Business lending is an important part of banking becauseit providessmall to medium sized businesses the opportunity to growquickercompared to self-financing. Lending to businesses is a lotmorecomplicated than lending to an individual, because there are manyvariablesthat can affect the way a business develops. For example, apersonal home loanhas two main variables? The first is the borrower'sability to repay the loanand the second is the market value of theproperty. However, business is affectedby supply and demand factors,the business management team, revenue,depreciation, taxes, loaninterest, employee expenses, etc. Too much or toolittle of any onething can be a problem? Business lending is essentiallyconducted inthe same way as loans to individuals. Often referred to as abusinesscredit line, these short-term financing facilities come in a numberofdifferent forms. Some of which include bills of exchange, lettersofguarantee, etc.