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  5月雅思寫作考試大作文 1

  Some people think teaching children different abilities together benefits everyone, but others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



  An undeniable(不可否認的) fact in our life is that some children are more intelligent(聰明的) or capable(有才能的)than their peers. However,whether these children should be taught separately has long been a topic of debate.

  If students with different abilities are put in the same class the first benefit is that they can learn from each other and draw on (吸取) other peoples strengths. A mathematical(數(shù)學的) genius(天才) may be poor in arts or sports and this is what he can improve by interacting(互動) with his classmates. Also why we object to separate teaching is that teachers tend to pay more attention to those with better academic results which may give students in the slow class a sense of discrimination(歧視).

  However,some people believe that children should be put in different classes according to their abilities. This mode enables students particularly(尤其) those intelligent ones to fully develop their potentials(潛力).In their own class: they can be given special training without worrying that their classmates cannot keep up with the class. This also seems to be a reasonable arrangement for those ordinary students who would feel less stressed . With students of similar abilities in one class it would be easier for schools to make their teaching plans and control the progress.

  From my point of view,to promote an all-around(全方位) development it is better to have students study together regardless of their abilities and talents. However this is not against individualized teaching and learning in our schools. In addition to standardized teaching plans some extra-curricular programs can be designed for students with particular talents in some aspects

  5月雅思寫作考試大作文 2

  In many countries women are able to join the armed forces. However, some people think only men should be members of the army, navy and air force. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  The opinion that women should join the army or be police as equally as men is popularly held amongst some egalitarians recently. They tend to believe women are capable of handling these masculine jobs as men do.

  In some extent, of course they are right. All along we clamored for equality. Since we have achieved a marvelous progress, for example, women now have the right to vote as men do. Then why can’t we put forward the success to the military level? After all, as another part of our nation, it’s thus reasonably for women to shoulder the responsibility of protecting our country and guard the security of our society.

  Nevertheless, it’s necessary to remember that the equality between men and women means the society should not discriminate women in terms of citizenship rights, working capability, family roles and so on, and by becoming a police or soldier isn’t the rational way to demonstrate equality.

  The truth is that there are differences in men and women, thus leading to their different choices toward career. Jobs like teacher, nurse, advisers are featured as more feminine thus can generally be done better by women; while soldiers, police are more suitable for men. In fact, without any external forces, men are more likely to choose to be the breadwinner of families over to staying at home looking after children whereas women appear to act the exact opposite way.

  Another relevant point to remember is manual work is not designed for women. Even if the government compulsorily get equal number of women on army list to men. This would only end up bringing down the overall strength of the army.

  In conclusion, we should remember that equality is compatible with difference. Only when we take the right attitude toward equality can it plays the most significant role in our society.

  5月雅思寫作考試大作文 3

  Some people argue that countries should have a moral obligation to help each other; on the other hand, some people argue that a large amount of aid money does not reach the poor of the world. Discuss both views and give your opinion.



  In this age of globalization, nations are closely bonded than ever before. So it is quite common for rich countries to give international aid to the more impoverished ones. Generally, I think that it is the right thing to do and that the aid can take different forms besides capital.

  People who are concerned the fact that financial support might not go to the poor would argue that the poorest nations are typically badly governed, where corruption, official incompetence, and failure to protect basic property rights are capable of rendering the aid money not just useless but harmful.This could be a problem. However, the point here is not that we should be skeptical of the concept of international aid itself but that the way we implement it need be ca refully designed, and different types pf foreign assistance should be adopted accordingly.

  The necessity and the significance of this practice are easily noted. With foreign investment, there tends to be mo chances of employment in less developed places, which means more income for local people and greater social stability for local communities. More direct benefits can also be noticed in the fields of medical care and education. As a result of medical donations and some dedicated medical teams in particular, several prevalent diseases have been controlled or eradicated in many poor nations. With the support of educational resources from developed countries, more schools have been set up in those less developed areas, so people there have more accesses to education, which actually helps to promote the development of those places in the long turn .

  Overall, I am supportive of the idea that richer countries have a moral responsibility to help poor ones,and the influence of this endeavor is far-reaching and it should therefore be encouraged.

  5月雅思寫作考試大作文 4

  New parents should attend parenting courses to learn how to bring up their children well. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  A parenting course is one designed to help parents understand how to bring up their children in a better way. While many people think such a course is extremely useful, I think it is of very little use, if not at all, to parents who wish to give their children a better future.

