

時間:2020-11-06 11:06:10 商務(wù)英語 我要投稿




  新產(chǎn)品說明 New Product Description

  With reference to your email of ①(對方郵件發(fā)送時間) enquiring about ②(新產(chǎn)品類型),I am now giving you a brief account of the new product.

 、 (對新產(chǎn)品特性做概括描述)makes ④(產(chǎn)品名稱) the best product for ⑤(產(chǎn)品適用范圍).Its main features are as follows.

 、 (對新產(chǎn)品性能做具體描述).

  We feel confident enough to say that from ⑦(產(chǎn)品不同的使用地方) to...,users will find it is perfect to get the job done. Wherever ⑧(新產(chǎn)品類型) is needed, ⑨(產(chǎn)品系列名稱) will fit perfectly.

  Please let me know if you need any further details.

  投訴貨物質(zhì)量 Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods

  We appreciate having received the goods on arrival of s/s“ ① ”(貨輪名稱) at ② (目的港名稱).Shortly after landing, related officials checked the details of the goods. Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except ③ (有質(zhì)量問題的產(chǎn)品).When we opened the cases, we found that they were ④ (產(chǎn)品狀況).The worst thing is that the quality of the goods do not confirm to the contract.

  Please tell us the exact explanations. Additionally, we prefer to ⑤ (我方提出的解決辦法).

  Look forward to your prompt reply.

  對貨物質(zhì)量不佳致歉 Apology for Poor Quality of Goods

  We are really sorry for the ① (產(chǎn)品所出現(xiàn)的問題)of the goods. ② (證明材料)states clearly that ③(貨物實際情況描述).There is no denying the fact that the goods ④(貨物出現(xiàn)問題的原因).

  Therefore, you should ask ⑤ (提出索賠的機構(gòu)名稱)for compensation. However, to compensate you to a certain extent for the trouble, we will grant you ⑥(補救措施)for your next purchase. We expect to ⑦ (期待事宜) in the future.

  Again, we are terribly sorry for your loss.

  投訴貨物數(shù)量 Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods

  Thank you very much for ① (對方所做事宜).We duly received the order on arrival of s.s ② (貨輪名稱).

  Unfortunately, we found that ③ (貨物出現(xiàn)的問題).As told, the shipping quantities were ④ (貨物裝船時的數(shù)量). Please check whether ⑤ (合同規(guī)定數(shù)量)had been loaded on ship in whole at the port of shipment.

  We are in urgent need of the products as ⑥ (亟需該商品的原因)at present. You are kindly requested to ⑦ (亟需對方解決事宜)upon receipt of this email. Other-wise, we have to raise a claim for ⑧ (索賠金額) for the wrong quantity.

  We hope the matter will come to your special attention.

  為數(shù)量錯誤致歉 Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods

  We have received your email of ① (對方郵件日期),and we regret to know that the short delivery of ② (貨物短缺數(shù)量) of shipment against the order ③ (訂單編號).We are quite sorry for ④ (致歉事宜).

  After check, we found that ⑤ (說明原因).However, we have already ⑥ (采取的補救措施).The related officials confirmed that ⑦ (應(yīng)補運貨物) will reach your port ⑧(應(yīng)補運貨物預(yù)計到達的日期).

  We deeply apologize for the inconvenience that caused to you.

  付款出錯 Payment Error

  With careful check of this order, we regret to tell you that there was an error in ①(出錯的地方)which has lead to a great loss to our company.

  So we have to emphasize the contract which shows the purchases should be paid in ② (幣種)rather than....The total amount is ③ (金額).Also, we have to mention that the payment should be finished ④ (合同規(guī)定的付款日期).

  Please arrange all the related issues immediately, and pay the order required as soon as possible.

  Look forward to your prompt reply.

  為付款出錯致歉 Apology for Payment Error

  Thank you for your email. After careful check, we found that there was indeed a big mistake in ①(出錯的地方).It is ②(出錯的原因).We are deeply sorry for the error that we did not abide by③(不符的地方).We hope you could understand that we did not make such mistake in purpose.

  Thank you for your efforts, which have been instrumental in effecting a settlement. We have already changed ④ (需修改的地方).The total amount is ⑤(貨款金額).

  Sorry for any inconvenience brought to your company.

  投訴發(fā)貨出錯 Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods

  The ship ① (貨輪名稱)has reached the requested port, ② (目的港名稱).Upon being checked, the goods are found wrong. Under the contract No. ③(訂單編號),we ordered ④ (所訂產(chǎn)品的名稱和數(shù)量).The total amount of the goods is right, but ⑤(說明貨物出錯之處).

  As ⑥ (所訂產(chǎn)品名稱) are not in agreement with what is stated in the contract, We will send them back to you. However, you must be responsible for ⑦ (對方應(yīng)承擔的責(zé)任).

  Because the products are in great need, please ship the correct ones soon. Otherwise we will have to ⑧ (我方將采取的行動)for the wrong order. Please deal with the matter immediately, and drop us a line as soon as you arrange the shipment.

  為發(fā)貨有誤致歉 Apology for Sending Wrong Goods

  After receiving your email, we attached this matter our closer attention. As it has never happened before, we check every step of this process with awareness.

  After a careful check-up by our staff, we found that ① (弄錯產(chǎn)品的原因).As a result, the purchases with ② (發(fā)貨錯誤)are not in order. Therefore, please ③ (補救措施)and we will be in charge of all the related expenses.

  Besides, we have sent the right ones ④ (發(fā)送方式及日期).If this works smoothly, they will reach you in ⑤ (預(yù)計到達的日期或期限).We have taken all necessary actions to guarantee ⑥(彌補措施).

  We apologize for any inconvenience.

  抱怨包裝不良 Complaint about Poor Packaging

  Firstly, thank you for ①(感謝對方已辦理的'事宜).We have received the goods on arrival of s/s ② (船名)at ③(到貨港口的名稱).However, after checking the purchases, we regret to find that the goods are④ (產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)的問題).According to the survey by ⑤(質(zhì)監(jiān)部門名稱).the reason for the damage is that ⑥ (產(chǎn)品受損的原因).

  The products must be well protected against ⑦(意外損失的類型),so we specially emphasized on ⑧ (我方多次強調(diào)的事宜) in our last email. But unfortunately, you did not follow our ⑨ (指出對方忽略的問題).Since ?11(產(chǎn)品名稱) are no longer fit for usage, we have to ask that you compensate us for the loss under the contract.

  Look forward to your prompt reply.

  為包裝不良致歉 Apology for Poor Packaging

  We acknowledge the receipt of your email. We deeply regret that the goods on arrival of s/s ① (船名)are damaged by ② (產(chǎn)品損壞的原因).

  After serious inspection, we are giving you description of the damaged shipment. The contents were ③ (貨物受損情況),which is our responsibility. Therefore, we will take the responsibility for ④(我方應(yīng)付的責(zé)任),and will compensate you by ⑤ (賠償金額)in accordance with the contract. Please email us if you receive the check. Please accept our apology or any inconvenience caused to you.

  We will take any necessary actions to ensure this kind of thing will never happen again.








