

時(shí)間:2023-02-26 15:51:31 翻譯資格 我要投稿
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  第一篇 有關(guān)鼓勵(lì)中國(guó)企業(yè)在美國(guó)投資的講話。這個(gè)段落顯得非?谡Z化,信息安排比較簡(jiǎn)單,唯一的難點(diǎn)就是速度顯得有一些快,這對(duì)于考生的筆記是個(gè)挑戰(zhàn)。

  第一段 As someone has long been engaged in promoting America's trade ties to China, I am so glad to attend today’s seminar on Chinese investment in the states and I very much appreciate your interest in making an investment in my country. The message I wish to convey to you is loud and clear. United State welcomes China's investments a point made abundantly clear by President Obama when he met Chinese president Xi Jinping in California. Why? The reason is simple. We need Chinese investment to create good-paying American jobs, upgrade our infrastructure and broaden our middle-class.

  對(duì)于二級(jí)學(xué)員來說,一般應(yīng)該已經(jīng)熟練掌握筆記的結(jié)構(gòu)與符號(hào),應(yīng)該是學(xué)會(huì)簡(jiǎn)化筆記,利用較少的信息復(fù)述較多內(nèi)容的時(shí)候了,這個(gè)段落的第一句看似字很多,但實(shí)際落在紙面的似乎沒有什么內(nèi)容,”trade tie”, “seminar”, “appreciate”,這三個(gè)概念就足以支撐起對(duì)這句話內(nèi)容的提示。后面一句中的三個(gè)列舉對(duì)于考生是第一個(gè)考驗(yàn),列舉中稍有難度的是 broaden our middle class, “增加中產(chǎn)階級(jí)人數(shù)!

  第二段 And there are also a whole lot of reasons why Chinese companies ought to come here. The United States has the world’s largest market. America is open for business. people are looking at lower energy costs here. They are looking at stability , they are looking at the increased productivity of our workers. This is a great platform from which you can export duty-free around the world because of the free-trade agreements we have with many countries. The U.S market is well-developed with the sound legal system and there are lot of sectors worth your investments. The weak recovery in U.S economy means opportunities for Chinese companies to acquire technology, brands and sales networks, which can be connected with the huge Chinese market and bring great benefits to Chinese investors China and the US agreed in July last year to start substantive negotiations on bilateral investment treaty, which will reduce investment barriers and facilitate market access in the two economies. So it is now the best time for Chinese companies to put money in the United States.


  第三段 Entering foreign market is a great challenge for any country. There will be differences in culture, languages, regulations, consumer habits, infrastructure and human capital. so what's important is that you should learn more about the American culture, mesh rush instead of fighting it. We will help you navigate national state and local rules and regulations so that you can invest faster, open facilities faster and make profit faster. But in the United States some industries are highly regulated and foreign companies should appreciate this to avoid delays.



  To succeed in the United States, a Chinese company should hire experienced local staff will understand how business is conducted across cultures and identify key stakeholders. You should also state legal accounting and insurance services provided by American law firms, investment banks,public relations firms and insurance companies to reduce risks.Chinese companies operating in the US how they can contribute to the local community and bolsterAmerican growth and employment. In addition they should undertake crisis plan to prevent a minor issue from developing into a big one that could affect t their image.

  對(duì)劃線詞的熟悉程度再次成為考試的焦點(diǎn),stakeholder “利益攸關(guān)方“一詞在本次考試中出現(xiàn)了兩次,成為一個(gè)焦點(diǎn)詞匯,這里面的信息非常明確,閱讀大量有關(guān)中美商業(yè)貿(mào)易的報(bào)道,熟悉其中詞匯是通過二級(jí)考試的不二法門。

  第五段 Building brands is critically important. Chinese brands are not very well known in the United States. Chinese companies will therefore do more to build awareness and promote their products to American consumers. it takes time and money for an investment project to be successful. You need to make long-term and major investing or just don’t bother. More importantly, start Greenfield project, namely, building new factories from ground provides smoother move into the US market than does a merger or acquisition. As more Chinese companies make investment in the United States, they will add a new dimension to the close business relations between the world’s two largest economies. It is my hope that Chinese companies will be firmly implanted in United States and become an integral and valuable part of our country’s economic and social fabric.

