

時(shí)間:2020-11-16 14:58:26 演講培訓(xùn) 我要投稿


  Camine Gallo 講解喬布斯演講技巧的中英文對(duì)照演講稿:


  Anyone who is watched the Steve Job’s keynote, will tell you, he is one of the most extraordinary speakers and cooperators in America.但凡看過(guò)Steve Jobs的主題演講的人都覺(jué)得,他是全美最棒的演說(shuō)家,最了不起的合作伙伴。

  -Who does the best job of that in the world


  Well, most presenter simply convey information, Jobs inspires.多數(shù)演講者只是簡(jiǎn)單地傳達(dá)信息,喬布斯的演講卻能點(diǎn)燃激情。

  I'm Camine Gallo. And today I'll walk you to several key techniques that Steve Jobs uses to electrify his audience, the relevants you can adopt for your very next presentation.


  -Welcome to Mac world 2008. We got some great stuffs for you.


  -There's clearly something in the air today.


  With those words Jobs open Mac Pro 2008, setting the theme for his presentation and hitting the major announcement of the day by launching the ultra thin Mac book air. Whether it's the notebook or the Iphone, Jobs unveils a single headline that set the theme.

  喬布斯開場(chǎng)的寥寥幾句就揭示了大會(huì)主題營(yíng)造出了Mac book air的發(fā)布氛圍。不管是發(fā)布Mac book還是iPhone 喬布斯只用簡(jiǎn)單的一句話就點(diǎn)明了主題——

  -Today Apple is going to reinvents the phone.


  Once you identify a theme, make sure it’s clear and consistent throughout the presentation. Think of a staff meeting as a presentation. So let's say your sales manager introducing a new software tool that helps your team generate track and share sales leads. You might kick off a meeting this way: Good Morning! Thanks for coming. I know you'll be really excited about this. Today we'll make it easier for you to make a quota. That's the headline: easier to make a quota. It's memorable, and it sets the direction for the rest of the meeting. It gives your audience a reason to listen.


  -I got four things I'd like to talk about with you today. So let's get started. Steve Jobs always provides an outline for his presentation and then verbally opens and closes each section with clear transition and between. Here's an example.


  -So that's time capsule, a perfect companion to leopard.

  -這就是Time Capsule,完美的系統(tǒng)伴侶。

  -And that's the first thing I wanna share with you this morning.


  The point is, make it easy for your listeners to follow your story. Your outline will serves as guide post along the way. You also know that during his presentation Jobs uses words like "extraordinary", "amazing" and "cool". He is passionate, enthusiastic and it shows.


  -Incredible, unbelievable, awesome, extraordinary year for Apple.-對(duì)于蘋果來(lái)說(shuō),這是難以想象、非同凡響的一年。

  You know your audience wants to be wowed, not put to sleep. Too many people fall into this presentation mode, its stiff, its formal, it lacks possess. We, your listeners will give you a permission to have fun and be excited about your company, your product during your service.


  If you are not passionate about it, we are not going to be. Remember, Jobs isn’t selling hardware. He's selling an experience. If you offer numbers and statistics, make them meaningful.

  如果你在那玩深沉,我們觀眾又怎么可能會(huì)激情四射。喬布斯從頭至尾都不是在兜售產(chǎn)品,而是推銷一種體驗(yàn)。如果要引用數(shù)據(jù),請(qǐng)賜予它意義吧。-We have sold 4 million Iphones to date.

  -迄今為止,我們一共售出了4百萬(wàn)部iPhone 。

  -We divide 4 million by 200 days, that's 20,000 Iphones every day on average.


  Numbers don't mean much, unless it plays in context. Managers, connect the dots for your listeners. Recently I worked with a company that launched 12 Gigabyte memory card, 12 Gigabytes. That number doesn’t mean much to most people. So we put it in the contest. We said that's the enough memory to listen to your music while traveling to the moon and back. Now, 12 Gigabytes, mean something to me. Make numbers meaningful.


  One of the most effective elements of Steve Jobs's presentation is that they are easy on the eyes. His presentations are visual and simple.喬布斯演講的法寶就是視覺(jué)刺激。他的演講不僅非常視覺(jué)化,而且通俗易懂。Well, most speakers fill their slides, with = =| data, texts and charts, Jobs does just the opposite. He uses very little text, and usually one, maybe two images for his slide.


  You see you want to paint a picture for your audience, without overwhelming them. Inspiring presentations are short on bullet points and big on visuals. If you really want your presentations to pop, treat it like a show, when ads flows, themes and transitions. Jobs includes video clips, demonstrations and guests, he also has a natural for dramatic flare. It’s very effective. For example we are introducing the MacBook Air, Jobs drew chairs by opening a manila inter office envelope, holding the laptop for everyone to see.

  在合適的時(shí)刻展現(xiàn)合適的內(nèi)容,而不是連篇累牘、鋪天蓋地砸向聽眾。好的演講通常只列出簡(jiǎn)明扼要的觀點(diǎn),其他的全是演示。想要演講得出類拔萃,就把它當(dāng)作一場(chǎng)"達(dá)人秀":各種廣告、各種主題、各種變幻...喬布斯就用到了視頻剪輯、樣品展示、客串嘉賓...有時(shí)還會(huì)來(lái)個(gè)出其不意。別說(shuō),倒還真挺見效。比如在發(fā)布Mac Book Air時(shí),他打開一個(gè)大信封,默默抽出了這個(gè)新款筆記本電腦,觀眾們瞬間石化了。

  -This is the new, Mac Book Air, you can get a feel for how thin it is.

  -這就是最新款Mac Book Air, 知道它有多薄了吧。

  What is the one memorable moment of your presentationIdentify your memorable moment and build up to it. -...Climax of the show -...our friends and everyone in the world today.


  And finally, rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse some more.


  -Let me show you how easy that is now.


  Steve Jobs makes it look easy because he spends hours rehearsing. He cannot pull off an intro presentation with a video clips and demonstrations and outside speakers without practice. The result of presentation that is perfect synchronized and looks, yes effortless. Now the average business first does not have a resource to create a Steve jobs's extraordinary ganza. But you do have time to rehearse. The greatest presenters do it, so should you.
