

時間:2023-01-22 01:45:07 公共英語 我要投稿
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  He is an amateur tennis player. 他是業(yè)余網(wǎng)球運動員。

  Have you entered your name for any of the event?你報名參加什么比賽項目了嗎?

  Sports make the body strong.運動健體。

  They withdrew from the competition.他們退出比賽。

  The ball game is scheduled for 8:30 in the morning.球賽定于上午八點半舉行。

  The game was fixed for today but it has been postponed for a week.比賽原定于今天舉行,現(xiàn)已推遲一周。

  Taking exercises is one way of keeping slim.參加運動是保持身材苗條的一個辦法。

  How many entries are there for the high jump?有多少人報名參加跳高比賽了?

  Several people went in for the race.好幾個人參加比賽。

  The contest will be stayed in the gymnasium.比賽將在體育館舉行。

  The young swimmer has set up a new record for the back stroke.那位年輕運動員創(chuàng)下了仰泳新紀錄。

  He made a good score in track and field events.他在田徑賽中取得了好成績。

  The players tried to keep themselves in good shape.運動員們努力保持良好的競技狀態(tài)。

  The tug-of-war ended when both teams tumbled.拔河賽因兩隊跌倒而結(jié)束。


  A: I haven't had much exercise lately. My only recreation has been watching TV or going to the movies. What do you do for recreation?

  B: I like to play tennis in the summer. My favorite winter sport is skiing. What's yours?

  A: My favorite sport is track. Have you ever been on a track team?

  B: No. In college, I was on the swimming team. A: I don't like to swim very much. However, I'd like to sit and fish. Do you like to go fishing?

  B: Yes — oh all this talk about exercise has made me tired. Let's go to the movies.


  Good morning,sir.Do you want to buy something here?早安,先生。您想在這里買東西嗎?

  Good morning,sir.Can I help you?早安,先生。買東西嗎?

  May I help you?您買東西嗎?

  What can I do for you?您想買什么?

  Anything I can do for you?您想買什么?

  Are you being served?有人在招呼您了嗎?

  Can I be of any assistance to you?您想買什么東西嗎?

  Can I help you in any way?您想買什么東西嗎?


  Do you sell…?你們賣……嗎?

  I prefer……我喜歡……

  I want to see…我想看看……

  I'd like to buy…我想買……

  I'm looking for…,我想買……

  Bring me…,please.請給我拿……

  Can you show me…?可以把……給我看看嗎?

  Could I have a look at…?給我看看……可以嗎?


  What material do you prefer?您喜歡什么料子的?

  What size do you want(take)?您要(買)多大尺寸的?

  What size,please?請問要多大尺寸?

  What sort of … are you looking for?您要買哪種……?

  What style do you prefer?您喜歡什么式樣?


  Are these all right?這些行嗎?

  Do you like this design?您喜歡這花樣嗎?

  Any particular color?要什么顏色的?

  Can I get you anything else?還要買別的什么嗎?

  Is there anything else I may show you?還有什么要買的嗎?

  Is there anything else you'd like to buy?您還有什么要買的嗎?

  What can I show you?您要買什么?

  What kind would you like?您想買什么樣的?

  How about this one?這個怎么樣?

  How's this one?這個怎么樣?

  I could recommend something for you.我可以向您推薦一種貨品。

  It's of good quality.這是優(yōu)質(zhì)品。

  It's the latest fashions,very popular.這是最新款式,非常流行。


  How much do I owe you?我該付多少錢?

  How much do you charge for…?要賣多少錢?

  How much do you ask for it?這個你要賣多少錢?

  How much does it cost?這個要多少錢?

  How much,please?請問要多少錢?

  What do you charge for it?這個你賣多少錢?

  What does it come to?一共多少錢?

  What does it cost?這個要賣多少錢?

  What's it worth?這值多少錢?


  It costs…這個要……

  It sells…這個賣……

  The price depends on the quality.按質(zhì)論價。

  The price is marked on the tag,sir.價格就標在牌子上,先生。

  They're 5 dollars each.每個5美元。


  Do you have anything ready-made that will fit me?你有適合我穿的現(xiàn)成的衣服嗎?

  I could also do with some aspirin.我還可以買些阿司匹林。

  I wonder if you have any good bikes.不知你們有沒有優(yōu)質(zhì)自行車。

  I'm after a pair of glasses.我想買副眼鏡。


  What can I show you?您要買什么?

  What material do you have in mind,sir?先生,你想要什么料子的?

  What style do you prefer?您喜歡什么式樣的?


  Are you likely to be having any cheaper ones in?你們會進些便宜點的嗎?

  How long would I have to wait for it?我得等多久才能買到呢?

  Is this meat just in?這肉是剛進的貨嗎?

  Could you advise me what kind of shoes fit me best?你能不能指點我,哪種鞋我穿最合適?


  All out now.全售完了。

  I can do the size, but not the color.我們有這尺寸,但沒有這顏色。

  I'm afraid we are out of them today.今天恐怕沒有貨了。

  Sorry,but we don't have that in your size.對不起,我們沒有您要的尺寸。

  We may get a supply tomorrow.我們明天可以供應。


  Have you anything a size bigger?大一號尺寸的你們有嗎?

  Have you anything that doesn't cost so much?價格不那么貴的你們有嗎?

  How about showing me some samples?給我看一些樣品好嗎?

  It's a bit too loud.這個有點俗。

  It's a bit too small on me.這個我穿著太小了一點。

  Pick me out a good piece,please.請給我挑一個好的。

  Yellow becomes me.黃色同我很相稱。


  How do you sell the water melons? 這些西瓜怎么賣?

  How much do you charge for the bunch of flowers?這束花你要賣多少錢?

  How much do you ask for it?這個你要賣多少錢?

  How much does the bill come to?這帳單一共多少錢?

  What's the price of the apples?這蘋果的價格是多少?


  It comes to 65 yuan,sir.先生,一共65元。

  It sells at 2.5 pounds a bottle.這賣2.5英鎊一瓶。

  It's priced at 100 dollars.這個定價為100美元。

  It's sold by the yard.這是按碼出售的。

  The price depends on the quality.按質(zhì)論價。


  Can you come down a bit?

  Can you sell it for 3 pounds?3英鎊你賣嗎?

  That's a bit more than I wanted to pay.這比我想出的價錢高了一點。

  The price is not reasonable.這價格不公道。

  I'll mett you half way.我讓一半。

  It's a real bargain.這是真正的便宜貨。

  It's our standard price.這是我們的標準價格。

  How much would you like it to be?您想出多少錢?









