- 相關(guān)推薦
基本英語是為了國際交流使用的簡化了的英語。它通常被一些飛機廠商和其他國際商業(yè)用作寫手冊和交流。遠東的一些學校把它作為 基礎(chǔ)英語來教授。下面是小編收集的關(guān)于英語老師激勵與評價的英語口語,希望大家認真閱讀!
1 |
Put on your name card, please. |
請帶上你的名字卡片。 |
2 |
Come on,boys and girls. Let’s study English together. |
孩子們,我們一起來學習英語吧! |
3 |
What did you learn at home? |
在家里學了什么? |
4 |
Sit up straight. |
坐好。 |
5 |
Stop playing. |
別做小動作。 |
6 |
Don’t drawl. |
別拖長聲音。 |
7 |
What did you see? |
剛才看到了什么? |
8 |
Slow down. |
說慢些。 |
9 |
Let’s sing. |
咱們一起唱歌吧。 |
10 |
It’s your turn. |
輪到你了。 |
11 |
Which group wants to do first? |
哪個小組先來? |
12 |
Look at the blackboard. |
看黑板。 |
13 |
Take out your cards. |
拿出卡片。 |
14 |
Let’s draw a picture. |
讓我們畫畫吧。 |
15 |
Let’s dance. |
咱們一起跳舞吧。 |
16 |
Who can answer? |
誰來回答? |
17 |
Pardon? |
請再說一遍。 |
18 |
That’s all for today. |
今天的課就上到這。 |
19 |
Speak English to your Dad and Mum. |
跟爸爸媽媽說英語。 |
1 |
Brilliant! |
很好! |
2 |
Fantastic! |
太好了! |
3 |
Don’t be shy. |
不要害羞。 |
4 |
Try again. |
再試一次。 |
5 |
Right? |
對不對? |
6 |
Good or very good? |
好還是很好? |
7 |
Take it easy. |
別緊張。 |
8 |
Which group is the best? |
哪個小組最棒? |
9 |
Who is the best? |
誰最棒? |
10 |
What about them? |
他們怎么樣? |
11 |
You are right. |
對了。 |
12 |
You are doing very well today! |
你今天做得很好。 |
13 |
Why are they the winner? |
為什么他們贏了? |
1 |
Show me your card. |
展示卡片。 |
2 |
Whose turn? |
輪到誰了? |
3 |
Obey the rules, ok? |
遵守規(guī)則,好嗎? |
4 |
Make a circle, hand in hand. |
圍成一個圈,手牽手。 |
5 |
No pushing. |
別推別人。 |
6 |
Stand in a line. |
站成一排。 |
7 |
Are you happy? |
高興嗎? |
8 |
Let’s go back. |
咱們回去吧! |
9 |
Put the book in your desk. |
把書放進書桌。 |
10 |
Who wants to be the dog? |
誰想當小狗? |
1 |
Hurry up. |
快一點。 |
2 |
No rushing. |
請不要到處亂跑。 |
3 |
It’s dangerous. |
危險。 |
4 |
Be polite, please. |
要講禮貌。 |
5 |
Say sorry to her, OK? |
向她道個歉,好嗎? |
6 |
Behave! |
別淘氣。 |
7 |
Go to the washroom.. |
去洗手間。 |
8 |
Wash your hands. |
洗洗手。 |
9 |
Drink water. |
喝點水。 |