  本段一個(gè)詞匯是“Greenfield project.” 看似考詞,其實(shí)考的是考生是否形成了準(zhǔn)確捕捉英語母語說話人進(jìn)行表達(dá)的習(xí)慣,”namely”一詞的出現(xiàn)其實(shí)就是告知考生對(duì)于greenfield一詞要進(jìn)行解釋,考生此時(shí)就不應(yīng)該再糾結(jié)于這個(gè)新詞的意思,應(yīng)該轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)σ饬x的判斷。

  此外,merge 和acquisition, 并購(gòu)這類詞應(yīng)該對(duì)考生不再陌生。

  第二篇 :本篇文章來自北京周報(bào)的一篇特約稿件,作者是紐約大學(xué)的兼職教授。作者是華裔,雖然用英文寫的,但從行文思路和語序還是比較接近中文,邏輯一般,用詞比較簡(jiǎn)單(對(duì)比原文實(shí)際上是出題方進(jìn)行了簡(jiǎn)化),只要能夠抓住基本內(nèi)容,聽記應(yīng)該不算困難。

  第一段:For years,policy makers and economists have all used GDP to measure the growth of country. But this excessivefocus on GDP can distort development incentives and lead to unintendedconsequences. Clearly, for a country to prosper,sufficient economic activity must be generated in order to employ greater numbers of people and to improve the overall standard of living. However, GDP was developed as a measure decades ago, and it has many shortcomings that can make it a poor measure of quality of life. Instead, economists and policy makers should focus on other indicators and develop new models for measuring a country's development progress. And this is fully possible with today's technology.//


  Generate economic activity是一個(gè)較為正式的表達(dá),其實(shí)就是make economic activity happen.口譯者有的時(shí)候應(yīng)該可以望文生義的。

  第二段:GDP records all the financial transactions for products and services within a country. The first problem with this measure is that with many companies operating in multiple countries, the profits that is created do not necessarily stay within a country's borders. In fact, a majority of the profits of multinational firms flows back to the country of origin. For instance, Nike may hire Chinese workers to produce its shoes, have stores in China to sell its products, and only Chinese customers buy from those stores. 90 percent of the economic activity happens in Chinaand gets recorded inChina's GDP. However, the majority of the profits of Nike goes back to the owners in theUnited Stateseven if none of the economic activity happens in theUnited States. The national wealth measure is therefore, distorted because it would seem that China is getting richer and the United States is getting poorer. Obviously, this is not the case.


  第三段: Secondly, GDP does not show distribution of income. A company that creates a lot of income from production does not show how that income is being distributed. The majority of profits actually go to very few individuals and that the income inequality is wide in China. Another problem with GDP as a measure for economic progress is that it only captures financialtransactions. When a mother takes his kid to watch a movie, that activity is captured in GDP. But when she takes the same kid to play soccer in a park, that activity is not captured in GDP. However, going to the park to play socce rcould create a better quality of life than going to the movies. if the focus becomes overwhelmingly on GDP growth, policy makers would have more incentives to create more movie theaters than public parks. As the result, the quality of life could drop. //


  A company that creates a lot of income from production does not show how that income is being distributed.一家能夠創(chuàng)造很多收入的公司不能表明收入是如何分配的。

  第四段:The worst part about focusing on GDP is that it can actually create the conditions for a worse quality of life. The pollution that causes cancers, food poisoning, or birth defects actually adds to GDP growth because whenever people seek medical help and incur medical bills to pay for all these ailments, GDP grows. On the other hand, GDP doesn't grow if people remain healthy and don't seek medical help. Obviously, it is much better to have a healthier, cleaner society, but that will not create higher GDP growth.

  這個(gè)段落從邏輯上說很簡(jiǎn)單,但聽記上有些難度,一個(gè)是有一個(gè)三詞列舉,中間包含一個(gè)“先天缺陷”較難,另一個(gè)是 incur medical bills to pay for all these ailments。Incur 一詞相對(duì)生疏,其實(shí)就是產(chǎn)生,ailment一詞其實(shí)就是disease換個(gè)說法,英語求雅替換的習(xí)慣會(huì)在一定程度上考住譯者,需要根據(jù)上下文進(jìn)行判斷。

  第五段:In summary, GDP can be used as a guide, but it should be considered alongside other factors and indicators that are important to developing a sustainable society. Other measurements that should be adopted include the happiness indexwhich measures satisfaction with life, air quality index, pollution index, and life expectancy. GDP has been relied uponbecause it is fast and easy to gather that gross data and make simple comparisons across countries. But because of its many shortcomings, policy makers would achieve their development goals faster if they also used other ways to measure their progress.

