

時間:2020-10-12 13:29:42 出國考試 我要投稿





  As part of education, students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different country to learn its language and culture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




  框架構(gòu)造:Partly agree

  1. 開頭段(用于引出題目背景,并且表明自己的態(tài)度)

  2. 論證出國學習和生活對于學習語言和文化的重要性

  3. 但是,反面論證這種做法對于部分學生是不現(xiàn)實的

  4. 結(jié)尾(再次重申自己的`觀點,并且可以給出自己的建議)

  Sample answer:

  Going abroad for further study has become more of a trend as large numbers of students participate in international language tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL. Some academics advocate that an experience of learning in foreign countries is a necessary part of education for language betterment and language acquisition. As for me, however, such practice should be considered with discretion.

  Admittedly, studying and living in another country can be an effective way to achieve the mentioned purposes. Compared with second-hand experience, living in the native environment can provide students with many opportunities to use the language to communicate with local people. Such language ability can make them be more competitive in the future job market. Meanwhile, living experiences can help students to have a deep insight into local life, including history, culture as well as religious belief.

  However, it would be unrealistic if all students are encouraged to participate in it. First of all, considering students themselves, those who lack learning and adaptive ability may find it hard to integrate into local life and sometimes they will feel disappointed or even depressed because of culture shocks and language barriers.Tuition fees and life expenses can beanother problem. Different from rich students, those who come from working-class families or needy families cannot afford such a big cost to study overseas. For example, studying in UK for one year may cost one student nearly 300 thousand, which is far from affordability.

  To sum up, an experience of studying and living overseas can help students to speak good language and understand the local culture well. However, it is not a practical way for most ordinary families unless they make full preparations.



  Going abroad for further study has become more of a trend as large numbers of students participate in international language tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL.(用最熟悉的事件引出背景)Some academics advocate that an experience of learning in foreign countries is a necessary part of education for language betterment and language acquisition.(對于題目的改寫)As for me, however, such practice should be considered with discretion.(在段落的最后,用一句話表明出自己的觀點)

  Body 1:

  主題句:Admittedly, studying and living in another country can be an effective way to achieve the mentioned purposes.(其中mentioned purposes指的是題目中的掌握語言和文化,為了避免重復,改用其他方式來表達)

  支撐論點部分:Compared with second-hand experience, (用了對比論證手法,強調(diào)國外生活與學習的好處)living in the native environment can provide students with many opportunities to use the language to communicate with local people. Such language ability can make them be more competitive in the future job market.(凸顯對于語言的好處,使用了因果論證來說明語言的重要性)Meanwhile,(論點之間的連接詞) living experiences can help students to have a deep insight into local life, including history, culture as well as religious belief. (論證了對于文化的幫助,使用including來舉出文化的一些典型表現(xiàn))。

  Body 2:

  主題句:However, it would be unrealistic if all students are encouraged to participate in it.(用however轉(zhuǎn)折連接詞引出與上段不同的看法,指出了一部分特殊的學生不利于海外學習,這樣就體現(xiàn)出了邏輯上的縝密)


 、 First of all, considering students themselves, those who lack learning and adaptive ability may find it hard to integrate into local life and sometimes they will feel disappointed or even depressed because of culture shocks and language barriers.(第一個論點,指出語言能力差的學生不適合出國學習,使用的是因果論證)

 、 Tuition fees and life expenses can be another problem. Different from rich students, those who come from working-class families or needy families cannot afford such a big cost to study overseas. For example, studying in UK for one year may cost one student nearly 300 thousand, which is far from affordability.(第二個分論點,指出家庭經(jīng)濟條件不好的學生也不適合出國學習,用for example引出了典型的舉例論證)


  To sum up,(段落結(jié)尾常見連接詞) an experience of studying and living overseas can help students to speak good language and understand the local culture well. However, it is not a practical way for most ordinary families unless they make full preparations.(個人觀點的重述加上適當?shù)慕ㄗh)

