

時(shí)間:2020-08-20 08:10:07 大學(xué)英語 我要投稿




  Pre-reading Activities

  1. In the famous tale Through the Looking-Glass, Alice finds her way through a mirror to a very strange land. In the scene you're about to hear, Alice has been sitting under a tree and talking with the Red Queen. Listen to the passage twice and fill in the missing words from the text below.

  Suddenly they began to run.

  Alice never could quite understand how they began: All she remembers is that they were running hand in hand, and the Queen went so fast that Alice could hardly manage to keep up with her. The Queen kept crying " _____! _____!" But Alice couldn't go faster, though she had no breath left to say so. She felt as if she would never be able to talk again, she was getting so out of breath. And still the Queen cried "_____! _____!" and dragged her along.

  " _____?" Alice managed to gasp.

  " _____?!" the Queen repeated. "Why, _____ten minutes ago! _____!" And they ran on, with the wind whistling in Alice's ears and almost blowing her hair off her head, she imagined. They went so fast that at last they seemed to hardly touch the ground with their feet. And then suddenly, just as Alice was getting quite exhausted, they stopped, and she found herself sitting on the ground.

  Alice looked around in great surprise. "Why, I do believe _____!"

  "Of course we have," said the Queen. "What would you expect?"

  "Well, in my country," said Alice, "you'd generally _____."

  "_____!" said the Queen. "Here it takes _____."

  2. The Queen's final statement is very often quoted(引用)as a comment on modern society. What aspects of life does it make you think of?

  The Highs of Low Technology

  Johanne Mednick

  I have a wonderful bicycle. My family refers to it as "that piece of junk" —an ancient piece of metal, the likes of which can be found in the dump or, if you're lucky, at garage sales. But I have confidence in my bike. It gives me power, and I cherish its simplicity.

  What intrigues me, in this age of technological innovation (which is nowhere more apparent than in the bicycle world), is the number of people who stop me and comment on my bike. It's a real conversation piece. "Where did you get that thing?" "I haven't seen one of those in ages." "What a great bike." I get all kinds of comments — the best one being from a motorcycle gang who cornered me while I was locking it up. They politely suggested that I should wear gloves while riding to protect my hands. Maybe I should also put on a leather jacket.

  But really, what is it that people are admiring? Are they admiring me for resisting the lure of mass bicycle consumerism? I must look like an eyesore pedaling behind my family, who all ride the latest model of mountain bike. (To them, I'm some sort of odd person, an embarrassment not fit to be on the road.) On the other hand, maybe people are just genuinely curious, as they would be if confronted with a dinosaur bone. I never get the feeling that they think I'm crazy for riding something so old when I could be fussing with gears and having a presumably easier time of things. My bike seems to touch a sensitive chord in people, and I'm not quite sure what or why that is.

  Perhaps my bike is representative of a world gone by: the world before gimmicks and gadgets, accessories and attachments. A time when people thought in terms of settling into a cushioned seat, stopping the movement with their heel and travelling a bit slower than we are travelling now. My bike is certainly not built for speed, but who needs speed when I can coast along the streets, hold my head high and deliciously feel the wind on my face? My bike is built for taking time. It makes people feel relaxed.

  When I'm riding my bike, I feel as though I have control. And I don't feel that way about most things these days. I don't deny that my computer and my microwave make my life a lot easier. I use these things, but they also make me feel rather small and, in a strange way, inadequate. What if I press the wrong button? What if something goes wrong? Maybe if I learned to understand these appliances I'd feel better — more secure about my relationship with technology. But frankly, I'm not comforted by manuals and how-to courses. Of course there are always "experts" I could go to who seem to know everything about anything. Relatives, friends, salespeople — people who seem at ease with all the latest inventions and who delight in ingenuity.

  I just don't get excited over the idea of yet another thing I could do if I pulled the right lever or set the right program. Nervous and unsure in the beginning, I eventually adapt to these so-called conveniences and accept them as a part of life, but I'm not entirely convinced of their merit. I hunger for simplicity and I have a sneaking suspicion that many people feel the same way. That's why they admire my bike. It comforts them and gives them a sense of something manageable, not too complicated.