  這個(gè)段落主要聽明白下劃線詞,處理好下劃線的定語從句即可。Relied upon對(duì)于譯者會(huì)有一些小小的挑戰(zhàn)。



  第一段 我非常高興出席在貴國(guó)著名大學(xué)孔子學(xué)院成立大會(huì),并感謝貴校作為承辦方和中國(guó)共同承辦 孔子學(xué)院。中國(guó)自改革開放以來與國(guó)際社會(huì)的關(guān)系日益密切 國(guó)際社會(huì)對(duì)中國(guó)的關(guān)注度也越來越高, 越來越多的外國(guó)人士希望學(xué)習(xí)中文,為了滿足這一巨大的需求,政府在2004年在國(guó)外通過與大學(xué)合作的方式開設(shè)了第一所孔子學(xué)院。實(shí)踐證明這一做法十分成功。//

  I am glad to be here at the founding ceremony of Confucius Institute at your university. I would like to thank you for co-hosting this project with China. Since the reform and opening-up, China has had closer relations with the international community. In turn, the international community also has greater attention on China. More and more foreign people want to learn Chinese. To meet with is huge demand, the Chinese government opened the first Confucius Institute through working together with overseas university. The practice has been proven successful.

  第二段 在短短的十年中,中國(guó)已經(jīng)在120個(gè)國(guó)家和地區(qū)開辦了440所孔子學(xué)院和646個(gè)孔子課堂。到2013年底已經(jīng)有85萬人參加了孔子學(xué)院的學(xué)習(xí)。有28000名來自中國(guó)和當(dāng)?shù)氐睦蠋?參加了孔子學(xué)院的漢語教學(xué)工作。孔子學(xué)院作為加強(qiáng)教育和文化的平臺(tái),極大地促進(jìn)了中國(guó)和有關(guān)國(guó)家的相互了解和友誼。//

  Within a short period of 10 years, China has already opened 440 Confucius Institute and 646 Confucius classrooms in 120 countries and regions. By the end of 2013, some 850,000 people studied Chinese in Confucius Institutes. 28,000 teachers from China and local communities taught at Confucius Institutes. As a platform to promote education and culture, Confucius Institute greatly facilitates the mutual understanding and friendship between China and countries concerned.

  第三段 大家可能會(huì)問,為什么這個(gè)從事漢語教學(xué)的機(jī)構(gòu)叫孔子學(xué)院?孔子是兩千多年前中國(guó)一位偉大的思想家和教育家。他主張的一整套道德行為準(zhǔn)則影響了一代又一代的中國(guó)人。他特別主張實(shí)行全面教育。認(rèn)為所有人都有受教育的權(quán)利。可以說孔子在塑造中華文明的過程中起到了關(guān)鍵的作用。政府把這個(gè)機(jī)構(gòu)命名為孔子學(xué)院表明了我們當(dāng)代中國(guó)人對(duì)這位古代先賢的尊重和我們?cè)敢馀c其它國(guó)家分享中國(guó)文化的強(qiáng)烈愿望。

  People may want to know why this institution specializing in Chinese language teaching is called Confucius Institute? Confucius is a great Chinese thinker and educationist more than two thousand years ago. He advocated a whole set of moral behavioral code that had influence on Chinese people of many generations. He, in particular, stressed on providing people with all-round education and maintained that everyone has the right to receiving education. It is fair to say Confucius plays a key role in shaping Chinese civilization. The Chinese government names this institution after Confucius to indicate our respect to this Chinese ancient sage and our strong wishes to share Chinese culture with other countries.

  第四段 今年是開辦孔 子學(xué)院十周年。貴校決定和中方合辦孔子學(xué)院,這將不僅滿足貴國(guó)公眾學(xué)習(xí)漢語的要求,也將加深貴校和中國(guó)大學(xué)的交流,并對(duì)加強(qiáng)我們兩國(guó)人民的交往做出貢獻(xiàn)。我相信,在雙方共同的努力下,孔子學(xué)院一定會(huì)越辦越好,成為貴國(guó)了解中國(guó)的一個(gè)重要窗口。

  This year marks the tenth anniversary for Confucius Institute. Your decision of co-hosting Confucius Institute with Chinese government will not only meet the demand for people in your country to learn Chinese, but also further your exchanges with Chinese universities and make contribution to the communication between our two countries. I believe that under the concerted effort of our two parties, the Confucius Institute will be more successful and serve as an important portal for knowing China.


