

時(shí)間:2020-08-11 10:18:57 職稱英語 我要投稿





  1.Coca-Cola is thebest-selling soft (non-alcoholic) drink in the world. 165 million"Cokes" are sold every day,from the equator to the Arctic.But whereas outside the USA Coke tends to be a young person's drink,inside the USAanybody of any age or income can drink it without embarrassment on anyoccasion.


  2.Coke is not the only "cola" drink.Pepsi Cola is a well-known rival and has its devotees,for it is not as sweet asCoke. Cola drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only softdrinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing.


  3.There areexcellent wines produced in Californiawhich are praised by European connoisseurs,but some Americans prefer strongerstuff. Well-off Americans consume a lot of alcohol in the form ofcocktails-mixtures based on spirits like whisky,gin and vodka.


  4.Hamburgers andhot dogs are perhaps the best known American foods. Hot dogs-sausages betweenbread rolls-can be bought in snack bars and from hot dog stands on streetcomers. And from San Francisco to New York,in cheap ormedium-priced restaurants,hamburgers will be on all the menus,in company withsteaks,fried chicken and seafood. They come with French fries and crisp greensalad. In most cases it is certainly good value for money. For dessert you willbe offered apple pie,cheese cake,chocolate layer cake,ice cream and ice creamsundaes. No ice cream in the world is more delicious than American ice cream.


  5.The Americanpassion for speed has now hit the food business. Many restaurants,in particularthe great chain restaurant company,Macdonald's,specialize in fastfood",food which is served at the counter ready "to go",or"to take out". The food,cooked and hot,is packed into cardboard andplastic containers,and hot drinks go into plastic cups with tight-fitting lids.There are also drive-in fast food restaurants,where the customer does not evenhave to leave his or her car. They first stop at a board where the menu isdisplayed,give an order through a microphone and then drive another twentyyards,where a gift hands them the meal,ready cooked and packed. People whoprefer to eat at a table in the restaurant also receive their food in cardboardor plastic containers,and the knives,forks and spoons are plastic,too. Whenthey have finished,customers throw everything except the tray into a trash can.


  6.In most cities,large and small,you can eatMexican or Italian food. And even small towns have a coffee shop serving simplemeals,drinks of all kinds-and excellent,freshly-made coffee. You sit at thecounter,or are served at a table. Service in restaurants and coffee shops isefficient and friendly. Waiters and waitresses often introduce themselves."Hi! I am Don (Debbie). What can I get you folks?" This friendlinessis natural and not entirely influenced by the hope of a high tip. In anycase,people usually tip 15% of the check. One of the pleasantest things aboutwaiters and waitresses is that they refill your coffee cup several times for noextra charge!


  7.Many Americanfamilies pride themselves on their cooking,and have deep freezers,where theystore food they grow in their gardens or buy in the supermarket. Supermarketsare large self-service stores selling every kind of food-fresh,canned orfrozen. So,like the fast-food restaurants,their produce is less expensive andeasier to market. There have been supermarkets in the USA since the 1930s,and they havenow spread through a large part of the world.


  24.The Delights of SouthIsland 南島之樂 <原22>

  1.One of the oddercoincidences of physical geography is the fact that there are two doubleislands, roughly the same size, positioned at each other's antipodes, orfarthest-distant point. The islands of Englandand Ireland in the NorthernHemisphere and the islands of North Island and South Islandin the Southern Hemisphere are just such a coincidence. The first two islandscomprise the United Kingdomand the Republic of Ireland (or Eire), and the second two islandscomprise New Zealand.Among these four islands, there can be no doubt that South Island is the least polluted and most spectacularly scenic of themall.


  2.There is much competition to make such aclaim. The island of England,politically constituting England,Scotland,andWales of the United Kingdom,isdotted with country villages set alongside rivers and lakes. There are not verytall but nonetheless rugged mountains in the north,and endless miles of rockycoastline that seem mystical. Ireland,too,isa paradise of greenery,with far fewer people than populous England and even more quaintvillages scattered among its low-lying hills and forever green fields. North Islandin New Zealandsports a balmy climate and the beaches to make use of it; one beach alone ismore than 150 kilometers long,and with relatively few people on its shores,onecan pretend one is at the very end of the earth. Volcanoes,large lakes,andquickly flowing rivers traverse the land. Given the beauty of these three islands,whatmakes South Island so special?

  2.這樣說勢(shì)必經(jīng)過一番競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。在政治版圖上構(gòu)成英國(guó)的英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾士的英格蘭本島,鄉(xiāng)間農(nóng)村沿著河岸和湖畔星羅棋布。北部的山雖不高但卻崎嶇不平,而綿延不絕的巖岸則展現(xiàn)出神秘的風(fēng)情。愛爾蘭也是綠色天堂,人口遠(yuǎn)不及人煙稠密的英格蘭,卻有更多古意盎然的農(nóng)村散布在低洼的山丘和常綠的田野間。新西蘭的北島以擁有溫和的氣候和可享受這宜人氣候的海灘為傲;光是一個(gè)海灘就超過150公里長(zhǎng),而岸上人口相當(dāng)稀少,可以讓人假裝自己是在世界的盡頭;鹕、大湖和湍急的河流橫桓全島。 既然這個(gè)三個(gè)島如此美麗,南島又有何特別指出?

