

時(shí)間:2024-09-04 23:06:38 托福(TOEFL) 我要投稿
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  1、Although thecentral government isflyingdesperatelytokeep economicgrowthbelow15%, things arenotso easy inChina,where tonod politelyis onething,andtofollow what yousay isquiteanother. A classicexampleofthiscan beprovidedbytheattitudeofprovincial and municipal officials toward thegovernment's policy. They insistthat theyhave therighttointerpret it theirown way andthatoverheatingis not a problem.

  雖然中央政府極力想把經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)的速度控制在 15%以下,但事情并不那么簡(jiǎn)單。在中國(guó),對(duì)你客氣地點(diǎn)頭同意是一回事,是否按你所說(shuō)的去做則是另一回事。最典型的例子就是省市領(lǐng)導(dǎo)干部對(duì)中央政策的態(tài)度。他們堅(jiān)持他們有權(quán)按自己的意思來(lái)理解中央的政策,認(rèn)為經(jīng)濟(jì)過(guò)熱不是問(wèn)題。

  2、A goodexample ofthischanged attitudecan bebest provided bythecase ofacollege studentwhostressed openlythat money is not the prime objectiveof today's studentsandthattheynow want todosomethingthatis sociallyrewardingand helps todeveloptheircapabilities tothefull.


  3、China's growth, which has beenspectacular over thepast few years, depends on as table currency and responsible lending policies. Yet neither has beeninevidence inrecentmonths. A common example which is frequently cited is soaring inflation which has approached nearly 30% in major cities andbankers who havelavished fundsonfly-by-nightventures andspeculativeschemes suchas real estate projects andstockissues.

  在過(guò)去幾年里取得驚人增長(zhǎng)的中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)主要取決于穩(wěn)定的貨幣制度和可靠的信貸政策。但是最近幾個(gè)月來(lái),人們看不到這一點(diǎn),最常見(jiàn)的例證就是通貨膨脹,在許多大城市里已達(dá)到近 30%。另外,銀行向根本無(wú)還債能力的企業(yè)以及投機(jī)項(xiàng)目如房地產(chǎn)開(kāi)發(fā)和發(fā)行股票債券等大開(kāi)綠燈,發(fā)放貸款。

  4、Mozartis often quotedas afamiliar exampleofardent interest andsustainedendeavor.Walking, orat thetheater,oreven while engaged in social amusements, helived inaself-created atmosphereof music. His head was workingallthetime. "Nobody," runs hisown account,"take as muchpainsinthestudyofcompositionas I. Youcouldnot easilyname afamous master inmusicwhich Ihave notindustriouslystudied,often going throughhis wordsseveral times."


  5、As noted,an increasein theconsumptionofmotorcycles requires afacilitatingsupplyof streets,traffic control and parking space. This provides atypical example ofthelaw ofbalance. Anincrease intheuseofoneproduct must create arequirement for others.


  6、To sophrase thequestionshouldnotbeshocking.As asociety, we alreadyacceptavariety ofreasons as sufficient to justify the destruction oflife. Self-defenseproves anobvious example. War, andpenaltiesfor somecrimes areothers that we currentlyaccept.


  7、To thealready familiar exampleofthelaw of balance, some other examples may beadded:Beyondacertain point more and better food appears tomean increased needfor medical services. Morevacationsrequiremoreamusements,morehotels,andheavier traffic, andsoforth.


  8、It isclear thatmany majorsocietal problems areeither adirectorindirect consequenceoftechnological developments.To the well-known exampleofair and water pollution, afew moremaybeadded:depletionofraw materials andenergy resources,urban congestion,unemployment,militaryarms race, andfrustration with anoverlycomplexsociety. This is not toblame all problems onscience and technology, but simply topoint out theirinterrelationships.


  9、MaoZedongremains inimportant ways thecenter ofthecountry's moral universe. As acase inpoint,wemay seeafresh nation wide enthusiasm for Mao as Chinamarked thecentenaryofhisbirthlast week. Peoplenotonlygrab upbadges adornedwithhisface, but also the gold-anddiamondwatches commemoratinghis Dec.26birthdayat thelucky-eight figureof8888yuan.

