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  java的英文參考文獻(xiàn) 1

  [1]Irene Córdoba-Sánchez,Juan de Lara. Ann: A domain-specific language for the effective design and validation of Java annotations[J]. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures,2016,:.

  [2]Marcelo M. Eler,Andre T. Endo,Vinicius H.S. Durelli. An Empirical Study to Quantify the Characteristics of Java Programs that May Influence Symbolic Execution from a Unit Testing Perspective[J]. The Journal of Systems & Software,2016,:.

  [3]Kebo Zhang,Hailing Xiong. A new version of code Java for 3D simulation of the CCA model[J]. Computer Physics Communications,2016,:.

  [4]S. Vidal,A. Bergel,J.A. Díaz-Pace,C. Marcos. Over-exposed classes in Java: An empirical study[J]. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures,2016,:.

  [5]Zeinab Iranmanesh,Mehran S. Fallah. Specification and Static Enforcement of Scheduler-Independent Noninterference in a Middleweight Java[J]. Computer Languages, Systems & Structures,2016,:.

  [6]George Gabriel Mendes Dourado,Paulo S Lopes De Souza,Rafael R. Prado,Raphael Negrisoli Batista,Simone R.S. Souza,Julio C. Estrella,Sarita M. Bruschi,Joao Lourenco. A Suite of Java Message-Passing Benchmarks to Support the Validation of Testing Models, Criteria and Tools[J]. Procedia Computer Science,2016,80:.

  [7]Kebo Zhang,Junsen Zuo,Yifeng Dou,Chao Li,Hailing Xiong. Version 3.0 of code Java for 3D simulation of the CCA model[J]. Computer Physics Communications,2016,:.

  [8]Simone Hanazumi,Ana C.~V. de Melo. A Formal Approach to Implement Java Exceptions in Cooperative Systems[J]. The Journal of Systems & Software,2016,:.

  [9]Lorenzo Bettini,Ferruccio Damiani. Xtraitj : Traits for the Java Platform[J]. The Journal of Systems & Software,2016,:.

  [10]Oscar Vega-Gisbert,Jose E. Roman,Jeffrey M. Squyres. Design and implementation of Java bindings in Open MPI[J]. Parallel Computing,2016,:.

  [11]Stefan Bosse. Structural Monitoring with Distributed-Regional and Event-based NN-Decision Tree Learning Using Mobile Multi-Agent Systems and Common Java Script Platforms[J]. Procedia Technology,2016,26:.

  [12]Pablo Piedrahita-Quintero,Carlos Trujillo,Jorge Garcia-Sucerquia. JDiffraction : A GPGPU-accelerated JAVA library for numerical propagation of scalar wave fields[J]. Computer Physics Communications,2016,:.

  [13]Abdelhak Mesbah,Jean-Louis Lanet,Mohamed Mezghiche. Reverse engineering a Java Card memory management algorithm[J]. Computers & Security,2017,66:.

  [14]G. Bacci,M. Bazzicalupo,A. Benedetti,A. Mengoni. StreamingTrim 1.0: a Java software for dynamic trimming of 16S rRNA sequence data from metagenetic studies[J]. Mol Ecol Resour,2014,14(2):.

  [15]Qing‐Wei Xu,Johannes Griss,Rui Wang,Andrew R. Jones,Henning Hermjakob,Juan Antonio Vizcaíno. jmzTab: A Java interface to the mzTab data standard[J]. Proteomics,2014,14(11):.

  [16]Rody W. J. Kersten,Bernard E. Gastel,Olha Shkaravska,Manuel Montenegro,Marko C. J. D. Eekelen. ResAna: a resource analysis toolset for (real‐ ime) JAVA[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2014,26(14):.

  [17]Stephan E. Korsholm,Hans S?ndergaard,Anders P. Ravn. A real‐ ime Java tool chain for resource constrained platforms[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2014,26(14):.

  [18]M. Teresa Higuera‐Toledano,Andy Wellings. Introduction to the Special Issue on Java Technologies for Real‐Time and Embedded Systems: JTRES 2012[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2014,26(14):.

  [19]Mostafa Mohammadpourfard,Mohammad Ali Doostari,Mohammad Bagher Ghaznavi Ghoushchi,Nafiseh Shakiba. A new secure Internet voting protocol using Java Card 3 technology and Java information flow concept[J]. Security Comm. Networks,2015,8(2):.

  [20]Cédric Teyton,Jean‐Rémy Falleri,Marc Palyart,Xavier Blanc. A study of library migrations in Java[J]. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc.,2014,26(11):.

  [21]Sabela Ramos,Guillermo L. Taboada,Roberto R. Expósito,Juan Touri?o. Nonblocking collectives for scalable Java communications[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2015,27(5):.

  [22]Dusan Jovanovic,Slobodan Jovanovic. An adaptive e‐learning system for Java programming course, based on Dokeos LE[J]. Comput Appl Eng Educ,2015,23(3):.

