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  Qingyun Mountain, located in the east of Anqiu City, is the remaining veinof Yimeng mountain. Northeast southwest, half around Anqiu City. The mountainsare undulating and the landform is primitive. At the top of the mountain, thereis a Haiyan well, one of the "eight sceneries" of Anqiu. The sites of Jieyuntemple, star watching platform and moon tower are still in existence.Qingyunshan folk amusement park covers an area of 3000 mu. It is one of thefirst batch of AAA scenic spots in China. It is located 30 km south of Weifang,the international kite capital. It is a large comprehensive scenic spot withoutstanding folk culture characteristics and integrating tourism, leisure,entertainment, vacation and shopping. Relying on the natural landform of QingyunMountain, the amusement park has six functional areas: Jiangnan beauty, ethniccustoms, wildlife, leisure and entertainment, Qilu folk customs and Taohuayuan.The park has pleasant climate, rich vegetation, three seasons of flowering andfour seasons of evergreen.

  The garden is surrounded by mountains and waters, beautiful scenery,picturesque. Entertainment activities with strong folk characteristics arecolorful. Folk songs and dances, folk wedding customs, local operas, countyofficials' trial and other performances show the North-South customs incisivelyand vividly. Performances such as going up the knife mountain, going down thesea of fire, fighting chickens, fighting sheep, fighting horses, flying cars andwalking through the wall are thrilling and exciting. Such participatory projectsas horse riding, archery, swing, kite tying, printing new year pictures, ironstriking, weaving and so on make tourists happy and forget to return. QingyunMountain folk amusement park has become an ideal place for Chinese and foreigntourists. Landscape garden area: surrounded by mountains and water, ripplingblue waves; bridges, pavilions and pavilions, well arranged; luxuriant forestand bamboo, green to drop.

  Ethnic customs area: it integrates the customs of southwest and northwestethnic groups, showing the beauty of border scenery and the mystery of bordervillages. Qilu Folk Village: in the form of a village in the late Qing Dynasty,it shows the local conditions and customs of Qilu. Leisure and entertainmentarea: the perfect combination of modern recreational facilities and gardenlandscape, integrating knowledge and interest, suitable for all ages.


  Distinguished guests, you have come to the ancient city of Qingzhou. Firstof all, on behalf of the leaders and staff of our travel agency, please allow meto extend a warm welcome to you. Here, I would like to introduce the generalsituation of Qingzhou.

  Let's explain the place name "Qingzhou" first. As we all know, during theperiod of Dayu's flood control, the whole country was divided into nine regionsfor people to live in. The nine regions were called "Kyushu", which became thepronoun of China. In the past, CCTV had a program called "the circle of Kyushu".Qingzhou was one of the Kyushu.

  Why is it called Qingzhou? Qingzhou is the Oriental state. According to theancient concept of five elements, it is located in the East, the East is wood,wood color is green, so it is named Qingzhou. Sima Qian said in historicalrecords that "the East is moving, and the Yang animal is spring at that time."Wang Yin of Jin Dynasty said: "the color of Oriental Shaoyang is green, and itsQi is clear. It is the first time of the year and the beginning of the event, soit is also named green." Therefore, in the ancient concept, the East is theplace where the sun rises, the air is clear, the color is green, everything islush, full of vitality, is the spring of the year, the beginning of things. Itcan be seen that Qingzhou is a beautiful home with unlimited developmentvitality and hope.

  Because of this, there are so many poems praising Qingzhou. Su Zhe, one ofthe eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once wrote a poem:"facing the mountains, the ancient princes of the sea are defeated, and theybelieve in the first state in the East." Qingzhou is situated on Mount Tai inthe West and overlooking the sea in the East. It has been prosperous sinceancient times. Therefore, with her beauty, Qingzhou enjoys the title of "thefirst state in the East".

  Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the current situation of Qingzhou.Today's Qingzhou City is located in the middle of Shandong Province, adjacent toZibo City in the west, Dongying City in the north, Shouguang City and ChangleCounty in the East, and Linqu County in the south. Covering an area of 1569square kilometers, the city governs three streets and nine towns, with apopulation of 900000, including more than 20000 Hui, Manchu and other ethnicminorities. Its economic scale is relatively large. In 20xx, the city's GDPreached 22 billion yuan, the total fiscal and tax revenue exceeded 2.6 billionyuan, the local fiscal revenue was 1 billion yuan, the per capita disposableincome of urban residents was more than 10000 yuan, the per capita net income offarmers was 6000 yuan, and the savings of urban and rural residents was 13billion yuan,.

  Qingzhou City is located at the junction of the mountainous area in themiddle of Shandong Province and the plain in the north of Shandong Province. Itpresents a variety of geomorphic features and shows a spectacular and beautifulfigure. The southwest is a mountainous area with overlapping peaks, accountingfor nearly half of the city's area. There are more than 30 main peaks, most ofwhich are above 400 meters above sea level. Among them, Yunmen mountain, Tuoshanmountain, Linglong mountain, Yangtian mountain and tangsai'er village are famousscenic spots. This mountainous area is mostly limestone, karst karst landformcharacteristics. It can be imagined that this was once a vast sea. Because ofthe violent geological movement, the rock strata deep under the sea were brokenand uplifted, and then the hills were formed. In ancient times, the climate herewas warm and humid, the vegetation was rich and green everywhere. It was anideal habitat for the ancestors of Qingzhou during the cave period.

  The northeast is a plain area with fertile land, deep soil layer, good soilquality, long history of cultivation, high degree of maturity, good physicalproperties, suitable for planting a variety of crops, which is the earliestagricultural development area in history. The ancients said, "Qingqi fertilesoil, the name of Dongqin, earth 20xx, more than 100000 households, four solidfortresses, negative sea Rao, can be described as a country of military use."The northern plain of Qingzhou is located in the center of "the fertile soil ofQingqi". From the pre Qin period to the Wei Jin period, it is the richest areain China.

  There are many rivers flowing through and originating from Qingzhou City,including Mi River, Zi River, Nanyang River, Beiyang River, etc. Zihe River andMihe River are the main stream. If Qingzhou City is regarded as a sedan chair,then the two main streams are like sedan poles, which are divided into left andright. The two rivers are the mother river of Qingzhou, which nurtures thesplendid history and culture of Qingzhou.

  Qingzhou City is located at the junction of mountains and plains. Themountains in the western and southern suburbs are green and the city ispicturesque. The eastern and northern suburbs are green and beautiful. The urbanplanning area is 100 square kilometers, the built-up area is 30 squarekilometers, and the population is 300000. It is a national health city, gardencity, historical and cultural city, as well as a national well-known excellenttourist city. Today, Qingzhou City has become an emerging city with prosperouseconomy, advanced culture, beautiful environment, complete functions and thebest living environment.

  Qingzhou City is an old and young city. It is ancient because it has ahistory of more than 2200 years. There have been five cities here, namelyGuangcheng County, Guanggu City, Dongyang City, Nanyang city and Qibing city. Ithas been the political center, military town and transportation hub of easternShandong for more than a thousand years. Nanyang city is well preserved now.This ancient city is located in the center of Qingzhou. From a high place, theoutline drawn by the winding wall looks like a strong ox lying there, so peoplecall it "Wo Niu city". For a long time, I don't know who has made a rule: beancurd sellers are not allowed to knock Bangzi in the city for fear of disturbingthe "cattle". Until today, when local people sell bean curd into the city, theywill automatically put away Bangzi and sell along the street instead.

  Qingzhou is a city of history and culture. Fangongting road and Shiliancient street are still green stone pavement with antique flavor. Manybuildings with cornices and painted walls, resplendent and resplendent,pavilions and pavilions, pink walls and flower walls, are enchanting in theshade of green trees. There are many gardens in the urban area, such as FangongGanquan, Ouyuan rockery, Songlin academy, Wannian ancient bridge, hengwang stonesquare, Zhenjiao ancient temple, Catholic Church and so on. You can enjoy therich and colorful historical and cultural customs everywhere.

