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  Key to Part II Reading Task

  Content Questions:

  Pair Work:

  1.Because he feels he is completely international.

  2.What he means is that if one has a network of friends and enjoys what one is doing,one can function well anywhere in the world.

  3.It refers to a member of the international business elite who treks each year to the Swiss Alpine town of Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

  4.The issues include everything from post-election Iraq and HIV in Africa to the global supply of oil and the implication of nanotechnology.

  5.They all believe that globalization,the unimpeded flows of capital,labor and technology across national borders,is

  both welcome and unstoppable.They see the world increasingly as one vast,international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy,produce and sell their goods and services.

  6.He describes Davos Man as an emerging global superspecies and a threat.

  7.Yes,global trade has been around for centuries.In the past,the corporations and countries that benefited from global trade were largely content to treat vast parts of the world as places to mine natural resources or sell finished products.

  8.It predicted that four economies – Russia,Brazil,India and China – will become a much larger force in the world economy than widely expected,based on projections of demographics and economic growth,with China potentially overtaking Germany this decade.By 2050,these four newcomers will likely have displaced all but the US and Japan from the top six economies in the world.

  9.It refers to low-paid migrant workers from Asia and elsewhere who are increasingly providing key services around the world.

  10.Unlike Davos Man,Manila Woman is strongly patriotic.

  11.Because he thinks that there are still too many barriers to cross-border business in Europe,let alone the world.

  12.Davos Man needs to figure out how to strike a balance on a global scale between being international and being national at the same time.

  Text Organization

  Working on Your Own:

  1.Part One,Paras.1-3: introduction to Davos Man and the World Economic Forum

  Part Two.Paras.4-5: Debate over the impact of globalization on current society and culture

  Part Three.Paras.6-8: History of globalization and its recent trands and future prospects

  Part Four.Paras.9-11: Globalization versus nationalism and the challenges it faces

  2.Main Events:

  2)Davos Man seen their identity as a matter of personal choice,not an accident of birth.

  3)Davos Man believes that globalization,the unimpeded flows of capital,labor and technology across national borders,it both welcome and unstoppable.

  4)Davos Man sees the world increasingly as one vast,international marketplace in which corporations search for the most advantageous locations to buy,produce and sell their goods and services.

  Language Sense Enhancement

  1.(1)both see their identity (2)birth

  (5)networking (6)implications (3)incidentally (4)annual (7)Whatever their considerable differences

  (8)unimpeded flows (9)interconnected marketplace (10)advantageous

  Language Focus



  1.Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.

  1)advantageous 2)let alone 3)witnessing…vanishing 4)landmark

  5)entitled 6)displace 7)Establishment 8)patriotic…strengthen

  9)contradictions 10)aspires 11)divorced 12)pendulums

  2.Use the verb in the brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have learned and complete the sentence with it.

  1)come to 2)dozed off 3)believed in 4)was set apart

  5)take in 6)sucks in 7)clean up 8)turn away

  3.Rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in the brackets.

  1)makes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus.

  2)overtaken General Motors as the world’s biggest car maker.

  3)at odds with his wife over money matters.

  4)been at the forefront of nanotechnology research.

  5)let alone cook a meal.

  4.Complete the sentence,using the words or phrases in the brackets.

  a)is increasingly…to accelerate…their investment

  b)economy…make an earnest…strike a balance between

  c)a handful of…be endorsed by…on a large scale

  II.Word Formation:

  WTO World Trade Organization 世界貿(mào)易組織

  GDP gross domestic product 國(guó)內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值

  ATM automatic teller machine 自動(dòng)出納機(jī)

  VAT value-added tax 增值稅

  CAD computer-aided design 計(jì)算機(jī)輔助設(shè)計(jì)

  IT information technology 信息技術(shù)

  IDD international direct dialing 國(guó)際直撥電話

  MTV music television 音樂電視

  Radar radio detecting and ranging 雷達(dá)

  IOC International Olympic Committee 國(guó)際奧委會(huì)

  VIP very important person 貴賓、大人物

  Laser light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation 激光

  CPU central processing unit 中央處理器


  1)An unusual present,a book on ethics,was given to Henry for his birthday.

  2)The reason (he gave)that he didn’t notice the car till too late was unsatisfactory.

  3)Football,his only interest in life,has brought him many friends.

  4)Cloning had been raised as a possibility decades ago,then dismissed,something that serious scientists thought was

  simply not going to happen anytime soon.

  Comprehensive Exercises



  (1)academics; (2)networking (3)a variety of (4)growth

  (5)vanish (6)facilitate (7)endorsing (8)outlook

  (9)sweeping aside (10)patriotic (11)erasing (12)strike a balance


  (1)aided (2)effects (3)distances (4)connected (5)invested

  (6)features (7)prevailing (8)qualitatively (9)volume (10)Distinguishing


  1.Translate the sentences into English:

  1)Due to his pessimistic outlook on the European economy,John has moved his assets from Europe to elsewhere.

  2)I like hiring young people.They are earnest learners and committed to work.

  3)Unlike her girl friends who center their lives on their children,Mary cares more about her personal growth.

