
走遍美國教學(xué)視頻文本25:It’s Up to You ACT I

時間:2023-04-03 15:20:59 禮儀英語 我要投稿
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走遍美國教學(xué)視頻文本25:It’s Up to You ACT I

  Who is it? 是誰?
  Dad. 爸爸。
  Come on in, Dad. 請進(jìn)來,爸爸。
  I thought you might be hungry. 我想你大概餓了。
  I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. 我替你帶來一份雞肉三明治和一杯牛奶。
  I am hungry. 我真是餓了。
  Thanks, Dad. 謝謝,爸爸。
  What time is it, anyway? 幾點了,順便問一下?
  Ten o’clock. 十點鐘。
  What are you working on? 你在干什么?
  I’m writing a story for the high-school paper. 我正在為高中?瘜懫獤|西。
  Can’t you finish it tomorrow? 你明天完成它不行嗎?
  No, I have to turn it in in the morning. 不行,明天上午我要交上去。
  What’s it about? 是關(guān)于什么的?
  I’m writing an article on the feelings about graduation. 我在寫一篇關(guān)于畢業(yè)感覺的文章。
  And ... how do you feel? 那……你的感覺是什么?
  Me? 我嗎?
  A little scared. 有點害怕。
  And excited, too. 也很興奮。
  I felt the same way. 我當(dāng)時也有這種感覺。
  The scary part’s leaving home and moving to college. 害怕的是要離開家到學(xué)校去。
  Oh, leaving home is part of growing up. 呵,離開家是成熟過程的一部分。
  Well, don’t work all night. 好啦,別通宵工作。
  I don’t mind. 我不在乎。
  I enjoy writing. 我喜歡寫作。
  Well, 那么,
  maybe you should think about becoming a writer. 也許你應(yīng)該考慮成為一名作家。
  Maybe I should. 也許我該這樣。
  You have lots of time to decide. 你有很多時間做決定。
  That’s the worst part--making decisions. 最傷腦筋的是做決定。
  You’ll be OK. 你不會有問題的。
  Good night, Son. 晚安,孩子。
  Good night, Dad. 晚安,爸爸。
  "Hail to the victors valiant, “向勇敢的勝利者致敬。
  Hail to the conquering heroes, 向進(jìn)取的英雄們致敬,
  Hail, Hail to Michigan, 致敬,向Michigan致敬,
  The champions of the West!" 西部的優(yōu)勝者 !”
  Ah, good morning, Robbie. 啊,早安,Robbie。
  Good morning, Dad. 早安,爸爸。
  How’s my grandson? 我的孫子怎樣啦?
  Fine, Grandpa. Fine! 很好,爺爺。很好!
  What’s all the cheering about? 這么高興是為什么?
  Did the University of Michigan win another football game? 是不是Michigan大學(xué)贏得了一場足球賽
  Better than that. 比那種事更值得高興。
  Tell him, Philip. 告訴他,Philip。
  I just spoke with Charley Rafer. 我剛和Charley Rafer通了電話。
  Who’s Charley Rafer? 誰是Charley Rafer?
  He’s the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan. 他是Michigan大學(xué)招生辦主任。
  And it turns out he’s a classmate of Philip’s. 有意思的是,他和Philip是同班同學(xué)。
  We were both on the tennis team. 我們都是網(wǎng)球隊的成員。
  Great! 真棒!
  It is great. 的確是太好了。
  He’s going to be in New York tomorrow 明天他要在紐約
  to interview applicants for admission. 與申請入學(xué)者面談。
  And he’s agreed to fit you into his schedule. 他同意明天把你安排進(jìn)他的名單 。
  But I may not want to go to Michigan. 但是我可能不去Michigan。
  It’s one of the best schools in the country, Robbie. 這是全國最好的大學(xué)之一,Robbie。
  I studied medicine there. 我在那兒學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)。
  Your grandfather went to the Engineering School there. 你爺爺進(jìn)那兒的工學(xué)院。
  I know that, but ... 這我知道,但是……
  You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father. 你說過你希望像爸爸一樣成為一名醫(yī)生。
  Not exactly. 還不一定。
  You couldn’t pick a finer medical school than Michigan. 你再也找不到一所比Michigan大學(xué)更好的醫(yī)學(xué)院了。
  Yes, I know that. 是的,我知道。
  Let’s meet with Charley at the university club. 我們就去大學(xué)俱樂部見Charley吧。
  Ten o’clock tomorrow morning. 明早十點鐘。
  It doesn’t mean you’re going to Michigan. 這并不是說你就要上Michigan大學(xué)。
  It doesn’t mean you have to be a doctor. 也并不意味著你一定要當(dāng)醫(yī)生。
  But the interview will be good experience for you. 但這次面談對你來講是一次很好的經(jīng)驗。
  In that case, it’s OK. 這么說,我就去。

走遍美國教學(xué)視頻文本25:It’s Up to You ACT I

  Dad, growing up means 爸爸,長大了意味
  making my own decisions, doesn’t it? 我自己能做決定,對吧?
  You’re right, Robbie. 你說得對,Robbie。
  But, like your Grandpa suggested, 但是,照你爺爺所建議的
  have the interview. 去參加這次面談。
  And then make your own decision. 然后你自己做決定。
  That sounds fine. 這樣聽起來蠻好的。
  I know it’s sudden, Robbie, 我知道這件事很突然,Robbie。
  but this is an important opportunity. 但這是一次很重要的機(jī)會。
  We’ll head down there first thing tomorrow morning. 明早第一件事就是這。
  OK? 好嗎?
  Sure, Dad. 一定,爸爸。
  I want you to know something, Son. 我希望你知道一件事,孩子。
  I’m ... very proud of you. 我很……以你為榮。
  Thanks, Dad. 謝謝你,爸爸。
  Well, I’ve got an appointment at the hospital. 好啦,我在醫(yī)院有個會。
  I’ll see you all at dinnertime. 吃晚飯時見面了。
  Bye, Dad. 再見,爸爸。
  Is something still wrong, Robbie? 還有什么不對的,Robbie?
  I’ll be OK. 沒什么。
  Going away to college for the first time 第一次離家上大學(xué)
  always makes one a little nervous. 總是讓人有些緊張。
  I guess so. 我猜是這樣。
  I’ll be OK. I just need time to think. 我會適應(yīng)的。我只是需要時間思考。
  I’m writing an article on my feelings about graduation.
  And, uh, how do you feel?
  Me? A little scared. And excited too.
  " I feel scared. I feel excited.
  It’s a whole new situation.
  I’ve got my future to think about
  after high school graduation.
  I feel scared. I feel excited.
  I’ve got a lot on my mind.
  Going away to school.
  Going away from home and the friends
  I’ll leave behind."
  Growing up means making my own decisions, doesn’t it?
  "Decisions. Decisions.
  I don’t know what I’m going to do.
  I’ve got my whole life ahead of me
  when I graduate from school.
  Decisions. Decisions.
  And college applications.
  Where do I go to school
  and what will I do for my future occupation?"
  The scary part is leaving home and moving to college.
  "I’m leaving home for the first time.
  Moving to a brand new place,
  a new situation,
  a new location and no one will know my face.
  I’m leaving home for the first time
  and nothing will be the same.
  A new destination,
  a new location and no one will know my name.
  I’m scared. I’m excited.
  I’m scared. I’m excited.

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