我是財(cái)務(wù)部的Laura Dong, 我想和您談一下本月日應(yīng)交雜費(fèi)的事宜,您收到賬單了嗎?

  G:Yes,I did 旅客:是的,收到了。

  C:We were wondering if you had any questions about the bill that we might be able to answer for you 出納員:如果您對(duì)賬單有疑問,我們可以做解答。

  G:No,I don t have any questions 旅客:不,沒有什么問題。

  C:In that case,we hope that you can pay as soon as possible. When would you like to pay your bill? 出納員:要是這樣的話,我們希望您盡快來(lái)結(jié)賬,請(qǐng)問您何時(shí)來(lái)付賬?

  G:I ll come downstairs tonight after work to pay it. What time are you open until? 旅客:今晚下班后我下樓來(lái)付款。你們什么時(shí)候下班?

  C:The cashier s counter /desk is open until 9 pm 出納員:前臺(tái)出納一直要工作到晚上9時(shí)。

  G:OkayI ll see you later,then 旅客:好的,那么,一會(huì)兒見。

  C:Thank you,MrGreen 出納員:謝謝您,格林先生。









