釋義 表示眾多的事物匯集一處,也用來比喻大勢所趨,眾望所 歸。
故事 西漢的思想家、文學家劉安,是漢高祖劉邦的孫子,襲父封 為淮南王。他愛好讀書鼓琴,才思敏捷,曾召祟兵客和懂得天文、醫(yī) 學、歷算、占卜等數(shù)千人,集體編寫了一部數(shù)十萬字的書《鴻烈》,也 稱《淮南子》 《淮南子》中有一篇《記論訓》,講了人類社會發(fā)展的一些情況, 它的基本觀點是符合歷史唯物主義的。文章中寫道:我們的祖先早 先住在山洞里和水旁邊,衣著非常簡陋,生活十分艱苦。后來出了圣 人,他們帶領人們建造宮室;這樣人們才從山洞里走出來,住進了可 以躲避風雨寒暑的.房子。圣人又教人們制造農(nóng)具和兵器,用來耕作 和捕殺猛獸,使人們的生活比過去有了保障。后來,圣人又制禮作 樂,訂出各種各樣的規(guī)矩,使人們有了禮節(jié)和約束。由此可見,社會 是不斷發(fā)展的,人們不是老是用一個方式生活。所以對古時候的制 度,如果不再適合使用,就應該廢除,而對于現(xiàn)在的,如果適合使用, 就應該發(fā)揚。以上的一切都說明,像千百條來自不同源頭的江河,但 最后都會歸流入大海一樣,各人做的事不同,但都是為了求得更好 地治理社會,過更美好的生活。
出處:《漢書·敘傳下》 樂昌篤實,不能不離。遭閑既多,是用廢黜。
釋義:“撓”,彎曲,屈服。形容在惡勢力和困難面前不屈服,不低 頭。
故事: 王商,字子威,繼承父親的封號為樂呂侯,是漢成帝的丞 相,他為人耿直,作風正派。
漢成帝三年的秋天,京城長安城中忽然有傳言說要發(fā)大水了, 長安城就要被水吞沒了。剎時間,整個長安城的老百姓都驚慌起來 大家扶老攜幼,爭相逃命。
消息傳到宮中,漢成帝立即召集文武百官到宮中議事,商量對 策。成帝的舅父、大將軍王鳳也驚慌失措,勸成帝、太后趕快躲到船 上去準備撤離。大臣們也紛紛附和王鳳的意見。只有孫丞相王商堅決 反對,他認為大水不可能突然而來,一定是謠傳,在這個關鍵時刻 更不能輕易撤離,這樣只會使人心更加慌亂。成帝采納了王商的意 見,過了一會,城里也沒見大水來,謠言不攻自破,城里的秩序也慢 慢恢復了。調查下來,確實是傳言失實。成帝對王商能力排眾議很贊 賞。王鳳卻認為是王商使他下不了臺,因此心懷不滿。
王鳳有個親戚叫楊肜,是瑯那太守,因為沒有把他管轄的地方 管理好,王商要辦他的罪,王鳳為此親自跑到王商面前,替楊肜說 情,為他開脫。王商堅持原則,免去了楊肜的官職,王鳳更加懷恨在 心,千方百計想要打擊報復。于是他勾結了同伙,誣陷王商。漢成帝 最后聽信了讒言,罷免了王商的丞相職務。
但是,是非自有公論。《漢書》的作者班固在撰寫王商的傳記時 對王商的評價是:為人誠實公正,不屈不僥。這樣的評論是很客觀公 正的。
說春秋時候,越國有個名叫西施的姑娘,她非常美麗、漂亮,一舉一動也很動人。他有心口疼的疾病,犯病時總是用手按住胸口,緊皺眉頭。因為人們喜歡她,所以她這副病態(tài),在人們眼里也嫵媚可愛,楚楚動人。 西施的鄰村有個丑姑娘叫東施,總是想方設法打扮自己。有一次在路上碰到西施,見西施手捂胸口,緊皺眉頭,顯得異常美麗。她想難怪人們說她漂亮,原來是做出這種樣子。如果我也做這個姿勢,肯定就變漂亮了。于是她模仿西施的病態(tài)。結果人們見了原來就丑的她,現(xiàn)在變成這種瘋瘋癲癲的樣子,象見了鬼一樣,趕緊把門關上。
出處: 南朝·宋·無名氏《釋常談·斗之才》文章多,謂之八斗之才。謝靈運嘗曰:“天下才有一石,曹子建獨占,“斗,我得一斗,天下兵分一斗!
