Like many workers, Ivelisse Rivera, a physician at Community Health Center, Middletown, Conn., feels stressed-out by mounting workloads. And she didn’t expect to get much help during her employer’s annual staff meeting last November — just the usual speeches on medical issues.
像很多上班族一樣,康涅狄格州Middletown市社區(qū)衛(wèi)生中心的醫(yī)生里韋拉(Ivelisse Rivera)被越來越多的工作壓得喘不過氣來。在去年11月單位召開的年度員工大會上,她也沒有指望能得到多大的幫助,以為這次會議就是些關于醫(yī)療問題的老生常談。
Instead, she got a big dose of something new: Happiness coaching. Keynote speaker Shawn Achor — a former Harvard University researcher and former co-teacher of one of the university’s most popular courses, Positive Psychology — extolled 90 listening employees to shake off dark moods at work by practicing such happiness-inducing techniques as meditation or expressing gratitude.
但她獲得了某種新潁的“藥劑”:快樂指導(happiness coaching)。主旨發(fā)言人是曾在哈佛大學(Harvard University)做過研究員、并與人一起講授該校熱門課程“積極心理學”的'阿克爾(Shawn Achor)。他實施了冥想和表達感謝等快樂引導術,來激勵90位聽課的員工擺脫工作中的灰暗情緒。
To her surprise, Dr. Rivera says, she drove home filled with thoughts about cheering up; ‘if I assume a negative attitude and complain all the time, whoever is working with me is going to feel the same way.’
Happiness coaching is seeping into the workplace. A growing number of employers, including UBS, American Express, KPMG and the law firm Goodwin Procter, have hired trainers who draw on psychological
research, ancient religious traditions or both to inspire workers to take a more positive attitude — or at least a neutral one. Happiness-at-work coaching is the theme of a crop of new business books and a growing number of MBA-school courses.
快樂指導課程正在進入各種工作環(huán)境。越來越多的雇主都聘請了培訓師,利用心理學研究成果、古代宗教傳統(tǒng)或兩者的融合,激勵員工擁有一種更加積極的心態(tài),或至少是一種不消極的心態(tài)。這些雇主包括瑞銀(UBS),美國運通(American Express),畢馬威(KPMG),以及律師事務所Goodwin Procter。針對上班族的快樂指導是一大批商業(yè)類新書的主題,也是越來越多MBA課程的主題。