

時間:2023-01-04 14:24:59 海玲 公共英語 我要投稿
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  最新連詞的種類詳解 篇1


  and, as well as, both……and, not only……but also.

  It seems you and I together can do nothing but shopping.


  Tom and Jim are good friends.



  The movie is both interesting and instructive.


  both……and 連接兩個作主語補語的形容詞。

  Not only the planets but also the sun is in constant motion.


  not only……but also連接作主語的兩個名詞,述語動詞的數(shù)由but also 后面的主語決定。


  or, not……but, either……or, neither……nor, or else.

  Neither you nor I like going shopping.


  Which do you like, tea or coffee?



  You or he is mistaken.



  What he wants is not money but justice.


  Either you or I am right.



  accordingly, consequently, hence, so, then, therefore.

  ……Therefore, I should go and buy a new one.


  I didn't go to school yesterday, so I didn't see my teacher.


  I was ill yesterday, therefore, I didn't go to school.


  The company went bankrupt. Consequently, he lost his job.


  I was in a hurry, hence I only took a piece of sandwich as lunch.



  if(是否,如果), when(當……時), as(當……時,因為,正如), since(自從,既然), until(直到), before(在……之前), because(因為), unless(除非), whether(是否), than(比), though(雖然)。

  I wonder whether (if) this fits me.



  I really don't know what you like.


  I don't know what you mean.


  what引導的名詞子句作賓語,相當于that which.

  Do you know who will come soon?



  引導形容詞子句的關系代名詞主要有that, which, who, whom, whose等。

  The one which has red dots looks better.


  The teacher blamed the boy that (who) broke the window.


  He was reading a book that (which) was written by Mark Twain.


  This is the man whose wallet was lost.


  This is the man whom you want to see.



  表目的的從屬連接詞有so that, in order that, that, for fear, in case, lest等。

  I want to leave here so that I don't have to pay for the skirt.


  I got up early so that I could catch the train.


  I got up early lest I should miss the train.


  表條件的從屬連接詞有if, unless, providing, provided, only if等。

  My girlfriend will leave here if she sees me talking to a girl.


  We will go to the park if it doesn't rain.


  We will not go to the park only if it rains.


  最新連詞的種類詳解 篇2


  and,both…and,neither…nor,either…or,not only…but also,as well as


  I like physics and chemistry.我喜歡物理和化學。

  I don’t like physics or chemistry.我不喜歡物理和化學。


  Both Jim and Mary went to the cinema yesterday.昨天吉姆和瑪麗都去看電影了。

  Exercise is good both for body and for mind.運動有益于身心。


  He neither smokes nor drinks.他既不抽煙又不喝酒。

  I like neither swimming nor skating.我既不喜歡游泳,又不喜歡溜冰。


  Either you come to the office now,or wait for me at home.


  Either he or I will leave.不是他就是我將要離開。

  5.not only…but(also)不但……而且……(not only…but also中的also可以省略。)