  In the first place, attending a parenting course is valuable to parents only in theory, but not in practice. Such a course usually tells the parents why they should do this and avoid doing that. For instance, parents are often told to let their children voice their opinions publicly, or encourage their children to follow certain rules and regulations. But as we know, bringing up a child is never so easy as remembering some set principles. It is a far more tricky and delicate undertaking. As each child is a unique case, the parents actually have nobody, not to mention any universal rule, to depend on but their own judgements and understanding. Pushing a child shy in nature to speak themselves out in public is no good, and making a child with a highly original mind follow others is like dampening their talents.

  Additionally, taking a parenting course is sometimes costly in time and money. Normally, parents have to spend more than 100 hours on such a course, but this time could just as well be spent taking the child to the park or working together with the child towards the solution to a certain interesting problem. The more time parents spend with their children, the better upbringing the children may have. If the parents have to pay much money for a parenting course, then their children are sacrificed one more time: the books their parents buy for them with the money may never be bought now because their parents have spent the money on some stupid parenting course.

  In my view, the parents take a parenting course due to laziness or a lack of confidence. They do not want to go into the life of their children but want to be told some "truths" about bringing up children; they do not believe in themselves but rather in books and what others tell them. A parenting course is thus not beneficial, but detrimental to parents when upbringing their children.

  5月雅思寫作考試大作文 5

  Mobile phone and the internet could have many benefits for old people. However, this age group uses technology the least. What are the benefits for old people of using mobile phones and the internet? How can we encourage them to use this new technology?



  1. 與家人朋友保持聯(lián)系 (Stay connected with family and friends)。移動電話和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)可以幫助老年人與家人和朋友保持聯(lián)系,減少孤獨感 (reduce loneliness)。

  2. 訪問和搜索信息 (Access and search information);ヂ(lián)網(wǎng)提供了大量的信息,包括健康建議 (health advice)、新聞 (news) 和天氣預報 (weather forecast),這些都可以幫助老年人更好地生活。

  3. 使用在線購物和服務 (Use online shopping and services)。許多老年人可能行動不便,通過互聯(lián)網(wǎng),他們可以在家購物、預約醫(yī)生等。

  4. 增加娛樂模式 (Increase entertainment modes)。移動電話和互聯(lián)網(wǎng)可以提供各種娛樂方式,如聽音樂、看電影、和朋友一起玩游戲例如網(wǎng)絡麻將等。


  1. 提供社區(qū)或由專門科技公司組織的培訓 (Provide community or specialized technology company organized training)。許多老年人可能對新技術感到困惑或害怕。提供專門的培訓課程可以幫助他們理解和使用這些設備。同時可以教會老年人如何防止網(wǎng)絡詐騙 (how to prevent online fraud)。

  2. 設計對老年人更友好的產(chǎn)品 (Design more elderly-friendly products)。許多現(xiàn)有的技術產(chǎn)品并不適合老年人使用。制造商應該設計更易于理解和操作的產(chǎn)品,例如更大的字號顯示,更簡單的操作等。

  3. 家人和朋友的支持 (Support from family and friends)。家人和朋友可以鼓勵和幫助老年人使用新技術,并且時刻關注他們的使用情況并及時解答疑惑,讓他們感到更舒適和自信。

  4. 社區(qū)活動 (Community activities):社區(qū)可以組織一些活動,如“學習使用智能手機的課程”,鼓勵老年人參與。

  Mobile phones and the internet offer numerous benefits for the elderly, yet they are the ones who are least likely to adapt technology. Encouraging their use can greatly enhance their lives.

  One of the primary benefits is the ability to stay connected with family and friends. Mobile phones and the internet allow the elderly to communicate easily, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation. Additionally, they can access a wealth of information online, including health advice, news, and weather forecasts, which can improve their overall quality of life.

  Online shopping and services are also advantageous. Many elderly individuals may have mobility issues, and the internet enables them to shop from home and schedule appointments, providing convenience and independence. Moreover, mobile phones and the internet offer various entertainment options, such as listening to music, watching movies, and playing games, which can help keep them engaged and entertained.

  Encouraging elderly individuals to use this technology requires time and efforts. Providing training sessions organized by community centers or specialized technology companies can help them understand and use these devices effectively. Also, designing products that are more elderly-friendly, with larger font sizes and simpler interfaces, can make technology more accessible to them. Moreover, support from family and friends is crucial in encouraging the elderly to embrace technology. They can provide encouragement, assistance, and ongoing support, helping them feel more comfortable and confident in using new technology. Community activities focused on technology education, such as "smartphone usage courses," can also motivate elderly individuals to get involved and learn.

  In conclusion, the benefits of mobile phones and the internet for the elderly are significant. By implementing strategies to encourage their use, such as training programs, user-friendly product design, and social support, we can help elderly individuals embrace technology and improve their overall quality of life.