  It is said that it is young because the name Qingzhou has disappeared sincethe Republic of China. Only Yidu county exists here. Until 1986, with theapproval of the State Council, Yidu county was abolished and Qingzhou City wasestablished. Up to now, it has only 20 years of history. However, over the past20 years, under the spring breeze of reform and opening up, the city hasdeveloped rapidly, made rapid progress, and is full of vigor and vitalityeverywhere.

  Qingzhou is a city of spring and green. The city is full of spring, green,green shade and flowers. Nanyang river is like a green ribbon, passing throughthe city, with willows flying by the riverside, green land like a river, greenbamboo surrounding, and flowing water. Wutong, Sophora japonica, cedar, greenhawthorn trees, and persimmon trees with bonsai on each side of the city streetsform a green corridor. Whenever a flower expo is held, Qingzhou is full offlowers and trees. Qingzhou is also a city of Commerce and trade, a modern city.There are many modern buildings in the new urban area, all kinds of markets arescattered, there are lots of cars, factories are dense, traffic is developed,business and customers are gathered, the flow of people is prosperous, and thelogistics is smooth.

  Now, let me briefly introduce the history of Qingzhou. Qingzhou has a longhistory. From the establishment of the Department of the governor of Qingzhou inthe Western Han Dynasty to the capital of Shandong Province in the early MingDynasty, after 1500 years, Qingzhou City has been the residence of thefirst-class national administrative region and the first-class military regionof Qingzhou, Beihai County, Pinglu Ziqing Town, Jingdong Road, Yidu Province andShandong Province, which is equivalent to today's provincial capital.

  In the Western Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty set up theDepartment of the governor of Qingzhou. It has jurisdiction over 10 prefecturesand 93 counties, which is equivalent to North Shandong and East Shandong. Duringthe Han Dynasty, Qingzhou was the richest area in China, with developedagriculture and prosperous commerce. It was the granary of the country and thesource of the silk road. Its status is equivalent to that of the Yangtze RiverDelta. Liu Che, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, visited Qingzhou several timesand devoted himself to farming in juyangdian, north of Qingzhou.

  During the period of Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties, China fellinto a bloody scuffle. In 311 ad, general Cao Yi occupied Qingzhou and builtGuanggu city. Guanggu city is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it hasbecome a must for military strategists. In the next 200 years, there were morethan 20 Fierce wars and 15 changes of ownership. Along with the national war, italso brought unprecedented national integration. In 399 A.D., murongde, a nobleof Xianbei, was founded in guanggucheng, Qingzhou, and called emperor, which wascalled "Nanyan" in history. The decline of Nanyan Kingdom lasted only 12 years,but Qingzhou became the only place in the history of Qilu.

  In the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Qingzhou, also known as Beihai County, wasset up as the capital of Qingzhou, and its position as an important militarytown was more prominent. In 755 A.D., Emperor Xuanzong of the romantic TangDynasty lost his country for pleasure, which led to the "rebellion of an andShi", and Qingzhou became the front line of anti rebellion. Li Zhengji, aKorean, brought Pinglu soldiers from Liaodong to Qingzhou to resist the rebels.Since then, Li Zhengji and his son have been in separate rule of Qingzhou for 50years. He occupies the territory of 15 states, across today's Shandong, Henan,Jiangsu, "supporting 100000 troops, dominating the East, neighboring vassalfear.". It took nine oxen and two tigers for the imperial court to pacify him.After that, Xue Song, the grandson of the famous general Xue Rengui, wasappointed to guard Qingzhou.

  Zhao Kuangyin, the great ancestor of the Song Dynasty, beat 300 militaryprefectures with a baton and built the Song Dynasty with a yellow robe. To theeast of Bianliang, the capital city, there is Jingdong road and pacifier. Thegovernor is located in Qingzhou, which has jurisdiction over 20 prefecturalarmies and 81 counties, covering all of today's Shandong and parts of Henan,Anhui and Jiangsu. Most of the prefects of Qingzhou also held important posts aspacifiers on Jingdong road. Most of the officials appointed by the imperialcourt were well-known figures. For example, Cao Bin, the famous founder of thecountry, Fu Bi, an important official of the imperial court, Kou Zhun, anupright and famous prime minister, Fan Zhongyan, Ouyang Xiu, Wang Zeng ofLianzhong Sanyuan, Zhang Shuye of Zhaoan Songjiang and so on all lived inQingzhou. Li Qingzhao, a famous litterateur, has lived in Qingzhou for 20years.

