

時(shí)間:2020-08-21 14:58:42 專業(yè)四級(jí)八級(jí) 我要投稿







  The passage contains TEN errors.Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case only ONE wordis involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the followingway.

  Fora wrong word, underline the wrong word and write thecorrect on in the blank

  For a missingword, mark the position ofthe missing word with “^” sign and write the correct on in the blank

  For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word the slash“/” and out the word in the blank

  Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREEas instructed.

  2017 年英語(yǔ)專業(yè)八級(jí)統(tǒng)一考試 真題及解析


  The passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each

  case only ONE word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it in the following


  For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct on in the blank

  For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with “^” sign and write the

  correct on in the blank

  For an unnecessary word, cross the unnecessary word the slash “/” and out the word in the blank

  Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET THREE as instructed.

  The ability to communicate is the primary factor that distinguish human

  beings from animals. And it is the ability to communicate well which

  distinguishes one individual from another.

  The fact is that apart from the basic necessi t ies, one needs to

  be equipped with habits for good communication skills, thus this is

  what will make one a happy and successful social being.

  In order to develop these habits, one need to first acknowledge

  the fact that they need to improve communication skills from time to time.

  They need to take stock of the way how they interact and the direction

  in which their work and personal relations are going. The only constant

  in l ife is change, the more one accepts one’s strengths and works

  towards deal ing wi th their shor tcomings, special ly in the area of

  communica t ion ski l l s , the be t ter wi l l be the i r interact ions and

  the more their social popularity.

  To dominated quest ion that comes here is: How to improve

  c ommu n i c a t i o n s k i l l s ? Th e a n swe r i s s imp l e . On e c a n f i n d

  plenty of l i terature on this. There are also exper ts, who conduct

  workshops and seminar s based on communicat ion ski l ls of men

  and women. In fact , a large number of companies are bringing in

  t ra ine r s to regula r ly make se s s ions on the subject , in order to

  help their work force maintain better interpersonal work relat ions.

  Today effective communication skills have become a predominant factor

  even whi le recrui t ing employees . Whi le interviewing candidates,

  most interviewers judge them on the basis of the skills they communicate with.

  They believe that some skills can be improvised on the job; but ability to

  communicate wel l is impor tant , as every employee becomes the

  representing face of the company.

  There are trainers, who special ized in del ivering custom-made

  programs on the subject. Through the sessions they not only facilitate

  bet ter communicat ion ski l ls in the workplace, but also look into

  the problems in the manner of being able to convey messages effectively.

  (1) _______

  (2) ______

  (3) ______

  (4) ______

  (5) ______

  (6) _______

  (7) ______

  (8) ______

  (9) ______

  (10) ______


  1. 將 which改為that。這里的'句型是強(qiáng)調(diào)句“it is…… that……”;

  2. 將 thus改為as或者because。后一小句是原因,不是結(jié)果。

  3. 去掉how。“the way”后可以直接用狀語(yǔ)從句。“how”已經(jīng)有“the way of”的語(yǔ)法意義,

  相當(dāng)于“in a way or manner”.

  4. 在 the more前面加上連接詞 and。兩個(gè)小句之間缺少表示承接關(guān)系的連接詞。

  5. 將 specially改為especially。這句插入語(yǔ)是表示特別列舉,副詞當(dāng)然用especially.

  6. 將 dominated改為dominating。這樣-ing分詞形式和 question的邏輯關(guān)系才對(duì)。

  7. make改為 have或者 deliver。“have / deliver sessions”指上課、開(kāi)會(huì)等,搭配合理。

  8. ability前面加定冠詞 the,以此表示定指。

  9. 兩種改法。 (1)將specialized 改為specialize。 (2)在who和 specialized之間加上系動(dòng)詞


  10. 將 problems改為problem。“look into the problem”是使用頻率高的搭配(根據(jù)語(yǔ)料庫(kù)檢

  索) ,這一句中的“in the manner of doing”語(yǔ)義上也合適,有同學(xué)可能改為“in a manner

  of doing” ;但英語(yǔ)的實(shí)際使用中常見(jiàn)的是“in a manner of speaking”,很少有其他形式。









