

時間:2020-08-21 20:26:32 公共英語 我要投稿





  On the President‘s Program

  President Arling has put his long awaited economic restructuring program before the Congress. It provides a coordinated program of investment credits, research grants, education reforms, and tax changes designed to make American industry more competitive. This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years.

  The most liberal wing of the President‘s party has called for stronger and more direct action. They want an incomes policy to check inflation while federal financing helps rebuild industry behind a wall of protective tariffs.

  The Republicans, however, decry even the modest, graduated tax increases in the President‘s program. They want tax cuts and more open market. They say if federal money has to be injected into the economy, let it through defence spending.

  Both these alternatives ignore the unique nature of the economic problem before us. It is not simply a matter of markets or financing. The new technology allows vastly increased production for those able to master it. But it also threatens those who fail to adopt it with permanent second-class citizenship in the world economy. If an industry cannot lever itself up to the leading stage of technological advances, then it will not be able to compete effectively. If it cannot do this, no amount of government protectionism or access to foreign markets can keep it profitable for long. Without the profits and experience of technological excellence to reinvest, that industry can only fall still further behind its foreign competitors.

  So the crux is the technology and that is where the President‘s program focused. The danger is not that a plan will not be passed, it is that the ideologues of right and left will distort the bill with amendments that will blur its focus on technology. The economic restructuring plan should be passed intact. If we fail to restructure our economy now, we may not get a second chance.

  1. The focus of the President‘s program is on





  2. What is the requirement of the most liberal wing of the Democratic-party?

  [A]They want a more direct action.

  [B]They want an incomes policy to check inflation.

  [C]They want to rebuild industry.

  [D]They want a wall of protective tariffs.

  3. What is the editor‘s attitude?





  4. The danger to the plan lies in

  [A]the two parties‘ objection.

  [B]different idea of the two parties about the plan.

  [C]its passage.


  5. The passage is

  [A]a review.

  [B]a preface.

  [C]a advertisement.

  [D]an editorial.





  4.tariff 關稅

  5.decry 譴責,詆毀

  6.lever 杠桿;用杠桿撬動




  10.investment credit投資信貸

  11.research grant研究基金


  1.This is necessary to reverse the economic slide into unemployment, lack of growth, and trade deficits that have plagued the economy for the past six years


  1. C  工藝技術(shù)。最后一段第一句“問題的癥結(jié)就在于工藝技術(shù),這就是總統(tǒng)計劃的要點所在。”第四段:“對掌握新技術(shù)的人來說,新技術(shù)使他們大大增產(chǎn),而新技術(shù)對不能掌握它的人來說,在世界經(jīng)濟中他們面臨淪為永久性的二等公民的危險。如果不能做到這一點,那么任何政府保護主義,進入國際市場都不能有效地競爭。如果不能有技術(shù)優(yōu)勢的利潤和經(jīng)驗再投資,工業(yè)只能進一步落后于國外競爭對手。”這些都說明總統(tǒng)計劃的重點再工藝技術(shù)。




  2. A  更直接行動。第二段“總統(tǒng)的黨內(nèi)幾段自由翼要求更強硬、更直接行動。他們要求用收入(稅收)政策來制止通貨膨脹;聯(lián)邦財政在關稅保護下,幫助重建工業(yè)。”


  3. A 支持。第四、五段集中了評論者的觀點,支持的理由和論點。




  4. D 歪曲。最后一段第二句:“其危險不在于計劃將不被通過,而在于左和右的思想理論家們用修正案來歪曲提案,使計劃要點蒙塵模糊不清,經(jīng)濟重建計劃應原封不動地通過!边@是作者的態(tài)度,也是他所擔心之處。






  Although the top men in smuggling business must work together, most of a syndicate‘s small fry, especially the mules, know only their immediate contacts.If caught there is little they can give away.A mule probably will not even know the name of the person who gives him his instructions, nor how to get in touch with him.Usually he even does not know the person to whom he has to make delivery.He will be told just to sit tight in a certain hotel or bar until someone contacts him.In this way if he is blown, coming through airport customs he cannot unwittingly lead agents to the next link in the chain.All the persons at the receiving end do is to hang around the airport among the waiting crowd, and see that the mule comes through safely.If he does not, he is dimply written off as a loss.To make identification of mules easier, several syndicates have devised their own “club ties” so that a mule wearing one can immediately be picked out.

