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雖然 Essay部分時間有50分鐘,但是其中包括閱讀、構(gòu)思和寫作時間,所以也是蠻緊張的。而且作文長度對分數(shù)多多少少還是有些影響的。作文一共有兩張紙,也就是四頁,建議長度方面“保三爭四”,因為得8/8/8這次長度是3頁半,而且College Board提供的滿分范文長度也近似。注意了,說的是長度,不是字數(shù)。大家把字寫大一點,詞與詞間隔多一點,作文就自動變長了。
“John effectively builds his argumentthat…”
“John skillfully develops his point that…”
1.Example and evidence & line of reasoning.
這種是最簡單的也基本上會出現(xiàn)的。直接寫”In paragraph X,John’s argument that…is supported byconcrete evidence xxx…..”
“Also,John’s proposal is backed up by similar/famous casestudies from…demonstrating the feasibility of his resolution.”
“A series of major compromises in history are listed at thebeginning of the passage to inform the audience of relevant background…”
“Knowledge of key events in the past brings credibility toJohn’s discussion of…”
“The description of the accident from an insider’s angle atthe beginning of the passage establishes John’s authority on…”
3) Line of reasoning
“After the main argument,John acknowledges the oppositeviews that…,then reinforces his point that… by pointing out the shortcomingsof…”
2.Vivid/Stylistic Language
不同文章會有不同的修辭手法,重點還是在找出修辭手法后,要寫其“好在哪里”,是 “to impress the audience by drawing a vivid picture of theaftermath of…”,還是 “using parallelism to create tension,allowing the audience to feelthe urgency of…”。這些 evaluation才是提分的重點。
3.Appeal to the audience’semotion/sense of responsibility
Persuasive speech/article 一般的一個目的是 “call foraction”,而方法無外乎挑起群眾的激情或責(zé)任感。
1)Appeal to emotion(常出現(xiàn))
總之,make the audience realize that we are vulnerable,so in order tosurvive,we must (well,listen to the speaker)…/we will head into chaos anddestruction unless we (well,listen to the speaker).
Pity: 這個比較簡單,就是作者一般會描述一個很慘的故事或者場景,讓人們心生不忍,于是受感召有所作為。
Guilt: 這個和pity有些不同在于,pity是他很慘,但與我無關(guān);guilt是他很慘,正因為我。比如說描述“日系車主被砸臥床五年,就是因為群眾不理智愛國”,讓人們良心受譴,以后拒絕沖動。
2)Appeal to a sense ofresponsibility
“the future of the country/people/children…”
“we are in this together…/xxx is one of us…”
還有就是,當作者突然開始用 “you” 來address audience的時候,很可能就是 “talking directly to the audience,reminding them that everyonelistening/reading has an inescapable duty to fulfill”
套路三:格式 第一段三句話
比如一篇講“遵循歷史發(fā)展世界又要打仗了但是我們還要追求和平”的文,CJ第一句話會寫: “War ends because we stop fighting,but peace lasts because wenever give up fighting for it.”
將讀者的main message用自己的話說出來,能讓考官從第一句話就覺得“這篇文章,學(xué)生看懂了”,還能多蹭點字數(shù)。
或者一篇講“工業(yè)革命的后果”、偏論證的文章,第一句可以寫 “Men have manufactured their own apocalypse.”總之,不要多想,直接憑讀完文章的大體感覺寫一句話就好。
閱讀文章開頭都會給作者姓名、speech/published article的時間地點場合。所以第二句話就是:
“President Bush/Professor Schneider/John Wayne spoke to (audience type) at(place/occasion) on (date),addressing the issue of …”
“In the New York TimesIssue x,published on 19xx xx xx,Tom Phillips discusses the situation in…”
“Phillips effectively builds and presentshis argument that… by providing evidence and examples,using vivid language,and appealing to the audience’s sense of responsibility.”
以上三句話寫好,基本上一個漂亮的introduction就完成了。之后三個寫作手法(evidence,language,appeal to xxx)一個一段就可以了。
At my familys cabin on a Minnesota lake,I knew woods so dark that my hands disappeared before my eyes.I knew night skies in which meteors left smoky trails across sugary spreads of stars.But now,when 8 of 10 children born in the United States will never know a sky dark enough for the Milky Way,I worry we are rapidly losing nights natural darkness before realizing its worth.This winter solstice,as we cheer the days gradual movement back toward light,let us also remember the irreplaceable value of darkness.