  毛澤東在許多重要方面仍然是這個(gè)國(guó)家的道德世界中心。作為一個(gè)例證,我們可以看一下上星期當(dāng)中國(guó)慶祝他誕生一百周年時(shí)全國(guó)出現(xiàn)的一股新的毛澤東熱。人們不僅爭(zhēng)搶有他頭像的徽章,而且花上 8888元這個(gè)有幸運(yùn)意義的數(shù)字去爭(zhēng)購(gòu)為紀(jì)念他12月 26日生日制作的寶石金表。

  10、As an illustrationof thebenefits tohost the2000Summer Olympics, we may seemorethanabilliondollars thevictoris suretolandin television and advertising revenue,plus theinestimable prestigeof holding the first Olympiad ofthenextmillennium. Nowonder ithas beenafierce competition.


  11、Historyabounds with the examples ofgreat men who madethenormally wasted hoursuseful andproductive. Thomas A. Edisonworked out many inventions between messages whenhewas workingas atelegraph-operator. HarrietBeecher Straw, amother ofsixchildren,wrote parts of UncleTom's Cabinonsheets ofbutchers'paperwhileshewas cooking the toast.BenjaminFranklininhis storyof his life shows anendless number ofsuchefforts.


  12、Thesociety aboundswith stories ofquick killings.An English teacher inShanghai tellsof afriend whomade millions on the stock market intwo weeks.A lawyer inBeijingtellsof afriend,aformer professor ofMarxist philosophy, whohas made 8 million yuan inreal estate. There is a frenzy of commerce. How toget richbecomes the common topic of daily conversation.

  13、tis a good thing to extend human life, but isit a good thing to extend human suffering? Take thecase ofaman who isso senilethat he has lost allhis faculties:He isin hospital inanun conscious state with little chance of coming round, butheis kept alivebyartificialmeans for an   indefinite period.Everyone, his relatives andeventhe doctors,agree that death will bringrelease. Indeed, thepatienthimself would agree ifhewere inapositionto givevoice tohisfeeling. Yet everythingis donetoperpetuatewhat has become ameaningless existence.


  14、Musicdoes have anexpressive meaning,though itis difficulttosay what thatmeaningexactly is.Take thefirst main theme ofthe Ninth Symphony, for example.It is clearly madeupof different elements. Itdoes not say onlyonething. Yet any one heatingit immediately gets afeeling of strength,afeelingof power.


  15、Take thecase of China's stockmarkets, establish edin Shenzhen and Shanghai tosoakupincrediblesavings that nervouscitizens have stashedin banks andunder mattresses. Regulations continue torestrict stockissues, which keeps prices inflated.


  16、Just imaginehow itwouldbeifstudents withan average ofA inacoursewere allowed toskip thefinal exam. Cramming wouldnot be nearlyas widespread during the exam week as itis now, students who wanted tomake A's would study consistently through out these mester, because that would be the surest way of getting an A. Poor students would still have tocram, butit would no longer bethe kind of thing good students would feel that they had to do.


  17、It is hardlypossiblenot toread advertisements thesedays. Andwhat funtheyoften are, too! Justthinkwhat arail way station ora newspaper would like with out advertisements.Would you enjoy gazingat ablank wall orreading railway laws while wait ingfor atrain?Would you liketoread onlyclosely-printed columns ofnews in your daily paper?A cheerful, witty advertisement makes sucha difference toadrabwall ora newspaperfull of thedailyrationof calamities.


  18、Censorship is for the good of society as a whole. Just imagine what chaosthere would be if we lived in a society without laws! Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good.


  19、Just imagine what will happen whena traveler suddenly finds himself inaplace where yes may mean no,where afixed priceis negotiable;and when the familiar concepts that help anindividual to functionin society aresuddenly with drawn and replaced by new ones that arestrangeor incomprehensible.










