

時間:2020-12-16 13:29:16 商務英語 我要投稿


  Yes. I’m checking out now, and want to get a taxi to the cinema.我現在要退房,需要一部出租車到電影院。


  Could you get one for me, please?麻煩你幫我叫一輛好嗎?

  Certainly, sir. I’ll get a taxi for you. Are you going directly to the cinema?好的,先生。我會幫您叫車的`,您直接去電影院嗎?

  No. I need to stop by the shop.不,我要先到商店停一下。

  OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes.好,10分鐘后會有一部出租車在外面等候。

  It will take less than 5 minutes to check out.退房最多只需5分鐘。

  Good. Thank you. I’ll be right down.好,謝謝你。我馬上下來。

  I’ll need a taxi to the train station. Could you find one for me?我想到火車站。能為我叫輛出租車嗎?

  Will you be stopping anywhere else before going to the train station.去火車站之前是否還到別的地方?

  Would you be driving straight to the train station?您想直接去火車站嗎?

  Could you arrange a taxi for me, please?能為我安排輛出租車嗎?

  Could you have a taxi waiting for me, please?能否叫輛出租車等我?

  May I speak to Miss Chen?可以跟陳小姐講話嗎?

  Miss Chen is not in right now. She went shopping.陳小姐現在不在,她去買東西了。

  Will it be too late if I call around 9:00 tonight?如果我在晚上9點左右打來會不會太晚?

  That’s all right. We don’t go to bed early.那沒關系。我們不會睡得太早。

  When will she come back?她什么時候會回來?

  Why don’t you call back later this afternoon?你何不今天下午再來電話呢?

  Is Miss Zhang in?張小姐在嗎?

  No. She’s at work now.不在,她正在上班。

  May I have her office phone number, please?可以給我她辦公室的電話嗎?

  Sure. It’s 6225-9438.好的。是6225-9438。

  I’d like to talk to Mr. Wang, please.我想跟王先生講話。

  He’s stepped out of the office for a little while.他離開辦公室剛一會兒。

  When is a good time to catch him?什么時候可以找到他?

  In about 30 minutes.大約半小時后。

  I’m sorry, he hasn’t come in yet.對不起,他還沒進來。

  I’m sorry, he’s off today.電話英語

  I’m trying to catch Mary, please.我想與Mary聯絡。

  Mary is not available at the moment.Mary現在沒空接電話

  What time should I call back?我應該何時再打來?

  About 9:30.大約九點半。

  May II speak to Miss Wang?我可以和王小姐講話嗎?

  She is in a meeting until night.她開會要開到晚上。

  OK. I will try her back then.好的,我到時再試試看。

  Okey. Thank you.好的,謝謝。

  May I please speak to Mr. Kong?我可以孔先生講話嗎?

  He is with someone right now. Would you hold?他現在在會客。你可以稍等嗎?

  She is busy now.她正忙著呢。

  John cannot get to the phone right now.John現在沒辦法接電話。

  He is on another line right now.他正在接另一個電話。

  John is tied up at the present time.John現在有事。

  She is not able to take your call at the moment.她現在沒辦法接你的電話。

  Hello, May I speak to Miss Li, please?喂。我可以請李小姐接電話嗎?

  This is she.我就是。

  Oh, Miss Li. This is Tom. I didn’t recognize your voice.噢,李小姐。我是湯姆。我沒聽出你的聲音。