  Not only she but also I am wrong.不但她錯了,我也錯了。

  He not only made a promise,but kept it.他不僅許諾,而且做到了。

  6.as well as也、又

  We will rescue Henry as well as you.除了你,我們還要營救亨利。

  He likes basketball as well as football.除了足球,他還喜歡籃球。


 。ㄒ唬┮龑r間狀語從句的連詞有:when,while,since,until,after,before,as soon as


  When we got there,the meeting had begun.我們到時,會議已經開始了。

  It was raining when she arrived at the station.她到達車站時,正在下雨。588.es


  Don’t make any noise while others are reading.別人讀書時不要制造噪音。

  She sang while she was walking.她邊走邊唱。


  It’s just a month since we arrived here.我們到這兒剛好一月了。

  My mother has been ill since I left home.自從我離開家我媽媽就一直生病。


  Until you told me,I knew nothing at all about it.在我告訴我之前,我對此之外無所知。

  He didn’t appear until the meeting had begun.直到會議開始他才露面。



  I’ll phone you after I arrive.我到達之后給你打電話。

  Say goodbye before you go.你走之前要說再見。

  6.as soon as一……就

  I’ll visit you as soon as I come back.我一回來就去拜訪你。

  Please tell him as soon as you see him.你一看見他就請告訴他。

  (二)引導原因狀語從句的連詞:because,since,as,for,now that


  I can’t believe in him because he isn’t honest.我不能信任他,因為他不誠實。

  She didn’t come because she didn’t know it.她沒有來,因為她不知道。


  Since he says so,it must be true.既然他這么說,那一定是真的。

  Since you ask,I will tell you.你既然問,我就告訴你。


  As we are hungry,let’s have supper.由于大家餓了,我們就吃晚飯吧。

  Mother began to worry about my brother as it was getting dark.



  We can't go for it is raining.我們不能走,因為正在下雨。

  I enjoyed myself at the party for I knew all the guests well.


  5.now that既然

  Now that he is unhappy,let’s leave him alone.既然他不高興,我們就讓他自己呆著吧。

  Now that she feels sorry,please forgive her.既然她很后悔,就請原諒她吧。



  She is so tired that he can’t go any further.她太累了,不能再走了。

  She is so big a cat that she can’t get into the hole.這貓?zhí)罅算@不進這洞。


  It’s such a beautiful place that I wouldn’t come back.這地方太美了,令我留戀返。

  It’s such a fine day that many people go to the park for fun.


  (四)引導目的'狀語從句的連詞:so that,in order that以便

  They hurried so that they can get there on time.他們加快了速度,為的是能夠按時到達。

  I hired a boat in order that I can go fishing.為了去釣魚,我租了條小船。


  He is taller than his brother.他比他兄弟高。

  She could draw as well as her teacher.她能畫得跟她的老師一樣好。


  Although it rained hard,he still went out.盡管雨下得很大,他還是出去了。

  Even though I have enough time,I don’t want to go there with him.


  最新連詞的種類詳解 篇3



  如:There are some desks and chairs in the classroom.


  如:You can skate well,but Ican’t.


  如:Would you like a glass of milk or a cup of tea?


  如:Do you have any brothers or sisters?

  I don’t have any brothers or sisters.


  如:SuHai jumps farther than SuYang.


  如:I like summer best because I can go swimming.


  如:Helen was ill, so she didn’t go to school yesterday.

  最新連詞的種類詳解 篇4



  并列連詞可用來連接詞與詞,詞組與詞組,分句與分句。常用的并列連詞有:and(和),as well as(既…又),both … and(不但…而且),not only … but also(不但…而且),not … but(不是…而是),neither … nor(既不…也不),either … or(不是…就是),or(或者),but (但是),yet(然而),for(因為),so(所以),while(而),when(這時)等。如:Both my brother and my sister are teachers./ His room is bright but mine is gloomy(暗沉沉的)./ He can not only repair radios but also fix them./ It is a glorious(光榮的)yet difficult task./ Strike while iron is hot.



  引導時間狀語從句的:after, before, when, as, while, since, until, till, as soon as

  引導原因狀語從句的:because, since, as

  引導讓步狀語從句的:although, though, no matter(無論), even if (though)

