

時間:2023-03-08 12:35:13 英語閱讀 我要投稿





  The US$3-million Fundamental physics prize is indeed an interesting experiment, as Alexander Polyakov said when he accepted this year’s award in March. And it is far from the only one of its type. As a News Feature article in Nature discusses, a string of lucrative awards for researchers have joined the Nobel Prizes in recent years. Many, like the Fundamental Physics Prize, are funded from the telephone-number-sized bank accounts of Internet entrepreneurs. These benefactors have succeeded in their chosen fields, they say, and they want to use their wealth to draw attention to those who have succeeded in science.

  What’s not to like? Quite a lot, according to a handful of scientists quoted in the News Feature. You cannot buy class, as the old saying goes, and these upstart entrepreneurs cannot buy their prizes the prestige of the Nobels, The new awards are an exercise in self-promotion for those behind them, say scientists. They could distort the achievement-based system of peer-review-led research. They could cement the status quo of peer-reviewed research. They do not fund peer-reviewed research. They perpetuate the myth of the lone genius.

  The goals of the prize-givers seem as scattered as the criticism.Some want to shock, others to draw people into science, or to better reward those who have made their careers in research.

  As Nature has pointed out before, there are some legitimate concerns about how science prizes—both new and old—are distributed. The Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences, launched this year, takes an unrepresentative view of what the life sciences include.But the Nobel Foundation’s limit of three recipients per prize, each of whom must still be living, has long been outgrown by the collaborative nature of modern research—as will be demonstrated by the inevitable row over who is ignored when it comes to acknowledging the discovery of the Higgs boson. The Nobels were, of course,themselves set up by a very rich individual who had decided what he wanted to do with his own money. Time, rather than intention, has given them legitimacy.

  As much as some scientists may complain about the new awards, two things seem clear. First, most researchers would accept such a prize if they were offered one. Second, it is surely a good thing that the money and attention come to science rather than go elsewhere, It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism—that is the culture of research, after all—but it is the prize-givers’ money to do with as they please. It is wise to take such gifts with gratitude and grace.

  31.The Fundamental Physical Prize is seen as

  [A]a symbol of the entrepreneurs’s wealth.

  [B]a possible replacement of the Nobel Prize.

  [C]an example of bankers’ investment.

  [D]a handsome reward for researchers.

  32.The phrase “to sign on”(Line 3,Para.2) most probably means

  [A]the profit-oriented scientists.

  [B]the founders of the new award.

  [C]the achievement-based system.

  [D]peer-review-led research.

  33.What promoted the chancellor to develop his scheme?

  [A]controversies over the recipients’ status.

  [B]the joint effort of modern researchers.

  [C]legitimate concerns over the new prize.

  [D]the demonstration of research findings.

  34.According to Paragraph 3, being unemployed makes one one feel

  [A]Their endurance has done justice to them.

  [B]Their legitimacy has long been in dispute.

  [C]They are the most representative honor.

  [D]History has never cast doubt on them.

  35.To which of the following would the author most probably agree?

  [A]acceptable despite the criticism.

  [B]harmful to the culture of research.

  [C]subject to undesirable changes.

  [D]unworthy of public attention.


  “The Heart of the Matter,” the just-released report by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, deserves praise for affirming the importance of the humanities and social sciences to the prosperity and security of liberal democracy in America. Regrettably, however, the report's failure to address the true nature of the crisis facing liberal education may cause more harm than good.

  In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences asking that it identify actions that could be taken by "federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual benefactors and others" to "maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education."

  In response, the American Academy formed the Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, with Duke University President Richard Brodhead and retired Exelon CEO John Rowe as co-chairmen. Among the commission's 51 members are top-tier-university presidents, scholars, lawyers, judges, and business executives, as well as prominent figures from diplomacy, filmmaking, music and journalism.

  The goals identified in the report are generally admirable. Because representative government presupposes an informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies.

  To encourage innovation and competition, the report calls for increased investment in research, the crafting of coherent curricula that improve students' ability to solve problems and communicate effectively in the 21st century, increased funding for teachers and the encouragement of scholars to bring their learning to bear on the great challenges of the day. The report also advocates greater study of foreign languages, international affairs and the expansion of study abroad programs.

  One of the more novel ideas in the report is the creation of a "Culture Corps" in cities and town across America to "transmit humanistic and social scientific expertise from one generation to the next."

  Unfortunately, despite 2? years in the making, "The Heart of the Matter" never gets to the heart of the matter: the illiberal nature of liberal education at our leading colleges and universities.

  The commission ignores that for several decades America's colleges and universities have produced graduates who don't know the content and character of liberal education and are thus deprived of its benefits. Sadly, the spirit of inquiry once at home on campus has been replaced by the use of the humanities and social sciences as vehicles for disseminating "progressive," or left-liberal propaganda.

  Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas—such as free markets, self-reliance and a distrust of central planning—as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation.

  The AAAS displays great enthusiasm for liberal education. Yet its report may well set back reform by obscuring the depth and breadth of the challenge that congress asked it to illuminate.