  3.Plenty. For those who like mountains,South Island is sure to please. Mt. Cookat 3,764 meters is its highest peak,with 16 others above 3,000 meters.Naturally,many local and foreign mountain climbers come here for the challengeof these Southern Alps. In addition,there isan extensive glacier system,endless forests,and innumerable lakes throughoutthis highland area. Some of the world's best mountain scenery is availablewithin the 500-kilometer long chain of the Southern Alps.


  4.Perhaps you prefer the sea? South Island is not only an island,but many tiny isletscan be found off its coastline. Great deep-sea fishing,scuba diving,andsnorkeling can be had,though the waters here are cooler than those of North Island.(Remember,in the Southern Hemisphere,as we go north,it gets warmer.) As fewerpeople live on South Island than on North Island,thosewho crave solitude and pristine beaches will be amazed at their luck here. Withalmost no heavy industry on South Island,theair,water,and land are all free of pollution. The local seafood is thereforeclean,plentiful,and never-ending.


  5.Do healthfulclimates interest you? South Island is theplace to be. Its temperate climate sees little snow except in the highlands andmountainous areas. Like Irelandand England,thereare no extremes of temperature,either. Summers are warm,not hot,and winters arebrisk rather than freezing. The fresh air is sometimes humid from the abundantrainfall of this area. Every season invites the nature lover to get out and beactive in the countryside.


  6.Of course,South Island is not for everyone. For those who needbusy,crowded,noisy,and polluted cities,this Southern outpost will surelydisappoint. For those who enjoy pressure and stress,South Island will leave them empty-handed. And for those who wouldrather stay at home or in an office in front of a computer screen or in thethumping,smoke-filled dance floors of discos,some of the world's best naturalscenery will never entice them away. For the rest of us,though,South Island is the world's best-kept secret. If Nature'sparadise sounds alluring,make a point of visiting South Island.


  25. Hints to ImproveSpoken English <原25>


  1. Speaking Englishfluently and accurately is a goal of many people studying English in China.Fluency can be simply defined as "being able to communicate ideas withouthaving to stop and think too much about what one is saying"; speaking accuratelymeans "speaking without errors of grammar and vocabulary".


  2. The problem isthat many students find that if they try to speak fast,they make more mistakes.And,if they slow down,there may be fewer errors but it can sound unnatural.So,how do balance accuracy and fluency in spoken English?


  3. It can depend onthe manner in which one has studied English in the past. People who tend tofocus on accuracy may find that they worry too much about making mistakes. Thiscan make them nervous or embarrassed about speaking English in public. As aresult,their spoken English might not improve. This means that,although theyknow English grammar and vocabulary well,they might not be able to hold a goodconversation.


  4. On the otherhand,there are those who really like to talk and are willing to try theirlanguage out even if they make mistakes. This willingness to take risks helpsthem speak more fluidly. But,if they make a lot of mistakes,they may find itdifficult to get their ideas across.


  5. The debate aboutwhich is more important-fluency or accuracy-in the English language has lastedfor a long time. Still,one thing is clear: speaking a language well needs bothfluency and accuracy. How can we be sure that we can develop both? Thefollowing tips could help.


  6. Find theproblem. What kind of person are you-one who focuses on accuracy or one whofocuses on frequency? The first step is to recognize your problem and go to workon it. Think about situations where you've used English and how you felt aboutmaking mistakes? Do you always try some new language even though it might notbe correct? Or do you feel embarrassed by mistakes?


  7. Focus on oneproblem at a time. When you speak English,find the mistakes you make mostoften. One mistake Chinese often make is omitting the "s" from thethird person singular verb. Or you may speak too slowly as if you weresearching for the right word and correct grammar. The next time you useEnglish,try to work on those problems you have identified. If it's fluency,tryto focus on it. If you have a problem with the third person singular,try toconcentrate on when you make such errors. Don't spend time thinking about othermistakes. By choosing an area to work on,you can isolate problems and helpyourself overcome them.


  8. Vary yourpractice. If you go to an English comer or an English club,try to change thetypes of activities you take part in so that you practice both fluency andaccuracy. Public speaking allows you to slow down and be sure you have time toconcentrate on the language. Meanwhile,discussions are good practice forfluency,especially if you don't stop each time a mistake is made,


  9. Learn thedifference between fluency and speed. Some Chinese think that speaking fast isthe same as speaking fluently. In fact,speaking fluently involves not onlyspeed. It also involves stress,pronunciation and intonation. If you make amistake in these,speaking fast will only make it worse. Don't sacrificeunderstanding for speed.


  10. Try recordingyourself. Take a tape recorder and record a conversation with a friend or aspeech or monologue as you do it naturally! A two-or-three-minute recording isenough. When you've finished,listen to yourself. Can you identify and correctany errors? Make it a regular practice. The more you record yourself,the moreconfident and natural sounding you will become.










