Questions 1—12
·You will hear a presentation about an introduction of a racket goods sporting company.
·As you listen,for questions 1—12,complete the notes,using up to three words 01"anumber.
·You will hear the recording twice.
Questions 13—22
·You will hear five different business people talking about cultural differences in doing business in different countries.
·For each extract there are two tasks.For Task One,choose the dos described from the list A—H.For Task TW0,choose the dont’s described from the list A—H.
·You will hear the recording twice.
·For questions l3—17,match the extracts with the dos,listed A—H.
·For each extract,choose the appropriate way stated.
·Write one letter(A—H)next to the number of the extract.
A Be aware of some taboos.
B Respect a sense of order with Germans.
C Open gifts in front of your counterpart.
D Be punctual with Germans.
E Keep both of your wrists above the table for the whole meal in Europe.
F Refer to Japanese as “Orientals”.
G Keep more distance when talking with Asians.
H Add your university degrees to your business card.
13 _______________________
14 _______________________
15 _______________________
16 _______________________
17 _______________________
·For questions l8一22,match the extracts with the don’ts,listed A—H.
·For each extract,choose the inappropriate way stated.
·Write one letter(A—H)next to the number of the extract.
A Don’t talk with hands in pockets when doing business in Latin America.
B Don’t give carnations to Japanese.
C Don’t rush straight to work at business meals.
D Don’t use first name when doing business with Japanese and German.
E Don’t give hugs to Latins as a greeting.
F With Asian and German associates,don’t start a meeting with an informal tone.
G Don’t have more eye contact with Europeans.
H Avoid purple flowers and gifts in Brazil.
18 _______________________
19 _______________________
20 _______________________
21 _______________________
22 _______________________
Questions 23—30
·You will hear part of a business negotiation between Mr.Mitchell and Madam Li.
·For each question 23—30。mark one letter A,B or C for the correct answer.
·You will hear the recording twice.
23 What does the catalogue include?
A Agrochemicals exports.
B Dyestuff and pigments.
C Insecticides and fertilizers.
24 What would be Mr.Mitchell’s main concern among the products in the catalogue?
A Dyestuffs.
B Insecticides.
C Agrochemicals.
25 How many catalogues would Mr.Mitchell take home?
A Five.
B Six.
C Seven.
26 What does Mr.Mitchell concentrate on this visit?
A Dyestuffs.
B Insecticides.
C Agrochemicals.
27 What is the maximum quantity that one container holds?
A 10 metric tons.
B 12 metric tons.
C 14 metric tons.
28 How much does Madam Li offer for the agent’s commission on these minimum quantities?
A 2%of the selling price of dyes.
B 2%of the price of all dyes.
C 2%of the revenues.
29 What is the initial thing that Mr.Mitchell will do to develop a market for reactive dyes?
A Developing more end users.
B Setting appropriate prices of dyes。
C Launching a promotional program.
30 What does Mr.Mitchell ask for towards the end of the negotiation?
A He asks if Madam Li’s company would offer some promotional allowances.
B He requires Madam Li’s company to pay for the advertising campaign.
C He asks Madam Li’s company to take the financial responsibility of selling products.
Questions l3—22
·You wil1 hear five people talking about e.business in different areas.
·For each extract there are two tasks.For Task One,choose the areas from the list A~H.For Task Two,choose the benefits from the list A~H.
·You wilI hear the recording twice.TASK ONE—AREAS
·For questions l3—17,match the extracts with the areas,listed A~H.
·For each extract,choose the area stated.
·Write one letter(A—H)next to the number of the extract.
A New way of using Internet in car selling.
B Web.based euro project in getting the European currency information.
C In procurement.
D Web use in getting the dollar currency information.
E New way of using Internet in bicycle selling.
F In college teaching.
G Web-based distance learning in staff development.
H Extranet used in getting insurance offering information
·For questions l8—22,match the extracts with the benefits,listed A—H
·For each extract,choose the benefit stated.
·Write one letter(A—H)next to the number of the extract.
A Time-saving.
B Strengthening the customer base.
C Getting more clients.
D Getting more information.
E Getting the latest information anytime.
F Savings of over$100 million.
G Avoiding errors and reducing the paper invoices.
H Creating an international presence at a low cost.
questions 23—30
·You will hear part of an interview between the commercial director of a paper company called SCA and Shubha Madhukar,the interviewer.
·For each question 23—30,mark one letter A,B or C for the correct answer
·You will hear the recording twice.
23 What are the two categories the SCA company is going to launch?
A Tork and our‘away.from.home’tissues.
B Tork and Tena.
C Tena and our incontinence care.
24 What is said about the economy in India and the tissue market?
A The economy is growing very slowly,the tissue market in India will be upgraded.
B The economy is growing very fast,the tissue market in India will be downgraded.
C The economy is growing very fast,the tissue market in India will be upgraded-
25 What is the per capita consumption of tissues in India?
A 27 kg per person.
B 1.5 kg per person.
C 2.5 kg per person
26 Where is the biggest scope at the moment?
A China.
B Europe.
C India.
27 Which of the following is not the reason for SCA’S foraying into India now?
A The economy now is moving very slow.
B Attitudes towards hygiene products are changing.
C A long third.party survey was done during the last lo years.
28 What is the size of the Indian tissue market in volume?
A The approx volume is24,000 tonnes.
B The approx volume is l6,000 tonnes.
C The approx volume is 25,000 tonnes.
29 Who are the closest competitors for SCA?
A local companies.
B Mumbai.
C Kimberly Clark.
30 What is true about the market share of SCA?
A SCA is the market leader in the world.
B SCA is the market leader in Europe.
C SCA is the number one in India.