

時間:2020-08-18 19:26:35 英語零起點 我要投稿





  aunt (阿姨)- My aunt tells me funny stories about my mother's youth.我阿姨告訴我有關(guān)我媽小時候的趣事。 brother (兄弟)- My brother is very competitive. 我哥哥很有競爭力。 cousin (表兄弟)- My cousin left for college last year. 我表哥去年去上大學了。 Daughter(女兒) - She has one daughter and one son. 她有一兒一女。 father (父親)- My father spent a lot of time on the road for work.我爸在上班路上花了很多時間。

  grandchild (孫子)- That 90 year old woman has twenty grandchildren!那位90歲的女性有20個孫子! granddaughter / son (孫女/孫子)- His granddaughter gave him a birthday card with a bunny.他的孫女給了他一張帶兔子的生日賀卡。 grandfather / mother (爺爺/奶奶)- Do you remember your grandmothers and grandfathers?你還記得你的祖母祖父們嗎? great-grandchild (曾孫)- She has four great-grandchildren .她有四個曾孫。

  husband (丈夫)- She sometimes argues with her husband, but that's normal in every marriage. 她有時候和她丈夫吵架,但吵架這種事在每段婚姻中都是正常的。 ex-husband (前夫)- She had to divorce her ex-husband because he cheated on her. 因為她前夫出軌了,所以她不得不和她前夫離婚。 son-in-law, etc. (繼子,等)- Her daughter-in-law told her to mind her own business.她繼女告訴她別多管閑事。

  mother (母親)- Mother knows best, or at least that's my mother always said.媽媽知道什么是最好的,至少我媽總是這么說。 niece (侄女)- His niece works in a shop in Seattle selling eye-wear. 他侄女在西雅圖的一家商店里賣眼鏡。 nephew (侄子)- I have a nephew who lives in town. 我有個住在城里的侄子。 parents (父母)- All of us have two biological parents.Many grown up with adopted parents.我們所有人都有兩個生父生母,但我們大部分都隨養(yǎng)父母長大。 sister (姐妹)- His sister drove him crazy with her constant complaining about the parents.他姐姐不停地抱怨父母,這一點把他逼瘋了。 son (兒子)- Many people say that sons are harder to raise than daughters because they cause more trouble. 許多人說,兒子比女兒難養(yǎng),因為兒子惹的禍更多。

  step-father (繼父)- She gets along with her step-father, but she prefers to not call him 'Dad'.她和她繼父相處得很好,但她還是不愿意叫他“爸爸”。 step-daughter, etc. (繼女,等)- If you marry him, you'll have two step-daughters and one step-son. 你要是嫁給他,你就會有兩個繼女和一個繼子。 Twin(雙胞胎) - It's amazing how similar some twins are. They look, act, and talk alike.有些雙胞胎的相似程度實在是太驚人了。他們的長相、行為和說話方式都一樣。 uncle (叔叔)- My uncle lives in Texas. He's nothing like my father. 我叔叔住在德州,他跟我父親一點也不像。 widow (woman) (寡婦)- She became a widow twenty years ago and never remarried.她二十年前成了寡婦,并且從未再婚。 widower (man) (鰥夫)- The widower is very sad because he's all alone now.鰥夫總是非常悲傷,因為他現(xiàn)在形單影只。 wife (妻子)- My wife is the most amazing woman in the world . 我妻子是世界上最棒的女人。 ex-wife (前妻)- His ex-wife took all his money. 他前妻把他所有的錢都拿走了。


  divorced (離婚的`)- Jennifer is divorced, but she's happy to be single again. 珍妮弗離婚了,但她很高興再次單身。 engaged (訂婚的)- Helen is engaged to be married next June. 海倫訂婚了,六月就結(jié)婚。 married (已婚的)- I've been married for over twenty-five years. I consider myself lucky. 我已經(jīng)結(jié)婚25年了。我覺得我是個幸運的人。 separated (分居的)- In many countries, couples must be separated for more than a year in order to divorce. 在很多國家,夫妻必須分居一年以上才能離婚。 single (單身的)- He's a single man living in New York. Need I say more?!他是個住在紐約的單身漢。還需要我多說嗎? widowed (喪偶的)- Hank became widowed last year. He hasn't been the same since.漢克去年喪偶。 他跟之前再也不一樣了。


  get divorced (from) (離婚)- My husband and I got divorced three years ago. Now, we're best friends, but we know marriage was a mistake. 我丈夫和我三年前離婚了。現(xiàn)在,我們是最好的朋友,但是我們都知道我們之前的婚姻是個錯誤。 get engaged (to) (訂婚)- I got engaged to my wife after just two months of dating.我和我妻子約會兩個月之后訂婚了。 get married (to) (結(jié)婚)- We're planning on getting married in May. 我們計劃五月結(jié)婚。 get on (well) with someone (和某人相處)- My wife gets on well with my best friend. That makes me happy!我妻子和我的好友相處得很好。這使我很開心! marry someone (和某人結(jié)婚)- She married Tom fifty years ago today. 她和Tom在五十年前的今天結(jié)婚了。 start / end a relationship with someone (和某人展開/結(jié)束一段關(guān)系)- I think we should end our relationship. We're not happy with each other. 我覺得我們應該分手。我們相處得并不愉快。


  acquaintance (熟人)- I have many acquaintances from all over the world. 我有很多熟人,他們來自世界各地。 Boss(老板) - My boss is a nice guy.我老板是個好人。 colleague (同事)- I have great colleagues at work.我有很棒的同事。 employee (雇員)- All employees should keep their mouths shut and work hard. 所有員工應該閉上嘴巴,努力工作。 employer (雇主)- In today's work environment, employers are unfair to their employees. 在如今的工作環(huán)境,雇主對員工并不公平。 fiancée (未婚夫)- My fiancée works as a physical fitness instructor. 我未婚夫是健身教練。 friend (朋友)- Friends are just as important as family.朋友就和家人一樣重要。 best friend (至交)- My best friend plays the violin and is a successful entrepreneur.我最好的朋友會拉小提琴,同時他也是個成功的企業(yè)家。 neighbor (鄰居)- It's important to keep up a friendly relationship with your neighbor if possible. 如果可能的話,與鄰居保持友好關(guān)系很重要。 partner (伙伴)- Many of those who choose not to get married live with their partners for years. 很多選擇不結(jié)婚的人和他們的小伙伴們一起生活多年。









