- 相關(guān)推薦
Psychology sharing
Doctor1=D1 Doctor2=D2 Patient1=P1Patient2=P2 Patient3=P3 Patient4=P4
D1、D2: Hello everyone,we are the psychology assistants of Zhejiang University.
D1: We are responsible to give an ear for you,our dear classmates, to share puzzles or disappointments you meet.
D2: Study, emotion, love, whatever in yourdaily life.
D1、D2: And we willprovide as much as we can to help you overcome the peak in your mind.
D1: You look so down, poor boy.
P1: I can’t believe that. (低聲默念)
D1: Pardon me please. I will try to catchit this time.
P1: I can’t believe that! (大聲嚷出)
D1: Got it.(低聲無奈)But, what’s thematter with you? If you speak it out, it may be not as serious as you thought.
P1: But it really is. I have never imaginedthis shamed thing occurs to me and I have no dignity to face everyonesurrounding me. I’m not the focus of others anymore because my grades drop from4.9 to 4.8 this term.(雙手抱頭作絕望狀)
D1: Oh, my goodness! I have to take back mywords; you are not a poor boy…(低聲無奈)You know, I have only got once 4.0, while, in a math-class dream.(難為情)
P1: What a poor boy! (捂臉作無奈狀)
D1: However, I still lead a happy life. Onething you must be clear is that marks are not the whole of your life and theremust exist something more meaningful. Put down those endless exercises and gooutside the tight classroom, maybe you’ll find another sky of college.
P1: I’ll take a risk. Thank you.
D1: Good luck to you. You need a new life.
D1: What’s your problem?
P2: I find myself useless.
D1: What happened? Maybe I can give you afavor.
P2: I noticed her at the first sight. Itried to know everything about her, her major; her hobby, her favorite song,but she never pays any attention on my…(沉默狀)
D1: You mean your hidden love? Because younever talk to her!
P2: Sorry, I can’t make it.(慚愧狀)Youknow, I’m an engineering student, so I haven’t talked to female for one yearexcept my mother on the phone!
D1: Well…(無奈狀)You really needmore practice. Now try to imagine me as your dreaming girl.
P2: If she looks like the same as you, Iguess I’ll never talk to her.
D1: (自取其辱狀)I mean, justimagine and try.
P2: Imagine…(假想陶醉狀)Darling! Doyou know how I love you! I can’t fall asleep when I think of your charmingsmile and I am always dreamed about walking along the lake hand in hand.Believe me, I’m your future. I will devote whatever I have in loving you. Giveme a chance, please, please, please……(作更深一步陶醉狀)
P3: She doesn’t need me anymore…(委屈絕望狀)
D2: Hey, man, cheer up! What’s the matter?
P3: I joined the Student Union of ourschool and I was set in a working group including a pretty girl. We stayconnection every day and go for dinner together after finishing the assignment.And I always consider her just as a companion at work. But my girlfriend doesn’tbelieve that.
D2: What a pity! Have your girlfriend evercome cross you two together?
P3: Never...(作猶豫狀)Except foryesterday...
D2: Then what happened?
P3: She ran away and texted me at night,everything is over.(惋惜狀)
D2: Do you love her now? (此句及下句要說清,下段有鋪墊,重音一定要加強)
P3: Of course the answer is yes, that iswhy I come here. I don’t know what I can do to save it.
D2: Perhaps it was all caused by hercompulsion at the time, if you say sorry to her and explain for your working relationship,maybe she will take back her words.
P3: …. (默許點頭,輕輕離座,坐在離主表演臺較近的地方不要離開)
P4: (哭泣狀,聲音哽咽)I shouldhave given him the chance to explain. I was so annoyed and compulsive thattime, so….I took out all the photos we took together and all the gifts he gaveto me and I found myself really can’t put down all unforgettable experiencewith him. It was my fault but I can’t own him anymore.
D2: Do you love him now?
P4: Of course the answer is yes, that iswhy I come here. I don’t know what I can do to save it.
D2: Oh, what the hell! You are definitelythe couple. Then follow me, quickly, he can’t be so far from here.
P3: I heard what you had said in. I loveyou, honey.
P4: I will never let it go.
(P3與P4相擁許久,D1用手機播放My heart will go on最好多幾個手機不然聲音太小)
全體: Welcome to share your problem.