  In the early Ming Dynasty, the ancient city of Qingzhou was still thecapital of Shandong Province. In 1376, the imperial court transferred theShandong Provincial envoy from Qingzhou to Jinan. Since then, the status ofQingzhou as the political center of Shandong Province has come to an end.Qingzhou Prefecture was set up in Ming Dynasty, which governed 3 states and 16counties, covering a vast area from Dongying Bohai Sea to Rizhao Yellow Sea.Although Qingzhou Prefecture is a secondary administrative district, it islocated in the hub of eastern Shandong, known as the thoroughfare of the twocapitals and Haidai metropolis. It is still an important place for historicalfigures to meet.

  Five thousand years of Qingzhou is like a mottled and splendid historicalpicture, which condenses the profound cultural heritage of Chinesecivilization.

  Next, let me introduce the cultural heritage of Qingzhou.

  Ancient Qingzhou is the main birthplace of Dongyi culture. In the 1970s,seven pieces of pottery were excavated in Taoyuan Village, Dongxia Town,Qingzhou City. According to textual research, this is a relic of the Beixinculture in the early Neolithic period. The Dongyi ancestors had settled in thefertile gypsum soil of Qingzhou 7000 years ago. Dongyi tribe worships the sunand takes Phoenix as totem. A large number of painted pottery relics unearthedin Qingzhou convey the earliest information of Dongyi culture. Moreover,Qingzhou still retains the traces of Dongyi ancestors' activities. There areYaowang mountain where Yao patrols and hunts, Qishan mountain where Xu you andBoyi live in seclusion, and Fushan mountain named after Fubo mausoleum. Su BuTun Shang tomb is the largest Shang tomb in China except Anyang. A large numberof cultural relics have been unearthed in the tomb. The most striking ones aretwo large-scale copper Yue, which are engraved with the inscription of "Ya Chou"with the pattern of "Taotie" carved through the body.

  Since ancient times, Qingzhou has developed education, gathered elites andproduced talents in large numbers. It has become the hometown of the topscholars, the place that scholars yearn for, and the hometown of celebrities.From the imperial examination in Sui Dynasty to the end of Qing Dynasty, theJinshi in Qingzhou City ranked first in Shandong Province. There were 155candidates with names, including 6 number one scholars. The volume of ZhaoBingzhong's number one scholar in Qingzhou museum is the only copy in thecountry before Ming Dynasty, which can be called a national treasure. The bookis 21% off, 3.46 meters long and 2460 words in full. With "solid administration"and "solid", it brilliantly expounds the strategies of improving theadministration of officials and rejuvenating the country, representing theprofound foundation of Confucian culture in Qingzhou.

  Qingzhou is one of the earliest places for the spread of Buddhist culturein China. From the Wei and Jin Dynasties, Buddhist temples developed in a largenumber in Qingzhou, reaching more than 200 places. Longxing Temple, a thousandyear old ancient temple, is known as "the first temple in the East". More than400 statues of Buddhas unearthed from the site have been rated as one of the 100major archaeological discoveries in the 20th century. Tuoshan, the largestBuddhist statue group in eastern China, is a national key cultural relicprotection unit. There are 5 grottoes and 638 statues. The big one is more than7 meters high, and the small one is only a square inch. The shape is exquisiteand peculiar, and the carving is smooth and delicate. The exquisite statues ofYunmen mountain were appraised as "the best among kaihuang" in Tang Dynasty byLiang Sicheng, the son of Liang Qichao and a famous architect. The MountainGiant Buddha, composed of nine 2600 meters in a row, is regarded as the thirdmiracle in the history of Chinese Buddhism. The Giant Buddha has a long nose anddeep eye socket. With the observation from different angles, his lips open andclose, as if he was chanting Buddhist scriptures.

