What you leave off your CV is very important . Decide what is relevant and edit out the rest . For examples , similar jobs can be grouped together under just one heading and emphasize promotions rather just listing all your job positions . Leave off:
Irrelevant temporary job positionsYour religion : unless applying for a job at a religious institutionPolitical affiliationsInformation about your family members Lies about your job experience or educational background Health problemsMarital status What you hated about your last job What you hated about your last boss or co-workersYour photographSalary history Age (for age , marital status and family status you need to be culturally aware.In the US it is not the custom to include these details . In the UK date of birth is optional and marital status on longer required . Other countries will have different requirements )如果篇幅夠用,你的簡歷還可以包括如下內(nèi)容:
Things you could leave off , if your CV is becoming too long:
Interests and hobbies ; anything relevant could be included elsewhere or put in your covering letterSuperfluous information ; driving licence or school gradesReferences ( there is no need to provide references until a job offer has been made . You can state references are available on request or on receipt of a job offer