  引導條件狀語從句的:if, unless, once, so (as) long as

  引導結果狀語從句的:so … that …, such … that …

  引導目的狀語從句的:so that …, in order that …

  引導比較狀語從句的:as … as …, not so (as) … as …, … than …

  引導方式狀語從句的:as if …

  引導主語,賓語或表語從句的連詞主要有:that, whether, if三個。其中that 和whether間或還可以引起同位從句和狀語從句。


  1、當while, when, as引導時間狀語從句時的區(qū)別:①while引導的狀語從句中動詞必須是持續(xù)性。謂語動詞多為進行時,或狀態(tài)動詞的一般時。while 的這些用法可用when代替,等于 "at the time that", "during the time that"。例如:Please keep quiet while (when) others are studying;② when除可指一段時間外,還可用來指一點時間,等于 "at the time",也就是說when引出的'時間狀語從句中的謂語動詞可以是終止性的,也可以延續(xù)性的。因此主句和從句的謂語可以是一般時,進行時,或完成時。例如:When I went into the lab, the teacher was doing an experiment.(when不能換成while)He often makes mistakes when he is speaking English.(when可換成while)③as?膳cwhen,while通用,但強調"一邊、一邊"。例如:As (when, while) I was walking down the street, I noticed a police car in front of number 37. ④when引導的狀語從句中的主語與主句主語一致,主、謂是"主語+系動詞"結構時,這時主語和系動詞可以省略。例如:When (he was) young, he worked for a rich man./ She'll be here to give you help when (if it is) necessary. ⑤when有時代替if,引導條件句,意為"如果"、"假如",例如:I'll come when (if) I'm free.

  2、before作連詞一般表示時間,意為"在…之前",但有些句子中這樣譯就顯得別扭。試看以下句子的翻譯:He almost knocked me down before he saw me.他幾乎把我撞倒才看見我;Before I could get in a word he had measured me.我還沒來得及插話,他已經給我量好了尺寸。

  3、till, until作為介詞式從屬連詞引導時間狀語短語或狀語從句,用于否定句時,結構為not …until (till),主句謂語動詞延續(xù)與非延續(xù)皆可,意為"直到…才…"。用于肯定句時,只與延續(xù)性動詞連用,表示"到…為止"。例如:They played volleyball until (till) it got dark./ They didn't talk(延續(xù)性動詞)until (till) the interpreter(譯員)came./ He didn't go to bed(非延續(xù)性動詞)until (till) the his father came back.;until可以放在句首,till則不行,例如:Until the last minute of the match we kept on playing./ Not until he finished his work did he go home.(倒裝);till, until只用于時間,以下句子是錯誤的:We walked till the edge of the forest.(要用as far as或to)。

  4、because, since, as引導原因狀語時注意使用上的區(qū)別:①如果原因構成句子的最主要部分,一般用because ,因此because引導的從句往往放在句末。用why提問的句子,一定用because回答。例如:He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill.;②如原因已為人們所知,或不如句子的其他部分重要,就用as,或 since。since比as更正式些。as和since引導的從句一般放在句子的開頭。例如:As you are tired, you had better rest./ Since everyone is here, now let's begin.

  5、although和though引導讓步狀語從句往往用法一樣,但注意以下區(qū)別:①although用于各種文體,而though則多用于非正式的口語或書面語中。注意由although, though引導的從句后,主句不能用but,但可用副詞yet, still。例如:Although/ Though it rained all the morning, they still went on working.(或yet they went on working)②though常與even連用,even though表示強調,意為"即使",但不能說even although,例如:Even though I didn't understand a word, I dept smiling. ③though可用作副詞,意為"然而",常用逗號與句子分開。although則不能這樣使用,它只作連詞。例如:It was a quiet party, I had a good time, though.

  6、once作副詞譯"曾經",作為連詞譯"一旦",引導條件狀語從句。相當于if的加強形式。例如:I don't believe he was once a thief. (once這里是副詞)/ Once Aristotle had made up his mind that heavy objects always fell faster than light objects, he taught it as a truth to his students. (once連詞)

  7、unless引導條件狀語從句等于if … not …。例如:He'll accept the job unless the salary is too low. ( = He'll accept the job if the salary is not too low.)

  8、在用as if引導的方式狀語從句及表語從句中,根據(jù)情況要使用虛擬語氣。例如:He talks as if he knew all about it. 但有時也可用直陳語氣。例如:It looks as if it is going to rain.