  After the Yuan Dynasty, Buddhism was silent and Taoism rose in Qingzhou.The king Heng of Qingzhou was a strong advocate of Taoism. In Yunmen mountainand Tuoshan mountain, he restored Bixia palace and Haotian palace, engravedJushou, opened chentuan cave and made relief sculptures of madanyang. Taoistculture was respected for a time. Ju Shou, which is engraved on the cliff, is7.5 meters high and 3.7 meters wide. The inch character below Shou is 2.3 metershigh, so there is a local saying that "no one has inch high". Xiuzhen palace inthe holy water valley in the southeast of Qingzhou City has a beautiful legendof Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty. The Taoist templefaces south to the water. In front of the gate is a thousand year old pagodatree. In the Jade Emperor hall is a memorial tablet of "long live the emperor,long live the emperor".

  After the Yuan Dynasty, Qingzhou became a Hui settlement, and Islamicculture took root in the ancient city. Zhenjiao temple, located in Dongguan, aHui community, was built in 1302 ad. it is the only three Zhenjiao temples inthe Yuan Dynasty in China. The scale of the project has been continuouslyexpanded after repair. It combines the essence of architecture in China andabroad. It has both the characteristics of Chinese palace architecture and thearchitectural style of Arabia style.

  In the middle of the 19th century, the west wind spread to the East.Qingzhou, located in the important part of Shandong Province, became the centerof cultural collision and infiltration between the East and the West. QingzhouCatholic Church and Christian Church are the witness of this blend.

  The long history of Qingzhou has left a magnificent cultural heritage, justlike the pearls of time. The past glory and the present fragrance are enough tomake people appreciate the outstanding beauty of ancient Qingzhou. Qingzhou'stourism also closely around the historical and cultural heritage, to create itsown unique brand. At present, the overall pattern of Qingzhou tourism resourcescan be summarized as: one brand, four areas. A brand is the tourism destinationimage brand of "Buddha Shoushan, ancient state blessed land". There are fourmajor areas, namely: the "Buddha Shoushan" cultural tourism area with Yunmenmountain, Tuoshan mountain and Longxing Temple under construction as the mainbody; the "Guzhou Fudi" tourism area with museums, fangongting Park and ancientstreets of Ming and Qing Dynasties as the main body; the "mountain forest"leisure tourism area with Yangtian Mountain National Forest Park as the mainbody; and the "mountain forest" tourism area with Yangtian Mountain NationalForest Park as the main body; Huanglou flower base and Mihe river system are themain parts of "Nongjiale" tourism area. In these tourist areas and theirsurrounding areas, Qingzhou has developed more than 50 sightseeing and leisurelandscapes, mainly including: Yunmen fairyland in the suburbs, cliff longevity,Tuoling Qianxun, grotto statues, mountain Buddha, exquisite beauty, Buddha lightin ancient temples, autumn moon in the sky, Tiancao forest gully, lingzeqi cave,Huanglou flowers, etc., and fan Gong Ganquan, Qingzhao Huihui, Songlin academy,puppet garden rockery, Zhenjiao in the urban area There are also some preciouscultural relics in the museum, such as the statue of Longxing Temple, the numberone scholar volume of Zhao Bingzhong, and the jade Bi of Yi's descendants.

  We will arrange to visit the above scenic spots one after another in thefuture. I wish you all a happy life in Qingzhou.


  Starting from Chengguan, driving for about half an hour, you come to theQinglong Waterfall Scenic Spot of Qingyun Mountain. Looking up, you can see thatthe mountains and forests are verdant and green, and the whole mountain iscovered with green, as if you are in the green ocean. Listening attentively, thestreams are murmuring, and you are running away happily. What a beautifullandscape painting!

  Through the gate of the scenic spot, the scenery is beautiful all the way.Green mountains, green water, ancient trees and strange stones are likefairyland. We enjoy playing, as if living in a paradise. By the side of Longtan,I have a close look at the origin of Longtan. It is said that long ago, theyoungest daughter of the Dragon King of Donghai once bathed here. Aftercountless years, the water gradually changed from green to sky blue, so it wasnamed Longtan. Entering the Longtan, the water is panting, and the sound of "HuaHua" is endless. The bottom of the pool is not visible. Maybe little dragon girlis still bathing at the bottom of the pool. In the carp pond, the guide saidthat there are countless carp in the pond, but now there are only a few smallfish swimming in the pond. My cousin and I were enjoying ourselves by the pooland couldn't bear to leave for a long time. On the way, I was deeply attractedby a kind of plant whose shape was a bit like a coconut tree. After reading theintroduction, I learned that it was called spinulosa spinulosa. It is one of theworld's most precious ancient plants, and it is also a national second-classprotected plant. It has a good reputation as a living fossil in the plant world.Tourists should be well protected when they watch it.