All life evolved to the steady rhythm of bright days and dark nights.Today,though,when we feel the closeness of nightfall,we reach quickly for a light switch.And too little darkness,meaning too much artificial light at night,spells trouble for all.
Already the World Health Organization classifies working the night shift as a probable human carcinogen,and the American Medical Association has voiced its unanimous support for "light pollution reduction efforts and glare reduction efforts at both the national and state levels." Our bodies need darkness to produce the hormone melatonin,which keeps certain cancers from developing,and our bodies need darkness for sleep.Sleep disorders have been linked to diabetes,obesity,cardiovascular disease and depression,and recent research suggests one main cause of "short sleep" is "long light." Whether we work at night or simply take our tablets,notebooks and smartphones to bed,there isn’t a place for this much artificial light in our lives.
The rest of the world depends on darkness as well,including nocturnal and crepuscular species of birds,insects,mammals,fish and reptiles.Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America,the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not,such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora.Ecological light pollution is like the bulldozer of the night,wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billion years in the making.Simply put,without darkness,Earth’s ecology would collapse.
In today’s crowded,louder,more fast-paced world,night’s darkness can provide solitude,quiet and stillness,qualities increasingly in short supply.Every religious tradition has considered darkness invaluable for a soulful life,and the chance to witness the universe has inspired artists,philosophers and everyday stargazers since time began.In a world awash with electric light...how would Van Gogh have given the world his “Starry Night”? Who knows what this vision of the night sky might inspire in each of us,in our children or grandchildren?
Yet all over the world,our nights are growing brighter.In the United States and Western Europe,the amount of light in the sky increases an average of about 6% every year.Computer images of the United States at night,based on NASA photographs,show that what was a very dark country as recently as the 1950s is now nearly covered with a blanket of light.Much of this light is wasted energy,which means wasted dollars.Those of us over 35 are perhaps among the last generation to have known truly dark nights.Even the northern lake where I was lucky to spend my summers has seen its darkness diminish.
It doesn’t have to be this way.Light pollution is readily within our ability to solve,using new lighting technologies and shielding existing lights.Already,many cities and towns across North America and Europe are changing to LED streetlights,which offer dramatic possibilities for controlling wasted light.Other communities are finding success with simply turning off portions of their public lighting after midnight.Even Paris,the famed “city of light,” which already turns off its monument lighting after 1 a.m.,will this summer start to require its shops,offices and public buildings to turn off lights after 2 a.m.Though primarily designed to save energy,such reductions in light will also go far in addressing light pollution.But we will never truly address the problem of light pollution until we become aware of the irreplaceable value and beauty of the darkness we are losing.
evidence to support claims (e.g.,cited data or statistics,or authoritative sources that support the author’s argument)
reasoning to develop ideas and make connections (e.g.,the author explains his logic for using a specific piece of evidence to support a specific claim)
stylistic or persuasive elements to add power to the ideas expressed (e.g.,using figurative language,irony,metaphor,and other elements to appeal to emotions)
首先,在讀文章的時候,務(wù)必記得做筆記,尤其注意以下幾點,這幾點也是prompt中給出的幾點:作者如何運用evidence來支撐觀點;作者如何用reasoning來發(fā)展觀點、連接claim和evidence的;作者如何運用stylistic or persuasive elements來增加觀點的可靠性和說服力。
第三步就是寫文章,把寫好的outline填充evidence并擴展為一篇文章。注意文章的連貫性。正如張執(zhí)遠老師在授課中一直強調(diào)的,在introductory paragraph中需要有一個topic sentence、3個能細化論證的論點作為thesis statement,根據(jù)thesis statement進而將文章發(fā)展為3-5個支撐的body paragraph.另外注意句式結(jié)構(gòu)的多樣性。
最后,檢查潤色,看是否有語法、拼寫、表達上的錯誤。雖然幾個語法和拼寫錯誤不會對SAT essay部分的分數(shù)影響特別大,但利用幾分鐘的時間來重新檢查還是可以幫助我們避免不少不必要的錯誤。