  選自中國(guó)特命全權(quán)裁軍大使王群在聯(lián)大一委關(guān)于信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間安全問題的講話, 這類活動(dòng)屬于外交部的日;顒(dòng),所有資料在外交部網(wǎng)站上都可以得到。這類文章往往有著明確的套路,有章可循,只要多看就可以很容易提高。

  第一段:21世紀(jì)是信息化時(shí)代。信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的飛速發(fā)展和廣泛應(yīng)用,極大推動(dòng)了當(dāng)代經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)發(fā)展和人類文明進(jìn)步,信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)互聯(lián)互通的特性使各國(guó)在享受信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)便利的同時(shí),增加了安全上的脆弱性。 近年來,中國(guó)遭受來自境外的各種網(wǎng)絡(luò)攻擊日益突出,給中國(guó)帶來巨大損失。我們深深地體會(huì)到,維護(hù)信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間安全不僅是維護(hù)一國(guó)的安全,也是維護(hù)國(guó)際社會(huì)的共同安全。 //

  The 21st century is the century of information. Information and cyber technology represents advanced productivity, and its rapid development and wide application have given a strong impetus to economic and social development and the progress of human civilization. While countries enjoy the great convenience offered by information and cyber networks, they also find themselves more vulnerable in terms of security. In recent years, China has been subjected to increasing cyber attacks from abroad, which caused enormous losses to us. This has made us realize that maintaining information and cyberspace security is maintaining the security of the whole international community, not that of just one country.

  信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)互聯(lián)互通的特性…脆弱性:這類表達(dá)在漢語正式文體中越來越多,不一定要按照字面譯 成抽象名詞,用形容詞做定語或者表語反而會(huì)讓表達(dá)更順利。


  中國(guó)主張,國(guó)際社會(huì)同舟共濟(jì),共同致力于構(gòu)建一個(gè)和平、安全、公正的信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間。為此,應(yīng)遵循以下五大原則: 一、和平的原則。 國(guó)際社會(huì)應(yīng)積極開展預(yù)防性外交,推動(dòng)信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)用于促進(jìn)社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展和人類福祉,維護(hù)國(guó)際和平、穩(wěn)定與安全。 //

  China believes that the international community should view this issue from the new perspective of "a community of common destiny" and work together towards a peaceful, secure and equitable information and cyber space. To this end, the following five principles should be followed: Firstly, the principle of peace. The international community should engage in active preventive diplomacy and promote the use of information and cyber technology in advancing economic and social development and people's welfare and in maintaining international peace, stability and security.

  同舟共濟(jì)這類表達(dá)往往容易讓人想到“to be in the same boat”這種似同實(shí)異的說法,其實(shí)就是“共同努力,命運(yùn)相同”的意思,在英語中,被大家耳熟能詳?shù)恼f法往往不好,容易被視為陳辭濫調(diào) 。

  第三段:二、主權(quán)的原則。應(yīng)尊重各國(guó)主權(quán)、領(lǐng)土完整等聯(lián)合國(guó)憲法章程和公認(rèn)的國(guó)際關(guān)系基本準(zhǔn)則。在確保信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間健康發(fā)展和有效應(yīng)用的同時(shí),還應(yīng)避免信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)成為干涉別國(guó)內(nèi)政的新工具。 三、信息自由流動(dòng)與安全流動(dòng)的原則。各國(guó)應(yīng)充分尊重各利益攸關(guān)方在信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間的權(quán)利和自由;同時(shí)遵循法治的原則,以有效維護(hù)信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間的秩序。//

  Secondly, the principle of sovereignty. respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity enshrined in the UN Charter and other universal basic norms of international relations should also be respected. While ensuring the healthy development and effective utilization of information and cyber space, it is also necessary to keep information and cyber technology from being turned into another tool to interfere in internal affairs of other countries. Thirdly, the principle of balance between freedom and security in information flow. While fully respecting the rights and freedom of all stakeholders in information and cyber space, countries should uphold rule of law so as to effectively keep order in information and cyber space.



  第四段: 四、合作的原則。信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)彼此相聯(lián),又分屬不同的主權(quán)管轄范圍,這決定了沒有一國(guó)能在信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間獨(dú)善其身,更不可能靠一國(guó)之力確保本國(guó)的信息和網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間安全。需要各國(guó)同舟共濟(jì),通過進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)國(guó)際交流與合作共同應(yīng)對(duì)。 五、公平發(fā)展的原則。發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家應(yīng)幫助廣大發(fā)展中國(guó)家提高信息網(wǎng)絡(luò)能力和技術(shù),彌合數(shù)字鴻溝,讓他們?cè)谌蚧托畔⒒睦顺敝幸材芟硎苄畔⒕W(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)發(fā)展帶來的紅利,真正實(shí)現(xiàn)公平和普遍發(fā)展。

  Fourthly, the principle of cooperation. Since information and cybe networks both interlink with each other and belong to different sovereign jurisdictions, no country is able to manage only its own information and cyber business, still less to ensure its information and cyber security by itself. Such a task requires all countries to work together and further strengthen international exchanges and cooperation. Fifthly, the principle of equitable development. The developed countries should help the developing countries enhance capacity in information and cyber technology and narrow the digital divide to enable the latter to share the dividend brought by the development of information and cyber technology in this globalized world and this information age so as to realize genuinely equitable and universal development.