  Follow the winding path to the famous Qinglong waterfall. As soon as Iarrived near Qinglong waterfall, I heard the sound of "Hua Hua", like a musicianplaying music. We ran to the Qinglong waterfall. The noise became louder andlouder. We saw a waterfall rushing down from dozens of meters high. It isdivided into three layers, the highest one is the place where the water sourceis produced, and flows down the river; the water in the middle one gushes outlike small pearls, hits the boulders and flows to the next one; the last onerushes to the round pool. The waterfall, which is connected in three folds, islike a curtain hanging in front of us. From a distance, it is like a whitedragon breaking through the sky; from a close view, the fine drops of water arelike rain and fog. We climb bamboo rafts, climb stone steps, stand beside thewater curtain, looking at the water mist, left and right, seems to forgeteverything. It's hard to describe this situation. Raised, I can't help but thinkof Li Bai's poem: flying straight down 3000 feet, suspected of the Milky wayfalling nine days. A gust of mountain wind blowing, water mist hit on the face,ice, tidal, refreshing.

  Walking along Qinglong waterfall, we came to Qifu cave and Red Army cave.These two holes are adjacent to each other and can be called sister holes.Praying is made of nature, and the cave is spacious. It is commonly known as"Zhuangyuan cave" and is the place where Xiao Guoliang, a native of Yongtai,studied hard. After Xiao Guoliang won the first place in high school, QingyunMountain was named after Qingyun Mountain. Think of the three number one winnersin seven years in my hometown. The "number one county" is famous all over theworld and has formed a unique landscape in the history of Chinese culture. Nowwe should have the ambition to study hard and serve our motherland. The Red Armycave is a semicircle with a platform made of gravel. It is a man-made stonecave. It was also one of the guerrilla activity places in central Fujian. Now ithas become a place for tourists to rest. I can't help admiring the revolutionaryancestors who threw their heads and blood in order to liberate the cause.

  After years of exploration and development, Qingyun Mountain has begun totake shape and become an AAAA tourist destination and a national key scenicspot. Limited by time, we can only visit the Waterfall Scenic Area, and you canenjoy it when you have a chance.


  Welcome to the beautiful and magical Underground Grand Canyon Tourism Areaof Shandong Province. I'm very glad to provide you with explanation service. Myfamily name is __. Let's call me Xiao __. As the entrance will directly reachthe parking lot at the foot of the mountain, you can take photos here.

  (notice for sightseeing) in order to make you have a good sightseeingenvironment, we have the following points. Please cooperate with us:

  1. There are one-way streets in the cave. The lighting is controlled by theguide. Please follow the team and never leave the team without permission;

  2. In order to ensure that the air in the cave is fresh, please let thefriends who volunteer to contribute to the National Tobacco cause feelaggrieved. Smoking is not allowed in the cave;

  3. In order to ensure your own safety, please don't look through or takephotos away from the tour;

  4. The Grand Canyon is a precious heritage left to us by nature. Pleaseprotect the stalactites and stalagmites when you visit.

  5. Please keep the cave clean.

  (Dongkou) Confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to have friendsfrom afar.". Listen to the welcome waterfall, one of the twelve waterfalls inthe Grand Canyon, clapping at the entrance. Welcome to the Grand Canyon. As youmay see, the stone wall at the top left of Yingbin waterfall is engraved withseven powerful characters of "Shandong Underground Grand Canyon". Wei Wei, afamous writer in China, wrote this for the canyon. As we all know, Wei Wei has afamous work called who is the most lovely person. For our tourist area, thefriends who come to visit the Grand Canyon are the lovely people in ourmind.