  9、whether, if引導從句的用法區(qū)別:①引導主語從句、表語從句或同位語從句時,用whether,不用if。例如:Whether they will go to the Great Wall is not known./ The question is whether we can finish the task on time./ The question whether we will take part in the physics contest has not been decided. ②whether可接不定式,而if則不可。例如:I haven't decided whether to leave or not. ③whether可作介詞的賓語或置于句首表示強調,而if則不可。例如:Everything depends on whether we have enough money./ Whether he will come, I am not sure. ④whether和if均可引導賓語從句, whether引導的賓語從句一般都是肯定句,if引導的賓語從句可以是肯定的,也可以是否定的(此時不能用whether),例如:Could you tell us whether/ if it rains in winter in Australia?/ I wonder if it doesn't rain. ⑤引導賓語從句的whether和if常可與or not連用。連用時要注意or not的位置,它一般與 whether、if分開使用,有時它可與whether合起來使用,但不能與if合起來使用。例如:I don't know whether/ if they will come or not./ I don't know whether or not they will come. ⑥if可用來引導條件狀語從句,譯"如果",whether則不行。例如:If you work hard, you are sure to succeed.

  10、as作從屬連詞可引導多種狀語從句。①as引導時間狀語從句,意為"當…時"。例如:As (he was) a young man, he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster./ He sang as he worked. ②as引導方式狀語從句,意為"象…一樣"。例如:We must do as the Party teaches us. ③as引導原因狀語從句。意為"由于",例如:As you are tired, you had better rest. ④as引導讓步狀語從句。意為"雖然"、"盡管"Child as he is, he can do it well. ( = Although he is a child, he can do it well.) 另外,as做為關系代詞還可以引導定語從句,如:I have the same book as you.


  1 .He is very old,____ he still works very hard. A. but B.if C.when D.as

  2. ____ you are dismissed.

  A. Neither you go nor B. Either you go or C. Whether you go or D. Both you go and

  3. They had camped once before, ____ they knew what to take.

  A. because B. now C. so D. since

  4. Why these things happened was ____ the driver had been careless.

  A. because of B. owing to C. due to D. that

  5. Although, it's raining, ____are still working in the fields.

  A. they B. but they C. and they D. so they

  6.___we have satisfied you, you have no grounds of complaint.

  A. So B. Since that C. Now that D. By now.

  7. Write clearly ____ your teacher can understand .you correctly.

  A. since B. for C. because D. so that

  8.You'll miss the train ____ you hurry up. A. unless B. as C. if D. until

  9. Francis did the task____ his brother. A. as good as B. as better as C. as well as D. as best as

  10.The size of the audience,____ we had expected, was well over twenty thousand.

  A. as B. what C. that D. whom

  11.I thought he hated the TV .You are right,____ he still watches the program.

  A. yet B. besides C. also D. then

  12. It looks ____ it's going to rain. A. that B. as C. as if D. like that

  13.____ to New York, her father has not heard from her.

  A. Because she went B. After she went C. When she went D. Since she went

  14.___he daydreamed, Peter saw figures in the sky. A. Until B. Since C. While D. During

  15. We arrived at the station ____ the train had left. A. after B. before C. since D. when

  16.____ he was in poor health, he worked just as hard as everyone else.

  A. But B. Although C. Even if D. If

  17. Give me one more minute ____ I'll have finished. A. so B. until C. and D. when

  18. The worker hunted for jobs in New York for months,____ he could not find any work.

  A. and B. yet C. or D. and but

  19. Hurry up, ____ you'll be late. A. or B. and C. so D. yet

  20. Do not make the same mistake ____ I did. A. so B. as C. like D. that

  21. My sister is expecting me,____ I must be off now. A. however B. or C. so D. otherwise

  22. We should pay attention ____ to industry ____ to agriculture.

  A. either, or B. neither, nor C. not, but D. both, and

  23. He ran off____ I could stop him. A. before B. after C. since D. when

  24.____ you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened. A. Till B. Until C. After D. Since

  25. Where have you been ____ you left home? A. before B. as C. since D. when

  26.____ the problem of method is solved, talking about the task is useless.

