

時(shí)間:2022-06-05 13:41:12 英語(yǔ)六級(jí) 我要投稿
  • 相關(guān)推薦





  Although many people do not think of homosexual relationships as resulting in a family, it has been estimated that about one of five gays and one of three lesbians enter a homosexual marriage. The marriage may or may not be established by a formal ceremony. One male couple , for example , after four months of cohabitation3, went to Mass4 and let the service be their private ceremony of commitment. They used the term marriage to describe their relationship. They bought matching rings and verbally agreed to be sexually faithful, to emotionally support each other, and to have equal say in such matters as finances.

  Moreover, millions of gays and lesbians have had children. In many cases, the children were born when the individual was part of a heterosexual marriage . Subsequently, the individual openly acknowledged his or her homosexual preference. Some of these children are being raised in a homosexual family — two men, two women, or some other arrangement. For example, Nancy is a lesbian who is raising a daughter with two gay males, one of whom is the child’s father.

  Homosexual couples have to work through the same problems as heterosexual couples. They face issues of household division of labor, power, sexual relationships, and money. In addition, like the interracial couple , they face problems arising from being in a socially stigmatized relationship. Gallup polls5 that asked the American public whether homosexual relations between consenting adults should be legal have found an increasing proportion from the mid-1970s to the late 1990s who said that they should not be legal. Homosexual families, then, must not only deal with the same issues as other families but also with a hostile environment and with some problems that are unique to6 the homosexual relationship .


 、. Are these statements True or False according to the article ?

  1. Like heterosexual marriage, homosexual marriage must go through a formal ceremony.

  2. Most of the children of homosexuals are adopted from other places.

  3. Homosexual couples just have to confront the same problems as heterosexual couples.

  4. Homosexual couples have to overcome various problems and still have a long way to go .

  5. From the mid-1970s, homosexual marriages are gradually accepted by our society.

 、. Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks :

  1. The tax increases in ______to the amount you earn.

  A. accordance B. proportion C. ratio D. scale

  2. There are some matters ______ from the recent changes in the law.

  A. raising B. happening C. arising D. rising

  3. The father is not willing to consent ______ the marriage.

  A. to B. from C. with D. in


  Ⅰ. 1. F 2. F 3 . F 4. T 5. F

 、. 1. B 2. C 3 . A


  盡管許多人認(rèn)為同性戀關(guān)系不能使兩個(gè)同性戀者組成一個(gè)家庭, 但據(jù)估計(jì)大約每五個(gè)男同性戀者中就有一個(gè)會(huì)與同性結(jié)婚, 而每三個(gè)女同性戀者中則會(huì)有一個(gè)與同性結(jié)婚。同性戀者的婚姻關(guān)系也許會(huì)通過(guò)正式的儀式得以確認(rèn), 也許根本就不通過(guò)正式儀式。比如說(shuō), 一對(duì)男同性戀者同居四個(gè)月以后, 會(huì)去教堂望彌撒, 他們將這種宗教活動(dòng)作為互相托付終身的私人儀式。他們用結(jié)婚這個(gè)詞來(lái)描述他們之間的關(guān)系。他們還買了情侶戒指, 信誓旦旦在性關(guān)系上忠于對(duì)方, 感情方面互為支持, 而且表示在家庭財(cái)政等方面擁有平等的發(fā)言權(quán)。此外, 許許多多的男女同性戀者都有孩子。在許多情況下, 這些孩子是同性戀者在以前的異性戀婚姻中的結(jié)晶。后來(lái), 這個(gè)同性戀者在公開(kāi)場(chǎng)合里承認(rèn)了他或她的同性戀傾向。一些孩子在同性戀家庭里得到撫養(yǎng)——— 家里或有兩個(gè)男人, 或有兩個(gè)女人, 抑或是其他某種家庭構(gòu)成。舉例來(lái)說(shuō), 南希是一名女同性戀者, 她與兩個(gè)男同性戀者共同撫養(yǎng)了一個(gè)女兒, 這兩個(gè)男同性戀中有一個(gè)人就是這個(gè)孩子的生父。

  同性戀伴侶和異性戀伴侶一樣要克服相同的困難。他們要面對(duì)家庭勞動(dòng)分工、家庭權(quán)力、性關(guān)系和金錢等問(wèn)題。另外, 像那些與不同種族的人結(jié)合的伴侶一樣, 同性戀伴侶還要面對(duì)因社會(huì)對(duì)同性戀關(guān)系的歧視所引發(fā)的其他問(wèn)題。曾有一次蓋洛普民意測(cè)驗(yàn), 調(diào)查美國(guó)公眾對(duì)情投意合的成年人之間的同性戀關(guān)系是否合法的觀點(diǎn), 結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn)從20 世紀(jì)70 年代中期到90 年代末, 認(rèn)為同性戀關(guān)系不合法的人數(shù)比例在不斷攀升。因此, 同性戀家庭不僅要應(yīng)付與其他家庭相同的問(wèn)題, 而且還要面對(duì)一個(gè)充滿敵意的社會(huì)環(huán)境, 并應(yīng)付同性戀