  [23]Yu Lin,Danny Dig. A study and toolkit of CHECK‐THEN‐ACT idioms of Java concurrent collections[J]. Softw. Test. Verif. Reliab.,2015,25(4):.

  [24]Jonathan Passerat?Palmbach,Claude Mazel,David R. C. Hill. TaskLocalRandom: a statistically sound substitute to pseudorandom number generation in parallel java tasks frameworks[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2015,27(13):.

  [25]Da Qi,Huaizhong Zhang,Jun Fan,Simon Perkins,Addolorata Pisconti,Deborah M. Simpson,Conrad Bessant,Simon Hubbard,Andrew R. Jones. The mzqLibrary – An open source Java library supporting the HUPO‐PSI quantitative proteomics standard[J]. Proteomics,2015,15(18):.

  [26]Xiaoyan Zhu,E. James Whitehead,Caitlin Sadowski,Qinbao Song. An analysis of programming language statement frequency in C, C++, and Java source code[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2015,45(11):.

  [27]Roberto R. Expósito,Guillermo L. Taboada,Sabela Ramos,Juan Touri?o,Ramón Doallo. Low‐latency Java communication devices on RDMA‐enabled networks[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2015,27(17):.

  [28]V. Serbanescu,K. Azadbakht,F. Boer,C. Nagarajagowda,B. Nobakht. A design pattern for optimizations in data intensive applications using ABS and JAVA 8[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2016,28(2):.

  [29]E. Tsakalos,J. Christodoulakis,L. Charalambous. The Dose Rate Calculator (DRc) for Luminescence and ESR Dating-a Java Application for Dose Rate and Age Determination[J]. Archaeometry,2016,58(2):.

  [30]Ronald A. Olsson,Todd Williamson. RJ: a Java package providing JR‐like concurrent programming[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(5):.

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  [31]Seong‐Won Lee,Soo‐Mook Moon,Seong‐Moo Kim. Flow‐sensitive runtime estimation: an enhanced hot spot detection heuristics for embedded Java just‐in‐ ime compilers[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(6):.

  [32]Davy Landman,Alexander Serebrenik,Eric Bouwers,Jurgen J. Vinju. Empirical analysis of the relationship between CC and SLOC in a large corpus of Java methods and C functions[J]. J. Softw. Evol. and Proc.,2016,28(7):.

  [33]Renaud Pawlak,Martin Monperrus,Nicolas Petitprez,Carlos Noguera,Lionel Seinturier. SPOON : A library for implementing analyses and transformations of Java source code[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(9):.

  [34]Musa Ata?. Open Cezeri Library: A novel java based matrix and computer vision framework[J]. Comput Appl Eng Educ,2016,24(5):.

  [35]A. Omar Portillo‐Dominguez,Philip Perry,Damien Magoni,Miao Wang,John Murphy. TRINI: an adaptive load balancing strategy based on garbage collection for clustered Java systems[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2016,46(12):.

  [36]Kim T. Briggs,Baoguo Zhou,Gerhard W. Dueck. Cold object identification in the Java virtual machine[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2017,47(1):.

  [37]S. Jayaraman,B. Jayaraman,D. Lessa. Compact visualization of Java program execution[J]. Softw. Pract. Exper.,2017,47(2):.

  [38]Geoffrey Fox. Java Technologies for Real‐Time and Embedded Systems (JTRES2013)[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2017,29(6):.

  [39]Tórur Biskopst? Str?m,Wolfgang Puffitsch,Martin Schoeberl. Hardware locks for a real‐ ime Java chip multiprocessor[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2017,29(6):.

  [40]Iria Estévez‐Ayres,Pablo Basanta‐Val,Marisol García‐Valls. Composing and schedu ling service‐oriented applications in time‐ riggered distributed real‐ ime Java environments[J]. Concurrency Computat.: Pract. Exper.,2014,26(1):.

  [41]Ortin, Francisco,Conde, Patricia,Fernandez-Lanvin, Daniel,Izquierdo, Raul. The Runtime Performance of invokedynamic: An Evaluation with a Java Library[J]. IEEE Software,2014,31(4):.

  [42]Johnson, Richard A. JAVA DATABASE CONNECTIVITY USING SQLITE: A TUTORIAL[J]. Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Information and Management Sciences. Proceedings,2014,18(1):.

  [43]Trent, Rod. SQL Server Gets PHP Support, Java Support on the Way[J]. SQL Server Pro,2014,:.

  [44]Foket, C,De Sutter, B,De Bosschere, K. Pushing Java Type Obfuscation to the Limit[J]. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,2014,11(6):.

  [45]Parshall, Jon. Rising Sun, Falling Skies: The Disastrous Java Sea Campaign of World War II[J]. United States Naval Institute. Proceedings,2015,141(1):.

  [46]Brunner, Grant. Java now pollutes your Mac with adware - heres how to uninstall it[J]. ExtremeTech.com,2015,:.

  [47]Bell, Jonathan,Melski, Eric,Dattatreya, Mohan,Kaiser, Gail E. Vroom: Faster Build Processes for Java[J]. IEEE Software,2015,32(2):.