  Some people think children should obey the rules their parents and teachers set and listen to them, but others think less control will help children to deal with their own future life. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  能力考查:這個教育類話題是雙邊討論的考試指令,考查學生是否能對于考官所呈現(xiàn)的兩個觀點進行有效的論證及對比。這個題目中一般都會有標志性詞眼,例如some people believe…, while others think…。就這類題目的答題要點來說,我們會建議四段式結(jié)構(gòu),包括開頭引入,兩個觀點的分別論證及結(jié)尾段給出你自己的看法。

  題目關(guān)鍵詞:rules, parents, teachers


  1. 開頭段(用于引出兩個觀點所爭論的內(nèi)容)

  2. 論證第一個論點的合理性,即小孩子需要遵守和聽從父母和老師指定的規(guī)則

  3. 論證第二個觀點的合理性,即對小孩少一點的限制會有利于他們更好的處理和解決未來生活中的問題

  4. 結(jié)尾段(給出個人觀點)

  Sample answer:

  In most Chinese families, it is common to find that parents and teachers play a dominant role in children’s lives, which means they have strict disciplines on children. While some people approve of this, others hold the opposite attitude that less control is more important in children’s future growth.

  Those people who advocate of imposing rules on children have their own reasons. They may think that it is the most effective way for children to develop good behaviors at a very young age. In other words, these rules can help them to be good social members in the future. For example, much control on the use of computers and mobile phones is conducive to children’s physical and mental health. Also, learning how to be polite and respectful to others can be considered as an important skill in children’s future career, as they will inevitably get along with different people, such as colleagues or clients.

  However, there are still some people thinking that too much control is not beneficial to children. Instead, parents and teachers should give them more freedom to decide their personal affairs; otherwise, they may heavily rely on these rules and may not be able to solve problems on their own. For instance, if children get used to obey their parents, they dare not to make any challenges in their future job, which is a fatal weakness to employers, who show their preference on those creative applicants.

  My view is that imagination and independence are quite necessary for children if they want to be productive members in the society. As a consequence, instead of giving too much control, which deprives children of the chances to practice these skills, parents and teachers are advised to give children more support to take adventures.



  In most Chinese families, it is common to find that parents and teachers play a dominant role in children’s lives, which means they have strict disciplines on children.(用中國家庭舉例,引出題目背景) While some people approve of this, others hold the opposite attitude that less control is more important in children’s future growth.(重新改寫了題目,但是沒有發(fā)表觀點,這部分觀點的表達可以放在結(jié)尾段去重點描述)

  Body 1:

  主題句:Those people who advocate of imposing rules on children have their own reasons.(對于原題第一論點的改寫,指出規(guī)則對于小孩的重要性)

  支撐論點部分:They may think that it is the most effective way for children to develop good behaviors at a very young age. In other words, these rules can help them to be good social members in the future.(解釋論證) For example; much control on the use of computers and mobile phones is conducive to children’s physical and mental health.(舉例論證1)Also, learning how to be polite and respectful to others can be considered as an important skill in children’s future career, as they will inevitably get along with different people, such as colleagues or clients.(舉例論證2, 用2個例子更加直觀和有效地論證中心論點)

  Body 2:

  主題句:However, there are still some people thinking that too much control is not beneficial to children.(用however轉(zhuǎn)折連接詞引出與上段不同的看法,指出了另外一部分人的看法)


  Instead, parents and teachers should give them more freedom to decide their personal affairs; otherwise, they may heavily rely on these rules and may not be able to solve problems on their own.(用otherwise引出對比論證,體現(xiàn)出規(guī)則對于小孩的問題)For instance, if children get used to obey their parents, they dare not to make any challenges in their future job, which is a fatal weakness to employers, who show their preference on those creative applicants.(舉例論證,引出創(chuàng)新在工作中的重要性)


  My view is that(用這個連接詞來重點表達自己的觀點) imagination and independence are quite necessary for children if they want to be productive members in the society. As a consequence, instead of giving too much control, which deprives children of the chances to practice these skills, parents and teachers are advised to give children more support to take adventures.(在結(jié)尾段亮明自己的態(tài)度)











