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Many people pose tradition and modernization asdiametrically opposite. For instance, as Beijingincreasingly becomes a modern internationalmetropolis, its traditional legacies, architecture andsocial mores among many other things, areshrinking at an alarming speed. However, more oftenthan not, tradition and modernization are whollycompatible and may even be mutually enriching. Themodernization process only serves to highlight theindispensable value of tradition.
Future-oriented as it is, modernization cannotbe cut away from the past. Man is an emotional animal whose emotional attachment to thepast defines the meaning of his existence in the present and the future. Although many urbanplanners are involved in a reckless drive for developing high-rise buildings to make their citieslook modern, true architects are committed to preserving traditional architecture. This isbecause demolishing traditional architecture would render modern people rootless anddisoriented. Without the past serving as a framework of reference, we would not knowwhere we are heading for.
Being traditional does not mean being old-fashioned or outmoded. Many traditionalvalues are of permanent significance and should be observed in the modern and post-moderneras. Chinese traditional ethics like benevolence and moral integrity should go beyond timeand space to serve as universal values. As we strive to modernize our world, we shouldupdate and enrich our traditions instead of discarding them altogether. Otherwise, we arebeing irresponsible to ourselves or to our future generations.
It is true modernization is an irresistible global trend taking place with increasingmomentum. However, the best pattern of modernization is the one taking full account of thehistorical past. Modernization should not be equated with breaking up with the past but ratheran extension and incorporation of the past. Accordingly, human civilization retains itscontinuity and human existence is made meaningful because of this continuity.
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition of no less than150 words on the topic Should College StudentsBe Allowed to Get Married? ” and you’re yourarticle on the following outline.
1. 有些人贊成
2. 有些人反對
3. 你的觀點
Should College Students Be Allowed to GetMarried?
There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whether college studentsshould be allowed to get married. Some time ago, the ban was lifted by some universities onstudents getting married. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view.They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basic right for those who havereached the appropriate ages to get married. Besides, they argue that with their biological andemotional needs met, these students will study better. // The ban on this means a severeviolation of human rights.
Many others, however, hold the negative/opposite view. They claim that the university orcollege is a place to study instead of a community to lead family life. Allowing college studentsto get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too muchtime attending their family and love, unable to concentrate on their school work.
As far as I am concerned,// Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe that it is OKto allow college students to get married. Anyway, this is their freedom. Actually, we don’t haveto worry too much because facts have shown that most college students would choose not toget married in the face of such fierce competition and heavy school work.
(或) As far as I am concerned,// Weighing the arguments of both sides, I believe thatcollege students should not be allowed to get married. Though mostly adults, they are actuallyimmature psychologically. Their wishes to get married are, more often than not, impulses.Besides, as students, they are not ready to support a family financially.
Directions: "For thispart,you are allowed 30minutes to write a short essay entitled Attitude IsEverything by commenting on the proverb, “Everyhorse thinks its own pack heaviest."You should writeat least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
請以“Attitude Is Everything(態(tài)度決定一切)”為題
Attitude Is Everything (態(tài)度決定一切)
There is a well-known proverb,"Every horse thinks its own pack heaviest," which meanswhether people feel optimistic or not lies in what attitudes they adopt. It is universallyacknowledged that life is by no means perfect and a positive attitude makes life brighter. As thecase stands, it is our attitude rather than the situation itself that determines how we feel.
On the one hand, a positive mind brings about an active life, because to be in a good moodor a bad mood is at one’ s own choice. On the other hand, looking at the bright side of thesituation and remaining cheerful work out quite well when one is confronted with adversity.
In such a rat-race society, everyone is bound to encounter difficulties. In my opinion, weshould keep an optimistic attitude to pull through any hardship, as we can say "attitude iseverything".