  A. Until B. Since C. After D. Unless

  27. We have produced 15% more cotton this year____ we did last year.

  A. as B. than C. like D. white

  28.It is late; ____, I'm too tired to go out. A. besides B. except C. except for D. except that

  29. Everything around us is ____ solid ..liquid ____ gas.

  A. not .. .but... B. either.. .or... C. neither.. .nor... D. whether.. .or...

  30. He will come ____ you ask him. A. whether B. unless C. if D. while

  31.____ he will come or not is still unknown. A. If B. Where C. That D. Whether

  32.I don' t know ____ to stay at home or go out. A. whether B. if C. how D. where

  33. He spoke loudly ____ the audience could hear him clearly.

  A. so B. that C. so that D. in order to

  34. The book is not easy.____ it's rather difficult.

  A. On the one hand B. On the contrary

  C. On the other hand D. On the other contrary

  35. You must work hard,____ you will not learn English well.

  A. if B. whether C. otherwise D. unless

  36. It rained heavily,____ the basketball match had to be put off.

  A. so that B. when C. otherwise D. therefore

  37. We must do ____ the people want us to do..

  A. whatever B. however C. wherever D. whenever

  38. You are certainly right,____ others may say. A. what B. whatever C. that D. as

  39.____ makes mistakes must correct them. A. Who B. What C. Whoever D. Whatever

  40.I'll discuss it with you ____ you like to come.

  A. when B. where C. whoever D. whenever

  41.____ you work, you must always serve the people heart and soul.

  A. Wherever B. Whenever C. Where D. When

  42.___you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.

  A. Once B. At once C. Only D. Only then

  43.___ difficult the task may be, we must fulfil it this month.

  A. No matter how B. No matter what C. No matter when D. No matter where

  44. We can surely overcome these difficulties _,___ we are closely united.

  A. so far as B. so long as C. as soon as D. as well as

  45.___ I know he will stay here for half a year.

  A. as soon as B. as long as C. so far as D. as well as

  46. Please write me ____ you arrive in New York.

  A. as well as B. so long as C. as far as D. as soon as

  47. That is not ____ I want. A. that B. why C. what D. whose

  48. ___ he did it remains a secret. A. What B. Whom C. Which D. How

  49. It is quite clear ____ he won't see us. A. what B. that C. why D. how

  50. Would you tell me ____ way I should take? A. what B. that C. which D. whose

  51. I am sure ____ you said is true. A. what B. that C. which D. who

  52. The trouble is ____ we can not find such an expert.

  A. why B. that C. where D. /

  53. It has not been decided ____ they will leave.

  A. why B. when C. which D. what

  54. We shall go ____ you are ready. A. while B. as soon as C. as D. since

  55. He will tell you about it ____ you get there. A. while B. as C. when D. /

  56. Don't try to get off the bus ____ it has stopped.

  A. while B. as C. since D. before

  57. I'll come and see you _____ I go to the countryside.

  A. while B. when . C. as soon as D. before

  58. ___ he came to study in the university, he has made much progress in the study of English.

  A. While B. When C. Since D. After

  59. Things have changed a lot ____ I wrote to you last time.

  A. when B. since C. as D. before

  60. I can't use your pen, ___ there is no ink in it. A. for B. when C. if D. whether

  61. I'd like to go swimming ____ the water is not too cold.

  A. for B. unless C. if D. whether

  62. Difficulties are nothing ___ we are not afraid of them.

  A. for B. as C. if D. whether

  63. The doctor will not perform the operation ___ it is absolutely necessary.

  A. when B. if C. for D. unless

  64. Go back ___ you came from. A. until B. where C. which D. when

  65. He lay ___ the grass was the thickest. A. where B. when C. that D. after

  66. You will find friendly people ___ you go in China.

  A. where B. and C. wherever D. so

  67. ___ it was already dark, they went on working in the fields.

  A. If B. Whether C. But D. Though

  68. ___ he has finished writing the novel is unknown.

