

時間:2023-03-07 05:17:44 論文提綱 我要投稿




  Chapter One Introduction

  1.1 Purpose of the Paper

  1.2 Theoretical Framework

  1.3 Methodology and Data Collection

  1.4 Significance of the Paper

  1.5 Outline of the Paper

  Chapter Two Literature Review

  2.0 Introduction

  2.1 Chinese Sentence Components and English Predicate

  2.2 On the Translation of Chinese Finite Verbs

  2.3 On the Two English Versions of HLM.

  2.3.1 The Reference Versions of HLM

  2.3.2 Acceptability

  2.4 Summary

  Chapter Three An Operational Norm on the Selection of English Predicates in C-E Translation

  3.0 Introduction

  3.1 Chinese Predicates as the Sources

  3.1.1 Chinese One-verb Sentences

  3.1.2 Chinese Multi-verbal Sentence Pivot Constructions Serial Verbal Constructions Constructions with Subject-predicate Phrases

  3.2 Empty Categories as the Sources

  3.3 Chinese Adverbials as the Sources

  3.4 Summary

  Chapter Four The Textual-linguistic Norm on the Translation of Chinese Verbs in C-E Translation

  4.0 Introduction

  4.1 Similarities between the Yangs' Version and Hawkes,Version in English Counterparts of Chinese Verbs in C-E Translation

  4.1.1 Verb (Verbal Phrase)

  4.1.2 Empty Categories

  4.1.3 Non-finite Verb (Verbal Phrase) Participle Infinitive (Phrase)

  4.1.4 Preposition (Prepositional Phrase)

  4.1.5 Noun

  4.1.6 Adverb

  4.1.7 Adjective

  4.1.8 Auxiliary

  4.2 Discrepancies between the Yangs' Version and Hawkes' Version in English Counterparts of Chinese Verbs

  4.2.1 Verb

  4.2.2 Preposition

  4.2.3 Noun

  4.2.4 Adjectives

  4.2.5 Empty Categories Empty Categories in the Yangs,Version Addition in Hawkes's Version

  4.3 Summary

  Chapter Five Constraints on the Selection of English Predicate in C-E Translation

  5.0 Introduction

  5.1 Constraints from the Initial Norm

  5.2 Constrains from the Preliminary Norms

  5.3 Constrains from the Textual-linguistic Norms

  5.3.1 From the Perspective of Discourse Theme

  5.3.2 From the Perspective of Syntax Chinese Sentence with Overt Subject Same Subject between the Two English Versions of HLM65 Different Subjects between the Two English Versions of HLM. 66 Chinese Sentence with Covert Subject  Same Subject between the Two English Versions of HLM  Different Subjects between the Two English Versions of HLM.68

  5.3.3 From the Perspective of Word Motion + Path Motion + Co-event

  5.4 Summary

  Chapter Six Conclusions

  6.1 Findings

  6.2 Limitations and Suggestions

  This conclusion

  Based on the third chapter of HLMmd its two English versions, this thesis explores howto select English predicates in C-E translation through the comparison between the originaltext, the Yangs5 version and Hawkes,version with Toxiry's three-phase methodology. Thisstudy finds out that, on the selection of English predicates, the translators have adopted thefollowing three norms. The initial norm is to subject to the target culture: previous studieshave proved that compared with the Yang's, Hawkes's version, complying with this norm,ismore popular among TRs. The preliminary norm is to subject themselves to the translationpolicy in their own translational context. Though the two translators have chosen the same ST,they are in different translational contexts and have different translation purposes: Hawkes,considering the contradiction between the westerners' curiosity about China and Chineseliterature and the deficiency of translated Chinese literature in the Western World, determinesto fill up this blank and provide a window for the TRs to get a glimpse of China; whereas, theYangs are appointed by the Foreign Language Press to fulfill the mission of spreading theChinese literature to the west. Different translation purposes cause different translationstrategies, which,in turn, lead to discrepancies in the acceptability of the TT. In China, theYangs' version is unsurpassable, but at abroad, the Hawkes's version is in the top-rankingamong the English versions of HLM. As for the operational norm, it has been concluded thatthe higher syntactic status the English predicate occupies, the higher information value itconveys, which determines that normally the selected English predicate will be incorrespondence with the original syntactic component which also enjoys a higher syntacticstatus as well as possesses a higher information value and that finding is also reflected in thefollowing way: the element loaded with the information about the result of an event in the ST,for example, the Chinese verb indicating the result of an event, is normally rendered into anelement with a higher syntactic status in the TT, such as, the English main-clause predicateverbs. Apart from that, the selection of English predicates will also be constrained by thediscourse theme of ST, English subjects and different lexicalization levels between Chineseand English.

  All in all, this research attempts to shed light on the study of translation process andbring about inspiration to translation teaching and practice.