  [48]Chaikalis, T,Chatzigeorgiou, A. Forecasting Java Software Evolution Trends Employing Network Models[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2015,41(6):.

  [49]Lu, Quan,Liu, Gao,Chen, Jing. Integrating PDF interface into Java application[J]. Library Hi Tech,2014,32(3):.

  [50]Rashid, Fahmida Y. Oracle fixes critical flaws in Database Server, MySQL, Java[J]. InfoWorld.com,2015,:.

  [51]Rashid, Fahmida Y. Library misuse exposes leading Java platforms to attack[J]. InfoWorld.com,2015,:.

  [52]Rashid, Fahmida Y. Serious bug in widely used Java app library patched[J]. InfoWorld.com,2015,:.

  [53]Odeghero, P,Liu, C,McBurney, PW,McMillan, C. An Eye-Tracking Study of Java Programmers and Application to Source Code Summarization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2015,41(11):.

  [54]Greene, Tim. Oracle settles FTC dispute over Java updates[J]. Network World (Online)

  [55]Rashid, Fahmida Y. FTC ruling against Oracle shows why its time to dump Java[J]. InfoWorld.com,2015,:.

  [56]Whitwam, Ryan. Google plans to remove Oracles Java APIs from Android N[J]. ExtremeTech.com,2015,:.

  [57]Saher Manaseer,Warif Manasir,Mohammad Alshraideh,Nabil Abu Hashish,Omar Adwan. Automatic Test Data Generation for Java Card Applications Using Genetic Algorithm[J]. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,2015,8(12):.

  [58]Serdar Yegulalp. JetBrains Kotlin JVM language appeals to the Java faithful[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [59]Paul Venezia. Prepare now for the death of Flash and Java plug-ins[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [60]PW McBurney,C McMillan. Automatic Source Code Summarization of Context for Java Methods[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2016,42(2):.

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  [61]Serdar Yegulalp,Serdar Yegulalp. Sputnik automates code review for Java projects on GitHub[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [62]Fahmida Y Rashid,Fahmida Y Rashid. Oracle security includes Java, MySQL, Oracle Database fixes[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [63]H M Chavez,W Shen,R B France,B A Mechling. An Approach to Checking Consistency between UML Class Model and Its Java Implementation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2016,42(4):.

  [64]Serdar Yegulalp,Serdar Yegulalp. Unikernel power comes to Java, Node.js, Go, and Python apps[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [65]Yudi Zheng,Stephen Kell,Lubomír Bulej,Haiyang Sun. Comprehensive Multiplatform Dynamic Program Analysis for Java and Android[J]. IEEE Software,2016,33(4):.

  [66]Fahmida Y Rashid,Fahmida Y Rashid. Oracles monster security fixes Java, database bugs[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [67]Damian Wolf,Damian Wolf. The top 5 Java 8 features for developers[J]. InfoWorld.com,2016,:.

  [68]Jifeng Xuan,Matias Martinez,Favio DeMarco,Maxime Clément,Sebastian Lamelas Marcote,Thomas Durieux,Daniel LeBerre. Nopol: Automatic Repair of Conditional Statement Bugs in Java Programs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,2017,43(1):.

  [69]Loo Kang Wee,Hwee Tiang Ning. Vernier caliper and micrometer computer models using Easy Java Simulation and its pedagogical design features-ideas for augmenting learning with real instruments[J]. Physics Education,2014,49(5):.

  [70]Loo Kang Wee,Tat Leong Lee,Charles Chew,Darren Wong,Samuel Tan. Understanding resonance graphs using Easy Java Simulations (EJS) and why we use EJS[J]. Physics Education,2015,50(2):.

  java的英文參考文獻(xiàn) 4

  von Neumann. The First Draft Report on the EDVAC. 1945年.

  D.L. Parnas. On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into munications of the ACM, Vol. 15, No. 12, December 1972 pp. 1053 – 1058

  Ronald Mak. Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmers Guide to Numerical Computing.【16.8M,】

  Henry S.Warren,Jr.高效程序的奧秘(中文),hackers delight(英文) 計(jì)算機(jī)算術(shù)的更深層次的、更隱秘的'技術(shù),匯集了各種編程小技巧.

  GEB 奇書(shū)!中文PDF掃描版(34.7M) 英文版Godel,Escher,Bach:An Eternal Golden Braid 【讀《編程導(dǎo)論(Java)》p5有強(qiáng)烈興趣的同學(xué),閱讀。


  T.S.庫(kù)恩著.李寶恒 紀(jì)樹(shù)立 譯.科學(xué)革命的結(jié)構(gòu).【chm格式。講《1.4編程范式》前,教師必讀】

  Richard Hightower,Nicholas Lesiecki.Java Tools for Extreme Programming:Mastering Open Source Tools Including Ant,JUnit,and Cactus( Java極限編程)

  Ira R. Forman , Nate Forman.Java Reflection in Action

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