  Mules often receive careful training before embarking on their first journey.One Beirut organization, for example, uses a room with three airline seats in it.There the trainee mules sit for hours on end wearing weighted smuggling vests beneath their clothes, so that they become accustomed to standing up after a long flight in a natural way, and without revealing what they are carrying.An outfit in Brussels maintained a comfortable apartment where the mules could relax and get a firm grip on themselves on the night before their first journey; they were helped to dress before setting out for the airport in the morning.More often than not a courier will not know precisely where he is going or what flight number is until he is actually handed his tickets at the airport.This prevents the careless boast in some bar or to a girl friend the night before.

  Mules occasionally run off with the goods to keep the profit themselves.As insurance against this, a syndicate often sends a high-up on the same plane to keep a wary eye on couriers, particularly new ones.Even then things can go badly wrong.One international currency smuggler who was having trouble getting money out of Britain was offered help by a group of men who said they were in a position to “fix thing” - for a fee of course.Foolishly, the smuggler agreed to accept their help.When he got to London‘s Heathrow Airport, he handed over to one of the men a black suitcase containing nearly $90,000 in cash, destined for Frankfurt.Just to keep an eye on things, the smuggler went along on the same plane.When they landed at Frankfurt he was handed back his suitcase.He beat a straight path to the men’s toilet, opened the case, and found only old clothes. The courier had switched suitcase en route, but the smuggler could hardly run to the police and complain that “the man who was smuggling money out of England for me has stolen it.”

  1.What is a “mule”?

  [A]A person who sends smuggling goods for a syndicate is called mule.

  [B]A person in charge of smuggling goods is called mule.

  [C]A person who makes delivery for a syndicate is called mule.

  [D]A person who receives instructions from a smuggler is called mule.

  2.The sentence “if he is blown” in line (6) is closest in meaning to

  [A]if he is arrested.

  [B]if he is recognized, but not necessarily arrested.

  [C]if he is recognized and arrested.

  [D]if he runs away.

  3.Why does the author give an example in the last paragraph?

  [A]To show how a smuggler is caught.

  [B]To show a smuggler is afraid of the police.

  [C]To show to keep a wary eye on couriers is useless.

  [D]To show mules may keep the profit for themselves.

  4.how does a mule work?






  1.fry 小魚群,小生物群。這里的small fry是指辛迪加之子公司,小非法運輸集團或非法運輸者

  2.sit tight  穩(wěn)坐不動,堅持下去,這里指一直坐等著,等到有人來和他聯(lián)系。

  3.blown 欠賬的,被炸毀的。這里指非法運輸分子“出事”

  4.write off 銷賬,被勾銷的項目。這里指把出事的騾子從名單上勾掉。

  5.written off as a loss 作為損失銷賬。

  6.embark (on) 開始搞,從事,上船。

  7.grip 緊握

  8.high up 高處,這里指高一級非法運輸人

  9.fix thing 這里指“擺平事情”,解決問題

  10.beat 踏上

  11.switch 轉(zhuǎn)變,調(diào)換


  1.C mule,騾子是為非法運輸集團交貨人的稱呼,綽號。

  A. 是為非法運輸集團具體運送非法運輸貨物的'人。只運送,不交貨不能成為騾子。



  2.B blown原義為:欠賬了的,被炸毀的,壞了等。這里指:非法運輸分子在過海關,機場檢查處出事,不一定被逮捕。




  3.D 說明非法運輸分子會把利益歸己。最后一段第一句“有時,非法運輸分子帶著貨物逃跑,把利益歸己”。非法運輸集團為防范此事,常常派遣高級人物監(jiān)視非法運輸人,特別是新非法運輸者,也于事無補。這段的具體例子:“非法運輸者和委托人同機飛行,到法蘭克福機場,9萬美金也是不翼而飛,非法運輸者已經(jīng)撈到手!本褪钦f明非法運輸者可以為自己留下財路。




  4.D 單個干。這在第一段一開始就點明:“非法運輸商的上層人物(頭面人物)必須一起工作,而大多數(shù)辛迪加的小組織,特別是非法運輸分子,他們只知道他們的直接聯(lián)系人。一旦他們被逮捕,就沒有什么可以出賣的。一個騾子甚至連給他指示的人的姓名都不知道,也不知道如何和此人聯(lián)系”。