  (Dragon Road) as the light in the cave is relatively dark, after enteringthe cave, we can first stand in place to adapt to the light in the cave, andthen let's continue to visit, to remind you that where there are lights, thereare steps. You must pay attention to safety when you walk.

  Now, the passage that you follow me is called Longdao. It is a branch holein contact with the earth's surface, which is artificially widened on theoriginal basis for the convenience of tourists. After we walk the 98 meterdragon road, all the scenic spots in front of us will be formed naturally. TheUnderground Grand Canyon in Shandong Province is a typical karst landform. Itwas developed from a huge karst fissure 200000 years ago, and its rudiment wasformed in 0. 6.5 billion years ago (6500 years ago), which formed the currentbasic framework 200000 years ago. The regional geology is located on the westside of the famous Tan Lu fault break, which is a national precious geologicalheritage. Kaster is the place name of plateau limestone in the Istria Peninsulain northwest Yugoslavia.

  The Underground Grand Canyon in Shandong Province was discovered in 1974when farmers went up the mountain to dig a well due to the dry weather. Limitedby local technology and funds, it was not developed until the winter of 20xx.Two years and four months later, it was officially opened to tourists in May20xx. In the same year, in the provincial Geopark selection, it was approved as"provincial" by the provincial government with the first total score Geopark wasnamed as "National Geopark" in September 20xx, "top ten most beautiful places inShandong" in the same year, and "4A tourist attraction" in August 20xx


  The Underground Grand Canyon in Shandong Province is one of the largestkarst caves in China and the longest cave in Jiangbei. The cave has a constanttemperature of 17-18 degrees for a long time. The total length of the cave is6100 meters. Now it has been developed for 3100 meters. The journey is about oneand a half hours. The cave is divided into nine scenic sections, with more than100 landscapes such as "one river", "nine springs", "nine palaces", "Twelvewaterfalls" and "Twelve Gorges". In particular, there is a long flowingunderground river in the cave, which is rare in northern China. The drift in thecave, which is set up by the water potential of the underground river in thecanyon, is the first of its kind in China. At the same time, it is also the onlyone of China's top ten rafting resorts. The other nine are on the ground. Atpresent, there are 1000 meters of river section that can be toured by rubberboat. After the completion of the second phase project, the length of raftingcan reach 2500 meters. Therefore, it is known as "the first cave of China'sunderground river rafting", which has been certified as "China's longest caverafting project" by Shanghai Guinness World Records headquarters, and alsolisted as one of the key tourism exploration projects in Shandong Province.Moreover, in this cave, about 100 away from the exit, we have developed a DreamAdventure Island there. It is a comprehensive exploration project integratingadventure, excitement, romance and magic by using modern technology and CanyonBranch Cave. There are also the first black light drama, light graffiti andother artistic performances in China, so I hope you don't miss the gorge The twomost characteristic sightseeing projects in the valley.

  The front steps are steep. You should pay attention to your feet when youwalk. You can help the railings on both sides and slow down. What we are goingto enter is the first section of "Nine Dragon Palace" in the canyon. From hereon, many scenic spots we are going to see are all formed naturally.

  Now let me talk about how the Underground Grand Canyon was formed. If wecan summarize it in one sentence, it was formed by huge karst fissures 200000years ago. We know that limestone is one of the best rock formations that canform caves. The main component of limestone is calcium carbonate, which can bedissolved by water containing carbonate gas. When it rains, carbon dioxide inthe air dissolves with rainwater to form water containing carbonic acid. If thewater flows through the limestone cracks, the original small cracks and holes inthe rock will be deepened and gradually expanded. As time goes by, the waterwill flow laterally and dissolve along the way. This "dissolution" is the"dissolution" of dissolution, and "erosion" is the "erosion" of erosion. Coupledwith the collapse of some roof, it gradually formed a variety of mythicalunderground caves. For the formation of karst caves, experts also put forwardthe "theory of biological construction". The formation of cave space in caves isrelated to the dissolution of water. However, the formation of stalactites,stalagmites and stone pillars in karst caves is the result of the remarkableconstruction of algae over a long period of time. After the process offossilization, it finally presents today's appearance.