釋義: 比喻極有才華。
故事: 南朝宋國有謝靈運,是我國古代著名的山水詩作家。他的詩,大都描寫會稽、永嘉、廬山等地的山水名勝,善于刻劃自然景物,開創(chuàng)了文學史上的山水詩一派。
All the way to the sea
From the source "huainan zi"
The danger is to the sea.
Paraphrase means that many things come together in one place, which is also used to describe the general trend.
The story of liu 'an, the thinker and writer of the western han dynasty, was the grandson of liu bang, the father of the han dynasty. His hobby is reading drum music, quick-minded, Ceng Zhao special soldiers and understand astronomy, medical science, calendar calculation, divination, such as thousands of people, the collective has written a book of hundreds of thousands of words "hon strong", also known as "huai south son" "huai south son" in an article "the theory of ji xun," about some cases on the development of human society, its basic idea is to conform to the historical materialism. Our ancestors first lived in caves and water, and were poorly dressed and hard to live, the article said. Then came the saints, who led the people to build the palace; So people came out of the cave and lived in houses that could escape the wind and rain. The saints also teach people to make farm tools and weapons, to cultivate and kill animals, and to make people's lives more secure than they used to be. Later, the saint made music and ordered all sorts of rules, which led to etiquette and restraint. It can be seen that society is constantly evolving and people don't always live in one way. So the old system, if it is no longer suitable, should be abolished, and for now, if appropriate, it should be developed. Above all, like one thousand rivers from different sources, but in the end will be into the sea, every man to do different, but all is in order to have better governance society, a better life.
Provenance: the book of han dynasty. Being idle is much, and is used to dethrone.
Paraphrase: "scratching", bending, yielding. Describe the unyielding and unyielding of the evil and the difficulties.
The story: wang shang, zi wei, inherit his father's title as le luhou, is the cheng of han cheng di, he is upright, the style is decent.
In the autumn of the three years of han dynasty, there was a rumor in the city of chang 'an that it was going to be flooded, and the city of chang 'an would be swallowed by the water. Suddenly, all the people in changan city were frightened and they were young and running for their lives.
When the news reached the palace, han cheng immediately summoned the officials to the palace to discuss the policy. The emperor's uncle, general wang feng, was also alarmed, and tried to persuade him to go to the boat to prepare for the evacuation. Ministers also echoed wang's advice. Only sun's prime minister, wang shang, was firmly opposed. He thought that the water could not suddenly come, it must be a rumor that it would not be easy to evacuate at this critical moment, which would only make people more confused. After a while, the city didn't see much water. The rumors broke down and the order of the city was slowly restored. The investigation, indeed, was false. Cheng was very much admired for his ability to stand on the line. Wang feng thought it was wang shang who made him not get down, so he was dissatisfied.
Wang Fengyou a family name is Yang Rong, the satrap, because there was no place to manage his jurisdiction, shang king to do his sin, and the phoenix for this personally ran in front of the king of shang, for Yang Rong said, excuse for him. Wang, who insisted on the principle, relieved Yang from his official position, and wang feng became more resentful and tried every means to fight back. So he colluded with his accomplice to frame the king's business. Hancheng finally listened to the slanders, deposed wang shang's prime minister.
But, it's not private. The author of "the han book", in his biography of wang shang, said to wang shang that he was honest and fair. Such comments are objective and objective.
歷史成語故事 (15篇)02-14
歷史成語故事 15篇02-14