  A. If B. Whether C. When D. While

  69. We'll go and see the patient ___we are busy.

  A. even if B. for C. if D. while

  70. The museum is ___ far ____ it will take us half an hour to get there by bus.

  A. such... that B. as...as C. so...that D. so … as

  語法復習二十一:連 詞

  1~5 ABCDA 6~10 CDACA 11~15 ACDBA 16~20 BCBAB 21~25 CDABC

  26~30 BBABC 31~35 DACBC 36~40 AABCD 41~45 AAABC 46~50 DCDBC

  51~55 ABBBC 56~60 DDCBA 61~65 CCDBA 66~70 CDBAC

  最新連詞的種類詳解 篇5


  就……而論、照……來看;考慮到,既可用作介詞,又可用作連詞。例:I hear he is more than 70, but he is still very strong, considering his age.

  聽說他已經 70 多歲了,但從他的年紀來看,他仍然很結實。

  Considering ( that ) he did not study hard, he did well on the test.


  另: considering 還可用作副詞,通常置于句尾,意為從各方面看。例:

  She seems ( to be ) very bright, considering.


  2. providing / provided


  We'll visit Europe next year, provided / providing ( that ) we have the money.


  I shall go provided / providing ( that ) it does not rain.


  3. supposing / suppose


  Supposing / Suppose ( that ) the weather were bad, where would you go?


  Supposing / Suppose ( that ) she doesn't come, what should we do?


  supposing 可用在一個簡單句中,相當于 What would / will happen if … / What does it matter if …例:

  Supposing I don't see her. ( = What will happen if I don't see her? )


  suppose 意為假定;萬一;倘若;不妨;何不。例:

 。 Let us ) Suppose ( that ) his statement is right.


  4. according to /by

  根據(jù)…… / 按照……,用作連詞。例:

  According to my watch, it's 4 o'clock.

  按照我表上的時間,現(xiàn)在是 4 點鐘。

  You may go or stay, according as you decide.


  You may / will be praised or blamed according as your work is good or bad.


  according to 與 according by 的區(qū)別在于:

  ( 1 ) according by 不可與表示人的.名詞或代詞連用; according to 可與表示人的名詞或代詞連用。

  ( 2 ) according to 只能表示來自他處的信息,而不能表示來自說話者本身的信息。


  According to (不能用 by ) my clock, it is 12 o'clock.

  根據(jù)我表上的時間,現(xiàn)在是 12 點。

  According to (不能用 by ) her (不能用 me ), the war broke out in 1923.

  根據(jù)她所說的,那場戰(zhàn)爭在 1923 年爆發(fā)。

  5. compared with / to


  Compared with / to her mother, she is tall.


  6. including


  I have to prepare food for seven people, including me.

  我必須準備包括自己在內 7 個人的食物。

  7. owing to

  由于……因為……,用作介詞。 seeing ( that )由于……;既然……;因為……,用作連詞。例:

  Owing to unfavourable weather, I was unable to carry on with it.


  Seeting ( that ) he is ill, he's unlikely to come.


  8. judging from / by ( =to judge by )


  Judging from / by what he said, he must be an honest man.


  Judging from / by his accent, he must be from Guangdong province.


  9. regarding ( =as regards, in regard to, with regard to ) / respecting ( =as respects, in respect to, with respect to ) / concerning ( =as concerns ) / relating to

  均用作介詞,意為關于,就……而言,相當于 about, 但比 about 正式。例:

  Regarding this point, he is correct.


  Respecting your salary, we shall come to a decision later.


  Concerning your letter, I am pleased to inform you that your plans are quite acceptable.


  10. given


  Given that they are inexperienced, they have done a good job.


  Given his support, I think we'll win the election.


  11. granted / granting


  例 Granted / Granting you are right, I won't do it.


  12. assuming / say

 。ㄓ糜诰涫祝c Let's 連用)意為假定……假使例:

  Assuming / Say ( Let's say ) that war breaks out, what do you do?