  I'm not suggesting that we all go back to a pioneer-village attitude. But I do think it's important to respect that which is simple and manageable — no doubt difficult in a time when more means better and new means best. I'm proud that my "piece of junk" makes me and others feel good. It allows me the opportunity to relax and, when I'm heading down the road, to escape what I don't understand.

  New Words

  garage sale


  * intrigue

  vt. excite interest or curiosity 激起…的興趣

  * innovation

  n. the creation or introduction of new ideas, methods, etc.; a new invention, idea or method 革新;新方法


  ad. not anywhere; in/at/to no place 無處

  conversation piece

  sth. that stimulates conversation between people 話題;可作話題的.東西


  n. 摩托車


  n. a group of people associated together in some (often criminal) way 群;幫


  n. 手套

  * lure

  n. attraction; temptation 誘惑

  vt. attract, tempt 引誘;誘惑


  n. the consumption of goods and services 消費(fèi)


  n. something ugly to look at 刺眼的東西

  * pedal

  v. 騎(自行車);踩動踏板

  n. 踏板


  ad. authentically; truly 真地;確實(shí)地


  a. authentic; real, not pretended 真的;真心的


  vi. behave in an unnecessarily anxious or excited way over small matters 忙亂;小題大做

  n. unnecessary, useless expression of excitement, anxiety, anger, etc. 忙亂;大驚小怪


  n. 齒輪;排檔

  * chord

  n. two or more musical notes played at the same time; a feeling or emotion thought of as being played on like a musical instrument 和弦;心弦


  a. typical; being an example of 典型的;代表的

  n. a person acting on behalf of another person or a group of people 代表;代理人


  n. an unusual action, object or device which is intended to attract attention or publicity (為引人注意而搞的)小革新,小發(fā)明;巧妙的小玩意兒

  * accessory

  n. (oft. pl) an extra part which makes sth. more effective or beautiful 附屬物;附件


  n. something that is fixed to something else 附屬物


  n. a soft pillow or pad to rest on; protection from harm, esp. from impact 軟墊;緩沖

  vt. reduce the force of; protect from hardship or sudden change 緩和…的沖擊;使免受打擊


  ad. very pleasantly 美美地;怡人地


  vt. 1. declare as untrue; refuse to accept as true 否認(rèn)

  2. refuse to give or allow 拒絕給予


  n. a machine for use in the home 器具;裝置


  n. skill and cleverness in arranging things, solving problems, etc. 靈巧;精巧

  * ingenious

  a. having or showing cleverness at making or inventing things 靈巧的,善于創(chuàng)造發(fā)明的

  * lever

  n. 杠桿;控制桿


  n. the quality of being convenient; something that makes sth. easier, quicker, more efficient, etc. 方便;提供方便的用具


  a. 1. (for) near; easy to reach 近處的,近便的

  2. suited to one's needs 方便的;合適的


  n. value; worth 價(jià)值,優(yōu)點(diǎn)


  n. belief or feeling (usually) that sth. is wrong, or that sb. has done wrong, etc. 懷疑;疑心


  a. easy to control or deal with 易操縱的;易處理的

  Phrases and Expressions

  refer to... as

  speak about sb./sth. as...; call sb. something 把…稱為…;把…叫做…

  the likes of which/whom

  sth./sb. of the same kind 諸如此類的人或物

  corner sb.

  get sb. into a place or situation difficult to escape 纏住某人;將某人逼入困境

  lock sth. up

  fasten sth. with a lock 鎖住

  fuss with sth.

  concern oneself with sth. unimportant (因小事而)惴惴不安

  touch a chord

  call up one's feelings about sth. 觸動(人的)心弦

  be representative of

  be an example or type of (a certain class or kind of thing) 代表…的

  think in terms of sth./doing sth.

  give primary consideration to sth./doing sth.; emphasize sth./doing sth. in one's thinking; have sth./doing sth. as one's priority 首先考慮(做)某事;認(rèn)為(做)某事是最首要的

  go wrong

  turn out badly; make a mistake 壞掉;出錯(cuò)

  be at ease with sth./sb.

  feel confident and comfortable with sth./sb. 自在,不拘束

  hunger for sth.

  want sth. very much 渴望得到

  have a sneaking suspicion


  Proper Names

  Johanne Mednick