  36. According to Paragraph 1, what is the author’s attitude toward the AAAS’s report?

  [A] Critical

  [B] Appreciative

  [C] Contemptuous

  [D] Tolerant

  37. Influential figures in the Congress required that the AAAS report on how to

  [A] retain people’s interest in liberal education

  [B] define the government’s role in education

  [C] keep a leading position in liberal education

  [D] safeguard individuals rights to education

  38. According to Paragraph 3, the report suggests

  [A] an exclusive study of American history

  [B] a greater emphasis on theoretical subjects

  [C] the application of emerging technologies

  [D] funding for the study of foreign languages

  39. The author implies in Paragraph S that professors are

  [A] supportive of free markets

  [B] cautious about intellectual investigation

  [C] conservative about public policy

  [D] biased against classical liberal ideas

  40. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

  [A] Ways to Grasp “The Heart of the Matter”

  [B] Illiberal Education and “The Heart of the Matter”

  [C] The AAAS’s Contribution to Liberal Education

  [D] Progressive Policy vs. Liberal Education







  答案31:A為細節(jié)題。根據題干中的Fundamental Physics Prize可以定位到第一段,但除此之外就沒有其他細節(jié)提示信息了,所以我們只能根據幾個選項去定位,分別根據選項中的entrepreneurs、Nobel Prize、investment、reward去定位,在第一段末句找到了與A選項相一致的句子,則判定A選項正確。

  答案32:B 為細節(jié)題。根據題干中的critics定位到第三段,可知第二段沒有出題,從第三段第二句可以得出本道題的正確選項,who have made their careers in research即為B選項中的The founders。

  答案33: D 為細節(jié)題。本道題如果從題干中看更像是例證題,但題目中說道the case involves即問例子本身,所以為一道細節(jié)題。我們在第四段倒數(shù)第三句中找到了Higgs boson,定位到本句可以得知nature of modern research---as well as demonstrated by……即為本道題正確答案。

  答案34: A 為判斷題。此類題型是考試中的一個難點,在題干中提示信息非常少,所以我們需要根據每個選項分別定位。A選項的durance定位到本段最后一句time。B選項根據legitimacy定位到第一句。C選項沒有提到。D選項從最后一段可以驗證確實是收到了質疑,B選項和原文不符,可以得知答案為A。

  答案35: A 為主旨題。本題屬于作者觀點,出在最后一段則說明更多體現(xiàn)了文章的主旨,因為還有一個段落對應,則我們可以在最后一段找答案,根據題干中的award我們可以得知全文的最后一句明確體現(xiàn)了作者的觀點,故選A。



  36.選A,該題是細節(jié)態(tài)度題。并非考察全文的態(tài)度,也就是說要細節(jié)定位。根據題干定位原則,定位第一段AAAS出現(xiàn)之處,并且一定要找到表示評價的部分。該題迷惑性很強,因為文章在AAAS后面就又”praise”所以容易誤導大家選擇答案B “appreciative(欣賞的)”,但是我們應該看到有however,我們知道如果第一段出現(xiàn)轉折,那此轉折一定跟主旨有關。同時各個題都與主旨相關,所以這道題應該于主旨相關,后文中的“may cause more harm than good.”讓我們知道它的還多余利,所以答案選擇A,批判性的。

  37,選C,細節(jié)題。根據自然段定位原則,36題在第一段出題,38題在第三段出題,那37題在第二段出題的可能性就很大。同時題干定位”Influential figures in the Congress”與“leading congressional Democrats and Republicans”同義替換。定位的答案是asking that it identify actions that could be taken by "federal, state and ….., individual benefactors and others" to "asking that it identify actions that could be taken by "federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual benefactors and others" to "maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education. “In humanities and social scientific scholarship and education. “也就是說答案重點在maintain national excellence 剛好與選項C 中的leading position 進行同義替換。ABD與文章不符合。

  38,選C,推理題。Suggest 是推理題的標志。先化選項關鍵詞,發(fā)現(xiàn)選項A是講American history選項B; 是講theoretical subjects;選項C]emerging technologies;選項Dfunding foreign languages。返回原文定位的時候,A 選項中的“exclusive 排外”并沒有在“stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government;”這句話中體現(xiàn)。B選項中的理論學科沒有定位點。D選項與原文“increased funding for teachers”以及“greater study of foreign languages,”不符。屬于張冠李戴。“encourages the use of new digital technologies.”與選項C 同義替換。

  39題選B,屬于推理題。Implies是推理題的標志。同時根據提題干定位第五段,找professor. “professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas—such as free markets, self-reliance —as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation.”A 選項中的free markets前面的修飾詞語是conservative or liberal ideas 沒有體現(xiàn)A 選項中的supportive。C選項中的conservative 與文中progressive public policy 不符合。D選項中biased 沒有體現(xiàn),故排除。所以選B。

  40.題選擇B。主旨大意題。先看其他題題干,我們鎖定關鍵詞是report ,而report 就是“the heart of the matter “ 故排除C和D.而我們看A 發(fā)現(xiàn)文章并沒有講如何抓住“問題核心”的各個方法。排除A,選擇B