  4)The Chinese government has introduced a variety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.

  2.Translate the passage into English:

  Globalization has great implications for young Chinese.For example,young farmers are moving on a large scale to urban areas for jobs.And for those young people who aspire to study abroad or work in foreign-invested enterprises,English has become increasingly important.At the same time,a considerable number of overseas Chinese have returned home in recent years,for they hold an optimistic outlook for the long-term growth of the Chinese economy.The Internet has strengthened the links between Chinese young people and those elsewhere.They follow the latest trends can copy foreign fashions.Some of them don’t seem to care for traditional Chinese virtues,let alone carry them forward,which has given rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one day vanish.


  The features of Illinois are not striking; they do not leap to the eye but lie flat and at first appear monotonous.The roads are wide,hard,perfect,sometimes of a shallow depth in the far distance but so nearly level as to make you feel that the earth really is flat.From east and west,travelers dart across these prairies into the huge horizons and through cornfields that go on forever; giant skies,giant clouds,an eternal nearly featureless sameness.You find it hard to travel slowly.The endless miles pressed flat by the ancient glacier seduce you into speeding.As the car eats into the distances you begin gradually to feel that you are riding upon the floor of the continent,the very bottom of it,low and flat,and an impatient spirit of movement,of overtaking and urgency passes into your heart.


  Miles and miles of prairie,slowly rising and falling,sometimes give you a sense that something is in the process of becoming,or that the liberation of a great force is imminent,some power,like Michelangelo's slave only half released from the block of stone.Conceivably the mound-building Indians believed their resurrection would coincide with some such liberation,and built their graves in imitation of the low moraines deposited by the departing glaciers.But they have not yet been released and remain drowned in their waves of earth.They have left their bones,their flints and pots,their place names and tribal names and little besides except a stain,seldom vivid,on the consciousness of their white successors.


  The soil of the Illinois prairies is fat,rich and thick.After spring plowing it looks oil-blackened or colored by the soft coal which occurs in great veins throughout the state.In the fields you frequently see a small tipple,or a crazy-looking device that pumps oil and nods like the neck of a horse at a quick walk....() Along the roads,with intervals between them as neat and even as buttons on the cuff,sit steel storage bins,in form like the tents of Mongolia.They are filled with grain.And the elevators and tanks,trucks and machines that crawl over the fields and blunder over the highways -- whatever you see is productive.It creates wealth,it stores wealth,it is wealth.

  伊利諾伊大草原上,土壤肥沃、豐產(chǎn)而深厚。春耕之后,泥土油亮烏黑,像是被遍布全州的大礦脈里松軟的煙煤染過似的。田野上你常常看到一種小型翻卸車,一種樣子滑稽的抽油用的裝置,就像飛奔中馬匹的頸部上下抖動(dòng)…… 沿途聳立著形似蒙古包的鐵皮谷倉,它們之間的間距如同袖口的紐扣般排列得整齊劃一。里面儲(chǔ)滿了谷物。還有升降機(jī)、儲(chǔ)藏罐、卡車、機(jī)器緩慢地行駛在田野上,笨拙地奔走在公路上――你所見到的一切都能產(chǎn)生經(jīng)濟(jì)效益。這塊土地創(chuàng)造財(cái)富,這塊土地儲(chǔ)存財(cái)富,這塊土地本身就是財(cái)富。

  As you pass the fields,you see signs the farmers have posted telling in short code what sort of seed they have planted.The farmhouses are seldom at the roadside,but far within the fields.The solitude and silence are deep and wide.Then,when you have gone ten or twenty miles through cornfields without having seen a living thing,no cow,no dog,scarcely even a bird under the hot sky,suddenly you come upon a noisy contraption at the roadside,a system of contraptions,rather,for husking the corn and stripping the grain.It burns and bangs away,and the conveyor belts rattle....


  When you leave,this noise and activity are cut off at one stroke: you are once more in the deaf,hot solitude of trembling air,alone in the cornfields.


  North,south,east and west,there is no end to them.They line roads and streams and hem in the woods and surround towns,and they crowd into back yards and edge up to gas stations.() An exotic stranger might assume he had come upon a race of corn worshipers who had created a corn ocean;or that he was among a people who had fallen in love with infinite repetition of the same details,like the builders of skyscrapers in New York and Chicago who have raised up bricks and windows by the thousands,and all alike.From corn you can derive notions of equality,or uniformity,massed democracy.You can,if you are given to that form of mental play,recall Joseph's brethren in the lean years,and think how famine has been conquered here and super-abundance itself become such a danger that the Government has to take measures against it.


  The power,the monotony,the oceanic extent of the cornfields do indeed shrink up and dwarf the past.How are you to think of the small bands of Illini,Ottawas,Cahokians,Shawnee,Miamis who camped in the turkey grass,and the French Jesuits who descended the Mississippi and found them.When you force your mind to summon them,the Indians appear rather doll-like in the radiance of the present moment.They are covered in the corn,swamped in the oil,hidden in the coal of Franklin County,run over by the trains,turned phantom by the stockyards.There are monuments to them...throughout the state,but they are only historical ornaments to the pride of the present...










