

時(shí)間:2024-10-15 17:41:30 論文致謝 我要投稿
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  Many people given invaluable supports while I was pursuing this research. This thesis couldnot have been completed without the help of my supervisor, students, friends and family, towhom even words fail to express my gratitude.

  First and foremost, I wish to deeply acknowledge my gratitude to Prof. Mrs Zhao, mysupervisor, whose invaluable and thoughtful comments,advice and encouragement helped metremendously throughout this study; without her guidance, this thesis could not have beencompleted successfully in appropriate time. My sincere and deep appreciation also goes to allthe professors and teachers,for their special guidance and helpful advices. Through theircourses I have learned a great deal during the period I stayed in the college.

  I would also like to express my sincere thanks to and my classmates and friends who havehelped me a great deal throughout my study. Special thanks go to the students and instructorsworking in the School of Tibetan Language and Culture in Northwest University forNationalities, who voluntarily participated in this survey. Without their supports andcooperation, the present thesis is impossible.

  Last but not least,I also owe a great deal to my family. In particular, I would like to givethe greatest thanks to my parents, who have contributed so many valuable instructions andequipped me with so many inspirations and encouragement for their support. It is to them, withmany thanks and much love, that I dedicate this thesis.


  I want to express my sincere gratitude to all those people who are always by my side andoffer me invaluable assistance and encouragements during my thesis writing.

  First, my earnest gratitude and highest admiration goes to my supervisor, Dr. Wang Bing.

  He has taught me plenty of knowledge about intercultural communication which makes up thefoundation of this thesis. Furthermore, I quite appreciate to his patience and valuableassistance that he showed in the process of modifying my thesis. Without his brilliantintelligence and profound knowledge, this thesis my not be completed so smoothly.

  Second, I want to thank my fellows who give me much useful advice on this paper. Icouldn't get any improvement without their help when I studied at Liaoning NormalUniversity.

  Last but not the least, I want to thank my parents and my friends, whose support isalways my encouragement to finish this paper. During the study, my friends give me thegreatest help to research the thesis so that I can finish this paper smoothly.


  I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers,classmates and family for their kind and generqus guidance, advice,supervision and allkinds of help throughout the process of accomplishing this thesis and the wholepost-graduation period.

  My sincere gratitude first and foremost goes to my supervisor Wang Lei, who hasgiven me thought-provoking suggestions, carefully examined my draft and madenecessary corrections. She is harsh to us under academic situations but very much like akind mother when meeting us every time, which makes me such a lucky student.

  Without her patient guidance, my paper would never be completed.

  I am also greatly indebted to all the teachers who have taught me in the two and ahalf year postgraduation study, especially to professor Chai Gaiying,professor SongHongbo,Professor Chen Mingyao and Professor Jia Aiwu. Their rigorous research styleand profound knowledge have impressed me a lot.

  My sincere gratitude would also go to my beloved family,who has given metremendous support and love. Without my mother and father I would never haveachieved so much.

  I am also owe my sincere gratitude to my fellow classmates who have given metheir help and time in listening to my complaint and helping me work out my problemswhenever I run into trouble.


  When this experiential and intellectual projects comes to its finishing point, Iwould like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to those who have helped me during theprocess of writing for their guidance, kindness and support.

  First and foremost, I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Professor Chai? whoread my draft with great patience and provided penetrating suggestions for revision. Ialso want to express my sincere gratitude to the professor who recommended manybooks and materials with regard to the genre theory and appraisal theory. I should thankall the teachers who have taught me in the previous two and a half year.

  I also would like to thank my classmates,to name just a few. I have received quitea lot of suggestions and encouragements from them, especially at the time when I felj^lost and depressed in the course of writing.

  Last but not least,my special thankfulness goes to my dear families for theirendless affection, constant understanding and support of my further study.


  I would like express my gratitude to all those who offer great help for my thesis.

  First and foremost, my deepest gratitude goes to my supervisor Professor YuMuhong, for his father-like encouragement and guidance. He provided me withabundant suggestions and priceless criticisms for my writing of the thesis. But for hisconstant patient guidance and enlightenment, the thesis would have become a missionimpossible.

  My sincere thanks also go to the teachers from the School of Foreign Languages ofZhejiang University of Finance and Economics, who jointly led me into the holy templeof academic field. Here, I want to send my gratefulness to those respected teachers likeProf. Wang Baorong, Prof. Li Changbao, Prof. Chen Xianghong, Prof. Shao Youxue,Prof. Teng Chao, Prof. Cen Qunxia etc. Thank you for your being with me and beingthe witnesses for the birth, growth and perfection of my thesis.

  I feel indebted to my parents, without their mental and material support, I couldbarely finish the thesis on time.

  Finally, my thanks should be sent to all my classmates, for their endless supportand warm hearts, making me feel like living in a united big family.










